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Vision of Escaflowne

Title: Indeed I Love
Characters: Van and Hitomi
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis: ACK! While transfering this to this page I lost the origonal blah blahs! Sorry Hecate... This is a great skin and one of the first one's that Hecate did without my help. Ofcourse now she is doing all her skins without my help...

Title: In the Garden
Characters: Van and Hitomi
Made by:Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis: I love this picture, even though I have never seen the show... Oh well.

Title: If I Had Wings...
Characters: Hitomi
Made by:Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Mene: I adore this skin! I think the color contrasts are lovely and Hitomi's nose isn't even strange! Such a dramatic picture!

Title: Flying to you
Characters: Van and Hitomi
Made by:Artemis
Les Bla-blas d'Artemis: I like this skin. It took me a while, but I think it was worth it. I was really tempted to name it, "I'm Flying to your love" in lue of the El-Hazard song, but even I have more taste then that... sometimes...

Title: Don't Wake Me From the Dream
Character: Hitomi
Made by:Hecate
Les Bla-blas d'Hecate: Who wants to guess how long this took me? Not because of difficulty, but rather laziness. I am rather pleased with it, though. The title derives from a lyric in the song "Blue" from the Cowboy Bebop cd of the same title, and implies a will to live. Stupid Escaflowne movie...