Please Save My Earth Volume 4 By Saki Hiwatari Translated and Typed by Mene A note about this translation: This translation was done from the French version as a companion to the manga for those who do not read French. As a result, I did not bother adding things, like a speech bubble that just says "Shion"! or one that says "Ouaaaah!" If you are reading from a non-romanic version, I apologize. However, I have split up the character's speech by bubbles, each break indicating a new one. I believe this should make it easier to follow. If you find that you are having trouble following the translation because of the lack of non-translated bits, feel free to e-mail me and I'll see what I can do. ^_^ Now on with the show! * ISSEI huh? *(times2) SHUKAIDO …This song What is it? * HIIRAGI It's an earth song. Mokuren's favorite melody. SHUKAIDO If I understand it right, you're in the middle of translating it? HIIRAGI Bingo! SHUKAIDO Don't tell me our Mokuren still plans to sing these to her beloved plants? I have no desire to fix the computers one more time or pull up these stupid herbs. MOKUREN Don't worry, I don't want to let myself by bothered by Shion anymore. * GYOKURAN Pff, this Shion, her really shouldn't bug you, and for such silly little reasons… MOKUREN Don't be so hard on him Gyokuran. It's natural for him to pick on me, I invite it. GYOKURAN "Hunted from our homeland, we escaped into this dream of paradise dream" ooh it's talking about us. * SHION In an hour, change the access codes. So think of something easy to remember. I think that we won't have to change it anymore till we get back to our home star… What do you think Hiiragi? HIIRAGI Yes, we can do that. MOKUREN Shion, do you have an idea? SHION Don't be so familiar with me, will you? We're not watching cows together! You're the best person for this kind of job Shu-chan come see me in an hour. * SHUKAIDO Shion, why are you so hard on Mokuren? You make her sad. SHION …ah sorry. But unlike you, I can't put up with that girl. * SHION It's physical, I can't stop myself from wanting to smack her. She makes me want to wipe that holy Mary expression off her face. This feeling is like wanting to leave my marks in the extreme whiteness of a new snowfall. SHUKAIDO …you're exaggerating…right? SHION You think? When I talk to that girl, she drives me nuts. I wonder how you can stand to converse with her. "I want to become the earth's air" she says? How absurd! Me, I want to finish my mission quickly and return to our home planet. I want to rid myself of this infernal life and primitive planet as quickly as possible. * SHUKAIDO …and even if…there's a war there? SHION Yes, even to disorder, I want to return! My greatest desire is to bring down the last of the government men. Call me when you're done. SHUKAIDO …to think there's a man who can talk about Mokuren like that…I'll never understand him…ok…so…what can I use for the access code…"Hunted from our home planet, we escaped into this dream of paradise dream." * "Oh, it's speaking about us" * "We escaped into this dream of paradise" * "We escaped…in this dream…" * KAZUTO …Haru…Haru, do you remember me? *(times2) KAZUTO …ah…uh…ex…excuse me! I…I was so relieved…to se you were better… * KAZUTO …how you must have suffered, Haru…. You know, I had a little brother…he took his own life…seven years ago… AYA "Say Haru, do you want me to tell you why Kazuto Tamura plays babysitter?" * KAZUTO You jumped in the river… …with…rocks serving as weights…tied…around…your waist…to do such a thing… …you must really…have…suffered… * HARUHIKO …forgive…me…Mr…Ta… KAZUTO …it would be better to say those words to your parents, Haru. Your mother is so exhausted that she's become bedridden and your father wasted no time in coming…prepare yourself for a real tongue-lashing! ….also, they want you to stay in the hospital for a day. Bah, I've decided not to question you anymore… * KAZUTO …but listen to what I'm going to say closely…never abandon me!! I'll wait for the day you're ready to open up your heart. I'll wait for the time that you must…I believe in you…how about it? *(times2) KAZUTO Thank you so much. I don't know how to really thank you. ISSEI I…I…please, I didn't…I didn't do much…thanking about saving him, I jumped in too…now it seems that you've saved me too… And not only that, but now I have some new clothes… KAZUTO In any case, I'll see you again to thank you. Could you two give me…your addresses please? On the same note, if I may…can I drive you home? ISSEI That's ok, I live really close by. * KAZUTO Yes, but it's late… SAKURA Sure, we'd love a ride! ISSEI Really, it's ok! We live very, very close by, really! KAZUTO …well, if you say so… In a few days I'll come by to thank you. SAKURA What a gallant man. ISSEI Who? Me? SAKURA You wish. I was talking about that man, geeze! What a heroic act! He saved you both in the blink of an eye. And then, he gave that boy mo…mou…mouth to mouth recessitation and cardiac messages… Oh la la, just thinking about it makes my heart beat a mile a minute…it was like a movie! ISSEI She's not the least bit upset about me! So this is feminine friendship… * ISSEI By the way, when I jumped in to try to save him… SAKURA Yes. ISSEI I believe that boy said "Shion" SAKURA …tell me how could he say Shion under water? SAKI Interested. ISSEI Uh, yes, that's true, but I really heard him. * SAKURA …it's true you do have telepathy. ISSEI Not only that, but don't you think that boy looks like Shion? SAKURA Yes, you're right. ISSEI So you agree with me!? SAKI He and his words are both really effeminate. SAKURA …but why would Shion want to say his own name? It's just your imagination, come on, let's go home. What idiocy! ISSEI Sigh. …if you say so. MENE Saki babbles about absolutely nothing. If you know Doraemon, she makes a reference to one of the gadgets in the story. * AYA …your subordinents have arrived, they're on the trail… …Haru's mother is sleeping peacefully…the medicine has taken effect… * KAZUTO …that's good. * KAZUTO I must think about this seriously. This is not the time to let it go, well there's nothing coherent, nothing logical… But forgetting your own concepts and reflections, what could have happened to Haru? When did he aquire this power to disappear and reappear in a different place? …it really resembles that supernatural force that evil kid used…they're probably both of the same nature, these powers… * KAZUTO Maybe they know each other? It's undoubtably a thought without foundation, but in this case, I'll listen to my intuition because I can't see any other solution. So, How can I find that brat again? How can I meet this 'S'? * ALICE Uh… Say I'm not…I'm not here. HAJIME My sister isn't here, yes, that's right, please, yes… I'm sorry, bye… Say sis, you could answer once in a while. That poor Ogura, he calls all the time with such high hopes! This makes a week that you've held out on him! * HAJIME Aah, sis, to be loved to this point, it's rare- a woman couldn't hope for more, that's what I think! ALICE Ok, that's it, are you done? You're totally wrong and you should only mess with your own affaires!! And since when have you talked to me like a brother? HAJIME Before you joined the chorale, it seems to me you were part of another club, no?…hmmm hmmm, yeah…and Ogura was part of this other club, eh, is that it? ALICE So what, you're seriously ticking me off! And stop sticking you nose in my business!! He's playing what with us! HAJIME When all's said and done, it worries me. You know, it's not so bad as all thaaaaaaaat….go on sis, go out with him. * ALICE …Hajime, listen to me…I… HAJIME In any case, compared to Ring, I'd give Ogura my blessing. I truly think you should buy yourself back from that kid. Isn't it time you took back your freedom? Don't tell me you're serious about marrying him?! I don't want to be the brother in law to that little creep! At first it made me laugh, but thinking about it, there's nothing at all funny! * ALICE Yes…but…Ring…in the end he'll grow up and no doubt fall in love with someone else…I'll ask him to break it off then and… HAJIME That's no good!?!! Do you know how old you'll be!! ..Listen sis. It's your life, do what you want…but let me tell you, it doesn't belong to Ring, nor Saki Hiwatari or even a bit of it to Marguerite!!! ALICE …ah really, you think… HAJIME …maybe I'm wrong, but…that's what I think. And this sweater you're knitting, who could you be making it for? I think it's much to big for Ring. And not only that, but summer's not far off. ALICE There's one for you, Hajime, and one for Dad. And I think they'll be done this summer. * HAJIME No kidding?… ALICE …you know…despite his appearance, Ring is a nice boy. HAJIME Where do you find such kindness to have towards a stupid kid who forced you into an engagement? Or are you actually in love?! ALICE That's not what I meant. He may be young, but he knows how to read other people's emotions…and when the time comes, he'll surely break it off with me. * HAJIME …you're not really the kind to get all mushy… ALICE …in reality…yes in reality. This sweater…I wanted to knit it for Shion. This lavender sweater, I'm sure that…that it'd suit him…very well… * SHION "Wow…it keeps me real warm, thanks Alice!" ALICE "It's nothing, but I'm pleased to make you happy. Since I met you in my dream, you've worn very thing clothes and I said to myself 'the moon must be cold. So, here it is…" SHION "Absolutely! It actually is very cold, but Mokuren is really backwards, she doesn't know how to knit…" ALICE "Uh…I also brought a kotatsu, thinking we could peel oranges together" "I've brought green tea too." SHION "You're a perfect house wife!" SAKI Happiness ALICE Heeheehee, no way! I'm joking! * ALICE I've spent less and less time with my friends who have moom memories… It'd be a lie to say I don't care, but…in the end it may be better since I've only dreamed about it once… By the by, I heard Issei saved someone… I wonder if that's true…I still want to know more. But…Jimpachi, is he truly insisting? Is he really convinced I'm Mokuren? * ALICE Yes?! RING Your balcony's a real forest!! Hey, can I come join you? Hey Alice, don't get so excited like that. You'll bother the neighbors! ALICE Noooo, please, stop, watch out! RING Nice Ok, ok, I'll do so! * RING Oh, by the way! Sorry for entering through the back! Goodnight, future brother in law!! HAJIME He really bugs me! RING …have you…had any other lunar dreams? * ALICE No RING …ah ok. ALICE …say Ring…why…did you want to become engaged to me? For you Ring, I'm much too old and…unfortunately that…you believe that…it's possible that…I could be Mokuren? * RING You are Mokuren …you know, I was attracted to Mokuren for a long time and, I was terribly jealous of your relationship with Shion. * RING You also give to plants with all your heart…and there's also this sweetness… Which envelopes you…all that… For me, it's the proof that you love the whole earth… It's also the proof that…you were Mokuren. * RING …in return…the reason you haven't awoken that much. Me, I know the reason. It's because of Shion. He hurt Mokuren profoundly…And it could be that you don't want to remember. * ALICE …ye…yes but…I…I can't get used to the idea that I'm Mokuren. RING In that case, imagine we found Shion and he participated in the reunions, what would you do? * ALICE You've done it…you've found him?! MENE Saki talks about how she has a new assistant who loves the singer Shogo Hamada. She also "has long hair like Alice and is a little funkey." * RING …no…sadly…not yet… ALICE Ah…ok. Too bad. RING …you want to meet Shion? ALICE Ye…yes…I'm…very sensible about these tendencies…and I'm…a fan of Shion…there. * RING …you tell me so much about it. * HARUHIKO What? You've found…all the others? * RING eh, yes…you want to…meet them! * RING But on once condition, that you pretend to be "Shion"! * RING Listen carefully to this plan. You read the announcement section of this magazine and eventually contact Hiiragi. The reason you're late is that you've been sick. Since your very tender childhood, you've remembered the sweet moments that passed on the moon. And then you remark "Is it really right to have abandoned the lunar base?" * RING "Earth's science is constantly progressing. If we don't act quickly, the earthlings will discover our lunar base." "I'd prefer to destroy it for once and all." "Finally our past won't mess with the end of the earth." * RING "There's a solution" "All we have to do is activate the self destruct button on the base." "But for it to work, I need everyone's access codes." "Once the access codes are in my hands, I can give the signal." "The lunar base will receive this order and my wish will come true." * HARUHIKO …you want…to send this order…by the…Tokyo…tower? RING That's right. This choice doesn't really satisfy me…but…we'll take what we can get, right? In any case, it was a question of reconstructing the whole thing, so…it doesn't change anything, you could say I'm just adding a surprise present. * RING To the others, I'm 'Shukaido'…consequently I was dead before you. Then, after the vaccine, Mokuren dies and then it's your turn, Shion, that's what you'll say. I'll tell them, I'm on my second reincarnation. That the first time, I perished in a car accident. Mokuren will be at the reunion. You're dying to see her, right? Hee hee hee….you must be happy! You can meet her in the guise of Shion. * RING She's not altogether awoken, and this explains the actual attraction she has towards Shion. Play up this sentiment, approach her, seduce her, and then you will ask about her access code. * RING You will exert yourself in front of Hiiragi. Act like a man who has dangerous ideas, like how Shion was viewed on the moon. *(times2) REPORTER …the renovation of Tokyo Tower starts tomorrow… * REPORTER We all can't wait!! OTHER REPORTER Yes, you said it…Tokyo tower is the symbol of Japan! * HAJIME Yes, Sakaguchi here. JIMPACHI ah…uh…hello…this is Ogura HAJIME …yes, uh, my sister's out… JIMPACHI …ah ok… * JIMPACHI Thanks, bye… HAJIME Ah, wait. Are you free right now? I'm only her little brother, but I'd like to meet you… JIMPACHI I'd love to talk to you. * HAJIME Hello, pleased to meet you, I'm Alice Sakaguchi's little brother. JIMPACHI Hel…hello, I'm Jimpachi Ogura and I'm…an old…classmate. * JIMPACHI …he'll surely give me grief about my repetitive calls… HAJIME How do you say…excuse me for my indiscretion, are you in love with my sister? JIMPACHI …Uh no…uh actually…yes…uh… HAJIME …good…in that case… * HAJIME I give you permission to get to it right away, youth is so fearful. Actually…it's a whim, but… SAKI He's the type who blushes at his own words. JIMPACHI Dirty little brat… I'm gonna die HAJIME I was being sincere, I want you to get my sister out of this mess. * JIMPACHI Explain! HAJIME Ok, I won't shout it from the roofs. I'm upset to have to reveal such an embarrassing family secret, but…y sister has a prearranged marriage. * SAKI Nice little commentary: He's shocked enough to go play in the train tracks behind him. JIMPACHI Eh!? HAJIME You reacted a little. …you see, today is Sunday, so she's forced to gout with him. And if that wasn't enough!! If I told you how he acted, you'd never believe it!! Hold on, he's one of our neighbors… A stupid kid, who's eight years old, named Ring Kobayashi!! *(times3) HAJIME …thanks…thank you for using a two page spread to show your shock and I couldn't hope for better for a woman like my sister. SAKI And Saki is thrilled to have used up two pages. JIMPACHI …it's…it's…true!? HAJIME I ask you what good would it do me to lie! SAKI It's the truth, it's Saki who says so!! HAJIME If you're an old classmate, you must know that stupid kid, Ring Kobayashi, fell off a balcony by accident. And in the end, all the responsibility fell on my sister's shoulders…all because she felt it was her fault… * HAJIME She obstinantly accepts her engagement to this twerp…so that she doesn't have to see the accusatory looks of others anymore. You see, that's what my sister's like! * HAJIME She patiently thinks that he'll want to break it off with her one day…but it's time to end this farce!! My sister is a junior in high school and he's just eight years old!! The life of a flower is short, a young girl is made for love!! Jimpachi, I beg of you!! * HAJIM Save my poor sister! SAKI Exemplary little brother. JIMPACHI wai…wait a minute!! * JIMPACHI Ring Kobayashi and Alice, engaged!? RING "I'm already engaged…" JIMPACHI In other words that means…Shukaido and Mokuren are engaged!!! * RING "A young girl who lives next door to us". JIMPACHI That's what it was!!!!? MENE Saki talks about the name Gyokuran. She needed seven names for seven people, but she could only think of six, so she made up Gyokuran. Coincidentally Gyokuran turns out to be the same kanji as the one for Chinese lotus and by random she'd drawn Gyokuran surrounded by lotuses. In volume one she said that Gyokuran meant orchid. SAKI "That was a little lie! La la la la la la la la!" * JIMPACHI We've go to talk!! ALICE Yes JIMPACHI I must talk to you, it won't be long. * ALICE Uh…about what…did you want to talk about? MENE Saki says that not all the names she chose had meaning, but Mokuren is the symbol for a love of nature, Shukaido means love for only one, and Issei Nishikiori comes from some guy in a boy band callen Shonentai and a famous fashion person. * JIMPACHI …yesterday, Sunday…I spoke to Hajime, your little brother said that…you're engaged to you neighbor Ring Kobayashi. Is this true? * ALICE Oh my… JIMPACHI I said to myself… ALICE Stupid Hakime!! JIMPACHI …I must hear it from your own lips!! So, may I ask you a question…tell me is it the truth? * ALICE …ab…solutely… * JIMPACHI I formally object!! I I I I can't, no I, I can't accept it. Alice, surely it's a misunderstanding!! Ok, people must fix their errors…but that… * JIMPACHI There's nothing there to see!! You're just sacrificing yourself for a quiet conscience!! It's not the sort of thing you do just to be nice!! An engagement is not an obligation, but a case of reciprocated love!! * JIMPACHI I…I…I love you Alice! * JIMPACHI Maybe I seem egotistical to you, but…I can't do other than oppose it, because I want to stay true to my own feelings!! ALICE …bu…but…I've profoundly hurt…the little heart of an eight year old boy… …you get it…it's not a wound that heals easily…Also, …it's me who awoke the sad memories of his past life… * ALICE So…I thought that…it was my work to do everything I could to fix it… JIMPACHI So, you're implying that… …that it's an obligation to love him!? And you're ready to marry him if you have to!? Are you nuts to think you have to love him! But there's something else you really don't know!! In reality he's not some eight year old kid!! His appearance is nothing but… * JIMPACHI Shukaido's cloak!! Shu was…in love with Mokuren! So it's logical that he'd want you to love him!!! You see! Ok, he said himself he wasn't sure that you were Mokuren…but I think he's bluffing…he acts like that to attract you to him and… * ALICE No way!! Ring is just an eight year old child and nothing more!! * ALCE An eight year old child that I don't know how to protect when he needs me!! And…and…there's not a shadow of doubt for me, I'm not Mokuren!! I'm just Alice Sakaguchi, who let Ring fall off the balcony. I'm a horrible girl!! * ALICE'S FRIEND Well, Alice, what is it!? It was Jimpachi again wasn't it?! I'm sure of it. GIRL Huh? What? ALICE It's like I've experienced this before… But I don't understand anything. * ALICE Once again, I feel guilty about Ring… * ISSEI Ah ok? I see…you thought you'd lost all hope with Alice, so you declared? JIMPACHI Yeah ISSEI Oy vay…that's not cool! * JIMPACHI I'm sorry Issei, I screwed you over, but I couldn't resist making my declaration… All I succeeded in doing was distancing myself…what an idiot…she said…she couldn't do that to Shukaido. He's really not the same anymore, he's become treacherous. If I remember correctly, he used to be a very nice boy… * ISSEI Jimpachi you…you really love Alice. You believe that she's Mokuren and this doesn't bother you, eh? What gets me is that…your behavior is more like Gyokuran than the Jimpachi I know…don't you think? * ISSEI …You…believe? …You remember who I am at least? * ISSEI For someone who plays the role of Gyokuran so perfectly, you don't seem to have come to tell me this story…Jimpachi. *(times2) JIMPACHI …you're really in love with Alice too, right? You said so yourself. * ISSEI I don't remember. JIMPACHI …hey…stop looking at me like that! You're acting weird today…Issei. * ISSEI Maybe you think you're the only one who's tormented by his past life? In the beginning I was Enju…remember? *(times2) SAKI Panic! Panic! Really panicking! Huge panicking! JIMPACHI I…Issei stoop!! * JIMPACHI …what the…what's with you?!! Don't tell me you're serious!! * ISSEI Me, serious? No way! Idiot! * SAKURA Say * SAKURA Hey, why didn't Enju come today? JIMPACHI …uh, well, he hasn't been to class in four days. SAKURA Oh really!? Is he sick!? JIMPACHI Uh…no…I don't know… * DAISUKE A reunion with only three people isn't really fun. JIMPACHI …Shukaido too…he's absent today? DAISUKE Yeah, he called and told me had a bit of a fever. What do you want, he only has an eight year old's body after all…. JIMPACHI Mmm… * JIMPACHI …right now Alice must be…doing something with him… SAKURA …tell me, did something happen between you and Enju? * JIMPACHI …huh…wh…why? No, nothing at all! SAKURA Ok! A reunion with three people is no great shakes. I'm going home! * SAKURA Ok, bye DAISUKE …oh well, too bad. In any case, it's not because we've stopped meeting that all this has ended… JIMPACHI …yeah, that's right…ok, well, I'm going home too. * ISSEI "When I think about it…""We have these reunions, but we don't do anything…""We all have lives and they aren't so bad…""I wonder…maybe it's wrong…to be slaves to the past…and our past lives…" * JIMPACHI Even so, it's not a reason to…forget about Alice….and Issei…he may have said that to try to persuade me against it. * JIMPACHI He was Enju to begin with. SAKI Here he's imagining the worst! DAISUKE …heeeey, heeey. MENE Saki babbles about music. * DAISUKE Heeeey!! Wait, Gyokuran! I… received a phone call just after you left. A call from Shion!! * JIMPACHI What!? DAISUKE He's in Tokyo! He read our ad in "Boo"!! He wants to take part in our next reunion!! * DAISUKE You see Gyokuran!! We can't hide from our destiney!! * SAKURA …ah well. You don't look so sick to me! I was worried, because you'd missed four days of school, so I came to see you…but, well, it seems a little too obvious, so I'll be blunt, what happened between you and Gyokuran? * ISSEI …I…I kissed him by force… * SAKI Colossal depression SAKURA …what a wicked fruitless conversation!! VOICE Mr. Tamuraaaaaaaaaaa, phone call!! * KAZUTO Yes, Mr. Tamura here. HOKUTO Say, you sure sound like a real Tokyoite!! He said "Yes, Mr. Tamura here" Ha ha ha!! KAZUTO Yakushimaru?! Is that you?! HOKUTO Eh well… KAZUTO You're in Tokyo? Since when? You're still at the station? HOKUTO Eh well… KAZUTO I'm coming right away!! Which station are you in?! You're good…I want to ask a little favor of you! HOKUTO Eh well… KAZUTO Respond banana brain!!! * HOKUTO I came to see a sick aunt in Tokyo, so I figured I'd take advantage of my trip here for a little bit. It's been a long time since we saw each other. You're still with that absolute babe you followed to Tokyo? To think she chose you…bah…you wanna give her to me sometime?! KAZUTO Yeah…ok, that's enough…tell me, Yakushimaru, how's your little brother? HOKUTO Him, oh, he's good, he's always so gloomy. But, why do you ask? So? * KAZUTO How old is he now? HOKUTO Well, he's almost twenty and he's only my half brother. He's in college now. So, it's him you want to talk to?! Weird, you really lost your Kyoto accent!! Is it that easy to do!? KAZUTO If I remember correctly…actually I remember sort of vaguely, your brother has this strange super natural force? Am I wrong?! HOKUTO You're right, it's what we call ESP, I think…yeah, yeah, he has some powers. But they seem really embarrassing to me, so I never talk about it. * KAZUTO So it's true!! HOKUTO He's very much in demand and even the US is on hands and knees begging him to go there! Mind if I smoke? But, well, my mom's very enthusiastic about shoving them way, ha ha ha! KAZUTO …tell me, this…how do I say it, his power…will it let him disappear and reappear in a different place?! HOKUTO Yeah, that's called "teleportation", hmm! KAZUTO Will it also let him fly objects through the air? HOKUTO Yeah, he can also do the same thing with his body if he wants to. That's called "telekinesis", moving objects around by the strength of one's mind… * KAZUTO People who generally do this, are called magicians And your brother uses these powers in his daily life? HOKUTO Well, yeah. That's right. You know my mom and I, we don't even notice it any more! Ah ha ha ha ha! In any case it's extremely practical! KAZUTO Explain it to me, Yakushimaru. I want to learn how to use this force called ESP. * HOKUTO …learn…and what will you do with it? KAZUTO How long are you in Tokyo for? …I have a bunch of things to ask you!! You won't loose waiting, "Little S"!! * ISSEI Hi! You're making a face. We'll spend classes together, 'kay?! * JIMPACHI You…you're better? ISSEI Yeah JIMPACHI Issei I… ISSEI Don't pay attention to the other day…It was just a joke. A bad joke. * ISSEI Also…you should know that I'm not going to anymore reunions. JIMPACHI Are you kidding?! Just when Shion has popped up!!? ISSEI It's true…what you just said!? * JIMPACHI Just like always, it'll be at Hiiragi's house next Sunday… ISSEI …does…Alice…know?! JIMPACHI No idea, Hiiragi contacted Shu after I left…I don't know anymore. ISSEI …And if we asked her…directly? * ISSEI You don't want to come with me, Jimpachi? JIMPACHI I…I don't really feel capable of…you go…ask her! Ok? *(times2) ISSEI She didn't know! * ISSEI I suggested she come, but…she replied that she wasn't Mokuren, she'd have no right to be present. JIMPACHI Me, I think we should bring her…. ISSEI ….Jimpachi, you are a very generous person. * ISSEI You're ok with Alice meeting Shion, despite what you feel for her? Oh, it's time! * RING Hey, Alice, what are you knitting? ALICE A sweater RING Why? ALICE For Dad and Hajime RING And me?! And me?! And me?! ALICE Since you haven't finished growing, I'll knit you a green scarf! * RING And why green? ALICE Because green suits you very well. Would you rather another color? …tell me, Ring…are you hiding…something from me? RING Yes! * RING So? ALICE …today…I learned from Issei that…Shion's been found…is that true?! RING No, Shion hasn't been 'found'. He's the one who found us. But, you're not coming to the reunion's anymore anyway, eh?! * RING Do you want me to arrange a meeting with him? Not at the reunion, someplace else, private. I'll do my best. ALICE But…Ring why? RING That doesn't please you? ALICE It does, definitely, I'm very happy, but…I… RING So it's the principal of the thing. I simply want to make you happy. * HOKUTO YAKUSHIMARU Personally I'd say that ESP stuff is simply the manifestation of 'will'. KAZUTO a will? HOKUTO Exactly, the will to live in this world. The power to act in proportion to the power to live. KAZUTO …you mean 'vitality'? HOKUTO No, 'the will' to live, numbskull * HOKUTO To borrow my half brother's words, "I struggle to live in this world and what people say of me happens!" There, in a rough sort of way, that's how he thinks. It's not a power one obtains from a long life experience. It doesn't just require a muscular body. ESP is a psychic force. It's power is proportional to the will to live he possess… …well, that's my opinion! * HOKUTO According to the medical world, someone who is condemned to die and persists in living could be said to have a certain kind of ESP. It lets the person fight against death, the same one that gallops freely in their spirit. And one day the dreams are transformed into reality… HARUHIKO Mr. Tamura…I…I want to get better as fast as possible, so I won't give up. HOKUTO Here is the source of this will, even if they're condemned, this power helps them live longer than you'd think. * HARUHIKO "I want to live, live, live!!" KAZUTO That's what he said. HARUHIKO It's a promise, Mr. Tamura! And when I'm better, I'll eat One of your excellent cakes you've made…I will. KAZUTO Yes…I see… …If I understand this right…your brother doesn't prove this rule… HOKUTO I've made some small deductions from observation… * HOKUTO Well, he was the product of an artificial insemination. My mom was only the one who brought him into this world. KAZUTO What?! Huh?! But…so you're mom isn't…. HOKUTO She's happy to be the egg carrier. It's like he has two moms, one the donner and one the carrier. * HOKUTO You know, even while he was in my mom's womb, he already had this will to live. My mom often said the baby saved her on numerous ocaisions. Like if she had an accident, or slept wrong…the following five years he spent with his other mom and then one fine day she came to our house saying that this monster wasn't her child, and all this because of his famous powers. After a life altercation, my mom crazed with rage, ended up taking charge of the child. * HOKUTO It may be something hereditary, but no one's said/ Neither my mom, nor his parents have ESP…at least I think. So Tamura…maybe now you can tell me. Why are you interested in ESP? You must have a reason to be so attentive! And especially for someone like you, who only judges from past experiences! * KAZUTO I can't say everything, but I've become embroiled with a sorcerer, if that's how you say it, and…he dodged all the attacks. HOKUTO Oh yeah? …what kind of power does he use? * KAZUTO He can disappear voluntarily Hurt with an invisible power, he even broke me in three places. HOKUTO …really? KAZUTO Just like I said it! HOKUTO …that's shocking…you want me to call him? * KAZUTO Who? HOKUTO My brother. It'd be wise to ask his opinion. I'll give him a call, wait for me here. You can ask for his advice directly…ok? KAZUTO Eh, like that, directly? HOKUTO He'll teleport. He'll be here in a blink of an eye, wait there! * KAZUTO He…can come!? From Kyoto?! Here?! HOKUTO Yeah, it's child's play for him! * KAZUTO It, it's, it's child's play, bu…but… HOKUTO Hi, mom? Is Mikuro there? Can you give him the phone? KAZUTO He's really calling him, and if it's really true? HOKUTO Ah, Mikuro? Yeah, I'm in Tokyo and…yes, Tokyo, can you come right away? …yeah come and you'll get it! * HOKUTO Yes, right now! You don't know what to do with your time anyway. I'll pay you the fare! Good, we'll be waiting for you! KAZUTO Heeeeeey, you didn't tell him the place. HOKUTO Don't worry, he'll come by himself like a grown up. I already told you that, right? It's easy for him!! Hey! Speak of the devil, he's here! * MIKURO …what's this about? *(times3) HOKUTO Mikuro, let me present Mr. Tamura. You remember him, right? You know, the one who never stopped teasing you, who lived with the Matsudaira! SAKI He's trying to remember. Ah, he's remembered! MIKURO Argh! * HOKUTO It's really terrifying… And how old is this brat KAZUTO Around…eight or nine…he's still in elementary school. …can you do that too? Like him…hurt or break someone's bones… * MIKURO Tokyo's food is…more refined. …it's not possible…but… listening to you, I think it'd be wiser to distance yourself from this mess. HOKUTO …why? MIKURO Your little brother told me that, Mr. Tamura. * HOKUTO Waaaah, that's it! That's it, fear knows me! I duno! Talk in a less macabre way! You're giving me goosebumps. MIKURO But that's how I talk. * MIKURO All day, as you've talked about this little elementary schooler, I've felt a very strong will. After the words of your little brother from when you were face to face with this boy, I can guess what he made you endure and to be frank, I can say that this magician-boy is not only a powerful psychic, he also has a powerful negative magnetic force, so If you value your life, I advise you to not mess with him. * KAZUTO It's…it's impossible! That kid is capable of such horrid things! MIKURO Who is "Haruhiko"? Your brother doesn't stop talking about him. He also has ESP? KAZUTO Ho…how… How does he know? Ah…uh…a good friend…he's…sixteen. * MIKURO Do you have anything to say about him? KAZUTO And how! Yes, in fact…when he was crying he seemed to have a different face and not his own… HOKUTO That's surprising! And you really saw it? You must be really close to him. KAZUTO …pardon? MIKURO It's called spirit sight. Who knows? This boy might have the powers of a medium. You doubtless saw the face of a man who is no longer of this world. His dominance over this boy is so great that you could see his face, maybe it was his soul. * KAZUTO A soul? What do you mean? MIKURO To speak plainly, I think he's haunted by a malevolent spirit. Did he say anything to that affect? KAZUTO …no…not to my knowledge…when I looked at hi a second time he'd regained his normal appearance… And it was really Haru who was crying, I don't even believe what I'm saying… Only… After this incident with Haru…how do you say it? Teleported? Yes, that, I was scared, believe me… eh well…this boy seemed really powerful to me, him too. Frankly It was too cool, Yakushimaru! I had…my hand on his shoulder and… He disappeared. My hand fell in a single motion. * KAZUTO …And… …did I say something weird? HOKUTO …that's the first time that I've heard of this kind of instantaneous displacement. I didn't know you could do such a thing. KAZUTO …and what's so different? * HOKUTO Normally, when you are in direct contact with a person who is preparing to teleport, you too must be displaced with him. MIKURO This all seems …to be a power that's very different from mind. Are you sure he's human? * KAZUTO …that he's human? HOKUTO Hey now…this conversation is taking a turn that I don't like!! KAZUTO …I want…by any means to find this kid, but… * KAZUTO I don't see how I can. You, do you know of a way or any other solution? MIKURO I don't know, I must think on it… KAZUTO So…do you want to at least meet Haru?! I'm convinced that you could help me. Haru won't say a word to me, but with you there's no need to talk. MIKURO Don't ask something that's impossible. I promised my mom that I'd bring her soju sauce before six o'clock. HOKUTO You're kidding! * HOKUTO Wait…she could buy it at home, so forget it. MIKURO I also have a date with some friends at seven. KAZUTO Listen…Yakushimaru, I'm sorry to have taken up your time. HOKUTO You talk of friends, do you mean you have a date with Tomoko? MIKURO Oh shut up, what right do you have to stick your nose into my business!? KAZUTO Listen, we'll talk about all this Another time. Thanks for al the info, it'll be a great help! * KAZUTO …not human?! LIL THUG Mr. Tamuraaaaaaa, ah there you are. KAZUTO …hi! LIL THUG The boss needs to talk to you about something urgent and… He's been waiting a long time already!! * RING …if she persists in this attitude, You may not meet her at the same time as the others, in fact, she's no longer coming to the reunions. You'll just have to deal with only this picture for now! That's Alice…she's Mokuren! HARUHIKO But I already met her It was in a department store * HARUHIKO …I'm…not capable…of doing this to her. …I can't…lie to her…another time… RING Are you trying to anger me? I'm counting on you, since you had such a nice life! * RING Ah well, my child, the music has changed, prepare for a whole lot of suffering! Hee hee hee, in any case, I'm playing the role of the little meanie, so it's just too bad if I receive mail saying they hate me, all the better for me!! HARUHIKO But, so… Why?! In reality! In reality, you're Shion! And… RING But that's just my goal, one day or another she'll awaken. And at that moment, it's you she'll detest since you'll be Shion… * HARUHIKO What… What an idiot! It's you she loved! She loved you with all her heart! So…I… RING Stop this joking! I didn't call you here to hear this garbage! * RING It's your access code I want/ That's all that interests me. So, do you remember? HARUHIKO "We escaped into this dream of paradise" RING …that's really it, the last phrase? You are sure you're not mistaken?! * HARUHIKO …I'm certain… RING Splendid! That's really great! I've finally got two parts of the code! Ahahahahaha! * HARUHIKO You did say it was to destroy the base… I hope you didn't lie to me!? RING Me lie? Come now! * HARUHIKO'S MOM Hey, you're back? I didn't hear you come in, are you hungry? Come eat. MENE Saki talks about visiting the aqurium. She also speaks of how she envies Alice with her ability to talk to plants. * H MOM You don't seem very hungry… What's wrong? HARUHIKO I don't know, but…I'm not really hungry… H MOM …you know, Haruhiko Last night your father told me that * H MOM Mr. Tamura left for Kyoto HARUHIKO …But… How could he leave? It's It's not possible? * H MOM Matsudaira's son is going to school there and Mr. Matsudaira wanted him to come with… know very well that Mr. Tamura is there to take care of that kid… It's his job to follow and to stay close to him… HARUHIKO Why?! Mr. Tamura is really the second in command at the Masudaira's, right? And that whole band of youths, without Mr. Tamura, how will they survive!? And why Kyoto? * H MOM It's the little Matsudaira who asked him… he doesn't want to be separated from Mr. Tamura… That's how it is…Haruhiko you can't do anything about it. HARUHIKO And for how long?! When does he leave?! H MOM No idea…I don't know anymore…but… …we must make our good byes with smiles on our faces…ok? Haruhiko! * RING That's her, Mokuren I'll arrange a meeting for you with her. HARUHIKO Oh no!! RING Me lie? Come now! Volume 4/Fin Sorry this is a play on words that just doesn't translate ^_^;