From: John C. [] Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 11:37 To: Subject: Ranma The Tenth Hakkeshu, CHp. 15 Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 15: Battle Begins The Fighters are gathered on the deck of the ship. Rugal stands on a small podium in front of a large screen. The camera crew allowed to come on board is the only means of visual contact to the rest of the world. Rugal begins to speak. Rugal: I am so glad that all of you have accepted my invitation to the King of Fighters 1998 Tournament. All fighters: LIKE, WE HAD A CHOICE!? Rugal (Sweat drops): Anyway As thanks to you all, I am making another change to the tournament. One that will get you all to fight your hardest. Instead of a $450,000 cash prize like the past tournaments to the winners, I am offering a TWELVE BILLION DOLLAR CASH PRIZE TO THE WINNERS!!! What do you think of that? All the fighters jaws have dropped down to the ground. The reactions vary from skepticism to delusions grandeur. Kyo: HA! Ill be set for life! Terry: I dont like this Joe: IM RICH!!! Andy (Sweat drops): Uh, Joe You already are rich Ryuji: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!! The only reason I entered is because Geese is paying me double the prize money to be in this tournament. Now Ill get Twenty-four BILLION! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Geese (Sweat drops):  Iori: Theres no way hes gonna keep to that Soun: THE TENDO DOJO WILL FINALLY BE OUT OF DEBT!!! OH HAPPY DAY! Ryo: The Sakazaki Kyokugenryo Dojo will be out of debt! Happosai, Chin, & Jubei: We can get good and plastered! Mai: Now I can afford a GOOD wardrobe! Ranma: Hes kidding Right? Leona: I dont know Chizuru: Whats the scheme Rugal? Rugal (Waves hands as if to ward off a stampede): NO SCHEME! I want the best fights EVER! And what better motivation is there than MONEY and LOTS OF IT? Chizuru:  Rugal: EXACTLY! Now I want you all to get set up in your rooms on the ship. We got a long day ahead of us with the fights for the title of The Kings of Fighters. I shall see you in the morning. (He walks off into the captains cabin). As the fighters try to talk amongst themselves. Vice and Mature hand out room keys, and give directions to where the fighters rooms are on the ship. Iori gets a cold feeling up his spine when Vice looks at him longingly Iori: Brrr (------) The fighters get up the next day. They see that the ship is ported right next to the Statue of Liberty. Rugal stands on deck. He is still wearing his red dress pants, but now he is also wearing a dark green muscle shirt that clings to his torso like a second skin, black shoes, and black gloves with metal strips on the back that align with his fingers. He is holding a microphone and the camera crew sends live footage out to the rest of the world. Rugal: Today, our dear viewers, we get the first fight! Boss Team Vs. Mid-Age Team! The video cameras move to the two teams. The Boss Team is calm and collected, while the Mid-Age Team Soun: I DONT WANNA DIE! WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Genma: Get a hold of yourself man! Takuma:  WHY DID I JOIN YOU IDIOTS!? Rugal (Sweat drops):  Okay Uh Minor technical difficulty. Anyway Lets begin! Ready FIGHT! (------) In front of the statue of liberty, Geese first faces off against Takuma. Geese: You think you can beat me? Takuma: I know I can. (Jump kicks at Geese) HIYYYAAAAAAAAAHHHHH OW! MY BACK WENT OUT!!! Soun: WWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! He was our ONLY REAL fighter! WERE DOOMED!!! What will we do Saotome? (Looks around) Saotome Panda-Genma (Sign): Im just a cute little panda. Krouser: Where did a panda come from? Soun chases Panda-Genma around the statue of liberty about fifty times. Geese gets tired of the stupidity and puts an end to it. Geese: REPPUKEN! (Sends a blast of Ki that rolls on the ground, towards the two idiots). Soun: WAH! Soun and Panda-Genma are now indented into the Statue of Liberty. Rugal (Thinks): That was pathetic. (Into the microphone) Boss Team WINS! The Boss Team walks back onto the Aircraft carrier Black Noah. The just leave the Mid-Age Team where they are. Takuma: Help, Ive fallen, and I cant get up (------) Rugal: Now the next fight. Korea Team Vs. Lots of Spirit Team! Ready FIGHT! Choi goes up against Gosunkugi. Choi: They expect me to beat you? Thats EASY! Here, Ill even let you take the first shot! Gosunkugi: Thanks. (Lifts up his little mallet and puts a spirit ward on it). Lose. (Whacks Choi on the head and it indeed takes the little convict out). It worked Akane & Shingo: Go Gosunkugi! Kim: That worked I dont believe it. That worked! Chang: WHAT CRAP! Im next! (Charges up to Gosunkugi). Gosunkugi: Now you shall fall to (Wind picks up). Eh (Wind actually lifts him off the ground ands sends him flying in the air). WWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA . Gosunkugi smacks right into the Statue of Liberty. All the fighters on the ship just stare in disbelief. Chang:  BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!! Akane: Thats not NICE! (Pulls out a mallet) CHANG YOU JERK!!! Chang (Surprised): What? ! The mallet connects with Changs head and the behemoth of a fighter goes down hard. Akane: I did it! Shingo: GO AKANE-CHAN! Kim: You fight with true righteousness to your credit Lots of Spirit Team! But Now you face a TRUE HERO! Akane: Whos that? (Kim face-faults). Kim (Gets up): ME! Crescent Kick Slice! (Does a spinning kick in the air that hits Akane seven times). Akane: Kim YOU JERK! (Swings at Kim, but misses). Kim: Flying Slice! (Does an upward kick that hits Akane square in the Chin. She falls unconscious). Shingo: AKANE! Thats it! SHINGO KICK!!! Goes at Kim with a forward kick, which takes Kim by surprise. Kim gets hit square in the jaw and is beaten. Shingo (surprised): I won? (Smiles). I WON!!! Rugal: Well Theres a first time for everything. Lots of Spirit Team WINS! On the ship Ranma: They won? Iori: Thats unbelievable. Leona: Truth is stranger than fiction sometimes (------) Rugal: for our next fight (Smiles evilly). Duck King Vs. Big Bear Billy Vs. Gambling King Vs. Azusa Shiratori Vs. Kodachi Kuno! The audience at home, the sidelines, and the fighters on the ship, just stare at Rugal Rugal: WHAT? You think I want to waste my time on all these single entries? I think NOT! So Ill set them up as battle royals! Ranma: Hes just mixing a recipe for disaster by doing this (Iori and Leona nod their heads in agreement). Rugal: Ready FIGHT! Kodachi (Twirls her ribbon around): HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! Azusa (Jumps at Duck Kings Mohawk): Oh, Francis, Francis! Duck King: LET GO OF MY HAIR YOU FREAK! Gambling King (Holds up a royal flush): You all lose! Big Bear: BIG BEAR SMASH! (Pounds Gambling King Into the ground). Gambling King: Ow Kodachi: OHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! Duck King: SHUT UP WITH THE LAUGH ALREADY! Kodachi: You peasants are no match for the Great Kodachi Kuno. Kodachi tosses four bouquets. Upon grabbing them, the fighters get enshrouded by paralysis powder. They fall flat on their backs. Kodachi: OHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOO!! Chizuru (Angry): Thats cheating! Rugal: Ill allow it Only if she promises, TO STOP THAT GOD AWFUL LAUGH!!! Kodachi: Oh. Sorry. Rugal: Kodachi Kuno WINS! On the ship Kuno: YOU MAKE THE HOUSE OF KUNO PROUD SISTER! Iori (Stares at Kuno):  Ranma: That dolt Shingo (Running around): I WON, I WON, I WON, I WON, I Iori: Boo. Shingo: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (Faints). Iori (Smiles): I never get tired of that Leona: Iori, you know youre just being cruel to him now. Iori: Your point being? (------) Rugal (To television camera): Well Wasnt that fun people? Tune in tomorrow when Chizuru (interrupts): Hold it! You forgot to say whom todays sponsors were! Rugal: You really think they want to be known as the ones that sponsored TODAYS FIGHTS? Chizuru (Frowns): You got a point there Rugal: Indeed. Well, tune in tomorrow, where we head off to Paris, France. Fatal Fury Team Vs. Ninja Team, Anything Goes Team Vs. New Face Team, and China Team Vs. Womens Team! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!! Vice & Mature: I HATE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT! Rugal (Surprised):  What did you say!? Vice: You are such a hypocrite! Mature: You tell the Kuno girl to stop laughing and than you go on your own STUPID laugh. Chizuru: They got a pretty good point there Rugal. Rugal: OH SHADDAP!!! Takuma (Off screen): Will someone help me get up please? (------) Aboard the ship Rugal sets course for France. They will than have to take a large tour bus to get to the next group of fights destination. The Eiffel Tower. But as they travel on the ocean, the fighters have time to mingle with one another Terry: Hey Ranma, were up tomorrow!! Ranma: I know Ter. Howve you been doing? Terry: Well, how about (Before Terry can continue, Mai goes running past them). Mai: GET EM OFF, GET EM OFF, GET THESE THINGS OFFA MEEEEEEEEE!!! Happosai, Chin, Jubei: Dont be that way Mai baby! Ranma: Mouko Takabisha no Orochi! (The violet ki blast sends all three perverts flying off of Mai. Mai is, surprisingly unharmed). Happosai (Angry, scorched, screams): RANMA! HOW DARE YOU SPOIL YOUR MASTERS FUN? Ranma: Master? Who says youre my master. Mai is a friend, and I dont like how you three perverts are clinging to her like that. Happosai, Chin, & Jubei (all lunge at Ranma): Ranma, prepare to suffer! Ranma (Smiles): OROCHI HOKODAN! A green blast of depression energy enhanced by Orochi power collides into the small perverts. All three of them go flying off. Happosai, Chin, & Jubei: WWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (They disappear into the west horizon). Iori (Smiles): Looks like Team Perverts blasting off again (Leona bops him on the head). Leona: Bad Pokemon reference.. Iori: Youre just jealous of my humor is all. Mai (To Ranma): Ranma, you saved me from those awful perverts! Thank you! (Glomps onto him). Leona, Andy, and Akane: HEY! Ranma: Look, Mais just trying to be grateful. Leona, is the only girl I like, Andy, stop being jealous, Mai likes you, not me, and Akane (Gets really angry). WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? Im NO LONGER YOUR FIANCEE! You turned me down for Shingo anyway Akane: You You PERVERT! (Swings at Ranma with her mallet, misses, and gets tripped by Ranma). Ow! What you do that for? Ranma: What do you THINK? You attacked me. I defended myself. Akane (Angry, glowing red): You, you Leona: I suggest you leave Ranma alone for the time being, unless you want another demonstration of what I did to you the last time Akane:  Leona: Good. Come on Ranchan; lets take our discussion with our FRIENDS somewhere else. Ranma, Leona, Iori, Terry, Andy, Mary, and Mai go to the lower decks. Terry turns around. Terry: Hey Joe! You coming? Joe: Hold on a second! (To Shampoo). Shampoo That is such a lovely name you have there. Shampoo: Go away kick boxer! You too loud and perverted for Shampoo. Joe: HEY! I may be loud and perverted but Uh What was the third thing you said? Shampoo: Go away! Hiyaa! (Kick sends Joe flying into Terrys arms). Terry: Ready to go now Joe? Joe (Dizzy): No way! There may be three of you Terrys at the moment, but I can still kick all your asses. (Faints). Terry: Oh Joe (------) End Chapter 15 Next Time: Paris. The next fights are about to commence. How well will The Tenth Hakkeshu fare against three of the Four Heavenly Kings? And what will happen when Shampoo is beaten? Find out next time in Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu. Special Thanks: I would like to take the time to thank those that have helped make this story what it is. Nighthawk/(Tomas): The man that gave me my first place to post my first fanfic. Akito120/(Mike): A good friend and prereader of mine that gave my story a nice second home, and allows me to post some of my ideas and write fanfics other than Ranma = crossovers. Check it out at Zell/(Zell): One of my best readers and prereaders, also a heck of a guy that can come up with funny ideas. And finally all my other readers. You have sent me e-mail telling me you like the story. I thank you all. Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.