TOKYO BABYLON BY CLAMP TRANSLATED BY HECATE TYPED UP BY MENE VOL 0/T.Y.O Do you like Tokyo? Tokyo, capitol of Japan. Population estimated at 11,923386, during the day. At night there are only 2 million at the most. Tokyo is a city that never sleeps. * Roppongi SUBARU (Chants) * GHOST Thank you! SUBARU Good-bye! MAN Yess! SUBARU You have just seen the freeing of miss Akie. Calm down... * Sakurazuka Vetinary Clinic. Shinjuku Kabuki-cho SUBARU Hokuto. CLAMP Sumeragi Hokuto. 16 years old. HOKUTO Don't tell me that the phantom that appeared on his bed everynight was just a girl he dumped! SUBARU Hokuto...don't talk so'll bother the neighbors... HOKUTO What a stupid story! I can't believe it! I think that even the paparazzi wouldn't care about this one, and they're the worst of the bunch! A guy in show biz picks up an average girl, takes her to his place, sleeps with her, then all of a sudden tells her that he doesn't give a damn about her...and she kills herself! But why did she only appear on his bed? SUBARU I don't know. Maybe the bed was the only thing about the room that she remembered. CLAMP Sumeragi Subaru. 16 years old. HOKUTO Waa ha ha! She should've remembered the ceiling over the bed! That man is a foul being! Men shouldn't exist to abuse women! And then once they've committed "the act" they just want to throw the girl away ASAP! SUBARU Hokuto! Please, calm down! We're not at home, you know! * HOKUTO All those mach show biz guys live on money taken from poor people, from the beauty of their faces, and what's more, they are allowed to use innocent young girls! That BASTARD DUMPED HER! If I could, I'd condemn him. To clean the nuclear reactors at Tchernobyl for the rest of his life! SUBARU! SUBARU Uh...yes? HOKUTO Why did you help that man? SUBARU Well... HOKUTO Is it because you're a man? SUBARU Yes, I am a guy...but... SEISHIRO Shut up! Subaru exorcised that man to save the girl's spirit. SUBARU Oh, is that you Seishiro?! HOKUTO You think like a man too?! SEISHIRO Of course not, you know very well that I always defend girls. HOKUTO So why did you say that? SEISHIRO Hokuto knows as well as I do...that spirits condemned to haunt the world suffer terribly. CLAMP Sakurazuka Seishiro. 25 years old. * SEISHIRO Subaru didn't do it just to help the man, but more to save the girl's soul from only more suffering. HOKUTO Oh, is that so?! So what you're saying is that you understand what Subaru does without him telling you! SEISHIRO Yes, since I have the courage to purify my spirit each day. HOKUTO Tell me more about ho you were made for each other! SUBARU HOKUTO! What are you talking about!? HOKUTO Why hide the truth? Everyone knows that Seishiro fell in love with you the moment he saw you! SEISHIRO Ahmm! The tea will get cold. HOKUTO Since the dawn of time, the Sumeragi family has protected Japan with their spiritual powers. Sumeragi Subaru, 13th head of the family of the great masters of Yin and Yang of our time. Few men have such power. Sakurazuka Seishiro is the heir of the Sakurazukamori family, who are also masters of Yin and Yang. They have always been part of Japan's hidden past. * HOKUTO The Sumeragis are above, the Sakurazukas are below...a love story between the head of one family and the heir of the other. I get such a kick out of this! It's like a book! A fairy tale! A real 'hard boiled' story! SEISHIRO Hokuto, your tea really is going to get cold. HOKUTO The only problem is that our two heroes are a couple of losers. Their relationship lacks spice! SEISHIRO I bought some red bean cakes at Kimuraya for a snack. HOKUTO Subaru doesn't even realize that he's the hero of the story!! And you, Seishiro!! Is it really right to eat red bean cakes when you're the heir to the assasin family, the Sakurazukamoris? Happy eyes! A pretty smile! And a yummy cake! There is no romantic tension! SEISHIRO I'm sorry, but I'm just a vet...I don't want to change my personality just because of my family job. HOKUTO SUBARU!! SUBARU What?! * HOKUTO And you! You're a good person, but why do you look so ill at ease? Are you ashamed of your profession? You should be proud! I think you have to apologize to Mr. Kujaku from the series "kujaku-o" and Mr. Kato from the movie "Teito", don't you? SUBARU I'm just...I'm just a simple master of Yin and Yang. HOKUTO YOU ACT LIKE IT'S NO BIG DEAL! SUBARU Oh, I have to go... SEISHIRO You have to work? SUBARU Yes, last one today! SEISHIRO It's late...let me come with you. SUBARU You're very kind, but you don't have to. HOKUTO Go on, don't quibble, it's FREE! SEISHIRO Hokuto, you give me permission to accompany him? HOKUTO Wow, I'm dreaming! Hey! Seishiro! Don't forget what a man has to do when he's with his "fiancée". SEISHIRO Why don't you come too? It'll be more fun than a picnic! SUBARU But...I'm not going for fun... * HOKUTO Hang on! I am not going to help you! SEISHIRO What do you mean? You'll be my sister-in-law soon, don't you think it's a good time to strengthen our family ties? SUBARU What are you guy's talking about!? WOMAN Are you Mr. Sumeragi Subaru?! I'm sorry my husband isn't here... SUBARU That's ok...Tell me where your daughter is, the one you told me about... WOMAN This way. * WOMAN She suddenly became inexplicably angry when she was at the office...I wonder what happened...This really isn't like her. She works for the company that my husband co-ordinates she won't eat and she's turned her room topsy-turvey. I don't understand how this could have happened to her...I called you because my husband knows someone who was saved by a member of your illustrious family. You are our only hope...Um, excuse me, but how old are you? SUBARU Don't let my appearance fool you. * SUBARU Miss? This is strange. Why didn't it work? I don't sense the spirits of the dead... * SUBARU It's incredible concentration of living spirits...where did they come from? (chants) This office worker has magnificent nails. (chants) * SUBARU (chants) * SUBARU What?! Her suit?! * SUBARU Living spirits were imprisoned in her suit? * SUBARU There's an incredibly hatred emanating from her clothes...I've got to undress her fast...But...undress...undress...AAH!! What am I gonna do?! HOKUTO Ah! There you are! So, did it go well? SUBARU Sorry I kept you waiting. HOKUTO What did you say?! Living spirits were haunting her Chanel suit?! * SUBARU They were like a huge wall of hatred... HOKUTO I don't get it. SUBARU When she returned to normal, she explained that she had to fight to guy that suit during the summer sales. The rage of all the people who fought in vain to get it were concentrated in that suit...without counting on all of them looking in the mirror for all those months without being able to do anything. HOKUTO Hmm,hmm! It's crazy that girls can get so crazy during sales. SEISHIRO In the end we have more reasons to fear living spirits than dead ones. Some spirits, called Tsukumogami, can possess any object. But at the actual time of possession, humans sometimes transmit so much hate into those objects that the spirits who should haunt it have no room. SUBARU What? HOKUTO That's true, humans are much more dangerous than ghosts. They use their power for selfish ends like destroying nature, the problems in the Middle East, or developing nuclear weapons. Faced with that, ghosts don't have a chance!! * HOKUTO All girls want to protect the keep their conscience clear, the wear the latest ecological styles, but then spend an hour using aerosols with ozone-killing gas on their hair. (I know that I sometimes use a nail drying spray that has that stuff in it). They know we only have so much water, but that doesn't stop them from spending an hour in the shower every morning...And even after learning on the news that the Amazon is being cut down, they console themselves by buying trendy magazines to change their ideas! Ah! Girls are so cute!! SUBARU Hokuto, I think it's time for you to stop using aerosol. HOKUTO Subaru, you moron, you're just a child! You still don't know your sister? In any case, even with al this evidence, all of those magazines and aerosols will be bought by someone even if it's not me. So I may as well stay pretty, since we can't do anything about it. SUBARU Your point of view isn't very moral. SEISHIRO We always tend to focus on Tchernobyl, but you know that there are many other defective nuclear reactors in Europe...when will we exhaust all of our natural resources? What will happen to all the nuclear reactors then? But despite all that, I truly love Tokyo. * SUBARU Why do you love Tokyo so much? SEISHIRO Because it's a unique city...that derives amusement from observing its slow decline. * SUBARU Seishiro... SEISHIRO That's why...Subaru and I have to get married right away. Before it's too late! SUBARU I love Tokyo too...even if I don't always agree with Seishiro's ideas. CLAMP Do you love or hate Tokyo? Vol.1/BABEL CLAMP Babylon, ancient city of Mesopotamia. In the 18th century BC, King Hamourabi made Babylon the political center of the Middle East. Conscious of their superiority, the Babylonians soon began to construct an immense tower to the glory of their people. Rising to the sky, the Tower of Babel was the incarnation of their overwhelming vanity. But the kingdom of Babylon had forgotten that divine power was greater than their own. As a punishment, God deprived humans of their universal language. There is also proof in the folly of humanity, the world condemned despite this lesson to repeat the same mistakes eternally, until the end of time...Babylon, the evil city, will always incur the wrath of God. * CLAMP Tokyo Tower. 2nd Floor Café. 3:01 in the afternoon. Sumeragi Subaru. 16 years old. SUBARU Is it true that there are only shaves on the second floor? GLASSES GUY There are lots of earthquakes at Tokyo Tower...and despite what you might think, the tower's altitude amplifies the tremours instead of decreasing them... CIGARETTE GUY Yes, but only the second floor shakes. Only the first viewing platform with an altitude of 150 meters, gets strong tremors...the second viewing platform is only 100 meters higher, but it seems virtually immobile. * GLASSES MAN Excuse me, but... SUBARU Yes? BOTH Could I have your autograph? I love parapsychology. CLAMP Tokyo Tower. Main viewing floor. GLASSES GUY This way, please. * GLASSES GUY Are you ok? SUBARU Yes, thanks, I'm sorry... HOKUTO Hey! Subaru! SUBARU Hokuto and Seishiro! What are you doing here? HOKUTO I heard you'd be at Tokyo Tower, and I wanted to make sure you'd stay for the date. CLAMP Sumeragi Hokuto. 16 years old. Sakurazuka Seishiro. 25 years old. SUBARU What date? HOKUTO Yours. SUBARU With whom? HOKUTO With Seishiro, of course! SUBARU But...what are you talking about Hokuto? HOKUTO You must know that all couples who live in Tokyo must visit the tower at least once! What joy to breathe in the night life of Tokyo from the top of this legendary tower...It's a thousand times better than going to the MZA of the Bay Bridge, and at least you don't have to worry about getting stuck and coming home late. SUBARU Oh no! Come one! Let's talk about something else... SEISHIRO Oh, sorry! I think we've interrupted you work again. Come on, let's wait in the café...surely you'd like an ice cream!? HOKUTO Of course, if you're asking me! * SEISHIRO You know I'd never dare not treat my future sister-in-law. SUBARU Seishiro, knock it off! GLASSES GUY Excuse me again... SUBARU Oh, don't worry, I'm going to do it, but I'd rather come back tonight... GLASSES GUY No, that's not...That's not what I was going to say! You just forgot to give me your autograph. You know...I'll be really proud when I see you on TV! SEISHIRO Here you go! Take it. SUBARU Oh, thank you! SEISHIRO Look how clear it is today, you can see the city hall in Shinjuku. HOKUTO Seishiro, what you're eating looks delicious. Can I please have a taste?! SEISHIRO I don't understand! A moment ago you told me that a man who entices women to eat doesn't deserve to go to heaven? HOKUTO Why do I always want what other people are eating? SEISHIRO Do you want me to go buy you one? * HOKUTO No, that's ok, I just want a taste. SEISHIRO Do you want a taste, Subaru? SUBARU thanks! HOKUTO SUBARU! Why are you so uptight? You just have to...let yourself be guided by your instincts. SUBARU HOKUTO! THAT"S ENOUGH! Changing the subject...I feel a presence... HOKUTO Ok, ok, don't be so dramatic! After all, you are Sumeragi Subaru, 13th head of a family of grand masters of Yin and Yang that's protected Japan for centuries. I have faith in you, because I know you're one of the greatest mediums in our family. * HOKUTO Seishiro! SEISHIRO Yes? HOKUTO Tell me...are you really part of the Sakurazukamori family? SEISHIRO Don't you think it'd be a little crazy to become a vet when you're the heir of a family of assassins?! HOKUTO Hey, Seishiro! SEISHIRO Yes? HOKUTO I still think you're a little too indifferent for someone who lives in a "hard boiled" world...and you know that Mr. Ochiai Nobuhiko, of whom I am reverent admireror, said that "the époque in which we can resolve our problems by having fun is revolutionary"! SEISHIRO I think they're going to close soon. HOKUTO Don't try to change the subject! The love story between the head of the Sumeragi family and the heir of the Sakurazukamoris can't stay platonic! Come on, Seishiro, you're a man, handle it! SEISHIRO You know very well that I'd do everything to get his attention, but...I don't think I have the charm. HOKUTO Don't think like that...COME ON, BE POSITIVE! SEISHIRO Subaru? SUBARU Uh...yeah? SEISHIRO Do you think I'm sexy? * HOKUTO You're always so flippant, Seishiro! Don't forget that poor Subaru got a very strict education from Grandma, and was completely traumatized! Look at his gloves, for example. He only wears them to make Grandma happy! (But I think they're pretty) Not to mention that it's loads of fun to co-ordinate his gloves and his outfit. SEISHIRO Your gloves suit you! HOKUTO Wahahaha! I pick out all his clothes! I dress like Kyon-Kyon, and I dress Subaru like Tsumiki Miho. SEISHIRO That dress looks really good on you, Hokuto. HOKUTO (laughs madly) CROWD An earthquake?! * SEISHIRO Subaru?! SUBARU I'm falling! * GHOST I hate Tokyo...I hate this city. HOKUTO Subaru? SUBARU Who is...that girl? SEISHIRO Is everything ok? SUBARU Waaa!! HOKUTO Now that's my brother. Too bad, their story could have been off toe a good start. SUBARU hoo?!! * SEISHIRO It's going to be dark soon. Are you ready? SUBARU Yeah...yes. SEISHIRO Can I come with you? SUBARU Huh? SEISHIRO It'll be a good chance for us to spend the night together in Tokyo Tower. HOKUTO Go Seishiro, keep going. This is great! CLAMP 1:10 in the morning SUBARU I feel like someone threw themselves into the void...But the man I met with on my visits told me that no one ever commited suicide at the Tokyo Tower. * SEISHIRO Say, Subaru, do you want some onigari? Is this really the first time you've been to Tokyo Tower? SUBARU Yes. SEISHIRO This 333 meter high tower sees 3 million visitors a year. Since it opened its doors to the public in 1960, it's been considered the symbol of Tokyo. Even if most of the visitors are from the province. For the visitors and the people who work here, Tokyo Tower represents this city, a kind of myth. SUBARU Seishiro... SEISHIRO Years ago, when I was in high school, I came to see the Pink Ladies in the wax museum on the first floor. When I came here today with Hokuto, I saw that they have been replaced by Madonna and Michael Jackson. Hard times, don't you think? SUBARU What? * SEISHIRO It's time to get down to business. SUBARU Seishiro, protect yourself and stay where you are. SEISHIRO Don't worry. SUBARU (chants) * SUBARU (chants) GHOST I hate this city...I HATE TOKYO! SUBARU The protection broke!! * SUBARU Ack!! Seishiro! SEISHIRO Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt your work, (chants) I won't interfere anymore...I promise... SUBARU It's true! * SUBARU He has the same powers as I do... SEISHIRO Go on, you can continue. SUBARU (chants) CALM DOWN! We don't want to hurt you. We just want to talk to you. GHOST Tokyo and all of her people are evil!! SUBARU Don't be scared, tell me who you are...I know I can help you... GHOST Who are you? * SUBARU My name is Sumeragi Subaru. GHOST And who's he? SEISHIRO Don't worry, I'm his assistant. GHOST An assistant! So why did he throw a flame at me? SEISHIRO I did it to protect the one I love. SUBARU SEISHIRO! GHOST Love is so wonderful... SUBARU BUT WE'RE NOT IN LOVE! SEISHIRO Come over here, it'll be more comfortable to talk. SUBARU Seishiro! SEISHIRO Come and see the magnificent view of Tokyo at night. SUBARU (chants) * SUBARU If you don't mind, I'd like to know your name. KAZUE My name is Kazue Kato. SEISHIRO That's funny, you have the same name as a singer who died years ago. Nut her real name was Hibari Misora. KAZUE Did you know her? SEISHIRO No, I was just a secret fan. SUBARU What are you doing in Tokyo Tower? KAZUE I don't know. I wanted to be an actress...but I had no chance. I'm from Fukuoka, and I came to Tokyo when I was 18...everyone told me that I had charm...I was a little too sure of myself. My dreams were so far from reality....I had to work hard to get a little money...since I'd pulled a disappearing act, I didn't dare ask my parents for money...I never ate my fill...I contented myself with jam and TV diners...I made certain decisions...and I had to take the consequences of those decisions...Hope kept me alive. * KAZUE I thought about becoming famous...but I wasn't the only one, I did get some TV roles anyway. SUBARU Really? KAZUE I was never more than a passerby or a patron in a café. SUBARU But that's great, no matter what the part, the important thing is acting it. KAZUE You're such a nice boy...The apartment I rented was in an old three story building...The neighorhood was invested with porn shops and Yakuza apartment was so dark and so dirty that I couldn't even see the stars from my window...the admittance fee to the tower was so expensive...for me, who never saw the stars in the sky...It was magnificent to see the city lights... SUBARU Kazue. KAZUE I often just wanted to go home...but each day I had the hope that something would happen. Finally one day it did. SUBARU What did? KAZUE I was offered a part in a movie...oh, not the lead, of course... SUBARU So you did it?! * KAZUE I thought that it was the role of my life...I did everything to get it...sometimes I even slept with the producer. SEISHIRO Now that's classic! SUBARU Classic? KAZUE Luckily the producer was a good guy...he gave me the part right away. SUBARU But then why did you kill yourself? KAZUE The filming was cancelled! SUBARU Why? KAZUE Because of the star...she got angry during rehersals...then she officially quit on the first day of filming. SUBARU Kazue. KAZUE Because of her talent and notoriety...I lost my one chance to show people what I could do. * KAZUE I had so much will and courage...the famous artists didn't care. They're egotistical and live without heeding the exsistence...of others. SUBARU That wasn't a reason for suicide! KAZUE It was too late, I'd already bragged to all my friends about how I'd landed a good role in a big movie...a few days before I had called my Mother...when she heard the news...she cried with joy...when I thought about that, I didn't reflect very long...and I threw myself into the void. I knew that the actress who was supposed to play the lead was having personal problems...Because of her recent divorce, she was under constant fire from reporters....and she was too famous to have a tranquil private life. She wasn't capable of taking the part in that state. But!! * KAZUE She should have known, been able to keep the world out of her private life...Did she have the right to make me unhappy simply because "she" was? She thought she could because she was a star. SEISHIRO Yes, unfortunately... SUBARU Seishiro?! SEISHIRO The world doesn't go around because humans are different. You need everyone to make a world. KAZUE Why...why me? SEISHIRO You aren't the only one with a story like that! KAZUE But why did it happen to me...WHY? SEISHIRO Listening to you, I find that you're just as egotistical as that actress. Imagine those who have to pick up your body. I'm sure they won't recover for at least two days! KAZUE I HATE TOKYO, I curse this city, so pretty, so sparkling at night...and yet so cruel! * SUBARU SEISHIRO! SEISHIRO Think back, you must have one good memory of this least one? You had friends, people you could count on? KAZUE No, no one... no one cared about me! They were all indifferent to my pain! SEISHIRO So why did you stay? Now you're free, you can leave and forget it all... SUBARU Kazue, I think I understand...this tower is the only place you loved in Tokyo...that's why you told us what was in your heart here, right? KAZUE Seen from here, Tokyo is beautiful. SUBARU I was born and raised in still makes me happy to hear that you loved this tower. KAZUE Loved. * KAZUE As long as I can remember, I always hated's an ungracious city that seems to welcome you with open arms...but lets you die in the most complete solitude...During the four years I lived in Tokyo, I must have had good times...It's too bad...not to have known and profited...If only I hadn't been so excited, I surely could have been happy here. * SEISHIRO Lots of humans live in sadness and solitude without complaining continuously...too take yourself for the center of the world isn't a good solution, you have to reason with yourself and find positive aspects of your life. Unfortunately reality is far from our adolescent dreams...we can suppress some ugly truths, but there comes a day when we are forced to make concessions. SUBARU Kazue had already suffered too much to overcome this obstacle...but we don't want her to...she was so young... KAZUE Thank you for listening to me. If I had forgiven that actress the pain she caused me...I wouldn't have foolishly thrown my life away...and you-do you forgive me? SUBARU Yes, of course. KAZUE Thank you. SEISHIRO I think it's time to take Kazue back. SUBARU (chants) KAZUE You know, Subaru, I had a dream once. * KAZUE I told myself that when I was rich, I'd climb to the third floor and pay 520 yen more! But now I'm going to climb much higher...farewell, and thank you for your kindness...thanks to you I learned to love Tokyo. SUBARU (chants) SEISHIRO Shall we got to the third floor for her? CLAMP third floor observing deck. SEISHIRO Subaru, you should be proud. Thanks to you, Kazue no longer feels hatred for Tokyo. Now she can go home to her hometown in Fukuoka every year for the celebration of the dead. Look, it'll be day soon. Courage and will aren't enough to overcome all the problems humans must face in their lives. Unfortunately there is no place in this world where wounded souls can take refuge. * SUBARU Why do we have emotions, if we don't have the right to express them? SEISHIRO Because they let us dream and distance ourselves from reality...Humans don't know how to control themselves and life entirely in their dreams sometimes. Look at me, for example. I love you, Subaru...but I will never force you to share my feelings if you don't want to. SUBARU Mmm... SEISHIRO Subaru... SUBARU Seishiro... SEISHIRO You never answered my you think I'm sexy? * CLAMP Morning, 9:23 HOKUTO Hi Seishiro and Subaru! SUBARU Hi! SEISHIRO Good morning Hokuto. HOKUTO Did I miss an episode of your crazy love story? SEISHIRO We spent the night together, locked in the tower... HOKUTO This'll be good!! So? SEISHIRO I'll let you figure it out... HOKUTO What?! You don't want to tell your sister-in-law~ SUBARU Ok! Well if that's it, I'm off! HOKUTO Really, Subaru, your attitude make me think that something happened! SEISHIRO To tell you the truth... SUBARU SEISHIRO!! KAZUE Thanks to you...I learned to love Tokyo... SUBARU Farewell Kazue. HOKUTO Subaru, don't leave so fast! You owe me explanations! SEISHIRO (laughs uproariously) HOKUTO Come back here right now! * CLAMP Don't you love or hate Tokyo? VOL. 1.5/ DESTINED SUBARU What pretty flowers! BOY You like cherry blossoms? SUBARU Yes. BOY Do you know that there are men buried at the foot of this tree? SUBARU Buried? BOY It's thanks to them that the cherry tree blooms each year. Look how white the flowers are...they're white as snow. * BOY Do you know why cherry blossoms are sometimes tinted pink? Because the tree feeds on the blood of those men. SUBARU Do they suffer? * BOY Let's make a promise. If we meet again someday... SUBARU Excuse me, but...I couldn't hear you because of the wind. BOY That's why today... * BOY ....I'll let you go. * SUBARU He told me that there were men buried at the foot of the cherry tree...and that's why the tree blooms each year. BOY The cherry blossoms are as white as you know why sometimes they're tinted pink? Because they feed on the blood of those men. SUBARU That man who smiled at me...who was he? * * SUBARU But...ooh!! * HOKUTO (laughs) Is that really how you met for the first time?! I can see Subaru falling on his face on the train platform at Ikebukuro! SUBARU I was so worried about losing Shiki...I was running like a nut without looking where I was of course...I tripped and fell. HOKUTO Wa ha ha ha ha ha!! Seishiro, tell me frankly, how could you fall in love with this morn at first sight?! He didn't exactly make a stellar first impression! SEISHIRO It wasn't the first time... SUBARU What? SEISHIRO Our meeting at wasn't the first. * SUBARU Seishiro? SEISHIRO It was a long time ago...a very long time ago...we met once you remember Subaru? SUBARU Seishiro... SEISHIRO Ha ha ha! I got you! People love those kind of stories, they're all the rage...some people think that they met in a past life...I know it'd make you laugh! * SEISHIRO It was just a joke... HOKUTO And here I thought you were hopeless! I'm glad to hear that you're keeping up with the fads. Where did you get that idea? SEISHIRO Reading "The Anthology of Reincarnation". BOY was a very long time ago. SUBARU Was it real or a dream? BOY I'll let you go. SUBARU But then who was that man? SEISHIRO Who are you thinking of? SUBARU ACK!!!! Sei...Seishiro! HOKUTO Who is he? SUBARU Huh? What? HOKUTO I'd advise you to tell me who you were thinking of immediately! You should be ashamed to think of another man when you already have a fiancé!? SUBARU But what are you talking about? SEISHIRO Hokuto, thank you for coming to my defense, but there is no hope for a man like me. SUBARU SEISHIRO! * SEISHIRO It's true, I had forgotten...Subaru is a brilliant young man with a shining future....a poor veterinarian like myself has no chance. SUBARU Why are you saying that! Being a vet is a great job! SEISHIRO Do you really think so? SUBARU OF COURSE!! SEISHIRO You make me feel, no we can set the date for our wedding, right? SUBARU But...I'm a boy. SEISHIRO I noticed! SUBARU Seishiro, I think this joke has gone far enough. SEISHIRO But I love you, Subaru. SUBARU Come on, stop it! SEISHIRO Do I look like I'm joking? Subaru, I am a are you...and so simply put, I love a man. * SEISHIRO Ah! If only my feeling were so pure...but unfortunately I have more concrete plans for you...if you know what I mean? HOKUTO Yeah! Go Seishiro! Go on! This is no time for courting rituals! Admit that you're a sex maniac! That you're totally obsessed with boys' asses! Listen, I'm doing this for your own good! The only thing I want is to see you together! SEISHIRO Why? HOKUTO 'cause it's fun! SUBARU Who was that man? He looked so much like Seishiro. * SUBARU And yet...different... SEISHIRO Shall we go? HOKUTO Is the clinic closed? SEISHIRO I don't think I'll have any other patients today. HOKUTO Yeah! And now let's go to Ueno Park to see the magnificent cherry trees in bloom! I love picnics, especially when you eat oden! SUBARU But, Hokuto!? Seishiro just ended his workday. He's probably tired...besides, the cherry trees aren't in bloom yet... HOKUTO MORON! You know nothing! This is the best time to go! When the cherry trees are in full bloom, Ueno park will be camping ground of salary men and there won't be anywhere to put your feet! But now there are only elementary schoolers and old people, so let's take advantage of it! SUBARU Hokuto...don't talk so'll bother the neighbors. * HOKUTO The cherry blossoms are magnificent on this tree! SEISHIRO Their light pink color flatters young girls' skin. HOKUTO Oh, really? Cool! SUBARU What? The other trees only have why has this one already blossomed? It's magnificent...but it scares me. It's like...I've seen it before! * SUBARU How could he have known...that there were men buried beneath this tree? Who was he? SEISHIRO What is it, Subaru? SUBARU Look, Seishiro...this is the only tree in bloom. SEISHIRO know as well as I do...that there are men buried at the foot of this tree. * * SUBARU IT wasn't Seishiro. No, it really was not him. HOKUTO SUBARU! SEISHIRO! Hurry up, or I'll eat all the oden! SEISHIRO No, wait! Come on, Subaru, Hokuto's waiting! SUBARU Uh...yeah. SEISHIRO Hokuto! Don't eat all the radishes! SUBARU I don't know what to think. * HOKUTO Subaru! If you don't get over here right now. I'll eat all the mochikinchaku! SUBARU Oh no! VOICE That's why for today...I'll let you go. THE END For now... Do you dislike or hate Tokyo?