Shandoni's Final Stand. The Great Monster.*
Welcome to my 4th installation of Sailor Moon CH! Hope u like it. -Adrianna
It was a dark night in Tokyo, darker than many had seen before. It seemed that you could not even see your hand if you placed it in front of your eyes that night. This night was not of natural origin; it was of darkness. Pure, black, evil darkness. And Shandoni, the Dark Reincarnation, was in his element in this darkness.
"Yes. The time has come. I will bring forth my most powerful monster!" said the evil king. With that, Shandoni clenched his gnarled hands as he called out: "Allari karta handora serda!" Responding to these words, a creature came out of the darkness in Shandoni's throne room.
Glowing pure silver, the creature was a seamless imitation of a human, with a metallic touch. The only interruptions to this figure were two red eyes, gleaming with awful intentions. His voice, melodic as it was deadly, addressed Shandoni. "I am Metallicas, the one you have called for. What is your wish?"
Shandoni looked upon the monster before him. "I wish you to seek out and destroy the Sailor Scouts!"
"Your wish is my command, master," said Metallicas, bowing. With that, he turned and walked back into the shadows, ready to complete his mission.
Day was dawning on Tokyo, a sparkling sunrise which warmed the city from its dark night. Many people began to awaken and set about their jobs, starting to fill the air with noise and conversation. Normal people, that was.
Cansey Ulpix had woken up long before the sun peeked over the horizon. The runaway-turned-protector turned her face to the rising ball of warmth. Despite the dark night, she was out foraging for food long before day broke. Smiling, she tucked more berries into her knapsack. Despite the cheerful day, something seemed... amiss. The feeling tickled Cansey's stomach. That night was very, very strange.
"Hmmm..." said Cansey. "Maybe it's about time that Dark Flare rose to protect again."
Little did she know that "about time" was coming sooner than she expected.
Serena and friends were enjoying a nice warm day off from school. Of course, Serena figured they should all hang out at Rei's place. Reluctantly, Rei had agreed knowing full well Serena would take half of her comic book collection back home with her. But by the time the others had arrived, Rei had forgotten about her comics and was pacing around the halls of the temple nervously. Nothing felt right. Nothing. There was something wrong, she was sure of it. Rei couldn't put her finger on what was amiss, which bothered her even more.
Rei stopped her frantic pacing just in time to stop from bumping into Lita, who was blocking the hallway. Behind her were Mina, Ami, and Serena, wearing concerned looks on their faces. (All of course except Serena, who was busy laughing her head off over one of Rei's comics.)
"What's up, Rei? Why all the pacing and jabbering to yourself and stuff?" asked Lita.
"Well..." said Rei, trailing off.
"Well what?" asked Mina.
"Something was wrong about last night. It was too dark. The moon couldn't seem to shine bright enough to light the sky up a bit. Somehow, I think the Negaverse is behind it. There's no other explanation," said Rei.
"Let's ask the Great Flame," said Lita.
"Yes," agreed Ami. "That's the best thing to do."
Minutes later, the Sailor Scouts were assembled around the Great Flame, looking intently into its blaze.
"Great Flame, who is our enemy?" asked Rei. The flame flared up and showed something terrifying. The flame turned a pure black. Then, two piercing red eyes emerged from the darkness. The flame then returned to its normal state.
"That was disturbing," commented Serena.
"Yeah. That's not a good sign," said Rei. "But the dark feeling is becoming stronger. I fear that the... the whatever it is will strike soo-oh!" said Rei. Just then, a portion of the ceiling fell out, sending into the temple not gleaming light but an endless darkness. Piercing through the darkness came a flash of silver and red. The flash reached the floor and landed with a CLANK! The form then took a solid shape... the shape of Metallicas.
"Here it is!" said Lita, jumping to her feet.
"Time to fight," growled Mina.
"Uhhh... guys? Are you sure we have to fight?" asked Serena sheepishly.
"Duh, Serena! We're Sailor Scouts, remember?" whispered Rei.
"Oh yeah. I forgot about that," mumbled Serena. "Damn." The group ran out of sight and then began their transformations.
"Mercury Star Power!"
"Mars Star Power!"
"Jupiter Star Power!"
"Venus Star Power!"
"Moon Prism Power!"
When the transformations were finished, the Sailor Scouts returned to the room, ready to fight.
"Ahhh! Sailor Scouts! I knew I detected something here. This will be your last battle!" said Metallicas.
"I don't think so, metal jerk!" said Sailor Moon. "Because I'm Sailor Moon, protector of Earth! Since you're threatening Earth, I think that gives me the right to destroy you, huh?"
"Heh heh heh!" laughed Metallicas, "you will not defeat me as easily as the others. I am Shandoni's strongest minion!"
"Yeah, but... urm... Mars? Got a snappy comeback for this one? Anybody?" said Serena, looking at her friends. Metallicas took that opportunity to strike.
Thrusting out one of his metallic arms, he began to mold it. With a disturbing SLURP, the arm twisted itself into a long metal spike. Metallicas let out a roar and turned once again into a blur of silver and red, charging toward the Sailor Scouts.
Sailor Moon turned to run, but it was too late... Suddenly, two roses raked through the sky. One was the purest ruby red, the other on fire. Metallicas, fazed, stopped in his tracks, his arms only inches from piercing Sailor Moon's chest. He looked up, and the Scouts followed his gaze.
There, standing atop Metallicas' entry hole, stood two figures. In unison, the two humans jumped into the room and landed softly upon their feet. Then, they emerged from the shadows.
"Who thinks we are weak," said the first figure.
"Knows not at all," finished the second.
"We are that is," answered the first.
"Tuxedo Mask!"
"Dark Flare!"
"And you will fall!"
Metallicas let out a bellow. "Two masked freaks have come to kill me! Oh, I'm sooo scared!" he said sarcastically, returning his arm to its normal form.
"Metal can't conquer the power of good. Nothing can. You will soon fall to it, monster," said Tuxedo Mask.
"Ready?" asked Dark Flare, drawing "his" staff.
"Yes," said Tuxedo Mask, nodding. He drew out his staff.
"CHARGE!" yelled Dark Flare, running at Metallicas. Metallicas saw the two coming at him. Reaching out his arm, he twisted it into a metallic shield.
Dark Flare ran into the shield with a clang. Grunting, "he" stepped back and looked up at the looming monster before him. Laughing, Metallicas twisted his arm into a spike.
Sailor Mars didn't let this slip past her sight. "Hey baddie, want a piece of me?" she called.
"Shut up, little one. Your time will come soon," said Metallicas, focusing on his quarry.
Tuxedo Mask threw his rose. It went right on target at the center of Metallicas' body. He shook as a metallic clang emanated out of his body. Then, he brushed away the rose and looked down at Dark Flare.
"Hey, Metallicas! Metal conducts electricity!" yelled Sailor Jupiter. "Jupiter... Thundercloud...Zap!"
The ball lightning hit Metallicas, causing him to shudder. Dark Flare brought "himself" to "his" feet.
"Mars Celestial Fire Surround!"
"Venus Love Chain Encircle!"
"Mercury Aqua Illusion!"
The energies spilled out, slamming into Metallicas. With a cry of outrage he stumbled, but regained his composure before Sailor Moon could launch her attack.
"Not quite, Sailor Scouts!" yelled Metallicas.
"Oh really?" asked Dark Flare, clenching "his" fist into a ball. Dark Flare's fist began to glow a ruby red, and the heat around "his" body became unbearably high. Dark Flare erupted into a ball of flame. Two yellow eyes glanced out of the inferno.
"Firestorm Entity!" yelled the transformed Dark Flare.
"Fool. I can destroy you easily!" said Metallicas, getting a little edgy about that now.
"Hmm... Let’s see," said Dark Flare.
"Very well then," said Metallicas. He charged. Dark Flare stood "his" ground, watching calmly as the creature streaked towards him. At the last instant, "he" held out a burning hand. Flames spilled from it, smashing into the weakened Metallicas, knocking him on his back.
Dark Flare's transformation wore off as "he" shouted "Sailor Moon, finish it!"
Sailor Moon drew her wand and dispatched the monster. Suddenly, a dark shimmer appeared in the air above the temple. The Dark Reincarnation appeared and stepped before the Sailor Scouts.
"Ah. You have grown, apprentice. At first I was unsure of your identity, but now I know," said Shandoni, turning to Dark Flare. "But you still are weak."
"I cannot call you master any more, scourge. You deceived me long ago, I will never fall for you again."
"Yes, but you will fall before my might."
"Huh? Apprentice?" asked Sailor Moon.
"It is between him and me," said Dark Flare.
"Fools. You will die today in this temple. All of you. Except you, apprentice. You will come back and learn my ways."
"Very well then, Dark Flare. I'll call you that for the moment, fool!" yelled Shandoni. "And you have no super weapon this time. Ha! Even if that was around, it would take ten of those to defeat me." With that he hurled a bolt of dark energy directly at the group, sending them flying in all directions.
"Soon you will see my power, scourge," yelled Dark Flare.
Shandoni lunged forward, grabbing Tuxedo Mask by the arm. He threw him against a wall like a rag doll. With a grunt, Tuxedo Mask slid down to the ground.
"Come with me, apprentice, and they will not be harmed." He picked up Sailor Moon.
”Wait!" roared Dark Flare. "I will battle you. If I fail, I will come with you. If I win, you will die."
"Very well."
Dark Flare looked to the Sailor Scouts. "Sailors, you will need to help me in the end. I must take my true form to defeat Shandoni." Dark Flare began to glow with a blue-white light as "he" took off the Armor of Phobos. Soon, the light dimmed and a collective gasp went up in the room.
"C-Cansey? But you were dead..." said Sailor Mars. "How?"
"I'll tell you later."
Cansey did not notice that all of the Scouts were staring at the long, thin scar that ran along one side of her neck. She was focused on Shandoni.
"You see, Shandoni, Sailor Phobos was not only the Guardian of Phobos but the Guardian of the Mystic Amulets. The Ultimate Weapon that the Sailor Scouts formed to destroy you was not the true weapon. There is one more Amulet," said Cansey. Dark Flare's staff materialized in her hands. Six slabs of stone were embedded in it.
"Fire," said Cansey, throwing Mars her Amulet.
"Thunder." Jupiter received hers.
"Water." Mercury got hers.
"Love." Venus was given hers.
"Moon." Sailor Moon caught hers.
"And," she said, holding her hand above her head. A blue glow solidified into a brown amulet with two crossed swords on it. "The Amulet of Guardians."
Shandoni let out a cry as he saw the amulets. Now they packed more than enough power to defeat him. But, try as he might, he was frozen in place, transfixed by his fate.
"This time, you'll stay dead. Let's go, everyone."
"Fire Amulet Power!"
"Thunder Amulet Power!"
"Water Amulet Power!"
"Love Amulet Power!"
"Moon Amulet Power!"
"Guardian Amulet Power! Family of Phobos, Ancestors, combine your powers to help us!" The seven beams laced out and connected, forming a ball of white light. It grew in size until a huge beam lanced out toward Shandoni, smashing him into dust, which settled on the floor.
"There. Good-bye, Master," said Cansey with sarcasm.
"How the hell did you survive? We saw you flat line!" said Mercury.
Cansey quickly filled them in on past events and then sighed.
"What?" asked Sailor Moon.
"I guess I never did tell you why I ran away from home in the first place. Although I'd hardly call it home."
"Well? Why did you? And why was that creep calling you 'apprentice?'" asked Venus, putting a hand on Cansey's arm.
"When I was little, I was pretty tough. I beat up my fair share of big kids when I was seven," said Cansey, snickering. "Well, Shandoni saw my power and thought I would be a good ally. So he decided to crash my happy life and take me away from my parents. One day he busted into the house and grabbed me. My dad gave him a good kick and Shandoni thought they were strong like me, but they weren't. He knew they were too old and feeble to do his work so he- he..."
"He what? It's alright,” said Sailor Venus.
"He killed them. Both of them."
"Oh my god. I'm sorry," said Venus.
"Yeah. Yeah okay. I'm okay. Uh... so he took me to the Negaverse and raised me so I served him until one of his monsters defected and told me the truth about the Negaverse. Snapped me out of it, I guess. I escaped and went to the only place Shandoni wouldn't look: the forest. I was a city slicker, yeah," said Cansey, looking down at her feet.
"No wonder you didn't want to tell me about it before. I'm sorry..." said Sailor Mars.
"It's alright. You never would've known anyway," said Cansey.
"So... you will be coming back to the Scouts, right?" asked Sailor Moon.
"Nope. I can't."
"Why not?"
"It's my job to protect you guys now. Not to be one with you. I can't. I'm Dark Flare."
"Let's go home," said Sailor Mercury.
"Heh heh. They always say that in the movies," said Sailor Moon.
"Yeah, okay, let's just go!" said Sailor Mars.
Far away, two disfigured creatures watched on as the Sailor Scouts walked away from the battlefield where Shandoni had been destroyed... for good.
"Ehhh! They destroyed him, sister!"
"Yes. They diidd!!!! Master will not stand for this!!!!"
Another figure entered the room. "That's right, witches. I won't." Crackling beams of dark energy enveloped the two disfigured witches and turned them to ashes. "Soon I will have that Dark Flare character... and the revenge I sought in the Silver Millennium will be complete..."
Ha! So how'd you like it? I assure you the series is far from over! Who is the mysterious figure? Will Serena ever give Rei back her comic books? Find the first one out next time! SEND ALL COMMENTS TO I NEED THEM PEOPLE! HELP ME MAKE THE SERIES BETTER! All usual disclaimers apply. Yadda.