Sailor Saturn
Tomoe Hotaru
Meaning: Firefly of Earth
Birthday: January 6
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Blood Type: AB
Hobby: Reading
Sports: Table tennis
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Class: World History
Least Favorite Class: Gym
Favorite Food: Nihon Soba
Least Favorite Food: Milk
Hopes To Go To: Florence
Bad Habit: Hangs head
Skilled At: Wound treatment
Weak Point: Marathons
Favorite Stone: Flourite
Sailor Saturn is the creepiest scout. She's the scout of death and rebirth. She and Rini are the best of friends. She was killed by her father, and reincarnated as Mistress 9. Saturn will carry out her missions, even if it means killing a friend. Sailor Moon killed Mistress 9 which gave Saturn a new chance at life. In the Super S series, she starts off as a baby, but grows unnaturally fast to fight with and protect the other Sailor Scouts. She fights with the power of death.
See the rest of the Outer Senshi