From: John C. [] Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 14:44 To: Subject: Ranma: Chapter 20"Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu" Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 20: HEAT WAVE! This is my Island in the Sun Nabiki Tendo. A cruel, cunning mercenary. Nabiki sits at the desk in her room and goes through her records she kept of Ranma, and records shes gained of his teammates. The scene from last night goes through her mind. Nabiki was up late going over profits from the bets she set up of the fights for the King of Fighters tournament. She has made at least five times as much money with a few fights than she can make with Ranma in a month. The phone rings. Nabiki picks it up to hear Akane. Akane cries over how Ranma doesnt love her anymore. Nabiki calmly tells Akane that she has Shingo now, she doesnt need Ranma, and Ranma will come crawling back to them. Ranma doesnt have anyone else he can go to. Akane than goes into detail about what happened when Ranma went into Neko-Ken. He tried to attack her when she tried to calm him down, and how he jumped into the lap of that Blue-haired floozy that had beaten her up with a ki blast when she first came to Nerima. This made Nabiki tense. Ranma IS her best source of income. If Ranma feels no ties to the Tendos, than her plans are ruined. She has been planning out Ranmas life from the point where he marries Akane. There will be no way that she loses him now! She has too much invested into him. Nabiki calms down from her memory of last night. She has her records, negatives of his girl-side, and other information on him. Nabiki looks over it and thinks to herself. Nabiki (Thinks): If you think youre going to get away from us Saotome, THINK AGAIN! I have spent too much time on you. You WILL marry my sister. And I will continue to profit off of you. For now, I will settle on selling prime information on you, pictures of your curse, and selling information on this SLUT youve fallen for. Nabiki takes out a folder from her stack of records. She opens it and we see a picture of Leona in military uniform standing in between Ralf Jones and Clark Steele, also both men are in military dress. The picture is dated October 97. Nabiki looks over the information she has on the woman that has caught Ranmas attention. NAME: HEIDERN, LEONA BIRTHPLACE: UNKNOWN BIRTHDATE: JANUARY 10, 1978 HAIR COLOR: BLUE EYE COLOR: BLUE HEIGHT: 1.76 m (5.8) WEIGHT: 65 kg (141 lbs.) BLOOD TYPE: B FAMILY: NONE. ALL DECEASED HOBBIES: NONE FAVORITE FOOD: VEGETABLES FAVORITE SPORT: NONE MOST VALUABLE: NOTHING HATES THE MOST: BLOOD FIGHTING STYLE: MARTIAL ARTS AND HEIDERN STYLE ASSASINATION TECHNIQUES NOTES: THE ADOPTED DAUGHTER OF COMMANDER HEIDERN OF THE IKARI WARRIORS SINCE SHE WAS SIX YEARS OLD. WAS DISCOVERED TRAVELLING AROUND THE RAINFOREST COVERED IN BLOOD. HAS VERY LITTLE RECOLLECTION OF HER PAST. PART OF THE OROCHI BLOODLINE. CAN GO INTO PHASE KNOWN AS RIOT OF BLOOD. MET UP WITH MAN THAT KNEW HER BY THE NAME OF GOENITZ DURING KOF 96 TOURNAMENT. MAN IS PRESUMED DEAD FROM BATTLE WITH KUSANAGI, KYO AND YAGAMI, IORI. IS A VERY QUIET PERSON, AND DOES NOT LIKE TO TALK TOO MUCH. HAS A VERY COLD ATTITUDE AND OTHER THAN JONES, RALF, STEELE, CLARK, AND COMMANDER HEIDERN, DOES NOT TO ANYONE ELSE. SEEMS FEARLESS FROM THE OUTSIDE, BUT IS ALWAYS AFRAID SHE WILL CAUSE HARM TO HER FRIENDS. HATES SIGHT OF BLOOD, BUT DURING FIGHTS, ALWAYS SEEMS TO END UP COVERED IN IT. Nabiki puts down Leonas profile and thinks to herself. Nabiki (Thinks): KAMI-SAMA! This woman is a demon! How could Ranma even fall for someone like her?  Heh. Thats right Ranma isnt human either. I saw what happened that day. He turned into a beast. It makes perfect sense that Ranma would love a demon that is probably so much like himself. Still, Ranma is my best meal ticket, and theres no way Im giving him up. Never! There is a knock at Nabikis door. Kasumi (Voice): Come downstairs soon Nabiki. Breakfast is ready. Nabiki (Turns head towards door): Ill be down in a minute sis. Kasumi: All right. (Walks back downstairs). Nabiki (Turns back to her desk): I will find out all I can of you and this demon you love Saotome. You should realize by now that you are just pawn in my game. No one betrays the Tendo clan and gets away with it. No one. (------) As Nabiki contemplates what shell do to Ranma, a man stands on top of a roof of a building not to far away from the Tendo Dojo. He is wearing a blue military style coat with black shoulder guards. His hair thats black at the temples with grayish white hair on the top that has a slight blond gives away who he is. Goenitz (Thinks): And you Nabiki Tendo, are just a pawn yourself, in a game of grander scale. Like your sister Akane, you are good with your offensive strategies, but your defense is sloppy. You have holes in your plans that are wide enough to drive a truck through. Dont worry though. I will contact you soon to get information, and move you along the path I want you to. But for now, I have more important matters to deal with. With that Goenitz raises his left hand and a whirlwind picks up. He disappears in it. (------) Leona wakes up from her sleep. She feels a wave of relief wash over her. She had no bad dreams that night since the Tournament started again. She slowly opens her eyes and sees Ranma sleeping in the chair across from her bed. Hes out cold. A smile spreads across Leonas face as an idea crosses her mind. She concentrates on the water molecules in the air around Ranma. She makes them colder. Ranma turns female. Pleased that her skills still work, she than heats up the water molecules in the air around Ranma and he turns back into a guy. He slowly opens his eyes. Ranma (Smiles): Next time, ask before you do that. Leona (Mock Pouts): You dont want me to get out of practice with my training, do you? Ranma (Laughs): No. Just dont use me as the focus, alright? I change enough times during the day as is. Leona (Smiles): I guess so Ranko. Ranma: Oh, you think thats funny? Ill show you funny. Katchu Tenshin Amaguriken REVISED! ULTIMATE TICKLE ATTACK! Ranma than starts to poke Leonas stomach and sides at speeds so fast that she cant stop him. Leona (Laughing): STOP! That HA. Tha HA HA HA, THAT TICKELS! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAA! STOP, HA HA PLEASE! BWA HA HA HA HA! Ranma stops tickling Leona and stands over her with a confident smile as she catches her breath. Ranma (Smiles): Whats wrong? You dont want me to get out of practice, do you? Leona (Gets up, smiles back): Smart-ass. (------) Meanwhile, Rugal is still lying facedown on the deck of the Black Noah. He was there all night. Rugal: Someone Help Cant Feel My legs A shadow covers Rugal. Goenitz: Honestly Rugal, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? Rugal (Looks up): Are you going to stand there or help me up? Goenitz: Answer me this first. Why go through the Neko-Ken training? Rugal: It is the ultimate fighting style. I will become invincible. Goenitz: You do realize that you have to be less than ten years old for the training to work. Otherwise, youre just subjecting yourself to pain. Rugal:  DAMN IT! Are you trying to make me look like an idiot by telling me this? Goenitz (Smiles): Nope. Youre doing a fine enough job by yourself with that. (------) A stacked bus drives up to the Black Noah. Carrying the drunken bodies of the fighters. Vice (Looks at them from the boat): WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!? Mature: They look like theyve seen hell. Terry: Worse. We ate Billys pickled eggs he had at his bar. Billy: MY PICKLED EGGS ARE NOT THAT BAD!!! Vice: Whats his problem. Happosai: Hes just pissed his bar burned down. Mature & Vice: BURNED DOWN!?!? Jubei: Yup. Apparently the electrical out-lit that Benimaru was using for the karaoke machine was faulty. Place burned down in an electrical fire. Benimaru (In a drunken stupor): Alleluia, its raining men Billy (Cries): I LOST MY BAR!!! WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Nodoka: Would you two ladies help us carry one the people that are too How shall I put this? Terry (Interrupts): Plastered Nodoka: Yes, as Terry puts it plastered, to get onto the ship by themselves. Vice: NO WAY IM CARRYING YAMAZAKI! Mature: You couldnt pay me enough for this. Rugal (Appears from behind the two, breathes heavily): Vice Mature Vice & Mature: GAH! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD Uh I mean WHAT A RELIEF YOURE ALIVE! Rugal: Why didnt you tell me that I needed to be under the age of ten years old for the training to work. Mature: Did we leave THAT part out? Silly us. Rugal (Red eye glows): RAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!! Mature (Turns around, runs): SHIT! VICE, RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES!!! Vice (Runs): IM RUNNING, IM RUNNING!!! Rugal (Eye glows brighter, runs after them, screams): WHEN I CATCH YOU TWO, THERE WONT BE ENOUGH LEFT AFTERWARDS TO FILL A MATCH BOX WITH!!! Vice: WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! THIS SUCKS!!! Rugal precedes to chase Mature and Vice around the English docks for a couple of hours straight. A certain Hakkeshu watches from the sidelines. Iori: Hm hm hm hm, heh heh heh heh, HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!! (------) After the chaos reigns for a bit Rugal decides that maybe its time for another little break. Chizuru: Where to next than? Rugal:  KEY WEST!!! Chizuru:  Why? Rugal: Its got sunny beaches, so why else? (------) Once docked, very few fighters leave the Black Noah to head for the beach. Most of the fighters are still too plastered, and are trying to get over their hangovers. Ranko: Wow this place is beautiful! Vice & Mature: ACK! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?!? Iori (Grabs Ranko by the collar of her shirt): What the HELL ARE YOU THNKING? Ranko (Whispers): Simple. Beach equals water, and lots of it. Might as well be in girl from now so I dont change into one while someone is watching. Iori wants to kill Ranma, but decides to let this slide. Hes got better things to do. Like get away from Vice. Vice (Glomps onto Iori): IORI-SAMA! Iori: Ugh Nodoka: MY NEPHEW IS SO MANLY! Iori, Ranma, and Leona roll their eyes back upon hearing this. Mature: WILL YOU STOP THAT! HE KILLED US! Vice: So? Mature: HES AN ASS-HOLE! Vice: So? Mature: HES A BLOODTHIRSTY BEAST! Vice: So? Mature: HE KILLS SMALL ANIMALS FOR FUN! Vice: So? Mature: HE HAS NO SENSE OF STYLE! HES WORN THE SAME DAMN OUTFIT FOR THREE YEARS IN A ROW! Vice: So? Iori (Mutters): Sure, lets all take shots at my self-esteem. While this is going on, a certain old pervert glomps onto Ranko. Happosai (Nuzzles between Rankos breasts): RANMA, Oh you shouldnt have! Ranko: GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! GET OFFA ME YOU SLIMEY OLD PERVERT!!! MOUKO TAKABISHA NO OROCHI!!! Leona: GET OFF OF HER PERVERT! MIZU KEN!!! ! ! Happosai (Flies off): NO FAIR, NO FAIR! Ranko: I hate that old geezer. Chizuru starts putting spirit wards on Ranko. Ranko:  What are you doing? Chizuru: Containing the evil that is leeching from you. Ranko: Im REALLY beginning to lose my patience. So please, stop that. Iori: Youre losing your patience? I GOT A LOVE SICK SNAKE HERE THAT WONT LEAVE ME ALONE! Vice: Why fight it Iori-sama? We are meant to be together? Iori: By the way, I did kill you and Mature, didnt I? Vice: Yes. But I forgive you. Mature (Angry): VICE!!! Ranko: This day cant get any worse. Kuno (Running towards Ranko, holds bouquets of roses): PIG-TAILED GIRL!!! Kyo (Running towards Ranko, holds bouquets of roses): RANKYO!!! Ranko:  KILL ME NOW!!! Chizuru (Holds up ceremonial katana): With pleasure. Nodoka (Unsheathes Saotome Katana): I think not. (------) After Chizuru and Nodoka put aside their differences, Ranko decides to just lie on the beach while talking to Leona. Leona: Ranchan? Ranko: What is it? Leona: Why are you hanging out as a guy? I know you said if case you got wet, but youre not even going in the water. Ranko: I was going to go it Until I was disgusted by whats floating around in it. Leona: What disgusted you? Ranko points out to the water and we see Kyo in life-vest, and Kuno in a life preserver. Kuno & Kyo: COME IN MY PIG-TAILED GODDESS, THE WATER IS FINE! (They Look at each other). WHAT!? SHE IS MY PIG-TAILED GODDESS! LEAVE HER ALONE YOU DEFLOWERER OF INNOCENT MAIDENS! The two idiots start fighting each other. Leona turns her attention back to Ranko. Leona: I can see why Ranko: Yup. Iori runs pass the two ladies. Iori (Runs): LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Vice (Runs after Iori): IORI-SAMA! COME BACK TO ME! Mature (Runs after Vice): DAMN IT VICE, GET BACK HERE! Ranko (Mock Advises): IORI, YOU SHOULD BEND YOU KNEES MORE WHEN YOU PERFORM THE SAOTOME SECRET FINAL ATTACK! Iori (In the distance): SHUT UP! As Iori, Vice, and Mature fade out into the distance, Ranko turns to face Leona. Ranko: You know what Lechan? Leona: What? Ranko: The more things change; the more they stay the same. Leona (Smiles): For you maybe, but ever since I met you, my life has been turned upside down. NOT that I mind of course. Ranko (Surprised): You mean youre honestly not mad about that? Leona: Why should I mind? Ive had so much fun these past couple of months. Ive actually had fun with my life for the first time. I thank you for it. Ranko: Sure. Anytime. You know what? Leona: What? Ranko: Ever since I met you, my life has started to make a bit more sense. It has actually been enjoyable as well. Leona: Glad to help But, I should say, weve helped each other. Ranko: Yup. Leona: Hey Ranchan? Ranko: Eh? Leona: Thank you again. A smile spreads across Rankos face as she sees Leona is truly happy. This day cant seem to go wrong. (------) Nabiki has finally gone over her records completely. She DOES NOT like the pattern she sees forming when she compares Ranma and Leonas lives. These two have faced all odds, become dangers, know what its like to live the hard life, and always come back for more. To Nabiki, it means one thing. Nabiki: Too compatible. Theyre so dang alike. Their personalities are listed as different, but their lives Theres just too much in common with those two. Ranma may actually love her. (Shudders). I CANT BELIEVE THIS! He cant give up on my sister! I need him in this family, or else all my plans for him are wasted. Hes been my prime investment for the past two years. If he gets away now, I will have failed. AND I DO NOT FAIL! I will get you back in my clutches Saotome. Youve become too important to my plans. Ill get this Leona out of the picture and Ill get you back my pawn. Because no one escapes the Ice Queen of Nerima. NO ONE (------) End Chapter 20 Next Time: FAST FORWARD! A couple of weeks have gone by and the KoF Tournament is back to being in Japan! How will Nerima be able to hold up against the assault of Ranma Vs. Ryoga? And Who is Nabiki now working for? Send your questions and comments to either or Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices