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Queen Victoria

Victoria was born in England on May 24, 1819. Her father died when she was only eight months old, and when she was eighteen, she ascended the English throne after the death of William IV. It was her reign that made England grow both economically and socially. Called the Victorian Era, it was known for Victoria's laizze-faire ways, meaning "hands-off." Her first law was passed in 1832, the Reform Act that gave legislative authority to the House of Lords and executive authority to the House of Commons.

In 1840, she married her German cousin, Prince Albert. Together, they organized the Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1851, although this was mostly attributed to Albert. They used the proceeds to build industrial and cultural museums in Kensington. However, in 1891, Albert died of typhoid, and Victoria became a recluse for more than 25 years in mourning. Although she was named the Empress of India in 1878, she only began to reappear after the Golden Jubilee of 1887, celebrating her 50th year ruling.

During her reign, Queen Victoria doubled England in size, kept England almost free of war (with only three small exceptions), had nonexistant European entanglements, formed the Liberal and Conservative parties, and broadened suffrage with the Reform Acts of 1867 and 1884.

Victoria ended up having the longest reign in history, dying on January 22, 1901. Sadly,the Victorian Era died with her.

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