Title: The Begining Crew
Character: Zorro, Rluffy, and Nami
Made by:Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis: Another fun skin to make. I love One Piece. I wasn't going to finish this skin because Nami's face is covered, but Mene said it doesn't matter.
Title: Fatima
Character: Nami and Vivi(we think...)
Made by:Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis: Hecate says I'm sad and pathedic... Don't worry, I'll get her soon, but for now I'm stuck with the bla-blas... I like this skin a lot. I love the pic, but I wish I knew who the blue haired lady is, aside from the fact that she is named Vivi. Oh well, I'll find out eventually.