SAIYUKI: VOLUME FOUR WRITTEN AND DRAWN BY KAZUYA MINEKURA TRANSLATED FROM THE CHINESE EDITION BY MENE HUGE DISCLAIMER: This translation is very rough. I did it, because my sisters and one of my friends wanted to read the volume and there were no translations available. I am still a student of the Chinese language and anyone who has seen a Chinese characters dictionary knows how difficult they are to navigate. There were many parts I had to fudge, so if you find any glaring errors, don't ball me out, just e-mail me and tell me what they are. Ok, now enjoy the story with this in mind! HAKKAI We… If we could just stay like this it'd be wonderful. KANAN Gonou, I really love your hands, Your fingers are so long and pretty. Hee hee…is it weird to say a guy's hands are pretty? HAKKAI For you, I'd be willing to change into anything. Kanan! We can still leave! I can protect you! KANAN It's no use…Gonou… * KANAN Because your hands are already stained with blood. HAKKAI Ah… * HAKKAI It was a dream… * HAKKAI I don't know how many times I've had it… I was just dreaming…It wasn't real… Even in dreams I find her… SANZO You ok? HAKKAI Sanzo… I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep, ha ha! I'll g take a little stroll. SANZO Be careful! HAKKAI I will. * HAKKAI I've already let myself…'forget' this terrible incident. But, my subconscious brings it back… I still haven't healed this wound completely, it opens anew and causes me pain. TILE Sin HAKKAI Chinisou, he probably is somebody from my past… But…why does he want to harass me now? * HAKKAI I couldn't do my duty, I couldn't even save the one I love… I have caused so much pain… 'Gonou, I really like your hands!" Now I have committed unpardonable sins with these hands, Murdered countless people. * GOJYO Your life line is really short! HAKKAI You scared the beejeebies out of me… GOJYO That's my line! I didn't think you'd be so easy to sneak up behind… HAKKAI This crease here's my lifeline? GOJYO Right here…you see! HAKKAI Really! It's so short! GOJYO Mine goes all the way to my wrist! My power line and my other one are the same… HAKKAI Ha ha…your virility line is also strong! GOJYO What do you mean by that? Are you needling me? HAKKAI Well… * GOJYO I wish I knew what was getting you so down. HAKKAI May I ask you something? GOJYO Shoot! HAKKAI That time three years ago, why did you save me? * HAKKAI If you hadn't bothered with me, I would be long gone, I'd probably be in hell by now. GOJYO Just 'cause you asked doesn't mean I have to answer you. HAKKAI Ha ha! I knew you'd say that. * GOJYO At any rate…don't think too much! Don't become a brooder. HAKKAI I can't help it if I brood. GOJYO Who can't worry! Sanzo doesn't, he just reaches for his gun… * GOJYO What…the? What's this thing doing here? DOLLY Hello! Hello! Murderer Cho Gonou! * HAKKAI A mahjong tile…. ------!! TILE Blame GOJYO Weird…how'd it know your old name? DOLLY Bloody murder's flesh isn't as sweet as a woman's! Would a bloody flower still smell nice? You seem like you've already forgotten it, so let me help you remember! You originally couldn't find a place where you were at peace. * DOLLY Because…you are a sinner! GOJYO You've got some balls, kid! Your point is… HAKKAI I know what you want to say, but if you have something you want to tell me… * HAKKAI Then come out and say it yourself! Come out! DOLLY Good job…this is just a representation of your feelings, Chou Gonou! This is really just the feelings you've been hiding! GOJYO You bastard! * GOJYO You coward! Hakkai, let's go back to the car! Don't give this a second thought. HAKKAI Ok… * HAKKAI Gojyo! Look out! *(times2) GOJYO What the? DOLLY Hee hee hee hee! Here's your reply! GOJYO You…damn puppet! HAKKAI Gojyo! * SANZO …Hakkai! What's going on? HAKKAI Gojyo, he… SANZO What the…? What's happening to him? * GOJYO Damn it…it seems something…is moving around inside my blood stream… SANZO What the hell is it's purpose? GOKU Gojyo! HAKKAI You don't think… His body has been implanted with something? DOLLY It's a seed! * DOLLY I planted a seed in his body, this seed will drink his blood till there's none left! GOKU What the heck is that? How freaky! HAKKAI It's Chinisou's puppet. SANZO That guy again! DOLLY If you guys don't want that seed to take over his body, you'd better get him out of these woods quick! However…letting it kill him is good too! Hee hee hee hee! * DOLLY By the way, I'll tell you that seed will seek out his heart! SANZO Bastard…what are you trying to do? DOLLY Hee hee hee…hee hee hee hee hee hee! GOKU Wow, that's so scary DOLLY So happy! I'm so happy! Cho Gonou! Very soon you will be at my side! Come quickly! * HAKKAI Sanzo… SANZO To be willing… To do such a thing… You son of a bitch, I can't belive you are that much of a freak. Goku! Restrain Gojyo's hands! GOKU Huh? Ok! SANZO Chinisou, you watching! You wanna see what we're gonna do! * GOKU Hey…Sanzo! What are you going to do? * HAKKAI Wait a minute! The target's too small! If you shoot the seed, you'll also wound his heart. SANZO Hakkai…after I shoot him, you need to close the wound immedietly! Goku, you better be holding him bood! GOKU Geeze…you're really going to do this… SANZO I've go no choice! If he dies now, it's because he has a really shitty heart! GOJYO Damn, I'm mad! There's no way I'm gonna die here! SANZO Don't speak! You better not mess up my aim! *(times2) HAKKAI Gojyo! I've managed to close the wound, however his arteries took a lot of damage, so… GOKU Geeze…gimme a heart attack, why don't you! * HAKKAI This is all my fault… GOKU Hakkai? HAKKAI Chinisou's grudge is with me… SANZO Don't say that shit. HAKKAI But…Sanzo… SANZO It doesn't mean shit! If you start thinking like that now, you'll fall right into his trap! Hakkai! * SANZO Goku! Go get some water! GOKU Got it! SANZO It seems he hasn't been sleeping well at all lately, no wonder why… Gods damn it! * SANZO This must be Chiniso's doing! We've all been prey to his tricks. He must have planned that attack on Gojyo's heart… Because he did this so… Hakkai would have to see me shoot Gojyo… But I don't know why Chiniso's out to get Hakkai… But there's one thing I'm damn sure of … He's out to kill Hakkai… And he wants to make him suffer! * GOKU Phew, found the car. This place is a maze to get through. Ah! Found it. * GOKU Because I'm a hungry little creature… So, I'm gonna make you worry. * Kill me! HAKKAI I'm home, sorry I'm late/ I was playing with some students and lost track of the time… …Kanan? * VILLAGERS No choice… We had no choice! If we hadn't given them Kanan, they would have taken one of our girls! You should know that too! We regularly have to give a 'sacrificial girl' to keep the 100 eyed demon from destroying our town! HAKKAI So…you gave them Kanan, like so much merchandise? MAN Well, yeah! We couldn't exactly give our own daughters to that kind of demon, could we? Since you guys are orphans, no one would be around to cry at your loss! * KANA N I love you! HAKKAI Kanan, I want to start a school somewhere! Nearby there's no school, so it'd be a good place. There's lots of students and we can do it together. * HAKKAI There's not a huge amount of work, I think we should do it together, so… We can live together! KANAN Gonou… We'll never have to be alone again! * HAKKAI Kanan…I'm sorry, Kanan. You said you liked my hands, But now my hands are covered in blood. * HAKKAI I'll come save you, Kanan. I will definitely come save you… Just after I finish finding the 'humanity' in these bodies… SANZO You're awake! Feh, you need to stop thinking about others first. HAKKAI Where is this place? * SANZO Some stupid cave, we're still in the woods. HAKKAI Well… Sorry! SANZO The woods are huge, We had no choice but to stay. HAKKAI Gojyo? How's he? SANZO Dine, the bastard's still alive. He went out to do something. You shouldn't take on other people's burdens, you have enough of your own! So have you and that damned fortune teller met before? * HAKKAI No idea, but he seems to know me from before, He seems to have a grudge against me. SANZO It probably has to do with the 100 eyed demon not getting its sacrifice and all. HAKKAI I remember…I caused all of them to die… SANZO You're too young for this! GOJYO What're you guys bitching about? * SANZO Gojyo GOJYO It's no use, this place is too big, I already searched for hours. You guys found anything? HAKKAI Goku? Why haven't I seen Goku? GOJYO You still haven't told him? SANZO Shut the hell up! When you passed out, he went off by himself to get some water, after that he… And Jeep both disappeared. GOJYO Don't you dare run off on us! You're his target! * HAKKAI Can't you all see? …Others will get hurt if I don't go. SANZO My master used to say…"The rule of the beasts" went something like this…"Buddhist kills Buddhist…" "Layman kills layman"… You can't worry about such things, you can only save yourself and protect your life.My master not only taught me this, but he let me experience it for myself. * SANZO So, it doesn't matter who it is, I always do what has to be done…and kill whatever has to be killed! Don't you dare move, stay in here, you need to give your body a rest! I don't want to have to drag you back to bed. * HAKKAI Geeze, he's right! GOJYO …weird… SANZO What's so strange? GOJYO I never thought I'd hear such sage words come from Lord Sanzo! SANZO If you don't want to die, you'll never mention it again! GOJYO What do you plan on doing? SANZO What do you mean? GOJYO Finding that idiot monkey, of course! You didn't forget he's disappeared, did you? * SANZO You can count on Goku, he'll come back, we have bigger things to worry about! It looks like Chinisou is after usm he's really starting to get on my nerves! Who would have thought he'd think we were complete dumbasses who he could easily win against? GOJYO I won't die. Because I'm not going to give that lame asshole the pleasure. SANZO You shouldn't say 'lame'! * GOJYO Then what should I say? SANZO 'damn big'…? GOKU Hey… This hurts… * GOKU Geezum! I'm all worn out… I feel like a walking bruise! Not only am I stuck, my left leg feels broken too…on the other hand, Considering the height I fell from, I got off pretty good… They should all be looking for me. Or they might have decided they don't give a damn… 'Chinisou'…what is he after? * GOKU He was obviously waiting for me… Then he really lit into me… He's awful fast… And then he pushed me off that cliff, there was nothing I could do… Lucky I hit this plateau. But there's no way out from here. That guy's a monster, He carried on his body that same flavor. I never smelled the stink of death so strongly. * GOKU Chinisou…what's he got against Hakkai, Why'd he attack me and Gojyo…he's got to be planning something. Jeep?! I can't believe it…you followed me? * GOKU You're soooo great! Even if I was starving I wouldn't eat you! …Jeep… I agree Waiting for them to save me would be stupid. * GOKU I've got to find a way up… Shiiit! GOJYO …eh? You see that! That can't be… * GOKU Thank god I found you all! GOJYO Goku!! GOKU I hope you weren't too worried about loosing me! GOJYO What…where'd you come running from? GOKU Ooow! I went to get the water, but I lost my way! GOJYO You stupid monkey! SANZO No sign of Chinisou then? That was a close one… HAKKAI Goku! * HAKKAI …Thank goodness… You shouldn't let us worry like that! GOKU Sorry SANZO …right…. Where's Jeep? GOKU Eh? I dunno! He must be lost too, but he'll appear! We should hurry up and get out of these woods! SANZO Goku… GOKU What is it? * GOKU Gun? SANZO I didn't call you…I called that damn monkey! GOKU What's with you? Sanzo. Don't shoot! Sanzo! It's me! * SANZO I already told you this, don't fuck with me…Only that damn monkey can! * GOJYO Chinisou, you better come out! Lord Sanzo is pissed! CHINISOU What a pain! It seems I'll have to deal with you personally. *(times2) CHINISOU Hello everybody! I thought that puppet was rather clever. How'd you all figure it out? GOJYO It wasn't hard. * SANZO Goku's first words are always "I'm starved!" CHINISOU How careless of me! GOKU I'm starved! Damnit… * HAKKAI Even if it makes us the same. DEMON Yeeeek! Save me! You… Who are you after? *(times2) HAKKAI No matter how dire… I've already paid the price… Kanan! Are you here? KANAN Chou Gonou? HAKKAI Kanan!! KANAN Chou Gonou? Is it Chou Gonou? HAKKAI You're still alive, thank goodness! KANAN Your eye…how'd you manage to get here? * HAKKAI I'm sorry, I had no idea they'd do this to you. Kanan, we'll go back! I'll protect you… KANA It's too late, Chou Gonou… HAKKAI Kana? What are you doing? * KANAN There is already a child, In my belly. ….so… farewell, Chou Gonou. * HAKKAI Who will kill me?! Kanan!! Kill me quickly… * SANZO Where's Goku? Tell me now, or I'll shoot you in the gut! CHINISOU Really! How do you think he's doing? Maybe he's still lost in the fog, trying to find his way, or… * CHINSOU He could already be worm food… Hee hee! You really are a worry wart, Don't you think it's too late? * GOJYO What the hell is this? SANZO They're fucking centipedes! Damn it! These centipedes are going to paralyze us! * CHINISOU The hundred eyed king is a centipede demon, Centipedes have highly evolved lower jaws, they're very good at chewing through things. You guys had better start thinking of a way out…if you don't want to end up as centipede chow, that is! HAKKAI My body's frozen! Damn it… SANZO Hakkai! * NOTE THIS COVERS TWO PAGES CHINISOU Is your hate satisfied yet? Well now… You're still as handsome as ever… Your sister was pregnant with… A centipede demon's child! * CHINISOU How scary! * GOJYO Hakkai!! CHINISOU Hey…you just keep getting feistier! I didn't know whether you did it because of their crime or not, but as it turned out many of the victims were innocents, but I don't really care what the reason was! Actually… * CHINISOU Only your death can atone for all this…only that will satisfy me! SANZO Shut the hell up, I don't want to hear it. Whether you care to know it or not, in this world, I find three things most repulsive…know what the worst of them is? CHINISOU Please enlighten me! * SANZO Manipulative bastards like you! *(times2) GOJYO This bastard's mine, It's been such a long time… Since I've been this pissed! SANZO Hakkai! You ok?! * SANZO …Hakkai! GOJYO Hey! Snap out of it! You are…Chou Hakkai! HAKKAI …fine… I'm fine… Watch out!! * GOJYO What the? HAKKAI Gojyo! * HAKKAI Jeep? CHINISOU Shit! GOKU You guys ok? * HAKKAI Goku! GOKU Sorry! Hope I didn't keep you guys waiting! GOJYO Geeze, what the hell're you doing coming so damn late! GOKU What could I do? I was stuck at the bottom of a cliff! That really hurts! Anyway, I'm starved…I'm so steamed! GOJYO That's the real McCoy… HAKKAI He's consistant as dirt, or Goku… * SANZO Goku… GOKU Huh? SANZO You're a damn stupid monkey! GOKU What'd you go and hit me for?! SANZO Your own good! GOKU What "Your own good"! You cheap looking monk! GOJYO If you were worried, you could just have told him… You're so cute! Hee hee…. CHINISOU Aaaah, you managed to cut off my arm, how surprising, But…it's only a flesh wound. * GOJYO What the hell, he doesn't even feel any pain? CHINISOU My my… I just wanted to see what fun you'd have, apperantly you didn't like your new bug suits! SANZO It's obvious you're a fucking bastard! * GOKU Sanzo…He seems a bit weird! I mean his body… It's like there's no life in it. SANZO What are you saying? GOKU I'm not Mr. Perceptive… But look at his arm, it doesn't even phase him that it's gone, nor is it still bleeding! HAKKAI Wait a sec! …that's right… what you're saying is… * HAKKAI Chinisou… Is some sort of zombie? I just remembered! That guy has already been killed by me. That time before…I remember… I'm the one who killed him… * CHINISOU Please you guys, stop chatting. I also want to reminice, I want to find out how I can make Chou Gonou happy. Actually, it's very simple, Now I shall show his friends how to do it! GOKU You are really sick! * CHINISOU Thanks for the compliment! I've already gotten the red haired punk… And I've had my fun with the brat, but this time… * CHINISOU This time the friend I really want to take down is you! SANZO You can go ahead and try, bastard! *(times2) CHINISOU This time the friend I really want to take down is you! SANZO You can go ahead and try, bastard! HAKKAI I just realized it! His voice… His eyes… This guy's… * GOKU Hey! You're a sicko! If you hurt Sanzo, I won't forgive you! CHINISOU Hee hee! Your dragon pal may have helped you before, but… He's nowhere in sight! ? Goku!? * CHINISOU You've been trying very hard despite the odds, but don't show off! SANZO You really did hurt your leg? GOKU I'm pissed! I already told you I hurt my leg! GOJYO When it comes to injuries, you really are weird…. HAKKAI Sanzo…listen up… We're in a bad situation here. SANZO Hey…you want to retreat… HAKKAI Gojyo may still be healing from yesterday, there's no choice, but to get him out of here… Goku is also hurt… That means… Watch out! * CHINISOU Your aim is really bad, I'm not surprised you didn't hit me. HAKKAI I don't want to think about what you're implying! *(times2) SANZO Move it! Hakkai! HAKKAI Gojyo! Give Goku a piggy back ride! GOJYO Wait a sec! They just ran off without a thought for us! GOKU What? Really? GOJYO Chinisou can't be that one track minded, monkey! Let's get out of here! GOKU Ok! GOJYO Hurts like hell! GOKU Gojyo! * GOKU Is your wound from yesterday still bothering you? You really aren't ok! I can't believe they left us! GOJYO I don't want to drag around your sorry monkey ass! GOKU You perverted kappa! Don't call me a monkey! CHINISOU Looks like they want me to leave those other two alone, Well, I suppose…forget it… * CHINISOU Soon you will be in utter pain! SANZO Don't say that shit! We're the ones who are gonna kill you! You're fooling yourself! HAKKAI Damn… Back then… My mind, Was all a fog…. Back then my brain wasn't functioning… * HAKKAI Why…why… CHINISOU Hey…that woman died? * CHINISOU How perfect! In case you didn't know, she was carrying that monster's child. You really loved her, eh? They say you were her little brother, Your first girl friend turned out to be your own sister, A sister-brother relationship must be interesting. *(times2) CHINISOU hee hee You're eyes are hard. I hear you've killed plenty of demons. * CHINISOU I didn't think you were that type of person! That's right… I wonder if what they say is true. * CHINISOU They say a person who's bathed in the blood of 1,000 demons will become one himself! SANZO We lost him… HAKKAI This is no small matter, I hope he hasn't gone after Goku and co. SANZO No, he should still be nearby! * SANZO Because right now his goal is to kill me. HAKKAI You're right… SANZO You're really close to the edge right now, There's no helping it…too many people after your life. HAKKAI Eh? You're saying he has a grudge? SANZO Fuckin' A! You heard me right. * HAKKAI Sanzo… SANZO What is it? If you ask some touchy-feely question I'll kill you. HAKKAI Ok! Then forget it… SANZO Are you looking for a fight? HAKKAI I…can depend on you guys, right? SANZO What a stupid question, I don't want to hear it a second time! * SANZO You know I wouldn't betray you, right? HAKKAI You really are… Always full of surprises. Shockin…that he'd say such a thing to me… * HAKKAI Of course, I wouldn't betray him either… GOKU Heey! Hurry up and get me down! I told you I can walk by myself! GOJYO Shut the hell up! You can't move fast enough. You're such an annoying monkey, no choice but for me to rely on my own feet! GOKU Your wound still isn't totally healed is it? You're exerting yourself too much! GOJYO If you're really worried about me, you can fucking stop wiggling around. Really…these guys… Where'd they run off to any way? * GOKU You perverted kappa, what are you going to do? You really piss me off! I hate you! GOJYO Stop wiggling, you! I don't know what him and Hakkai are up to, I'm kinda worried… Hakkai seems to be having a lot of emotional trouble. GOKU He should be fine! GOJYO What are you saying? GOKU Because he said, "Only because other people trust in me, I find that this means I must trust in myself." Because I don't want to loose myself, so… * GOKU So, he'll definitely be fine! GOJYO We better move it! Stupid monkey, you could hang on tighter! GOKU You damn kappa! * SANZO It's too calm! HAKKAI Yeah, really unnerving. SANZO He's coming… Where is he? * HAKKAI Up there! Now where is he? CHINISOU Hee hee, you all have had ample opportunity to take advantage of the situation… * CHINISOU Would you like to spend some more time just playing around? It seems like you all know Chou Gonou's past. SANZO What the hell do you want? CHINISOU His lover was his own relative, who he killed hundreds for! SANZO So what? * CHINISOU Well…it looks like you've made some loyal friends, Chou Gonou… They'll pay a step price for that! HAKKAI I don't care what you say, your words cannot hurt me, but… I won't let you… Lay a finger on them! * ? My…I don't want to lay a finger on them again! HAKKAI Eh? CHINISOU I don't have to touch them…you'll see, You are the one who will cause them pain! * HAKKAI What is this? I can't believe this is… SANZO Hakkai? What's wrong? HAKKAI Don't come near me! SANZO What? * HAKKAI My hand… It's moving on its own! * CHINISOU You're a tricky monster, I had no choice but to trick you into my control. HAKKAI I won't do it! CHINISOU Why not? Killers' nature is to hurt others. Now it will be your fingers that kill him, one more person shouldn't matter… CHINISOU Huh…? Did I cut you too deeply? Humans are so weak. * CHINISOU I believe I'm the 1,00th demon! Right? They say a person who's bathed in the blood of 1,000 demons will become one. Hm? It worked? * CHINISOU Ha ha! Marvellous! I always thought that old wives' tale was true! * CHINISOU My instincts were right! How do you feel…your lover was pregnant with a demon and now you're one, so how's it feel? * CHINISOU You've already realized… Who I am, right? I could see that you weren't the kind of man who changes! * HAKKAI You should go die! Otherwise I'll do it with my own hands! CHINISOU Actually, I'd like you to try it, but at another time, Right now I'd just like to reopen your wound, make you suffer… Do you know why I want to do this? He will destroy himself… Become a monster! * CHINISOU I want to do it for you! Chou Gonou… I'm that kind of psychotic person, This won't be the first time I've watched a death. HAKKAI Please stop this… CHINISOU Because I want to watch the pain on your faces as you kill him. HAKKAI Stop it! CHINISOU I want to hear the pain in your voice as you scream- HAKKAI Stop iiiiit! CHINISOU I want to see you suffer, I want to see you snap! * CHINISOU Huh? It seems you've done it. You had no choice but to do it, didn't you? Let me help you! Come! Give in to your pain! * GOKU Sanzo! Saaaanzo! Wshat happened? HAKKAI He…he was killed by me. GOKU What? * GOJYO What the hell- CHINISOU He's become my puppet. You can see for yourself! * GOJYO Stop it! Hakkai! * CHINISOU What? * CHINISOU Then…you didn't snap after all… * SANZO I'll see to it that your neck is the only thing that'll snap! * GOKU Saaanzo! Damn it…you guys got all the fun! I'm so pissed! GOJYO We knew it'd be like this. MINEKURA Thinks it's embarrassing… SANZO Shut up! HAKKAI Ha ha…sorry…we didn't mean to. CHINISOU I see Gonou has gotten more willful! SANZO His hands didn't have any strength in the, any way… GOKU (mutters usual about perverted kappa and whatnot) SANZO If you wanted Hakkai to kill me, You might as well have asked him to commit suicide. * HAKKAI Sanzo, what a nice thing to say! You still have some goodness in you after all! SANZO One of these days I really will kill you. CHINISOU It seems you have overcome my technique. HAKKAI You speak rightly…though you came close to overcoming the defenses in my soul. It was very scary…I thought my mind would explode and leave nothing behind, however, you underestimated me! * HAKKAI Please die again, for good! CHINISOU You want to kill me again, for once and for all… But do you think you can do that using your chi? Or….will you do it like last time, Using your claws and teeth? * GOKU Hakkai! CHINISOU Oho…you really serious this time? * HAKKAI I don't need to use demon claws and teeth, My chi….will be enough to finish you. Three years ago, Where exactly was the wound I gave you? * CHINISOU Chou…Go…nou? HAKKAI No… * HAKKAI I am…"Chou Hakkai"! * CHINISOU Really…you have freed me. Thank you for this. I can finally be happy. Already I can fel myself disapating, No more revenge, I should become one with the earth and be free. * HAKKAI It doesn't matter…my lifeline is short… None of them can do a thing about it… CHINISOU We're all the same, living past our time. Shee shee…you think that. When you come down to it, I really hate you Chou Hakkai. * CHINISOU Your body has no life in it, You're just living like a zombie. HAKKAI What rubbish! I really hate you too! * HAKKAI I'm not the same as you, * HAKKAI I may be living on borrowed time, but at least it's not as a monster. * GOKU You damn perverted kappa! What are you doing? Go away! GOJYO Hee hee…Ah! Not bad! MENE Cast says unflattering things like idiot monkey. GOKU You dumbass! What'd you do that for! Bastard kappa! SANZO Shut the hell up! GOJYO How very interesting! HAKKAI You're so spirited and you got injured too! GOJYO I'm all healed now. * GOJYO Don't tell me…you're hiding your true feelings! HAKKAI You're right, because he was only my problem. He might have been a thing of the past…but he made sure I'd never forget what happened… GOJYO That time…you asked me why I'd saved you? * GOJYO Three years ago, that time, I found you bleeding in the rain. Your eyes were asking me to kill you. So, I saved you instead. I couldn't in good conscience leave some guy to bleed to death. HAKKAI Gojyo… * GOJYO So how do you feel now? Do you still feel like you deserve to die. HAKKAI Well…now I… Wish my lifeline was longer, To be able to grow and become a good person. Kanan…if only you'd have listened to me, now I want… I want to live for myself, to live longer and fuller… * GOKU Eh? Hakkai, your lifeline is really short? HAKKAI Ah! You scared the bejeebies out of me! GOKU There…all you have to do is this! SANZO Damn monkey! Get over here and tell me what the hell you think you're doing! GOKU I fixed it! GOJYO Ha ha…that stupid monkey… * HAKKAI Fixed it… * HAKKAI This is permanent marker. GOJYO Yeah. GOKU It's not that easy? SANZO Right. GOKU I wanna go eat lots of neat food. SANZO Fine, we will! Stupid monkey! GOJYO …problem solved then? * HAKKAI That's right. * KANZEON'S BUDDY You never know what they'll do, humans are such violent, bloody, creatures, but they also have such a strong will to live. KANZEON Ni-something-something, you know we are 'gods' why do you get so caught up in the antics of humans? They're not like that because they're pure, nor because they're attentive… It's because they are born and want to stay alive. * MENE I don't like the next chapter and as far as I can tell, it's not important, so I'm just going to summerize it. So here we go: More random, pointless, curse filled sentences to make them look tougher. * Sanxo complains about the frequency with which youkai attack them. The demons ask if they are indeed the Sanzo travel group and to prepare to die, Goku and Hakkai trade witty puns about food. * The boys play the points game again, while still punning about exactly who and what are dinner. * Kougaiji freaks out that the icky lady sent people who weren't him to get Sanzo and co. The laday tells him he's incompetent and off the job. Kougaiji swears a bit and explains how he's the best to eliminate them. The icky lady disagrees. * The icky lady says a lot of words to the effect of "Bwa ha ha my evil plan cannot fail! And I won't let you or anyone else ruin them." To which Kougaiji thinks to himself "Damn, she's freaky, but I need to rely on her." SCARY LADY That's right, I shouldn't have to tell you this! * SCARY LADY Do you know… What this is? KOUGAIJI Sutra? MENE The lady takes Kougaiji's slack jawed silence as a 'no'. So she tells him that it is one of the sacred sutras (probably taken off the body of a Sanzo). It contains vast mystical powers. * She says there are five of them and the best place to find them is on a Sanzo! KOUGAIJI Sanzo… That guy…I'll kill him! It looks like he's really a monk… KAZUYA What kind of person did you think he was? MENE The scary lady must have told him she wanted Sanzo's sutra. However she knows that's hard to obtain. So she's going to give Kougaiji one last chance to redeem himself, he can follow her instructions and find another sutra for her. * Kougaiji doesn't think this sounds so cool, but the icky lady brings up mommy dearest. After giving him a guilt trip about her, she brings up her kid, Lin Lin. Reminding Kougaiji of her parentage and how important she is. * ICKY LADY She's important, very important! * MENE More food jokes curtesy of Hakkai and Goku. Sanzo is not amused. Who's surprised? * Gojyo finishes off the last demon. He and Sanzo wonder what happened to Kougaiji. Sanzo actually doesn't really give a damn. Demons after you life are demons after your life. He says Kougaiji and Co will do well to stay away if they value their lives. * The chick finds a file on Lin Lin. The offices argues about whether this is worth taking a look at. * A long discussion ensues between bunny man and the glasses chick. Bunny man discusses his feeling for the icky lady and how working for her suits his own purposes. He simultaneously baits her. * Yada yada yada…the bunny guy tries to sound deep and meaningful…yada yada yada…strength to live…whatever. * BUNNYMAN That was a joke. MENE Phew! Good to know he wasn't really being deep and serious! GOJYO I'm surprised you're still alive. Sanzo… SANZO I'll ask you… * SANZO Why are you after my sutra! MENE The youkai doesn't know. His demon mistress just told him to get it. Sanzo isn't happy about the news. His traveling companions tell him to give it up, the demon doesn't know a thing. SANZO You're right… Then you can go to hell! * GOKU Sanzo? SANZO I…I'm fine. MENE Yeah right! He's very bothered by everyone's fixation on his sutra. His master gave it to him with lots of meaningful words. He wishes it was of more use to him. * Kougaiji breaks the news of their new mission. His buddies are shocked. The boys decide to go to the desert. Kougaiji leaves Yaone in charge of Lin lin. * Kougaiji has a bad feeling about Lin Lin's future, he wants Yaone to keep a close eye on her. More raging about not being able to confront Sanzo and co. ensues. Kougaiji swears that one day he will definitely confront them again. * Sanzo and Hakkai discuss travel plans. They've been being seriously harried for three months. Hakkai makes some comment that pisses Sanzo off. Then someone calls them to come look! * They admire the sunset. Goku thinks it looks like a yummy snack. Gojyo is unamused. Hakkai starts cracking jokes. * Sanzo is still thinking about what Hakkai said. He tells them to get a move on. Hakkai points out they can't make dinner here. GOKU What? Really? GOJYO That monkey only thinks with his stomach. HAKKAI Is there something wrong with that? ( Sanzo says something deeep about the only important thing is to live to see tomorrow. * Kanzeon looks at the comatose Nataku who suddenly reminds me of the archangel Gabriel, and asks him what he thinks of all this. She knows he'll be waking soon. * He's been like this for 500 years. Ever since the big crime. That was back when was little and Sanzo looked even more like a girl. Soon Nataku and Goku will meet again… * After 500 years they will meet again… GOKU Huh? GOJYO What are you doing? We're gonna eat without you! GOKU You guys wouldn't do that to me! GOJYO You're too slow! Bite me! * To be continued…