X vol. 11 by CLAMP Written by Nanase Ohkawa Drawn by Makona Appa Art Direction by Mikku Nekoi Art Assistance by Satsuki Igrashi Translated from the French version by Mene KAMUI: The last story of this earth has finally begun… * KAMUI: Tokyo…it’s been six years and now I’m back… …Mother… KOTORI: Wait!! Kamui, is it really you? It’s me, Kotori! * KAMUI: I promise Fuma! I’ll never make her sad…promise! FUMA: Ok, I’ll promise something too. If you truly protect Kotori… …I will protect you in turn. * TORU: Return to Tokyo… …Kamui… …for your destiny… …is waiting! FUMA: …two fates are intertwined… I was born for you… MR. MONOE: The…spirit shields… Before…the seven seals…don’t destroy them… The harbingers…you must… Fuma… You are the…the…of Kamui… FUMA: The time to decide approaches… Kamui, I am your… MR. MONOE: You are…the “…” of Kamui… FUMA: Kamui…you must choose your destiny...and that of the earth too… * HINOTO: Here are the Dragons of Eartth, The “Seven Harbingers”. Our earth is here…soon Tokyo will be destroyed. But, Tokyo can save the earth. It is the “corner”, “angle” of the spirit shields. To fight the “Seven Harbingers”…and avoid the earth’s destruction… Only the dragons of heaven can accomplish this. In our world…there are only seven people capable of making spirit shields. They are the “Seven Seals”. * KANOE: Kamui…you can become a dragon of heaven. But…you can also become a dragon of earth. TOKIKO: …Kamui… You yourself must choose which will be your destiny. Will you become a dragon of heaven, with the “Seven Seals”…or will you become a dragon of earth with the “Seven Harbingers”. “He who follows God’s will” will save the earth. But don’t forget it also means… “He who hunts God’s will” he who will destroy the earth. * TOKIKO:: You must think of yourself first. What do you want…to become? What destiny will you chose? What do you want to protect? Become a dragon of heaven and you protect the “now”. Become a dragon of earth and you favor the big “change”. * KOTORI: Water…isn’t it beautiful, eh? The sky too…it is beautiful too. Here it is the place where Kamui is… …so this is the place where I like to be the most!! KAMUI: I don’t feel very concerned about the future of the world… But, I’d like to be able to protect this place where you and Kotori live. …and “keep” the earth… * KAFUMA: You’ve finally made your decision… HINOTO: Your mother was the heir to the Magami clan. She became “the shadow” of the world. She kept it from suffering. KAFUMA: You chose to be a dragon of heaven… The earth wishes for a “revolution”. Thus with the rose bride and the sword of dios I will revolutionize the world!– I mean- thus I become a dragon of earth. KAKYO: There are men who kill the earth and sadly, you wish to follow their path. KAMUI: My destiny… KAFUMA: I will destroy… …those who sully the earth!! KANOE: There exsists another “Kamui”. He was born to take the place of the twin star. * KAMUI: Fumaaaaaaaa!! Nooooooooo!!! * * KAMUI: …Fuma… * * YUZARIHA: Good morning, how are you?!! KAMUI: Good morning… YUZARIHA: Say…you don’t look too good. You don’t seem like you’re doing too well. * SORA: You feel like you’ve got a fever! You haven’t caught a cold, have you? KAMUI: No, not really. SORA: If you don’t take it easy, you risk making it worse! * KAMUI: Everything’s fine… * KAMUI: There’s some things…that I must do. * * SORA: Ok!…Eat and regain your strength! YUZARIHA: You’re not going to be late to high school? * YUZARIHA: What is it today? SORA: Tofu wit sesame, grilled fish, some eggs and soup. All made by my future bride! KAFUMA: Kamui….understand… * KAFUMA: That I willl… …kill you. * YUZARIHA: I’m the one who made the bentos for today!! I made what I love; creamed potato balls! You tell me what you think of them, ok? KAMUI: …ok… * SORA: He seems to be doing better… ARASHI: …yes… YUZARIHA: Miss Kishu and Mr. Arisugawa are both great cooks. I’ll try to be as good. SORA: Time passes…it’s already been three months. * SORA: None of us can forget…what happened last spring. He too, tries very hard…in his own way. ARASHI: …that’s true… ` * SORA: You saw? It’s already been three months since we’ve been living together…you and I… Hey no….wait!! In fact, I was trying to say it’s been so calm, now… It’s been three months since “the others” have done anything of import. * SORA: The dragons of earth… ….the seven harbingers… Hinoto-sama hasn’t seen anything special about the near future. ARASHI: The dream seer of the dragons of earth might be blocking the her… SORA: Well he is powerful. Well…there’s nothing we can do but go to class and study a bit, wait for “them” to move. Let’s go… * SORA: We must also use this time to get to know each other better. Ouaieaieaieaieaie!!!!! Yes…our love is strong! YUZARIHA: They seem to really get along, don’t you think? KAMUI: Oh?….oh good? YUZARIHA: I’d really like to have fun like that with Kusanagi… * YUZARIHA: Ha ha! …. What I said was so silly! SORA: Today, we’ll all study seriously. YUZARIHA: Yeeeees!! KAMUI: I’ll join you later… SORA: Today too, he will “visit” Kotori * * KAMUI: …Kotori… * * * KEICHI: Helloooooo!! KAMUI: Er…yes, hello. KEICHI: Here! This is for you! Next week there’ll be an English test! Since you just changed schools, you can use all my notes for class! * KEICHI: Oh by the way!! Today there’s gym class. Did you bring gym clothes? We’re doing track. Are you good at running? Personally, I’m unbeatable at long distances… Hey!!…by the way what are you eating for lunch?! Did you bring one?! Are you eating at the cafeteria?! Are you going to buy something?! KAMUI: Um…I’ve got a bento… * KEICHI: Me too!….We can eat together, if you want! NANASE: He’s paralysed. KUU WANABE: Keichi Segawa!! Is the class president here?! KEICHI: Yes! I’m here!! KUU WANABE: Our teacher’s absent for the fourth class. We must make up some schedule for studying. So, we must go find some carbon copiers. KEICHI: Okaaaaaaaaaay!! * KEICHI: Don’t forget we’ll eat our bentos together at noon!! KAMUI: I’m sorry! I’m late! SUBARU: I know that you have class through 4th periode… KAMUI: Yes… * KAMUI: Did you skip because of me? SUBARU: …no… I never planned to learn while I was here. Don’t feel responsible. If I’m in this school…it’s because it was arranged. KAMUI: …to find the “Sakurazukamori”? * SUBARU: The dragons of heaven…the dragons of earth… * SUBARU: The line that connects us, me and this person, has yet to be cut… * SUBARU: So…you have an English test next week? KAMUI: Yes. And a math exam the week after. SUBARU: I quit high school in the middle. KAMUI: In fact, I’m better than Sorata…when he helped me do my homework, I’m sure he was just giving me answers at random. SORA: There, it’s like that…and that… NANASE: He’s listening very seriously. The next day. KEICHI: That, that and that… I hate to tell you this but…you’ve got almost all of them wrong. KAMUI: I do better when I do my homework alone. * SUBARU: I…didn’t go to school much. KAMUI: That must have been hard for you…sorry… SUBARU: Oh no, not at all. * KAMUI: Subaru…you smoke?! SUBARU: Ah…does it bother you? KAMUI: No… But… If you smoke too much, one day… SUBARU: Don’t worry. People smoke for many different reasons. For me, it helps me reflect. KAMUI: Is that why you smoke all the time? SUBARU: I don’t care about the brand as long as I smoke. * KAMUI: So…it’s a rapport with the “Sakurazukamori”? SUBARU: If I didn’t smoke… I think I wouldn’t be able to defeat him one day. * KAMUI: You might not care…but… …it’s really not good for your health. * SUBARU: Well, let’s go. KAMUI: …yes… ATTENDENT 1 (sorry I forgot her name!) : Hinoto-sama, you have awoken. * HINOTO: I didn’t see anything strange in my dreams…. Someone has come to see me… ATTENDANT1: It’s the minister of foreign affaires. HINOTO: What is it. DAISUKE: Um…nothing. HINOTO: Master Saiki, each time you want to tell me something…I understand it right away. * DAISUKE: I feel a bit ill at ease right now. I know that you haven’t seen anymore in your dreams, which foretell the future of the earth. HINOTO: And? DAISUKE: I know that each time you have “read” some dreams concerning the earth’s future… They are always very real to you. Each “reading” is like an experience for you. HINOTO: You’re worried about me. I don’t want to upset you… DAISUKE: Not at all! * HINOTO: ….thank you… HIEN: Hinoto-sama….it’s time. DAISUKE: Ok! I’m going. Later! HIEN: I think he didn’t need to meet him. * HINOTO: Thank you very much… But I…soon… * KEICHI: Heeeey!! Kamuiiiiii!! I was looking for you. It’s lunch time!! Er… Excuse me!! You’re in the middle of studying, sorry. * SUBARU: Go eat if you want. KAMUI: And you Subaru? SUBARU: I’ll stay here a little bit longer…. KAMUI: Thanks for the help. See you later. * KEICHI: Sorry, again!! * KAMUI: It may not matter to you…but…it’s not very good for your health. * KEICHI: Your friend is a college student. SUBARU: Yes. KAMUI: Yes. KEICHI: He’s really bish… KAMUI: …mmm…. * KEICHI: But you’re really cure too, in your own way!! Heeeeey!! Creamed potato balls!! I love cream potato balls!! KAMUI: Um…you want some? KEICHI: You sure? You don’t mind? * KEICHI: Here! In exchange, I’ll give you one of my eggs. KAMUI: Oh…thanks. KEICHI: My mother is a very good cook. I’ll invite you to my house some time! KAMUI: …if you want. KEICHI: Not only that, but if you want… …I’ll also help you with your studies! You know… …I’m not a wiz at all subjects. But I really want to give you some help. It’s normal to help, eh? KAMUI: O…ok. Damn, I’ve been beat again. * KAMUI: …an earthquake?!? * KEICHI: Watch out!! * KAMUI: It’s stopped. KEICHI: Watch out!! You know very well that it’s really dangerous to stand upright during an earthquake!! KAMUI: Um…you’re heavy. KEICHI: Oh! I’m sorry! It’s very rare for CLAMP school to move like that…usually in an earthquake. We can barely feel it at all. * KAMUI: Was that the work of a dragon of earth? * KAMUI: What is it KEICHI: Nothing…I was thinking. I don’t like earthquakes. Because there’s nothing we can do to stop them. * HINOTO: Here they erected…numerous spirit shields. KAMUI: If Tokyo was destroyed by an earthquake. …the spirit shields would also be destroyed. …so… HINOTO: The major role of the seven seals is “to make” these spirit shields. * HINOTO: Kamui… You have the power to stop the “great earthquake of Tokyo”. * ?: In becoming a dragon of heaven… …. You save the earth. * KAMUI: Truly?! Am I strong enough for that? * KAREN: That’s really impressive. The amplitude was higher than four! YUZARIHA: I comparision to that, the school barely moved. SORA: Yes, but that’s because the campus. CLAMP school is “special” * SEICHIRO: Excuse me!! …I had to finish my article. SORA: Always the stress of the press. WAITRESS: Would you like something? SEICHIRO: A glass of iced tea and a piece of cake, please. NEWSPAPER: The source is till undetermined. Earthquake in the Ikebukuro. * ARASHI: There was a lot of damage? SORA: Mmm…a part from Ikebukuro districts were touched. YUZARIHA: What?! No other areas?! SORA: Did you feel something at that moment, Kamui? KAMUI: The vibration I felt at Nakano was… …different. SORA: Yes, that’s what I thought. * KAMUI: But…I “felt” something this time. KAREN: Oh yes? What? KAMUI: I felt the presence of the divine sword. * KAMUI: I don’t feel it anymore now. ARASHI: Why this earthquake at Ikebukuro? KAREN: I have no idea…but I’ve heard talk that certain buildings there were “strange”. SEICHIRO: Yes, so have I. SORA: You’re sure you don’t feel anything more?…from your rapport with the divine sword? KAMUI: Yes… SORA: What ever it may be, we should be very cautious. We should clear up this affaire. * * EYEBROW WOMAN: So? LADY: We cut all the circuits, but…nothing’s quickly ghoing to avoid a surge. We need more help from above. MAN: How will the affect our lab? Some of our information units are protected from the outside and function solely inside the lab? …how can they fix this?! EYEBROW WOMAN: Some people have the power… * EYEBROW WOMAN: …if they are involved in the future of our world. What sort of things were tampered with? * LADY: All of them had to do with Nataku! * SIGNS: Dossier/Nataku Changed * * KAFUMA: You have the power to infiltrate any information system, lab or computer… Very good…I have nothing else to do here. * * KAKYO: …Kamui… * KAFUMA: I obtained the date from the lab… We now know everything about your life. NATAKU: Why did you do this? KAFUMA: I have trouble believing you want to go back to the lab. * KAFUMA: I’ll explain it to you. The “dragons of earth” the “seven harbingers” …they represent the destiny of seven people. I know that’s not a reason to reunite “physically”. What you want to make real, and the way that you want to do it, all that is understandable. But, you’re not ready to go all the way yet… * KAFUMA: What is your real wish? NATAKU: …I don’t know…well…I feel like I need to stay with you. KAFUMA: Oh yes? …why? NATAKU: You look a lot like…my father. * KAFUMA: What did your father name you? NATAKU’S FATHER: Ka…Zuki! NATAKU: Kazuki… * KAFUMA: Very well, Kazuki… If your wish is to stay with me… ….I accept making your wish come true. * KAFUMA: …Just as I accept to make the earth’s wish come true. * KANOE: He changed again. He began with such a cold air. YUTO: Today he laughed like a child. His face was almost soft. KANOE: Yes…he always emanates an air of “authority”. When he “awoke” as a dragon of earth. I felt his coldness, like ice, and his imposing force. I feel…something… …like a negative force… * SATSUKI: Why am I doing all this? Oh well…I’m bored. No one but this “Kamui” of earth… ….bothers me at all. * * KUSANAGI: Today the earthquake took me a bit by surprise… And you? How did it go? Oh, I see… Oh well, even better! * KUSANAGI: I wonder about her too, the girl who has the same name as you, there’s no problems… Do you know her? ….she’s very kind to others… * * * * * * KAFUMA: Everything has begun… …before the earth itself dies. * KAMUI: ` …Fuma… * SORA: Hellooooooo ARASHI: …hello… YUZARIHA: Oh!! Hello!! KAMUI: Hi. SORA: Hey!! Wait a minute!! Don’t think that because this young lady and myself got up at the same time and came down together that we’re a couple!! We’re nothing but good friends!! NANASE: (he’s very proud) * YUZARIHA: Come on! Everyone to the table!! SORA: Sniff Sniff Mm…that smells very good. I’d say… Like the smell of fresh sandwiches. YUZARIHA: Bravo! You win! Heh heh. Eggs and ham. Oh! I also made tuna. * SORA: They’re truly delicious!! Yuzariha… Kamui…these sandwiches are perfect! I’m sure you’ll both make very good wives!! NANASE: Sorata is proud of you!! YUZARIHA: Ooooohhhh thank youuuuuu!! But…why would Kamui became “a good wife”? SORA: Everyone rejoice in advance, for tonight’s meal!! …Because I’m going to make the great specialty of my region!! And put my whole heart into it. KAMUI: Um…but, I won’t be here tonight. * SORA: What did you say?! KAMUI: A student in my class invited me to his house. He really insisted…I couldn’t refuse. * SORA: Oh well, go on! You have the right to enjoy yourself from time to time. KAMUI: …to enjoy myself? Um… YUZARIHA: He has such luck!! Shoot! I forgot to bring the soup!! I’m sorry! * SORA: I think…that it’s a good thing for Kamui to have some friends besides us. ARASHI: Yes, I agree. * KEICHI: Voila, here’s my house. Did you notice? It’s wicked close to Sunshine 60! Mom?! …it’s me, I’m home! MOM: Good evening! Oh…this must be your friend, the young Kamui Shiro. * KEICHI: Yes…it’s really him! KAMUI: Er…good evening ma’am. MOM: Pleased to meet you! I’m Keichi’s Mom! Since we have a guest tonight, I decided to make a Yakiniku. KEICHI: Oh super!! Do you like grilled steak, Kamui?!! KAMUI: Er…yes… * KEICHI: Wow!! The meat’s even better than usual! MOM: Ha ha! Yes that’s true. I wanted to make this meal worthy of your friend. Don’t be so shy, Kamui. Eat all you want. So… Bon appetit!! * KEICHI: That plate’s for my Dad. KAMUI: You don’t eat together?…He has work to finish, is that it? * KEICHI: No, my Dad is dead. He died in the last earthquake. * KEICHI: You must know about the last big earthquake in Kanano. My Dad’s business was in that quarter. He was so robust. Even more energetic than me, despite his age… He couldn’t do anything in the face of a earthquake. They’re always so scary…because there is nothing that can be “physically” done against them. * KEICHI: If you’re in a basement, which collapses then there’s nothing that can be done. Oh, I’m sorry!! I didn’t mean to make you sad. My Mom and I have gotten over it now. We know crying won’t change anything. * KEICHI: We’ve decided to do all the work between us and hold on! MOM: Excuse me for leaving for so long! I bought lots of meat. Eat all you want! Don’t deprive yourself! Keichi, can you come help me? KEICHI: Yes! Right away! * KAMUI: The earthquake in Nakano… It was caused by the dragons of earth destroying the major spirit shield there. * HINOTO: The seven dragons awoke. Our world will be… The destruction of Tokyo… KAMUI: Are these dragons responsible? Will Tokyo be destroyed by an earthquake? HINOTO: In a manner of speaking. The seven dragons have the power to provoke these earthquakes. They’re called the “seven harbingers” * HINOTO: Only the dragons of heaven can stop the earth’s destruction/ There are only seven people…capable of opening spirit shields. They alone can save our world. They’re called the “seven seals”. * KAMUI: The spirit shields… …are there to protect all human beings. * MOM: Be careful! KEICHI: I’ll walk him to the train station. KAMUI: Thanks again. KEICHI: I’m sorry to have kept you so late. KAMUI: No…it’s me who should thank you for the delicious dinner. KEICHI: You can come and see us whenever you want. I’m an only child and I know it made my mother happy to meet you. * KEICHI: And you, Kamui? I’ve seen you with a student with a crew-cut…a ravishing young woman with long hair. …and a little hyper young girl. You come to school everyday with them. Are they your family? KAMUI: No. KEICHI: Eh?! They’re not you’re brothers and sisters? KAMUI: Not at all/ KEICHI: So…they’re your friends?! * KAMUI: …friends…? Mmm…sort of/ KEICHI: You’re not related, but you’re often together…that obviously makes you friends! KAMUI: Yeah…doubtless. KEICHI: Me too…that makes me happy!! KAMUI: …what? KEICHI: Oh well …to be your friend, see!! * KEICHI: A new earthquake! * KAMUI: Another dragon?!! * KEICHI: Watch out!!! KAMUI: It’s just like the one that came with the Nakano spirit sheild’s destruction! Is it the work of a dragon of earth?! * KAMUI: Don’t worry about me!! …go home quick and take cover!! KEICHI: No, Kamui! Don’t do this! * KEICHI: Kamui noooooo!!…come back!! * LADY: Na…taku…. * OLD MAN: I see it was true…you “came” into this world without the capacity to feel a single emotion. Nataku… * OLD MAN: Why are you destroying everything here? NATAKU: That’s what he desires… OLD MAN: Who is this, “he”? KAFUMA: I know everything about keeping Nataku alive. This laboratory had become useless… NATAKU: Kamui! * OLD MAN: What…”Kamui”?! KAFUMA: I will destroy everything that pollutes this planet. I will destroy all the spirit shields. The “Sunshine” is also a spirit shield… Finish up. NATAKU: Yes… * OLD MAN: Kazuki… * KAFUMA: Hey…the other “Kamui” is almost here. * KAFUMA: Let’s go… ….we’ll have a little fun. * KAMUI: I get it! These shocks…it’s the Sunshine itself is moving! * * * KAMUI: …Is the entire building going to fall?!! * KAFUMA: Yes, they’re going to die…all… * * * KAMUI: …Fuma… * KAFUMA: You’re wrong. I am “Kamui”. I was born to be one of the halves of the twin star. * KAFUMA: When you made your choice, to become a dragon of earth or heaven. …the void you created in the twin stars must be filled. And since you became a dragon of heaven… …I naturally became a dragon of earth. Now…I am here to kill the seven seals, Because…I am “Kamui”! * * * * KAFUMA: You came here at a good time. I will show you something amusing. KAMUI: No!! * KAFUMA: Why do you feel so concerned? KAMUI: …Fuma… KAFUMA> Is it… * KAFUMA: …that you too want to be amused? * * * KAMUI: If it continues like this…the building really will crumble!! * KAFUMA: If the spirit shield isn’t “open” here, all will crumble. Sadly…you aren’t yet ready for that. …Kamui. KAMUI: But…. KAFUMA: It’s easy. I know all about you. * KAMUI: …Fuma… * KAFUMA: I am like you. We are identical. We are both “Kamui” * * SUBARU: Let Kamui go immediately!! * SUBARU: What?!! You came to help your friend?…”Dragon of heaven”… S…seishiro?! No, it’s not him… ….strange resemblance… * * X 11 Fin * X: Subaru Sumeragi * SUBARU: “I’m not here at the moment…” “Leave a message if you like, after the beep…” OBA-SAMA: You’re still looking for “Sakurazukamori”? Subaru…no one can intervene in the decision of a master… …of the Sumeragi Ichimon. I have no intention of doing so. OBA-SAMA: But, at least…I beg you, you must learn to love yourself. * WOMAN: I’ve waited for you. * SUBARU: You’re sure about this? WOMAN: Yes… SUBARU: Om…Kakakabisanmae isowaka… * SUBARU: Om…Kakakabisanmae isowaka… That young girl truly loved that young man… …she made him “comeback” after his death. She made his soul. Which had left our world come back. * SUBARU: But…maybe she was happy. She wanted to save her heart for one person…one man. That man she loved. That’s a thing… …that only people who truly suffer can do. * SUBARU: Why did you have me come? Obviously, his death didn’t grieve her… MOTHER: But, I did not want to let this child be the same as dead. * MOTHER: I too…have suffered much and I suffer still. To care for only one person… SUBARU: …is the mark of a heart who suffers… * SUBARU: …Seishiro….