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August 7, 2002 - It's the miko again! ^_^ The oringal works section is up! And...there's something I forgot to say two updates ago: we have a new fan fic writer! I've linked (she asked to just link her fics) the fics to the site. Go read!! ^_^

Trowa here. The image gallery is up and running.

August 4, 2002 - Heero reporting. The poll section is back. Over and out.

This is the miko again!! *laughs in Wufei's face* The fan fic link has been fixed (it was broken yesterday), and the fan art section is back up!! YAY!!! ^__^

August 3, 2002 - This is Wufei signing in. The baka miko finally allowed me to work on my section; the link section has been resurrected. All old, broken links have been gotten rid of, and one link has been added. *hmphs* Don't expect anything wonderful out of the miko any day soon.

*glares at Wufei's post* This is the miko here with an update. *more glaring* The Miko's Corner lives again! It's been cleaned up a lot, and...the fan art and original sections are still not up yet. Umm...yup! HAH! I proved you wrong Wu-man!! ^___^v

July 9,2002 - It lives! The revamping is done!! Sure, there are a few inconsistencies, but everything should be workable. Quatre here! The character section is up and running! This is Duo. The MS section is up as well. ^_~ Heero reporting. The miscellaneous section is all set except for the poll area. Trowa speaking. The image gallery is still down. Expect it to be one of the last sections ready. The link section is all down. Wufei, over and out. The miko here!! ^_^ My section is still down! Sorry!! It will also be one of the later ones to show up. ^^;;