Kaoru pictures
Kaoru and a cross (Hmmm)
Nice pic of the Angel
This may spoil it for fans who haven't seen the last episode yet, so if this applies to you, just look at the pictures...
Kaoru is a bit of a mystery, as no one but him knows who he is, or, indeed, what he is, as some people think that he could be one of the Angels. In fact, we haven't even met him yet, so if you have any information about him, then please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
Actually, I've found out a whole lot more about him - but it breaks my heart to say so. By the way, Marc want to let the world know that he didn't do a thing for this page, after receiving the shock of his life by finding out that Kaoru seduced Shinji. Just to say that all comments are Kachi's opinions.
This boy is indeed an Angel, and a rather cute one at that. Unfortunately for me, I found out that Shinji fell in love with Kaoru, and so my fragile heart broke...
Naaah, it didn't, because there are plenty of other characters in the sea, but I think that Marc was secretly a bit upset (hee hee hee). He would never let it on though. But in the end, Shinji had to kill the one he loved so much, for the fate of the world was at stake. Oh dear. Anyway, drool over the pictures, they'll always be there even if the silver-haired one won't...