Kamui Shiroh is a very important young man. It is he that will decide the fate of the world, although he didn't know that when he was a child and was best friends with Kotori and Fuma Momou. He only found out his destiny when his mother died. He travels to Tokyo, where Fuma and Kotori live, and is approached by both the Seven Seals and the Seven Angels, the Dragons of Heaven and the Dragons of the Earth respectively. He has to make a crucial decision: will he become a Dragon of Heaven or a Dragon of the Earth - will he save the planet or destroy it? He becomes a Dragon of Heaven when he finds out that this may be the only way to prevent Kotori from dying, but then finds she will die anyway. He is plagued by nightmares, where he can see himself standing above Kotori, and killing her. The worst happens when Fuma becomes the opposite to him, as they have to battle to the death. It is the final battle, the one that will decide whether everyone on Earth survives or dies, and it is Kamui who survives, the world is safe. The same cannot be said for Kamui: he had to kill his best friend to save the world, and he has seen everyone he cared about die. This is no happy ending...
So...yes, you could say that X - 1999 is one of the most depressing movies on the planet, beating even Angel Cop! Only one person makes it out of this cast list alive, and even then, I'm not sure that his sanity will make it intact. Poor Kamui, but there are still these nice pictures to drool over. Just make sure you wipe it up!