Things The Gundam Pilots Should Never Do!

Heero making out with Relena in public wearing one of those matching outfits that screams, "My girlfriend picked this out!"

All the gundams and their pilots performing their own version of Swan Lake renamed, of course, to Shinigami Lake. With Duo as the princess person.

Trowa cutting his bangs.

Heero dying his hair platinum blonde.

Duo cutting his braid off.

Duo braiding his hair in pigtails with big, pink bows.

Trowa talking louder than Duo.

Heero wearing a pink apron with little hearts on them while baking cookies.

Wufei chasing women on the beach.

All of the pilots singing the Barney song and skipping through a park while holding hands.

Duo keeping quiet and still.

Heero not excepting a mission to blow up OZ's MS.

All the Gundam Pilots painting their gundams pink.


These next ones were sent in by SilverMagicMage

Wufei saying sorry to treize

Duo eating pixie sticks.

Heero smashing his computer

The gundam boys going on Jerry Springer

Wufei doing origami in the shape of flowers

Quatre drinking coffee

Heero dressing and acting like Goku

Trowa talking to a inaimate object( a teddy bear )

Trowa putting his bangs back into a pony tail

Heero joining a singing group like the back street boys


This one waz given by SneakzGrrly006

Duo in a white outfit


Sheik Maxwell gave me these next ones.

Quatre wearing black

Quatre being aggressive

Zechs with a teddy bear

Zechs petting fuzzy bunnies

Quatre acting like Cell

Duo being polite

Trowa YELLING and screaming at Catherine...

Quatre letting out an evil laugh

Heero acting like DenDae

Duo admitting he is aggressive

Heero admitting defeat

Heero asking the BAKA Relena to marry him

Wufei Skipping along a path picking flowers

Heero in a candy store (Heero sugar high...)

Relena and 17 trading tude problems...


Here's a couple more scary ones sent in by Serena

Heero holding hands with Relena.

All the pilots try and make their Gundams merge like the Power Rangers.

Heero and Relena having kids.

The pilots making clothes and Relena modeling them.


This one's sent in by Skye. Hehe I wonder how Zechs would react to this...

Duo kissing Noin


The next ones are really really good. They were sent to me by Revenar - Anime_Typhoon. I was laughing so hard when reading these!

Note: The 'P.S' parts just shows I support an Anti-Relena site like this one!


-"Dear Santa....

For Christmas I would like a giant sack of jubjubs instead of a giant sack of bullets, and replace my order for 55 five guns with mini-Relena models. I have been a GOOD boy all year round. Thank you very much with all my heart,

from your friend forever,
Odin Lowe

P.S. And instead of a teddy bear for Relena, give her the biggest poisonous scorpian you could find...


-"Dear Santa....

For Christmas I would like a brand new spandex suit (white please) instead of another pair of boring, black priest pants and trade my scythe for a very thorny stalk of roses. I have been the God of Goodness all year round. Thank you very much with all my heart

from your friend forever,
Brandon James Shay

P.S. And instead of a box of chocolate for Relena, give her the biggest toilet pump you could find...


-"Dear Santa....

For Christmas I would like a 34 inch Tv instead of the clown mask I asked for, and I would rather have a portable stereo then the M 15 rifle, so if you could change it, then please do. I have been a very social and friendly person all year round. Thank you very much with all my heart

from your friend forever,
Triton Bloom

P.S. And instead of the circus broschure for Relena, give her the thickest Playgirl magazine Quatre has under his bed....

(no Quatre bashing intended)


-"Dear Santa....

For Christmas I would like a 8-pack beer instead of the herbal tea packets I wanted, and instead of that violin, please send me a self destruct tuba. I have been a deadly boy all year. Thank you with all my heart,

from your friend forever,
Quatre Raberba Winner


-"Dear Santa....

For Christmas I would like a set of "10 Easy Way to Win Women." cassetts instead of "10 Easy Ways to Serve Justice." cassetts, and instead of a katana, I would be satisfied with a cheese grater. I have been a weakling all year. Thank you with all my heart,

from your friend forever,
Chang Wufei


Hehe this one's pretty funny. Poor Heero... It was sent in by Little Cat

(Heero is standing on his gundams gun making adjustments while Releena is looking at the controlls)
Releena: Heero? what's this switch do?
Heero: I dunno, just dont touch anything up there!
Releena: aww.....(tapping her fingers impaitently)........
(Releena pulls the switch anyways)
(the gundams legs give and it falls)
Releena: oops! uh....
(Releena pushes the switch back and the gundam rolls over)
Heero: OW! frick! what are you doing!?


This next one was sent to me by Roberts2001111

Duo and Heero kissing

Can you think of scarier stuff? I know you can! And when you do, please send them to me so I can put it on my site, if it's worty! ^_~
