Sailor Uranus
Tenoh Haruka
Meaning: Distant Sky King
Birthday: January 27
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Hobby: Racing
Favorite Color: Gold
Favorite Class: Gym
Least Favorite Class: Modern Japanese
Favorite Food: Salads
Least Favorite Food: Hatio
Hopes To Go To:Heaven
Fortune Tells: Coin Fortune Telling
Bad Habit: Sulks
Skilled At: Being conceited
Weak Point: Men
Favorite Stone: Amber
Sailor Uranus is the butch one of the scouts, and went I say butch, I mean it in the strictest of lisbien terms. She and Sailor Neptune are "together". I think they're such a cute couple. But if you ever catch any of the subbed version of Sailormoon then you'll notice that they really like their bedroom chats. Scary. She likes to drive her cool sports car, play sports, and flirt with girls. Uranus even flirted with Sailor Moon. In the manga they even kiss. But Uranus most certainly does not like cute guys. She gets very jealous if there are any hovering around Neptune.
Let's look at some of the other Outer Senshi.