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Zechs Merquise Shrine

Well, it tells you something about Zechs (and me) when I recall how I first saw him. Was it on Gundam? No! It was on a chat room site where someone had used the pic to illustrate the character. I took one look at him and fell in love (with Zechs, not the roleplaying-guy). And then I *shock horror* forgot about him. Months passed (quite literally). Then my dear beloved sister Jeni Baboon (non-real name...unless there's something she's not telling me) videod Gundam Wing for me. I took one look at the masked blond man and screamed "OH MY GOD IT'S HIM!!" *blushes* yes well. I was surprised. And so, he is now my fave Gundam character. With Treize not far behind, but that's another story.
Come on girls, how can we resist that blond hair, those puppy-eyes and the look of total vulnerability? Especially in the pic where it looks like he fell asleep on his table ^_^ I'm a happy girl since I found that pic I can tell you!

Enter The Zechs Shrine (still under construction but hey, it's there!)

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