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Sailor Venus

Aino Minako

Meaning: Beautiful Child of Love
Birthday: October 22
Astrological Sign: Libra
Family Members: Father; Mother (Dedicated Housewife)
Interests: Playing games
Sports: All
Favorite Colors: Red and Yellow
Favorite Class: Gym
Least Favorite Class: Anything not gym
Favorite Food: Pulled noodles, Curry, Spaghetti
Least Favorite Food: Shiitake mushrooms
Hopes To Go To: Inside a Space Shuttle
Small Habit: When she becomes jealous of things, she has a fit
Good At: Cheats others
Likes: Annoying things
Dislikes: Mama and the Police
Motto: When you fall down, pretend nothing happened and get back up.
Favorite Stone: Topaz

Sailor Venus was a scout before Sailor Moon ever showed up. She was known as Sailor V. Original, eh? Well, anyway, she was the last of the inner senshi to join the team. She's very glamorous and has a lot in common with Sailor Moon. She's the leader of the other Sailor Scouts. Her name is Minako, and she uses a "love chain" attack. Isn't that cool?

Inner Senshi