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One of Us


[Radditz lands at Goku's reunion. Everyone stares]

Radditz: Well, where have you been?

Goku:(slowly) You must have me confused with someone else... you see, I'm Son Goku... the martial artist.

Radditz: No, you're not!

Goku: I'm.... not?

Radditz: Nooo! You're Kakarotto!

[Goku stares at Radditz blankly. Radditz sighs, and begins to sing as the electric guitars pick up the tune.]

Radditz: Weeellllll.....
Listen here,
While I make it clear;
I can't believe you can't see what we see here!
A Saiya-jin; a superior species!
You're Kakarotto, I see that easily!

Lookin' at you're ha-air,
Your father I see there;

'Cuz you're one of us! One of us!
A really mean death machine;
Oh, can't you see you're one of us?

You walk the walk
And talk the talk;
Arm and arm, together we ROCK!

Goku: Weeellll,
If what you're sayin' is true-ue;
Then I guess we're brothers
Same color
With a similar vie-ew

With that taaaiiil,
And that spikey ha-air,
Then I guess that means we're family,
No question the-er...

But I can't be One o' you! One o' you!
Not the same crew
Nothin you can do,
You can't make me one o' you!

Not one o' you! One o' you;
Not the same crew
You can't make me one o' yooooooooouuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!

[Guitar jams out; song ends]