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Aisle 66 - Hungry?

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The Shelf

You were asking for more DBZ food products, so what do I do about it? Nothing! That is, until now, because I'm sotcking the shelves with tons more DBZ food products! There are three different kinds of DBZ food products I'll have here:

  1. Edited DBZ food products (Freeza Beans, Vegetto O's)
  2. Natural, normal, coincidental names of brands that make it a DBZ food product. (Vegeta Soup)
  3. Food products that are licenced for adveritsing DBZ merchandise. (Trunks Cola, DBZ candy) Ok, also, PLEASE be pateint with me here, there a lots of images on this page, so it may take some time to load. Anyway, now that that's cleared up, on with the show!

    Freeza Beans!

    Well, well, I've done it again! The ever-popular Freeza Beans cult continues as I work my Picture Editor to the max to create the Freeza beans can! Heh... that head was PERFECT... I knew I had a reason to keep that pic around.... Enjoy!

    Vegeta Soup!
    One of the biggest and most popular coincidences in the world of DBZ food products is the Vegeta Soup. Heck, I named a fanfic after it.... *ahem* Originated on Planet Namek, this picture has circled all around the net so many times it can make your head spin. Now it's found its way to our shelf for your enjoyment. Yum... Vegeta Soup...

    Vegetto O's!

    Hey, my first cereal! Thank you to Ginga GIRI GIRI!!! Yes, it's Vegetto O's. Good for fighting the forces of evil when your so outmatched, you have to combine your strength with that of another person. And remember, there's a free Potarra earring inside every box! Yadda yadda. On to the next product.

    Trunks Cola!

    This one's borrowed from the almighty Temple o' Trunks. An actual can of cola with Trunks on it. How bizzare. Hey, well, it's a DBZ food product, so, I had to have it! Next product, please!

    DBZ Candy!

    This one is also from Temple o' Trunks, so thanks again, Meri! Now, wow, this is an idea I thought that even FUNimation could never pull off... DBZ Candy! Well, as a wise man once said; "Merchendising, merchendising, merchendising! Spaceballs the T-shirt! Spaceballs the hat! Spaceballs the FLAMETHROWER!!!" Um.... anyway...

    Mr. Buu's Chili Flavored Food!

    This special processed food product was created especially for me by Cell Jr 103! Obviously, Fat Buu wanted to put his ability to turn people into food to good use...
    Hey, wait a minute, then isn't this the equivilent of Freeza Beans? I mean, if he turns people into... never mind.

    Goku Cola! Submitted by Cat

    Gohan! Submitted by Cat

    Piccolo's! Submitted, for the third time, by Cat

    Hey! Click here for a funny dBZ food comic strip created by Saiyan Gina! Sorta reminds me of Freeza Beans...

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