Link to Me!

Hi! This is Mirei. I made sure that nobody would bother me when I give you instructions on how you can link to my site.

Ryoko: "Guess again!"

Mirei: "Grrrrrrr. I forgot about your transporting thing."

Ryoko: "No one can hide from me."

Mirei: "Sure. Well, here are some instructions on how to put one of these pictures on your page! Save the picture you want and you have to make sure that it keeps the name that I saved it as. You have to right click it to save it."

Ryoko: "You people out there better not get the address wrong!"

Miranda: "Ya! Because she puts it on the banner code!"

Mirei: "Oh, hi Miranda!"

Miranda: "You made a lot."

Mirei: "Yeah. I'm so happy!"

Miranda: "Did you tell them that they have to click on the picture for the banner code they want?"

Mirei: "Oh, no. But, Thanx! I forgot about that. Well peoples, I'm glad that you want to link to my very kawaii aniime site!"

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