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Aisle 66 - Hungry?

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Thanks and Credits

I didn't get this site working alone, far from it. I had LOTS of help, inspiration, etc. On this page, you can get a chance to see all the people and places that made this place possible:

I'd like to thank Cell Jr 103 for finding lots of pics for me, and giving me his opinion and encouragement. while you're at it, visit his awesome site.

I'd also like to thank MagicGirlSami (p.k.a. PsychoSaiyan182) for helping me along with her criticism, doing occasional pic editing, finding pics, whatever. I really owe her a lot, she's always liked the stuff I put on the site (I'm glad there's somebody else with my sense of humor). If you're reading, Sami, thank you SO much!!!

I also owe a lot to Marshman527, XxTrunksxX729, and the whole gang at Eternal Dragon's Rage because they started up & made me a leader of the guild, I learned a lot of HTML from that. The guild is pretty much falling apart now, but that doesn't mean I can't owe everyone!

Meri, Cat, and Pam... thanks! a LOT! Especially Meri (Temple o' Trunks? y'know....), who was the first really big site (and, so far, the only one) to link to me. I owe you a lot, you really lifted my confidence in this site! Cat, forlinking to me, letting me read Freeza Beans for the first time, and always being ready to exchange IMs about our humor sites! And Pam Sawyer, ala Pork n' Senzu Beans and DBZ Goes Hollywood, for linking to me without my asking, and for rcomending stuff, and, well, thanks ALL of you for being fellow DBZ humro site owners!

Other Credits

Looksmart's Beseen is credited for supplying all the stuff in my "Guests" section.

I'd really, really, really, REALLY like to thank WhyWhat HTML Help for teaching me how to do frames. I don't have frames anymore, but WhyWhat still taught me a lot of valueable HTML, so thanks!
And, of course, Angelfire, for letting me make this site! If you see something I missed on my page of thanks, tell me, and remember that even the villains have to laugh....

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