As some point, a crocheted book mark or keepsake will be placed along the chapters to put us in a standing mode and hold our place as we trudge along. This allows us to rest and take a deep breath and rethink our thoughts of what has been lived within the volume of our life.
The Dewey Decimal System of existence will place us in order of biographies according to our name as author and subject matter, with its own synopsis. The card catalogue of myth and reality will hold all our lives as volumes for perusing, reflecting, but frozen in time are our past and histories. Volumes may be added as life is endured, enjoyed and spent.
Our life as a book sits upon the shelf of a bygone time--now, and of the future world. Our life is a literary and artistic periodical of our choosing with the hand of kismet on our shoulder.
It someone were to do a book review of your life, what would be the allotment of knowledge they would learn in putting pen to paper? Simple and unassuming? Mediocre and partial? Ravished and a path of brilliance? All of our lives will bear points of all these references. Fate will place us, destiny will direct us, on the shelf of the library of life.
March 28, 1999
Mark Edward Rogers