TRANSLATORS NOTE: These were done from the French edition as a companion to any roman language edition copy. As a result things like "Aaaaaah!" and "Satchi!" have not been translated. The dialogue is however split by speech bubble, which should help. But if you find yourself with an Asian edition copy and it is too hard to follow along, feel free to e-mail me at and I will try to ameliorate the situation. BUTSU ZONE BY HIROYUKI TAKEI TRANSLATED AND TYPED BY MENE VOLUME 1 Hiroyuki Takei presents: Some "Buddha boys" reckless people who love adventure! Butsu Zone "When you pray to a Buddha statue, you're calling on a real hero." *(times2) HIROYUKI There are numerous representations of Buddha. Some say the statues are a bit like super heroes sent from the cosmos. In this story, through the many characters you will meet, you'll be able to better understand the beneveillance and friendship found in Buddhas, who are sent to earth to stand against evil. *(times2) When you pray to a Buddha Statue, you're calling on a real hero!! * HIROYUKI Time period: the present. The Place: A small hot spring. SATCHI That's enough already!! * SATCHI Who do you think you are!? I've always lived here in this temple!…so, I don't see why I have to leave?! SLEEZYMAN We told you kid! The land this temple's built on, now belongs to the Minoura clan. …and our boss decided to build a four star hotel here. SMOKEMAN Hey kid… …you've stayed here after we've asked you lots of times to leave. We told you to get out! So do it before we get mad! FRANKENSTEIN Hey look! What's that?! SMOKEMAN …huh? * SMOKEMAN Bah… …it's just a Buddha statue, egg head!! FRANKENSTEIN But why's it got so many arms? SLEEZYMAN Hey! We've gotta finish up our business fast! …Otherwise the boss ain't gonna be happy! SATCHI It's not just a Buddha statue!! * SATCHI It's a representation of the Buddha Kannon. Legend has it that he had 1,000 arms. All the arms were used to help others. His mission on earth was to help as many human beings as possible. That statue is a remarkable work of art! ….and you must respect it a little more, considering this is his temple! SMOKEMAN Ha ha ha! I don't believe it!…you hear that!!? SATCHI Why you… SMOKEMAN So, you believe that that statue there will come to your aid?! I'll kick it and make your statue into a tooth pick I will!! …Stop fucking with us, ok!! …or you'll really see your "1,000 armed Kannon"!! * SLEEZYMAN The…thethe…thethethe…the statuuuuuuue!!!! * SATCHI It moved?!! SENNJU Cowards… * SENNJU How dare you raise your hand to a little girl!? * SLEEZY Whaaaat?! There was a kid in the statue?! FRANKENSTEIN It's a ghost!! …we'll be back! SATCHI Uh… SENNJU Really, what wimps… You ok? I'm Sennju, an emissiary of Boddhisatva Kannon…pleased to meet you. I come from the land of Buddhas… SATCHI Huh? * SATCHI Mmm…. Heelp!! GRAMPS Ah, Satchi…you've finally awakened… SATCHI Grandpa?! GRAMPS I just got back. I didn't receive many alms. Today….when I arrived, you were still having nightmares… SATCHI It was… …a dream? * SATCHI It was really very strange…I've never had one like that! I saw our pretty Kannon statue move, and… Aaaaahh! But what's he doing here!!…He was in the Kannon statue, in my dream!! But…that's impossible!! SENNJU You seem surprised…. SATCHI Ah, what's going on?! And, by the way…who're you?! Grandpa, watch out! This boy broke our beautiful Kannon statue! We should call the police right away! GRAMPS Satchi! We must be more respectful to all Buddhas! Excuse yourself, please! * SATCHI A Buddha?! Him?! SENNJU But I am! I was sent by Boddhisatva Kannon! SATCHI What is this?! Grandpa! Have you taken a good look at him?!…he's just a kid with a big head, unkempt hair and dressed in a curtain!…I say he's ugly! He pretends to be a Buddha and you listen to him passively, without saying a thing!! My poor Papa, he's lost his mind… GRAMPS Satchi…in Japan, there have been situation like this, where statues moved, like… ,,,the "Stone Jizo" (Jizo is a part of the Buddha pantheon. He's protector of children and travelers) SATCHI But that's just a kid's tale!! SENNJU Oh, yes! * SENNJU Yes, that's one of the most famous stories in the "Butzu Zone"! SATCHI …"Butsu Zone"?! What's that?! SENNJU In normal times, Buddhas live in their own country, the land of Buddhas…there, our spirit are protected and preserved. But to come to earth and interact, we must have bodies, which we don't have there. To come here as quickly as possible, the easiest way is to take the "form" of a statue. We ground ourselves in its matter and can then move freely…this "space" that we create, in our world and in yours, thanks to this little "thing"… * SENNJU …is the Butzu Zone! I am living in the "Butzu Zone." SATCHI And my Grandad's the queen of England!! What is this crud?! There are limits to how much people will believe! My Grandpa may be easily convinced, but I'm not so foolish! You pretend to be a Buddha! So, explain to me what a Buddha is doing here… SENNJU Eh, well… It's been some time since our king, the great Nyorai, confided an important mission in me… SENNJU Oh really?! You want me to protect Mirokou?!! HIROYUKI Buddha land-Hokkai room FUDO Yes…the great Nyorai decided to entrust this heavy task with you. HIROYUKI King of white magic, science and courage. AIZENN He rarely permits us, the Buddhas, to descend to earth…I hope you appreciate this chance to justify your valor. HIROYUKI King of science, love magic and goodwill. SENNJU Actually… Uh… Who's this "Mirokou?" AIZEN Moron! * AIZENN Don't you know that Mirokou is the Buddha who lived on earth many years after the death of Shakymuni? And that his mission was to save all men? He's the successor to Shakyamuni, the "Savior of the future". HIROYUKI The Buddha Shakyamuni lived 2,500 years ago. He was the founder of Buddhism. SENNJU …He said that many years ago?! But that means none of this stuff is really applicable now! DAI-NICHI-NYORAI Sennju… You must look at this tale from a different angle. Before they used the same characters for "years" and "men"… HIROYUKI The Buddha king, Dai-Nichi-Nyorai SENNJU Oh, ok?! * NYORAI The terrestrial population has just reached the same number as that of the population in the year of Mirokou's predicted second coming…Shakyamuni appeared on earth 2,500 years ago…but men have already forgotten his teachings…each day they give in more to their desires and ambitions…money and material possessions! Power, desire, avarice in all its forms! Here is what consumes most men…here are those who walk the road of ruin…here is the origin of all the wars and opposition. Mirokou is already on earth. She's there in human form, needing only to be awakened. She lives right now like an ordinary person…you must protect Mirokou, and help her to awaken… * SENNJU "…and you must also protect all me." This is what he told me! GRAMPS So, the great Mirokou has already been reincarnated!!? SATCHI Whatever!! …it's really not important! I don't know who you are or where you come from, but one thing I am sure about is that you're no Buddha!! GRAMPS Satchi, that's enough! SATCHI Because… …if Buddhas existed… …why'd they leave me like this?! Why didn't I ever get a mom or Dad?! Why must I live in this old temple and be so poor! …I don't think it's fair!! * SATCHI I don't believe Buddhas exsist! And I'll never believe it! And at any rate, I've had it! I'm going to bed! GRAMPS Wait… Satchi… It's true her life hasn't been very easy. Satchi was a little orphan…she was abandoned by her parents. I found her a little over ten years ago… It was the first night of the new year. It'd snowed a lot that day…I was going out to ring the bell for the new year, and I found her in a little basket. * GRAMPS There was no letter or message with her…it was strange, but I felt this child was left here by Buddha. Thus I decided to raise. You must have noticed she has a very firery temperment. I don't know if it's because she was raised by a bachelor. * SATCHI Fhh…sleep… I was really mad yesterday, so much so that I didn't get any sleep last night! SENNJU I'm Sennju SATCHI What an idiot! He pretends to be Kannon's envoy. But he has two arms like the rest of us! SPICEWOMAN Good morning Satchi! Have you finished off the mild? You're brave to do the shopping everyday at your age! SATCHI Oh, hello ma'am! SPICEWOMAN By the way, who's that cute little kid? He said he came from you temple. He's very popular already! Look! SATCHI …now way!! * SENNJU Thank you, thank you, Buddha is great. SATCHI That's enough! Why were all the little old ladies from town surrounding you?! What'd you do to them?! You're not holy, I swear! SENNJU I didn't do anything! I was taking a walk and they just came towards me all at once! SATCHI Not surprising, wearing that thing!…you'll fool no one else! SENNJU And so? Even if that was the case… SATCHI What?! What are you saying?! SENNJU Listen… * SENNJU All those little grandmothers confirm a great being when they pray. Praying soothes their spirits…and at that moment they're at peace with all around them. Get it? No matter how they consider themselves or their goal in doing it, the prayer can revitalize all different types of people… SATCHI I don't get any of this! And you make me want to puke! SENNJU What's this "pook"? * SATCHI Hey, that car!!! …damn! Those are the guys from the other day. They're back! They're headed for our temple!! We've gotta get there fast!! SENNJU Uh… SATCHI But… * SATCHI Our temple!! MIKE So, like that, you thought we'd leave peacefully? You must have thought….that you'd won! * SATCHI Mike Minoura, the leader of the Minoura clan!! MIKE Yes, it's me! Let me tell you I am the most powerful man in town. In fact…it seems you were not very nice to my little trainees earlier. SATCHI Leave my Grandpa alone! MIKE Hey! Tell me kid…where's the boy you were with yesterday? …I'd like to have words with him. * SMOKERMAN Boss, listen…it's not important. SLEEZEMAN He wasn't that mean to us. MIKE Shut up!! It's out of the question that I let a stupid kid make our clan look like fools!! SATCHI Your thugs were doing a fine job of making themselves look like fools all on their own. They were intimidated just by a boy in a shower curtain. That's not exactly brilliance at work. And for that you came to destroy our temple?! What a coward! MIKE …shut up!! GRAMPS Satchi, no!! MIKE Rotten little viper! If you cross me one more time, I'll fix you good, got it?!! GRAMPS Satchi THUG Calm down, gramps! * SENNJU It seems to me that you don't understand it's evil to raise your hand to a little girl! MIKE So, earlier…it was you? SATCHI Sennju, watch out!! * SENNJU They destroyed the temple, that wasn't nice! SATCHI Moron!! This isn't the time to be pointing out right and wrong! There's at least twenty guys here with guns! …some "guns"?! MIKE Heh heh…that wasn't bad! Now… …I'm really mad!! Who do you think you're messing with kid?! For an influential guy like me, it's easy to have my men beat you and even have it in the papers if I want. * MIKE What's that jewel on you arm? SENNJU You mean this thing on my left arm? It's some sort of apparatus that makes it possible for my armor to instantly appear. It's the most powerful armor in the Butsu-zone. And this?…it's an instrument for killing people, right? It's not good to have this kind of stuff! Not only that, you can't use this kind of weapon against me. * MIKE You've gone too far! …You still don't get it! Kill him! Bring down this little fool! SATCHI No! Sennju! * SATCHI What have you done, you outlaws!! MIKE Ha ha! You see what happens when you dare defy me! Ah? And what happened to him? Huh!? * MIKE Whaaaat?! But, that's impossible! What , it's impossible!! *(times2) SENNJU Here is the sacred armor of Boddhisatva Kannon!! In joining my hands in sincere prayer, I make the mystic armor appear… MIKE Armor? But…who…who are you?! Where'd you come from? * SENNJU I am "Sennju", emissiary of the Boddhisatva Kannon, the thousand armed Buddha! I appear in the Butsu zone for human beings who need me!! * SATCHI His expression…his appearance…could he really be what he says he is?! MIKE Hurry up, you worms! Get rid of him immediately! Huh?! They all left?!? GRAMPS It seems the situation has been reversed, Mr. Minoura… Despite his frail appearance, Sennju is really a messenger from Kannon. He is himself a Buddha and came from the land of Buddhas…No human can measure up to him… * SATCHI Grandpa… MIKE A Buddha? What's this crap?!!…you old fool!! Don't move! Don't come near us!…I'm leaving with the kid!! Aaah! You little devil! You bit my hand!! * MIKE If it's like that, I'll let you join your friends! I no longer need you! GRAMPS Are you all right, Satchi? SATCHI …Grandpa! MIKE I don't know what's with that armor, but I'll put an end to this all myself! They better not think I'm impressed by all this whoo-doo voodoo!! In our world, there's neither God nor Buddha! Everyone knows that So, even if this kid pretends to be a Buddha come to earth… * MIKE …that won't stop him from dying!! So, I'll kill them all!! * SENNJU The Boddhisatva Kannon is mercy incarnate… …her heart knows only goodness and kindness. But it also knows anger! …Those who permit injustice! MIKE Huh?! SENNJU Amongst the ten greatest offenses a powerful man can commit, Shakyamuni often says it is to kill another man. I don't have the right to let you loose yourself! I can't let you commit this very grave crime! * SENNJU By the grace and mercy of the Boddhisatva Kannon… …let all my arms hit in unison!! * SENNJU 1,000 punch attack!! * MIKE He pulverized that huge crane….ok, ok! I get it! …you're really a Buddha!! But why is it that Buddhas only help children and elders! …Isn't that favoritism? * SENNJU You have an erroneous view of things…you can't see things for what they truly are. If you persist in these views, you, sadly, will end up in hell… You might not think yourself guilty, but the severity of punishment could also be considered a kind of mercy. In a sense even if you don't count yourself as a sinner, I must help you… GRAMPS It's true that it's written in the Buddha scripts: "His mercy is infinite"… THUGS My heroes… Now, that's class! * GRAMPS Sorry Satchi. This house isn't very big. SATCHI Actually the temple we were living in was very old, so it's better this way. Oh, I think this is all very positive. Oh well…I understand what Sennju was trying to tell me. It's true I wasn't raised by my Mom and Dad… …but in retrospect, I was given the great chance to be raised by the best granddad on the entire earth! …I didn't know I could become so happy just by changing the way I look at things. * GRAMPS My little… Satchi SATCHI Ok, that's all! I need to go shopping! GRAMPS Ha ha ha! I see you've made progress! SATCHI What're you doing up there?! I thought you had to look for Mirokou! SENNJU In fact… …that happened really fast. * SENNJU You'll soon understand…in fact, it's you I've found. You're Mirokou: Well, you will be in the future… SATCHI What?! But… You heard that, Grandpa?! …He said I'm the Buddha Mirokou! * SATCHI He's still out there! GRAMPS My little Satchi…she's the Buddha Mirokou! Thank you, thank you. SENNJU That's why I arrived exactly in your temple. It wasn't by chance…you know, since you still haven't awakened, it's normal for you to be a bit troubled by all this. My job's to accompany you to the place where you can be awoken. So…we'll both leave now for this great voyage! SATCHI Huh? Why must I be awoken!? I'm not sleeping right now!! *(times2) HIROYUKI The Boddhistava Mirokou: He is the Buddha of the future, who, it is written in the Buddha scripts, will come 5670 years after the death of Shakyamuni Buddha. He appears on earth in human form. And once he's awoken, can save all of humanity. In fact, it seems that the future…has already arrived. * The Enemy of Buddha: His Name is Mara * SATCHI Wait a minute!! …you think I'm really the reincarnation of this Buddha Mirokou?!? You think I'll be the one to save all of humanity?! You're kidding?!? SENNJU Listen…whether you believe me or not, doesn't change the facts. But if you'll let me advise you, believe me it'll be… It'll be much easier for you. * SENNJU And don't forget that Kannon speaks through my mouth. I can't lie to you!…if I said it, it's true! SATCHI Aahh! What a load of bull! I've never heard something so absurd!! You say I'll save the world! But from who or what? I know there's no war going on right now!! GRAMPS You're wrong… There's a war between good and evil. Men have turned away from the correct path, they live blinded in a world of burning desires…she left. * SATCHI Ahhh…I feel better! Since I grew up in a temple, I love the atmosphere around graveyards! It makes me happy! …but Why does he insist on thinking I'm the Boddhisatva Mirokou?! You speak of destiny! I'm perfecting happy being just a normal little girl! BATO-KANNON "…no…you're wrong…" * SATCHI Who's there?! BATO-KANNON You assume the 'position' naturally. You sit spontaneously like the Buddha Miroku. *position of meditating Mirokou: One leg crossed over the other knee. Index finger and hand resting on the right cheek. BATO-KANNON I've finally found the reincarnation of Mirokou!! * SATCHI But… …who're you?! That emblem!…the horse on his head! It's Bato-Kannon! Kannon of the horse head! He's one of the Buddhas that represents anger. Even though he's from Kannon's mercy, his appearance may be frightening… * SATCHI What're you doing here?! Are you also made of part of the 'Butsu Zone'? BATO-KANNON Heh heh heh…Buddha Mirokou…you'll die by my hand!! SATCHI With one sword stroke he cut all the stone graves in two!! Oh no! It's impossible! * Bato-Kannon Damn!…missed! I must not yet be fully integrated with my borrowed body… SATCHI You're not a real Buddha! …real Buddhas don't attack people! BATO-KANNON My next hit will find it's mark…Die!! Hmm…my legs aren't so quick. Or…someone's messing me up… * BATO-KANNON Someone like the 1,000 armed Kannon!! SENNJU I found it hard to believe… ,,,that our enemy's army is already on the move?! SATCHI …what enemy!? SENNJU Show us your true face!! Mara, sworn enemy of Buddha! * BATO-KANNON Heh heh heh… You're right…we are Mara's soldior. We're the demons who live in the land of desires. We live and feed off of men's desires. We also use Buddha and Boddhisatva statues to move around on earth. We're called… * BATO-KANNON …the 'Butsu-Droides'!! * BATO-KANNON I am Bato-Mara! Buddha Mirokou, you're gonna die! SATCHI I think he has an ugly face! Why does he use the representation of a Buddha on earth? SENNJU They're like us. They need a body to enter the human world. But, I think it's deplorable that they have the gall to use a Buddha's body for it! * BATO-MARA It's a strategy we call the 'Butsu-metsu-sakuseh'! The 'Disapearance of Buddha'!…by using their representations regularly, little by little, we'll have them all!! Since you've discovered me, I'll have to kill you Sennju Kannon!! * SENNJU Leave that body immediately! I order you! I don't want to destroy a representation of Buddha! BATO-MARA Heh heh heh! You really think you could beat me, little shrimp? Let the axe of Bato split your skulls!! SENNJU I guess I have no choice… I join my hands in prayer!! *(times2) SENNJU Sennju armor!! I don't like this demon! Stay beside me, so you don't get hurt! You understand now, under the guise of Buddhas, the demon army is taking over men who live in the world of desires… BATO-MARA You dare break my axe?! You're gonna pay dearly for that one! SENNJU I'll tell you one more time! Leave that body!…It doesn't please me to have to destroy a representation of Buddha. * BATO-MARA Heh… I never saw this famous armor up close… It looks very efficient! But let's see… …if it can resist Bato's sword!! What?! I couldn't even dent it!! Damn Sennju!! * BATO MARA The four fists of hell!! SENNJU You still don't understand that you'll never be able to beat me?! You'd have an easier time threading a needle with an elephant! * SENNJU Thousand Punch Attack!! * BATO MARA …my body! It's disintegrating! How could I loose to this puny little guy?! …and what about my powers?! Wh…y? SENNJU You really don't know? I'll explain it then… * SENNJU Your body was made of earth! BUDDHA But, of course! BATO MARA They're teasing me! SENNJU Techniques: lesson one Earth sculptures: a large number of Buddha statues are made of baked earth or dried earth. Thus, while being pretty, they are very fragile. Dried earth Big rope Central axis of wood Copper wire Mixed earth We must pay attention to our bodies when we come to earth. And that's how it works!! GRAMPS Yes…Mara's already been at work. He's the same demon who tried to keep Shakyamuni from awakening. He'll do anything to stop saviors of men… * SENNJU Yes! …He even tried to kill him a few times! It stands to reason that Mara will do anything to kill Mirokou. I repeat, we must leave on our voyage! SATCHI Wait a minute… Don't you see I'm already ready to go?! I've resigned myself to this voyage you've told me about!! But you can at least tell me where we're going!! SENNJU To India! SATCHI Huh?! India?! *(times2) SATCHI India, that's far!! GRAMPS In the sutras it's said that…Mirokou finished her apprenticeship in the celestial world and was reincarnated on earth and awaited the awakening under 'the dragon flower tree.' SATCHI I don't know about you, but Grandpa and I aren't rich! And you don't look like you're drowning in gold. Maybe we should go on this trip a little later! SENNJU Don't worry! I've got lots of relations… SATCHI 'relations'?! * SENNJU We'll travel by sea on the treasure ship of the seven gods of happiness!! SATCHI The seven gods of happiness?! What're they?! * RICE BALLS * SENNJU What're you doing now? SATCHI Are you sure your boat is really waiting for us on the other side of this mountain?! 'cause it's been three long hours since we left! And I'm telling you that I have bags to carry! I still don't understand how you can leave for such a long trip and not take a thing with you?! SENNJU Is that what's bothering you? SATCHI Huh?! You could at least help me a little! I… * SATCHI Oh, a Jizo! SENNJU What are you doing? SATCHI I'm praying for our save voyage! I may not seem like the type, but it reassures me all the same! My Grandpa asked me to do this when I left with you! SENNJU Wouldn't it be better to address your prayers to me? I'm a Buddha too! SATCHI Definitely not!! There's no way!! UNGYO Heh heh…prayers are useless. SENNJU Who's there?! They're… …some Nio!! HIROYUKI Ungyou: symbol of latent power in the material world. AGYO Symbol of power of action in the material world. These two characters are traditionally Buddha's defenders. They defend the access to the temple entrance of certain places of worship. Agyo has the open mouth and Ungyo has the closed mouth. Their mystic principles are that they exchange knowledge under the term "a-ounn'. * AGYO Everything in this universe starts with the divine energy of the "A"! UNGYO …And ends with the "Ounn". Your voyage also depends on the mystic nature of the "A-ounn"!! And we'll end it here all the same!! SENNJU Butsu droides sent by Mara!! * A and U You'll taste our mortal technique!…the special Nio Combination!! * A and U And now… * A and U …final Smash! SATCHI Sennju, watch out!! A and U Now we'll take care of you, Mirokou! Ha ha ha haaaa! What do you think of that?! * SENNJU I absolutely must stop them!! Please… …hear my prayer!! * HIROYUKI Sennju armor. SENNJU Mara! Leave those bodies immediately, do you hear me?! Or else… A and U Or else what? You think you can beat us?!? * A and U Ha ha ha! …we'd like to see you try! Special Nio Combination! New Version! SENNJU You leave me no choice!… I must protect Mirokou! Sennju's Thousand Arm Attack! * AGYO What?! How'd you get so strong?! You managed to pulverize my partner in one fell swoop!! SENNJU Now that you're alone, you can't do a combination attack! Leave that body Mara! * AGYO Heh heh heh, that was a beautiful attack Sennju Kannon… SENNJU What's so funny!? AGYO Heh heh heh… Double Stake of the Indistructable Nio Spirit! …Here's my response!! SENNJU Listen to my prayer! * SENNJU What's happening?! My armor…! …it won't move at all! AGYO Ha ha ha ha haaaa! I know your weak spots! Here on earth you can only use the "Thousand Arm Attack" a single time each day! * SENNJU What are you saying?! AGYO The armor, which you make appear with prayer… …uses your charkas energy, the 'strong points' in your body. In these charkas resides part of the 'true' cosmos energy, an incredible vital force! But, on this earth, that energy is limited… Your armor, with its many arms, very rapidly consumes charkas energy… And now that you understand, it is time for you to die, Sennju Kannon!! SENNJU Even without my armor… * SENNJU …I can still beat you!! AGYO Diiiiiiie!! What the… Who dares do that?!? Come here you coward! * JIZO I have no pity for you, who attacked Sennju when he had exhausted his major charkas energy! I've learned about you, I have, the way you fight on this earth! AGYO Huh? But…you're… JIZO Meet your destiny. * JIZO Sacred Seal Ray!! AGYO But…why did you appear?! …you, the boddhisatva Jizo! Ji…zo… * JIZO I'll tell you why…it's because the rice balls are excellent! *(times2) JIZO I am one of the Buddhas who after the death of the great Shakyamuni, and before the coming of Buddha Mirokou, …decided to help all human beings. I am traditionally considered the 'Buddha of travellers', but my kindness extends to all others… I am 'Jizo; The incarnation of Buddha Jizo!! * Koma the Dog * SATCHI But… Another weird thing… Has happened to us. They say he has freckles… …even in stone! JIZO Master Mirokou… I want to congratulate you on your presence on earth…I've looked forward to your coming… SATCHI Uh… No…listen… *(times2) JIZO …You were losing, so it seems to me. What would you have done if I had not intervened? eh, Sennju?! SATCHI You know each other?! JIZO Heh…you could say we were childhood friends. SENNJU Bah, in the end it all worked out, right? JIZO Moron! If I hadn't come to your aid, you would have let the great Buddha Mirokou be killed!! …We've waited 2,500 years for this moment!! And you, you were gonna botch it up, without even trying to fix it?!? * SENNJU Wait a minute… When I saw your statue I was sure you'd help us!! JIZO Huh?! Don't try and wiggle out of this one! You are personally responsible for Mirkou's protection!! SENNJU But…in the end… …everything turned out fine! SATCHI Sennju! What's wrong?! * JIZO The fight wiped him out… HIROYUKI (When Jizos come to earth, they always bring their little tent with them) JIZO Mara's powers are really stupefying. He could incarnate Bato- Kannon, the two "A-Ouinn" kings without even trying! Sennju didn't see… That his body was wounded in many places. Actually, in this land, all paths are difficult… But, even so, I wonder why the great Dai-Nichi-Nyorai sent this good for nothing to protect you…Sennju's only good at messing up! * FUDO This cannot be endured! We must send a stronger protector for Mirokou! HIROYUKI King of magical sciences of goodness and courage. FUDO I, Fudo, am ready to use my faithful sword kurikara in Mirokou's service! AIZEN I, Aizenn, will repel evil wherever I must with my special armor, the strongest of all in the land of Buddhas! HIROYUKI King of scientific magics of love and kindness. * DAI Aizenn, Fudo…listen to me… No one can match Sennju's kindness…his is limitless. AIZENN and FUDO …kindness!? DAI Yes…he proved his strength of kindness long ago, with Bassu Senninn, one of the 28 deciples of Kannon. BASSU SENNIN Sennju, you've gone against my orders! You took that stone dog again!! * BASSU SENNIN …you know we leave all the koma -dogs who have been rejected?! HIROYUKI Bassu Sennin: one of the 28 'acolytes' SENNJU The poor things! We can't leave them like this!….I've decided to help them all! BASSU SENNIN Idiot! There's a big difference between reality and ideals! How will you feed all those dogs!? SENNJU I'll figure it out myself! BASSU SENNIN ….oh really? SENNJU If I change this land into a veggie garden, we can all eat our fill! * BASSU SENNIN You're going to do this all by yourself?! SENNJU Yes!! BASSU SENNIN Very well…but if you can't do it, you must recite a sutra of my choosing 5 thousand times! SENNJU So I can keep him too?! DAI …just as incredible, Sennju managed to bring his project to fruitation! His desire to save all living beings is so strong, he'll never give up once he's taken an interest in someone….that's why I named him Mirokou's protector. * DAI Buddha Sennju is capable of saving everyone, thanks to his thousand arms. His benevolence and infinite kindness lets him transform 'nothing; into 'something'…and I know that force is perfectly capable of saving the world… FUDO Hmm…very well. We'll let him be, for now… AIZEN Yes…I'd like to see exactly what he's capable of… * SATCHI Sennju… It's true he's always done his best to help me…he's always there when I need him… All those wounds, he got them protecting me… He gave his all to save me… I'm sorry… …Senju! * JIZO Who's there?! Show yourself!! SATCHI What was that noise? JIZO I don't know, it sounded like something big had been upset… I fell something…one of the same nature as us. SATCHI …huh? * SIGN Boy's sanctuary. JIZO It's another of Mara's goons! It hasn't woke Sennju, he's still obviously asleep. SATCHI Yes… This noise… It's so eery! They say that… * JIZO ` A stone… SATCHI dog!! JIZO Watch out! SATCHI It went into the tent! It's gonna attack Sennju while he's asleep! SENNJU What's going on? SATCHI Huh? * SATCHI But…what's that?! SENNJU It's Koma, a stone dog. It's incredible that he managed to come to the world of humans all on his own! SATCHI "Kom"? A "Stone dog"? SENNJU Koma! You're tickling me! JIZO Yes…this is the dog he takes care of. Obviously, this dog likes him a lot…it's incredible… Ok. You seem to be fully recovered. I leave you here. SENNJU What?! You're not coming with us?! JIZO A nice offer, but I've been waiting for Mirokou's coming some 2,500 years. So, now, I'll take a little break at the hot springs and go back to Buddha land! * HIROYUKI Jizo's camping set. JIZO I'd stay a little longer with you, but the earth's starting to tire me…I'm sure everything will work out for you. Later! SENNJU Oh ho! This is too mean! …why won't you come with us? JIZO Now what?! …I said I'm leaving, so I'm gonna leave! SENNJU What a big egg head… JIZO I heard that!! I'll teach you not to mock my beautiful granite skull! Say that again, and you're a dead Buddha! * SENNJU This is where the boat will pick us up! The sun'll set soon…it shouldn't be late. Yes? SATCHI I want to thank you for all the things you've done for me…for all the effort you've exhausted… * SATCHI …I'll always remember it! SENNJU Ouahahaha! Stop Koma! You're tickling me! SATCHI And I was trying to express my gratitude! You better listen to me, moron! * SATCHI But… It's them, the seven gods of happiness?! *(times2) SATCHI What?! That's them, the seven god's of happiness?! …I think they're funny looking! * Seven * SATCHI They're just ordinary people! GODS Ok…shall we? GOD1 They don't look like they're ready for a long voyage. GOD2 I don't see the savior among them… GOD3 That kid's cute… SATCHI Huh? BENN TENN Who's the scrawny little kid? Is that the 'marvellous Buddha Mirokou'?! GOD4 Hey! Watch your mouth! GOD5 They look dubious…maybe we should show them our true forms. GOD6 Yes * The seven gods of happiness!! * GODS It's us, the seven gods of happiness! We've come to take the great mirokou to India! SATCHI They're weird too… GOD4 Great Buddha Mirokou, you haven't finished being surprised! GOD1 It's true our boat may seem a bit ostentacious…but on earth, we're permitted to mingle with humans…our goal was to not draw attention to ourselves… DAIKOKO There's no need to be worried. On the open ocean, we'll probably see no one so we can travel how we like. * DAIKOKO Are you scared to be with us?! Ha ha ha! SATCHI They're really weird!! I can't believe this! Sennju is flirting openly in front of me! BENN TENN You're cute, Sennju! Say "Aah"! Great Mirokou, you don't seem at ease…is there something bothering you, or displeasing you? SATCHI Bothering me? Surely no! Who could be interested in that idiot! BENN TENN Sennju is a very nice boy… * SATCHI I've had it! …are all these guys really Buddhas?! FUKUROKUJU No…that term isn't right. SATCHI Mr. Fukurokuju… FUKUROKUJU Ha ha…good evening muss…the breeze tonight is very nice. SATCHI So, you're not Buddhas? FUKUROKUJU The term "Buddha" in the strictest sense is meant for great Buddhas like Nyorai or Shakyamuni… Those beings have a different kind of awakeness. A state we all aspire to… SATCHI But then, Sennju? FUKUROKUJU Kannon is not a diffinitive Buddha, she's a Boddhisatva. The Boddhisatva stage is not the last stage for a Buddha… * FUKUROKUJU What Sennju will become, like all of us, is motivated by the same desire…to save all of humankind! SATCHI But what do you mean by 'save all of human kind'? That's not an easy task… BENN TENN Our desire is that all humans are profoundly happy. SATCHI Hah! That's simply impossible! BENN TENN Oh yes? Why? * SATCHI Take competitive sports for example. There's always a winner and a looser! The winner's happy and the loser is miserable. BENN TENN Is that what you believe? The joy of victory could instill the fear of the future defeat. A winner may brutally fall into a hellish state. As for the looser, who has nothing left to looser can put all his energy into progressing, seriously…so which do you think is happier? Happiness is not always where you'd think…True happiness exists in all of us…everyone can awaken to this reality. * FUKUROKUJU Exactly…but people who find this reality in the depths of their soul are very rare… The majority of people think happiness lies in 'material' satisfaction. Their desires are eternally unsatisfiable… …because this type of desire knows no bounds. These people become the property… ..of Mara!! HAJUNN Evil Buddhas… You have finally sent Mirkou to Asia… HIROYUKI The incarnation of the world of desire. The master of the lowest stage. (Hajunn) * HAJUNN It's inadmissible! We'll organize a great feast and Mirokou will be the main course! Mirokou must die!! FLOUZY But, great Hajunn…they're in the middle of the ocean. We can do nothing. HAJUNN Not true… He heh heh…I've already taken measures towards capturing her… * ASHURA Yes…don't worry HIROYUKI Ashura-one of Mara's eight disciples. ASHURA No Buddha can measure up…to me. Everything soon will be dominated by Mara… Our work will soon be set in motion to destroy all Buddhas. …master Hajunn *(times2) SATCHI 'morning everyone! What's going on? * KOMA Bark! Bark! SATCHI ….Koma, no!! Koma! What's with you?! Have you gone completely nuts or… * DROIDES Mirokou…you're going to die! SATCHI Sennju, help!…Mara's back! SENNJU Huh? BUTSU DROID I think you're really cute, you know, but…I must kill you! * BUTSU DROID Your last hour has arrived!! Sennju's armor!! * DROIDES Damn! Thanks to you we missed! Heh heh…it's not important. Yes…not important…they're but two. And we are seven! SENNJU Butsu Droides? Here? How is this possible?! Where are our friends?! DROIDS Hah…you talking about those old things over there. * SATCHI What?! But… Those are the statues of the seven gods of happiness. They're… …in millions of pieces! Even Fukurokuju! DROID He he he heh… Once they were all sleeping… …we bumped them off easily. Now, it's your turn! SENNJU How could you… * SENNJU Very well Mara!! I'll show you that Buddhas know anger too!! DROIDES He he heh…Sennju Kannon we know you can't do your special attack more than once at a time…how do you plan to vanquish us? We are in the middle of the Chinese sea. You can shout as loud as you want, no one will come to help you out here…we'll kill you both, you and Mirokou!! JIZO Wait a minute!! * DROIDES Who said that?! JIZO I was sure something'd happened to you… Lucky I'm here to bail you out! End of Volume 1 Koma-dogs are made of stone to decorate temples. They are thrown away when they are damaged.