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SouthWest of Hameln

So far we are already! To get here you either had to be traveling West with Hamel or North with Flute-chan, well, let's hope good comes of these two being united again, it's only left to wonder how many times Flute may smack Hamel over the head in the many paths that wait....

"FLUTE-CHAN! There you are! Not that I missed you or anything, it's just that all I had while you where gone to entertain me while you where gone was this fine person here, but your cute face is just SO much more fun to torture!"

"Oiy Hamel, you really are asking for a smiting! but before I do ANYTHING to you, I think we should be going back to check for Raiel and Toron, I know I had a rough time in the woods, who knows what those two could be going through"

"Hai..maybe your right Flute...but this had BETTER not take long, I have plans to travel North to Hameln, WITH or WITHOUT the rest of you...."

To The NORTH! ^

Wait like Flute said?

To The SOUTH! v