Title: Bear's Dream
Characters:Naru, Keitaro, Really Tired Polar Bear
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Don't ask. I have no idea why I felt the need to use the polar bear. I kind of like him (and the skin), though...
Title: Unexpected Guests
Characters: Naru, Shinobu, Three Very Cute Polar Bears
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Argh! More cute polar bears! I think this one came out better. I still don't understand me, but I still like the skin.
Title: Puddle-ducks
Characters: Shinobu, Suu, Motoko, Blonde Kid
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
Yay no polar bears!!
Title: I...
Characters: Shinobu, Suu, Motoko, Mitsune, Naru
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate:
And still no polar bears! I think this is one of my best skins to date. I also enjoy the soft, dream-like quality of the image. I probably should have left out the ribbon...