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Crazy People in Line

Wow. It felt like 3 days went by all in one. Partly because we woke up so early (and went to bed so late Sat. morning) and partly because so much happened, it's hard to keep track.

I woke up at 2:30 AM. That's right. That early. And I could not, for the life of me, get back to sleep. I dozed off around 3:45 and woke up again at 4. Finally I said "Screw this" and took a shower. I'm glad I did, too, cause then we all got out early. ^_^

Liz & I put on our FY school uniforms, dragging Brian out of bed, and the 3 of us headed down to the pre-reg (and, coincidentally, at-the-con registration) line. We stood there from about 6:30 until almost 8. We met a few Kenshin cosplayers, a Chichiri, and a few others. We finally got our badges! It was glorious! It was beautiful!

It was too early for anything else to be open. So we bummed around, got coffee, and took a few pictures. The swap meet opened at 9, so we went to have a look around. Nothing too exciting. However, there two guys asked Liz & I to pose with them. That was nothing special in of itself, but we kept running into thse two guys and their female friend all weekend! And, it turns out, I'd posed with them at AX (see pic below)! Freaky, huh? So since the 6 of us kept bumping into each other, we sort of became friends. Con buddies! Muahaha.

Let's see, what else? W went to the opening ceremonies, which were not as fun as the ones at AX. We didn't see anything other girls in FY school uniforms (there were quite a few mikos, though) until Saturday, so I guess we picked a good day to wear them.

We spent a good chunk of time tracking down a masquerade form for Liz to register. Brian and I spent about 15 minutes planning our skit. (He came up with the idea, and then we worked on it a little.)

Rachael and Justin! Our roommates! We found 'em! And they were awesome cosplayers. A bit messy, but the room was trashed anyhow. All of us with all of our costume parts made quite a mess, not to mention my glue gun and sequins. ^_^ Oh well. We managed to clean it up and pack up our stuff when we left, so it was all good.

Kate and Ross made it down around 12:30 am (technically that was Sat.) YAY! Only the three of us went to karaoke and when we got back, they had left. not so yay. I'm not sure why. It's too bad though.

By the end of the day, I was so tired I was homicidal. ~_~ I finally feel asleep to the sounds of DDR in trhe room next door, sometime aorund 2 or 3. I lost track.

Quote of the Day: "Here Brian, hold this." - Vic & Liz when someone asked for our picture.

read on to Saturday...
