DNA^2 BY MASAKAZU KATSURA TRANSLATED BY HECATE TYPED BY MENE DOSSIER#2: MUTATIONS JUNTA2: Is everything alright? KATSURA: Junta is using his Sparkly Stars on a higher level…who can resist him? Karine feels her heart beat uncontrollably. KARINE: Y-yes…I’m really sorry…this is all my fault. KATSURA: She cannot keep herself from confiding in him, even with matters best kept to herself. * CASE FILE #8: The Bullet With the Red Line JUNA2: Yes…I know very well that you set up this intrigue…Don’t worry…it’s all over… KARINE: Really, everything is lost…I never imagined that people could be hurt. JUNTA2: But there’s still something… JUNTA: You at least won on one point. I think that all you inspire in me now is disgust. * JUNTA: I think that all you inspire in me now…is disgust. KARINE: Damnit!! Why is this bugging me?!! This is exactly what I wanted…right? But why am I crying?! Yes, yes! I’m coming! * MAN: Hello!! KARINE: Damn!! I’m such an idiot!! I’d decided not to answer the phone anymore!! How can I explain all the mistakes I made?! Ha haa! Helloo there! Heh heh heh! Ha ha ha! MAN: Ok! Ok! Calm down! KARINE: Mm…yes… MAN: You told me that you screwed up with DCM? It’s no big deal, since you till don’t have your pay… KARINE: That’s right…no big deal. Another big lie! MAN: I sent you something while you were out…it should be in your transfer cabinet. Now you can do something…this is the right bullet! The one with the red line. * KARINE: Yesss!! It’s the right one! Even if Junta’s already a mega-playboym this’ll set things right! MAN: This is your last chance! Our budget is limited, so we can’t send you anything else or prepare another DCM! If you do not complete your mission, we cannot pay you. And if, by some chance, the situation deteriorates further, you risk a trial before the Temporal Agency. You would be considered a criminal and condemned to eradication. KARINE: Me?! A criminal?! Eradication? JUNTA: I’m so tired…I feel like I weigh a ton. It must be because of my DNA change. Why can’t I stop thinking about her?! I hate her!! She made fun of me!! I hate…her… BOY: Did you see that?! He screamed and then fell asleep! GIRL: Careful…I bet he bites! * KOTOMI: Ami! AMI: Ah, Kotomi! How goes? KOTOMI: Ah…still there…Ami, you really are a tomboy! Aren’t you afraid it’ll scar? AMI: Nope! It’ll fade. KOTOMI: Was Junta like that when you were kids? AMI: Not really, in fact, this is all really weird. It’s like he’s lost…something. I feel like I don’t know him anymore. * KOTOMI: Really? I thought he was great…obviously he knows how to make a girl’s heart beat faster… AMI: huh? KOTOMI: Uh…heh heh! You’re afraid I’ll take him away from you!! Don’t worry, I won’t ask him out without your permission. AMI: Pff…I couldn’t care less. TOMOKO: Thanks for helping me out yesterday. KOTOMI: Ah…Tomoko… AMI: Hello. TOMOKO: To thank you, I want to give you this. Here. AMI: A necklace? But- TOMOKO: It’s from Junta. * AMI: What?? TOMOKO: You were unconscious, so you didn’t see…when the thugs hit you, he really blew up. That’s when I understood that he loves you very much, to react like that. AMI: But… JUNTA: I want to buy a present for a girl…but I don’t know what to get… AMI: So it was for me?! Is that why you asked me that question? TOMOKO: He put his heart into it, so be careful…Hey! I don’t even know you name! AMI: Ami…Ami Kurimoto. TOMOKO: Very well, Ami… * TOMOKO: Know that I will fight for Junta…so don’t get in my way. JUNTA: I’m so tired, if that girl keeps coming into my head, if I could become so strong, all of it is because of that rotten medicine. She messed with my body without asking me!! In fact, she’s just a little egotistical jerk! She laughs about what she does to others! I HATE HER!! “come see me on the roof”? What’s with the crappy handwriting?! Ok…to the roof…let’s go to the roof… RYUJI: Tomoko! TOMOKO: Ryuji… RYUJI: I want to talk to you. TOMOKO: And I have nothing to say to you. RYUJI: You think you can treat me like this?! I’m not finished with that Junta… TOMOKO: Moron! What do you think you can do? You saw how strong he is! * KARINE: His class and his shoelocker are on the other side…so logically he should climb up that building there…I have only to sight him…and shoot him. This time I cannot screw up. With this he’ll go back to being the banal, stupid, little moron that he was before! That’s it! He won’t be strong anymore, girls won’t like him anymore, and he won’t like me anymore. So he won’t have to force himself to hate me…and…and…here he is! In a few seconds this ridiculous mission will be over!! * CASE FILE: #9: THE FIRST KISS KARINE: This nightmare will finally be over!! And I can finally go home, to the future. Just a few more seconds….a few more… JUNTA: Bah, so…there’s no one here?! That’s…that’s not funny… KARINE: You will forget everything…as if all of this was nothing but a dream. * TOMOKO: “Oh the roof”…That’s what he said. He said “On the roof”… RYUJI: Tomoko! Listen to me! TOMOKO: Will you just leave me alone?! It’s over! Finito! Basta! The end!! RYUJI: But…what have I done to displease you? TOMOKO: Everything! You hear me? Everything!! KOTOMI: Bah, he doesn’t seem to be coming… AMI: Mm….I wonder if he really bought this for me. KOTOMI: I’ve heard about this Tomoko…you’d do better not to listen to everything she says. Besides, it’s weird that She gave you the necklace. * KAKIMARO: Hey, Ami! What ‘cha doin’ out here? Aren’t you coming in? AMI: Say…do you know where Junta is? KAKIMARO: Junta? Uh… BOY: I saw him! He was climbing the stairs muttering “On the roof, on the roof”… AMI: “On the roof?” KOTOMI: We should go see. AMI: Mm….I’d like to go alone…It’s impossible that Junta would have wanted to buy me a present…it must be a mistake. JUNTA: The necklace? Yeah, it’s for you…I hope you like it. AMI: I have to know…I have to get to the bottom of this… * RYUJI: Don’t you remember? I told you that you mean a lot to me! Do you understand what that means? TOMOKO: No! I don’t understand anything!! RYUJI: I never tried anything with you! I never even kissed you! Even though I go out with a lot of girls- TOMOKO: Is this how you plan to win me over?! RYUJI: If you don’t want to see me again, fine, Ok, I just want to ask you one last thing….before we break up…I’d like to kiss you once. This is it! If I can kiss her, I’ve won! After that I’m positive that she won’t be able to resist me. * TOMOKO: Never!! You hear me?! I will never kiss you!! RYUJI: But-Tomoko! TOMOKO: Stop it!! Let me go! Junta! Help!! KARINE: Why can’t I do it?! It can’t be…Is it because I really do have feelings for him? So that I don’t want him to stop liking me…I don’t want him to forget me….I can’t think like this!! If I do…it’s…eradication!! * TOMOKO: Noooo!! Let me go! Junta, come quick!! KARINE: But that;s Tomoko’s voice! What’s she doing here? RYUJI: Let me kiss you! JUNTA: Damn! What’s all that noise? I was sleeping so well. KARINE: It’s me, Junta! JUNTA: It’s you?!! No…this doesn’t work….I have to hate you! I can’t be glad to see you. KARINE: Listen…we have to be natural, you and me. We have to listen to our feelings…we mustn’t hide them… JUNTA: Mm…that’s true…you’re right. * TOMOKO: Junta! AMI: He’s with Tomoko!! KARINE: Junta. * JUNTA: I want to stay with you always… KARINE: I can’t let this chance go by! I have to ignore my feelings! If I screw this one up… RYUJI: Tomoko’s with me, so let her go!! TOMOKO: Junta… * RYUJI: Nooooo!! KARINE: Ah!!! RYUJI: But… * CASE FILE #10: RYUJI IS “MODIFIED” RYUJI: Nooo! Let her gi! JUNTA: Huh?! KARINE: Eradication!! Eradication!! A criminal. Eradication!! A criminal. Eradication!! A criminal. Eradication!! * TOMOKO: There’s so much blood!! Junta, what happened?!! JUNTA: Hang on. It’s exactly what happened to me. It’s her again. JUNTA2: But…why did she do this?! Don’t worry, he’ll wake up in about ten minutes…but you mustn’t move him. I have to catch her. Then she’d better explain! TOMOKO: B-but-bah…where’d he go?! * JUNTA2: Huh?! But wha- KARINE: How did you get here?! JUNTA: I just thought that- JUNTA2: I wanted to catch you before you fled, and I found myself here. KARINE: That’s weird, he’s changing faces without stopping…It seems like he can’t stabalise his DNA yet. Leave me alone!! JUNTA: Hey!! Wait! TOMOKO: There’s bits of blood and that strange sound…like a shot…Junta told me not to touch him, but if I really want to help him, I can’t leave him like this! I have to go for help! * KARINE: Damn!! I screwed up again!! I can’t keep on lying to my boss. JUNTA2: Wait! I want to talk to you… KARINE: Gaaaah!! JUNTA2: But… KARINE: How can he run that fast?!! It’s impossible!! I must have been wrong…it wasn’t him!! JUNTA2: Will you please stop frolicking about up there….I want to talk to you. KARINE: Frolicking around? But….but…he’s the one who’s… * KARINE: How can he follow me?! It’s not pissible!! RYUJI: Nn…if…if I…If I had his strength…I too…I’d get him back! Sh…shit!! AMI: Ouaaah!! Are you Ok? RYUJI: Hm…that’s the girl who tried to help Junta the other day. I must use her! Where did they go? AMI: Who? Junta and Tomoko? I don’t know…they must have gone down there…I guess. RYUJI: Mm…I still feel weak, can you help me? Let’s take the other stairs…I don’t want to meet them… * AMI: Have you stopped bleeding? You should probably go see the school nurse anyway. RYUJI: I don’t understand….I bleed a ton, but don’t feel ill…I don’t feel anything! Well, I do feel a little weird. Maybe it’s from seeing them…did it throw you too? AMI: What are you talking about? RYUJI: I simply must use this girl to set my revenge on Junta! But…how! She could be cute if she spent more time on herself…look how she’s sitting! Really…I’m sure she won’t do that again. I could show her…simple and naïve girls have their charm too. AMI: So? What happened up there? RYUJI: Junta…that bastard! He kissed Tomoko in front of me!! AMI: Oh, really? That’s odd, not really his thing. RYUJI: But you saw them! You saw how Junta took her into his arms!! AMI: What’s with you!!? * KARINE: Junta’s gotten so weird. I’ve done everything, all that I could! Now I have no future. JUNTA2: So, have you decided to come down? You go, you come back…I don’t understand! What’s going on? JUNTA: But…wha-what am I doing here?!! KARINE: Now I know why he could move so quickly at the restaurant the other day… * KARINE: Don’t you get it yet? I’m not reappearing, you’re following me! How can you do that? You teleported! You’ve developed psychic powers!! JUNTA: Huh? What? Uh…could you repeat that? Say…what’s that? KARINE: Huh? A gueteuse!? And why is it pointed towards me?! TOMOKO: But they’re gone! It can’t be. * SIGN: Infirmary AMI: Doctor!! Is there anyone here?! Lie down on the bed! I’ll go find her! RYUJI: Why am I so sick?! I feel like my chest is going to explode! Tomoko…why aren’t you with me? Where are you, Tomoko?! Tomoko!! But…what’s going on?!! * CASE FILE# 11: An Incredible Power * RYUJI: But…what happened?!! KARINE: But why? * KARINE: Who could want to put me under surveillance?! * KARINE: How long have I been under surveillance? Do they know everything I’ve done?! JUNTA: What is it? Is that funny little bee yours? Heeey!! Waitt!! KARINE: Why do they want to survey me? If they’ve seen everything that happened, I risk…I risk immediate eradication!! * KARINE: Have you seen everything? MAN: Mm… KARINE: Why? …Have you been watching me from the beginning? MAN: No. But you simply forgot to recover the guetteuse that you set on Junta…Mr. Mori, of the Environmental Ministry, noticed, and he changed the programming so that he could watch you. KARINE: Who is this “Mori”? MAN: The situation is serious, Karine! Not only do our leaders know that you failed your mission, they also know that you injected the DCM in another person! So….you’re going to have to come back to the future. KARINE: Am I going to be eradicated? MAN: I exaggerated a bit…I wanted you to understand the importance of you mission. That won’t happen. But you probably will go to trial. * KARINE: Waaaah!! Meanies!! My beautiful house! My handsome husband! My little dog “Pootie-pie”! My dream will never come true!! Waah!! It’s hopeless!! I’ll go back to being the abandoned little girl like before!! Waah!! JUNTA: A trial? Eradication? I never thought it was this serious! And all of this is a little bit because of me…I have to do something! RYUJI: Tomoko!! Have I gone crazy?!! I’m in Tomoko’s body! Will I be like this forever? What irony. I so badly wanted to kiss her…but now I can’t kiss myself! I have to calm down…Let’s see, think…I have to think positively! Maybe I have a special power…yes, that’s it!! * RYUJI: There must be a good side to this situation. So let’s try and find it. I can’t kiss her, but… I can touch her! Heh heh heh! Hmmm…She’s got a great ass. Ok, before I appreciate her with my hands… I should do it with my eyes. Ho ho hooo…Tomoko…I will finally be able to see your beautiful body. Heh heh…don’t try and stop me. * RYUJI: But this is my body!! TOMOKO: Maybe he tried to come back on his own! NURSE: Don’t run like that! TOMOKO: Iiaaaah! I’m already in there! I’m here, but I’m there too!! RYUJI: Damn, damn, damn!! TOMOKO: There are…there are two of me! NURSE: What are you talking about? * NURSE: What are you doing here?!? TOMOKO: Ryuji!! RYUJI: I didn’t feel very good, so… NURSE: Is this the boy who was hurt? TOMOKO: Uh… RYUJI: I feel better now. Thanks. I’m sorry for how I acted just now, Tomoko. I really acted like an idiot. I understand that you hate me. TOMOKO: Huh? RYUJI: I feel much better now. Thanks again for helping me so much. It was really nice of you. AMI: Huh? Ah…Uh… RYUJI: It’s weird. What’s come over me? I feel so calm. I even apologized. It’s the first time in my life that it happened so naturally. I am now developing all my skills…I am no longer a normal man. I can change myself physically, but also mentally, any time I like…what A magnificent power…I have become someone special. * RYUJI: Nut why didn’t my body transform? Maybe I haven’t seen enough of a girl’s body to be able to reproduce it. I must think of the future. I have to impress all the characteristics of the people I meet very deeply in my brain. The second gym room will be perfect, no one will be there today. VOICE: Hey, Ami! Can I talk to you? I have something to ask you. RYUJI: I always get the girl I want in the end. AMI: This worked out well. I had something I wanted to ask you too. We really didn’t have to come all the way out here. Ok. What did you want to talk to me about? “JUNTA”: Nothing much. RYUJI : I just came to get some information about your body.owHow DNA^2 BY MASAKAZU KATSURA TRANSLATED BY HECATE TYPED BY MENE CASE FILE #12: CHANGING SENTIMENTS AMI: What are you doing?!! No! Stop it! Listen, if this is a joke, it isn’t funny!! STOP IT!! RYUJI: This isn’t a joke, I’m quite serious. * RYUJI: Bah…What’s with you all of a sudden? You’re not moving anymore… AMI: Why…are you doing this? RYUJI: Heh heh…I can very well do as I like. It’s Junta she’ll hate, not me. AMI: Is it me that you want? Or would you do this with anyone? RYUJI: Bah, you know…you or another. AMI: Do what you want. But after this I never want to see you again. * RYUJI: Why do I feel so bad? I never felt this before now! I feel horribly guilty. Is it because she looks so young? No…I could never do this. But I still have to memorize her, at least touch her. Next time I transform, it must be my whole body. So I really need to concentrate. I have to memorize her perfectly! But…what’s going on?! * RYUJI: Daaaaaamn!! * RYUJI: What a fantastic power!! Nothing can touch me!! I can memorize anyone. They need only be within reach of my hand. And I keep my spirit perfectly, throughout the whole operation. If I can develop this power, the possibilities are endless!! Incredible. GIRL: So when are we going to the USA together? RYUJI: Excuse me, miss, I don’t have time. GIRL: But why?! I’m cute and nice!! I think I’m going to cry!! MAN: Since our superiors also know of your error now, there’s not a lot I can do. KARINE: Waaaah….it’s all over for me. MAN: Gather your things and come back to the future. * JUNTA: But all isn’t lost yet. KARINE: Junta! MAN: Junta Momonari? Hm…pleased to meet you. JUNTA: What a ridiculous situation…in the time you’re talking about, I’m already dead. Is this really possible? Another time paradox. MAN: Why did you say that all isn’t lost yet? JUNTA: In fact, all that has to happen for me to be a threat to future society is for me to become a mega-playboy, right? I don’t really like that idea either. If I keep that in mind, I won’t become what I don’t want to, right? It’s true that my body reacted strangely to that chemical liquid, but that doesn’t mean that I have become a mega-playboy, see? If my DNA has been modified, my spirit hasn’t changed! So for now, nothing’s happened. KARINE: Junta… MAN: Wait a sec…what chemical liquid are you talking about?! KARINE: Damnit!! * KARINE: You moron!! You don’t have to talk about it!! MAN: Do you mean that the first DCM you brought was injected??!!! KARINE: Uh…Well then why did he only start to turn into a mega-playboy after I injected him with the wrong DCM?!! Before I met him he was stupid and ugly! I mean it!! Wasn’t it you who screwed up?! It’s only since I came that he’s started doing this!! If I hadn’t come- MAN: Hm…time is a capricious dimension. KARINE: Don’t try to avoid my question!! JUNTA: There’s really no point in discussing this. I can’t go back to the way I was before, right? But that doesn’t mean that I have to turn into a mega-playboy…So…If I am determined to stay myself, I can beat the mega-playboy DNA!! * KARINE: But how can he say that kind of thing without the sparkly stars? JUNTA: But I need Karine to stay and help me… MAN: It’s too easy. On the contrary, it’s very possible that you could become a mega-playboy. JUNTA: If I never knew about any of this, then yes, maybe…but now I know everything, so maybe I can change history! MAN: I can’t decide alone. I must gather the Temporal Comitteee. I’ll call you in 24 hours. JUNTA: Hmm…maybe I exaggerated a little…I’m actually not sure at all. KARINE: Junta was so self-confident! It’s good, but it also may indicate the contrary, that his mega-playboy DNA is in the process of taking over. * TOMOKO: Ouaaahhh. I’m going to bed. Who…who’s there? Junta? But… * Case File #13: Transformation KARINE: All we can do is wait. JUNTA: I hate these uncertain situations! We have to hope that response is positive! You have to make your dream come true, right? KARINE: Huh? What are you talking about?! You say that like we Going to do it together!! JUNTA: Uh…no! That’s not what I meant. * JUNTA: But…there’s a chance that I could be your husband. KARINE: What are you talking about!! Don’t say such stupid things!! The best way to fight your DNA is to marry Ami and have a quiet, normal little life!! JUNTA: Ami?! Her again?! Why? KARINE: In any case, don’t say such ridiculous things. You risk getting on my bad side. If you act like an idiot, you’ll never beat your DNA. JUNTA: Hey, I have an idea! If you go back in time, you can go back before you screwed up. KARINE: Moron! We don’t have any more DCM! Besides, if I use all my energy to go to the past, I won’t be able to go to the future! Not to mention that if the Environmental Minister would let me do it, it’d change history even more. I’m here now, but I’m also in the future…The communication that I set up before coming here made time function as parallels…If I went back to when we met, the future would have two different versions…time would separate!! It would be chaotic!! At that exact time, I would be condemned to eradication! JUNTA: This is getting a little too hard to follow…my head hurts. So if you went back to before our first meeting? There wouldn’t be two futures! KARINE: And what would I do in this “before” past?! My “first” me would inject the same DCM a little later! JUNTA: I don’t get it!! KARINE: Neither do I!! * JUNTA: Let’s talk about something else, this is too complicated for me! Um…I’d like to ask you a question. KARINE: What? JUNTA: I don’t know your name…what is it? KARINE: I’ve never heard of a DNA operator telling her target her name. JUNTA; Oh well. KARINE: Aoi, my name is Karine Aoi. JUNTA: Well Karine…I’m very pleased to meet you! KARINE: Don’t be so familiar with me!! You’re …you’re just a target to me!! A target that’ll get me lots of money!! * JUNTA: Hmm…you hate me that much then? Well, then I’ll do my best not to become a mega-playboy so that you won’t hate me!! KARINE: Idiot…In fact, I feel that… TOMOKO: Really, you scared me! Appearing all of a sudden like that. RYUJI: Sorry, you left the door open, so… TOMOKO: Really? I was sure I locked it. RYUJI: Oh you did, but I made a copy of your key. You look really sexy like that. I can see your panties. TOMOKO: It doesn’t bother me, with you… * RYUJI: It doesn’t bother her with Junta?! TOMOKO: So, why’d you come and see me so late? Did you suddenly feel the urge to see me? Or are you finally beginning to appreciate me? RYUJI: I thought that Junta was trying to charm Tomoko! But obviously I had it backwards. Junta gets her big smiles instead of me. TOMOKO: Sit down…I’ll make some tea. RYUJI: Tomoko…Obviously you really trust Junta. TOMOKO: What!? * RYUJI: I don’t want Tomoko to be anyone’s but mine!! I want to learn everything about her…her scent, her softness, her heat…I will know all of her once I have copied her DNA. Am I getting better? I just integrated her DNA in less than a second and I barely transformed. Tomoko! Now you will always be with me! You’ll never leave me! TOMOKO: No! Wait!! Do you really want be my boyfriend? Do you promise to love only me? RYUJI: Yes. TOMOKO: Really? Can I believe you, Junta? RYUJI: These eyes are for Junta! Not me!! * RYUJI: I forbid you to look at anyone but me with those eyes!! TOMOKO: What’s with you? RYUJI: If you really want to be my girlfriend, I want you to beg on your knees. TOMOKO: But- RYUJI: You want me to like you?! GO ON!! TOMOKO: How can you ask me to do that?! I have my dignity! I’ll never prostrate myself before anyone! And I’d never like anyone who wouldn’t respect me or I couldn’t respect myself!! * RYUJI: Ahhh! You always look at me like that!! I don’t want to see it!! Let me go! Leave me alone!! Nooooo!! Tomoko…forgive me for hitting you…forgive me…I don’t need anyone but you…anyone. But it is Junta who holds your heart. Why? Because he’s strong? You could live someone just for his strength?! Moron!! But now, I too have powers. And I will be able to fight Junta to win you back…Tomoko. You think he’s stronger than me? Heh…he won’t be anymore, once I’ve copied his DNA and added it to my own. * JUNTA: The twenty four hours have passed…we’ll find out what’s going to happen to Karine! Case File # 14: With the Strength of Four JUNTA: I really don’t want to go to school!! She can’t go back to the future!! I don’t even want to think about it!! * RYUJI: We have to talk. JUNTA: It’s him! The guy from the restaurant! I don’t have time. RYUJI: I see…so what happens to Ami doesn’t worry you, then? JUNTA: Why did you bring me here? * JUNTA: You wanna fight? Is that it? I warn you, I’m very strong. RYUJI: But I will be stronger, once I have absorbed your DNA and added it to mine. JUNTA: What?! I don’t get him…he doesn’t look too sane. RYUJI: So what are you waiting for?! Transform like you did at the restaurant! JUNTA: Huh? I don’t follow your orders…and I don’t show that to just anyone. Actually, I can’t control it. Why did you mention Ami? How do you know her? RYUJI: Heh heh…We know each other…intimately. JUNTA: What?! What the hell- RYUJI: After borrowing your appearance, I asked her to follow me, which she did unhesitatingly. Then I laid her on the ground and…she’s boney, but her skin is soft…it wasn’t bad. * JUNTA: (mad laughter) I think you’re delusional! So tell me how you “transformed” into me? You put on make-up, like in the movies? RYUJI: You don’t believe me? Then I’ll show you…it’s very easy. So? Not bad, eh? But I’m not done. JUNTA: Oh my God!! I forgot that Karine shot him…he was changed too!! But not like I was… * JUNTA: Real breasts!! RYUJI: You seem uncomfortable. This is perfectly identical to Ami’s body…I wouldn’t want to deprive you of such a nice view. I remember her expression very well when we were together…of course, I may have been a bit rude…she’ll probably not like you very much after what I did to her. JUNTA: What? BASTAAAAAARD!! RYUJI: Moron. JUNTA2: I’m gonna kill you!! * JUNTA2: Megaplay chop!! * RYUJI: Heh heh…now I’ve become much stronger than you!! JUNTA2: You’re ridiculous! I don’t really understand what you did, but…the original is always better than the copy!! RYUJI: Teleporting’s not so hard… * JUNTA2: Damn!! He really is stronger than me!! RYUJI: I don’t think you can teleport more than five times in a row. JUNTA: But you don’t have more power than me! You just “copied” mine!! RYUJI: Wrong. I took your strength and power, but I also “copied” two girls…even though they are weaker. So now I have added three strengths to my own. I can use all four at once. Now do you understand why I told you that I’m stronger than you? We fought to the end last time…Today I have confirmed my theory. I will continue to “copy” other people until I am one hundred percent certain that I can beat you. And then, I will win back Tomoko. JUNTA: Why did I fight him? This whole thing is ridiculous. * JUNTA: I can’t give up!! He humiliated Ami! He hurt her!! I can’t let him live!! Hey! I forgot Karine!! But…what the… * JUNTA: It can’t be. CASE FILE #15: A CHANGE OF SCENE JUNTA: You can’t go back!! What’ll I do all alone?!! * JUNTA: Noooo!! WAIT!! DON”T GO!! KARINE!! * JUNTA: Karine…why? She knew this would happen! I can’t do it without her help. You never even said good-bye…DAAAAAMN!! Because of this I’m gonna become an evil super-hyper-mega-playboy!! So there!! KARINE: Tsss…I had no idea you could speak like that. * KARINE: Surprised? JUNTA: Kariiiine!! KARINE: Don’t even think about it. I didn’t think this would throw you for such a loop! In fact, Mr. Yokomori sent me the stuff and the money, so that I could stay a bit longer. JUNTA: Mr. Yokomori? Oh, that guy. But how did he do it? KARINE: With the time container, of course! JUNTA: You’re lucky you can use the electricity here. If not, you’d never be able to do all this stuff. KARINE: I’m not using it! JUTNA: Huh? KARINE: I use a solar panel. It’s much more practical, and better for the environment! I installed it when I arrived. * JUNTA: Heh heh heh… KARINE: What now?! JUNTA: Nothing…it’s just that… you don’t talk to me like you did before… KARINE: Well…since you tried to help me…I can withhold judgement. Thanks to you I may still be able to make my dream come true, so…I decided to be a little nicer to you. I still can’t believe what you told Mr. Yokomori about conquering it. JUNTA: Yeah, well. I exaggerated! KARINE: Ah? So it was just a lie?! You were telling him stories?! Well then you’d just better make it true! You must be practicing, right? JUNTA: Ah, no. Not really. KARINE: Aaaa, I hate him!! I feel like I’ve already lied to the whole world!! Now I’ll be tried like the worst criminal and eradicated for three generations!! Listen, you’ve got three years to control yourself! That’s not very long! That’s how long it’ll take your DNA to stabalize. In three years someone will come from the future to check on you. SO you better get a hold of yourself in three years! After that you can do whatever you want!! Ok? That work for you?! * JUNTA: Don’t worry…I’ve decided not to let it happen! I will not let my mega-playboy DNA win. KARINE: Hmm…I don’t know if I can trust you! JUNTA: Why not?! Ok, so this morning I didn’t want to lose my powers, but…I forgot!! Karine, something terrible has happened! KARINE: What now? JUNTA: You injected a different DNA than mine in Tomoko’s boyfriend by mistake, and now he’s terrible!! KARINE: What? But Mr. Yokomori told me that there wouldn’t be a problem. JUNTA: How did he know that?! KARINE: I went to Ryuji’s house at night and cut a lock of his hair. Which I sent to the future. Apparently there’s not a problem…even better than before! JUNTA: But he can transform!! He can absorb anyone’s DNA!! Now he can teleport too!! KARINE: Huh?! Hmm…obviously something’s wrong. Probably Mr. Yokomori didn’t want me to worry. JUNTA: Well, I’ll fight him to the end!! KARINE: I think not!! If you keep transforming into the mega-playboy, that’s what your DNA will stabilize on! You can’t let that happen! JUNTA: But I can’t just…he forced himself on Ami!! * JUNTA: He took my appearance and…he tried to abuse her!! KARINE: Mm…despite his attitude towards me, he obviously is attached to Ami. Ha ha! I was thinking about something else. Yes! We cannot let him get away with it!! We must react!! JUNTA: What made her change her mind?! But I have to augment my strength…I’m not strong enough to fight him. But I can’t become the mega-playboy too soon…hmm… KARINE: Augment your strength…let’s see…I wonder if…maybe!! I’ve got it! You have to develop your psychic powers without transforming!! JUNTA: Whaaat? I can’t do that!! Besides, will that really make me stronger? KARINE: Of course! And besides, your goal is also to best your mega-playboy DNA! So you’ll train to develop your powers as yourself, without transforming! That’s the solution! * JUNTA: But I’ll never be able to do it! I don’t have any power when I’m not transformed!! KARINE: Yes you do!! You have a body, you have energy, so learn to use them!! You can’t do it? If you give up so easily, how do you think you can beast yourself?! Fine then. Teleport! JUNTA: Huh?! Like that?! All of a sudden?! KARINE: Ok. Let’s see…teleport to me. It’ll be easier with the line. JUNTA: Are you sure? KARINE: Come on! If you do it, I’ll give you a kiss on the cheek. JUNTA: Hmm…that might make me puke. KARINE: What’s that supposed to mean? * JUNTA: I have to try!! I can’t give up so easily!! Here it goes! Destination Karine! We’re off!! I CAN do it!! I have PSYCHIC POWERS!! KATSURA: 30 minutes later. 40 minutes late. An hour later. KARINE: This doesn’t seem to be working…you’d better take a break. Bah…That’s it!! You did it!! You got ten centimeters!! Junta!! * RYUJI: Thanks for the strength. Are you Misao? MISAO: Who the hell’re you?! I don’t know ya! RYUJI: They say you’re very strong. MISAO: What’s it ta you?! Shove off!! RYUJI: I won’t bother you for long… just long enough to copy you DNA. KARINE: Ten centimeters and he’s already exhausted. I get the feeling that this won’t be as easy as I thought. * Case File # 16: Training KARINE: Are you ok? You’d better go home and rest. JUNTA: I’ll try again tomorrow!! Now I’m sure I can do it!! * JUNTA: I have to reach my maximum potential! Hi! I’m home! RYUJI: Your bath is ready…you can take it. JUNTA: Yeah. RYUJI: Really charming, this place…quite picturesque. I decided to pay you a little visit. JUNTA: How’d you get in here?! And how did you know where I lived?!! RYUJI: Hmm…Are you surprised? Your DNA beats within me, and it holds much information…even this kind. I had only to think “Junta’s place’ and I automatically teleported here…very practical, is it not? JUNTA: He can already do this stuff. RYUJI” Today I absorbed the strength of four people. You can’t even imagine the strength I now possess. JUNTA: So what? RYUJI: That’s all. I just wanted to keep you posted…you’re the only one who understands what I tell you. You’ll never be able to fight me. You’d do better to give up. JUNTA: What are you talking about?! I’ll never forgive you for what you did to Ami in my name! Obviously you don’t have the guts to use your own face!! I can think of only one thing, paying you back! * RYUJI: It’s your choice. But know that I’ll have no mercy on you. Even if you train at my feet. It’s not very glorious to vanquish an enemy as pitiful as you, but…I have not forgotten what you did. You were wrong to take Tomoko from me. JUNTA: He really is annoying. RYUJI: Try not to get beaten too easily…it wouldn’t be much fun. CHIYO: What have you been talking to yourself about?! JUNTA: I can’t deal with that guy! He gives himself such an air of je-ne-said-qoui! He’s the one who’s gonna get creamed!! A-ami! It’s tense as a crossbow in here… * AMI: Why…I don’t understand why you did that. JUNTA: I…but…I can’t tell her anything! I can’t explain what happened to Ryuji to her…she’ll think I’m mocking her! * AMI: You don’t even have the guts to say what happened?! JUNTA: This is all his fault!! Damn!…shit!! * KATSURA: The next day JUNTA: Let’s go! KARINE: Wow!! Bravo! I can’t believe it! Ok. That’s enough for today. You’ve got to go to school. JUNTA: WHAAT?! I can’t waste time like that!! * KATSURA: The following day… JUNTA: I don’t want to work on teleporting anymore. KARINE: Huh? But why?! You’ve made enormous progress! JUNTA: I use too much energy. That’s not a good thing in a battle. KARINE: Ah? So… JUNTA: Now I want to work on my strength and speed. That’ll replace teleporting. Thank you for training me. KARINE: Huh? * KARINE: We’re not done yet! Again!! Ok. That’s enough for today. JUNTA: Yes… KATSURA: The day after that… KARINE: I feel his energy growing all of a sudden… * JUNTA: But…but…I never even touched you… KARINE: Aiiiie. I felt something really strong pushing me. But…maybe you have telekinetic powers! JUNTA: Telekinesis? KARINE: Yes. The power to move things from far away. JUNTA: But that’s great for battle!! Hee hee! I’m the best!! * JUNTA: Yeah! KARINE: His powers have really developed. But…my simulations are all losing. He has no chance to come out of this the victor in a battle against Ryuji..this has got to stop. And if Ryuji won’t let it go, I’m the one who’ll fight him!! RYUJI: My, I have a visitor…what a nice surprise! I was starting to get bored. Dossier #2 End Further investigation pending…