From: John C. [] Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 17:29 To: Subject: Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 21 Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 21: Nerima Back to Craziness A good number of months have passed since Ranma has discovered he is the Tenth Hakkeshu. In the meantime he has made new friends and enemies, found love, found family, and has discovered he has more power than he can ever dream of. And that scares him. He doesnt know what the boundaries to his power are, and is afraid of what the consequences will be if he happens to over step those boundaries. Ranma stands at the bow of the Black Noah, staring towards land as he thinks to himself. He remembers what Chizuru told him. He had to keep an eye out for any sings that Rugal may try something funny. For Rugal is the Evil Force that Chizuru has sensed recently. But Ranma doesnt think so. Sure the guy is evil, but he has no real power to back up his claim. Ranma knows this because, from the few times he has seen Rugal, he has read Rugals aura. It is quite interesting to Ranma, but he has no idea what it means. There are constant drops and rises to Rugals aura, and there is a tint of Orochi Power that surfaces within it every now and again. Ranma can tell that Rugal is definitely NOT one of the Hakkeshu, but, for some odd reason or another, Rugal has the Orochi Power in him. He brought this information to Chizuru. She just waved a finger at Ranma and says that Rugal is the main threat her, and that they should be careful of him. Ranma has no doubts that Rugal is a dangerous man, but still Ranma feels that Rugal is not this Evil Force that Chizuru has felt. He doesnt know how right he is (------) Leopold Goenitz, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi; also known by his title of Kamikaze no Goniezuu or Goenitz the Divine Wind stands on a building by Tokyo Harbor. He sees the Black Noah in the far distance. He allows himself a smile. Through this tournament, he has been able to gather enough energy to fill 26 Amethyst crystals to the brim. He now has half of the energy needed to awaken the Orochis Original Body and to fully release the Orochis Soul Fragment. Goenitz thinks to himself for a bit. Goenitz (Thinks): Yes All is going according to plan. Rugal was right for once. This tournament was actually a great idea to gather energy. I almost have enough to begin the Awakening. Still though I wonder how the Tenth Hakkeshu is faring Goenitz looks out to the Black Noah as it draws closer to shore. He sends his aura out a bit to search for the Tenth Hakkeshu. After a bit he sees the Tenth Hakkeshus aura, he allows himself to smile. The Tenth Hakkeshu has gotten much stronger, but his power is still sealed a bit, keeping him from reaching his true potential. Goenitz is not sure of what the seal is but doesnt give it a second thought. With all the energy hes gathering, hell be able to break whatever holds the Tenth Hakkeshus full power back. Goenitzs eyes widen suddenly. He feels someone on the ship is scanning his aura. Goenitz does not waste anymore time. He lifts his left hand and he disappears into a gust of wind. (------) Ranma moves around the Black Noahs deck for a bit, but eventually ends up going back to its bow. He looks back to land. He knows it is his homeland of Japan. Yet, he feels no true joy being back. It just means more craziness again. Ranma is in such deep thought that he doesnt notice a person sneak up behind him. Iori: Hey. Ranma (Shocked): Wha Oh. Hi Iori. Iori (Frowns slightly): Thats it? You seem drained Ranma. Whats wrong? Ranma (Shakes his head): Not sure. I feel so tired lately. Tired of all the craziness in my life. And this tournament It is fun, but having A LOT of my friends from back in Nerima here has really taken the joy out of it. And now were going back there for the tournament. Sigh Im not sure how long I can last. Iori (Confused): How long you can last? Ranma: Remember back at Billys Bar? (Iori nods his head). You saw how I acted. True, the Amazons deserved how I acted, but It was ME that acted that way. Ive become more violent lately. Im afraid Iori. Afraid of what Im becoming. Iori just looks at Ranma and slaps him across the face. He than stares into Ranmas eyes. Iori: Listen Ranma. You shouldnt worry about what youre becoming. You are not turning into the Orochi. If ANYTHING, youve developed a spine! You have backbone now, and you arent willing to take their shit anymore. And that means, that you will lose your patience with them A LOT quicker than before. So sit back, relax, and just go with the flow of independence. Ranma:  Wow That makes a lot of sense. Iori: Hey. I try to help. I look out for my family, and you are family. Ranma: Yeah. Guess I am WHAT!?!? Ranmas eyes widen and he stares out to shore. He actually starts to shake from fear of whatever he sees. Iori grabs Ranmas shoulder and shakes him a bit. Iori (Tense): RANMA! WHATS WRONG? Ranma stares at the oncoming land for a bit. Than he finally breaks his gaze on it. Ranma: Its gone. Iori (Confused): Whats gone? Ranma: I felt it. I felt what must be the Evil Force that Chizurus been talking about. But it disappeared. Iori: Okay than. Well just wait for it to show itself again, and well beat it down. Ranma: No Iori. Its not that simple. This aura was complex. It had high amounts of energy to it. Not only that, but that power was of Orochi! Iori:  Someone else with Orochi Power? Ranma (Nods his head): I think so (------) The Anything Goes Team gets off the Black Noah. There are television cameras and such everywhere. After hearing the announcements for upcoming fights, the Anything Goes Team is in a bit of shock. They will not be participating in any of the fights while in Japan. The three decide to ditch the tournament for a bit and head back to Nodokas home to do some training in the backyard in the meantime. As they all move through a kata that is part of the Yagami sect of Korobutsu, Ranma asks Iori about what happened earlier. Ranma: Iori? Iori: Yeah Ranma? Ranma: Did you tell Chizuru of what I felt? Iori (Nods his head): I did. But she didnt believe me. She says that youre just imagining things and that Rugal is the person responsible for all this Or that you are Ranma (Frowns): That delusional fool of a priestess Leona (Confused): Ranma, whats wrong? Ranma (Stops his kata): Sigh As I was standing on the bow of the Black Noah talking to Iori, I felt an aura. A powerful aura. One of Orochi Power. Leona stops her kata as well. Iori stops so he can concentrate on the two. Ranma: I honestly think that this is the Evil Force That Chizuru has been going on and on about. What scares me is this aura had A LOT of power behind it. Enough to rank among the Hakkeshu. Iori: Its impossible to be an aura of the Hakkeshu. We know who all ten of the Hakkeshu are. HELL, we make up three of them. And I honestly dont think that theres anyone else with Orochi Power. All the Hakkeshu are in the tournament as well. Except for (Eyes widen). Naw. It couldnt be him. He died back in 96. Leona (Eyes widen): You dont mean Iori: I do Goenitz Ranma (Confused): Whos this Goenitz? Leona: Ranchan, remember how I told you about how there was a man that ruined my life by awakening the Orochi Power within me? Ranma (Understanding): Goenitz was that man, right. Leona (Nods her head): Yes He is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Orochi. Iori: But as I said. It cant be him. Hes dead. Ranma: Are you sure? Iori: Positive. Kyo and I beat his ass into the ground back in 96 and Chizuru sealed him away. Ranma: How did she seal him? Iori: After Kyo and I beat him, Goenitz was left standing bruised, burnt, and bloodied. Chizuru than did a bunch of chants, and the winds started to pick up. He cursed at us as he disappeared within those gusts of wind. Leona: I hope it isnt him. I hate him. I hope that b*st*rd is rotting in hell. Iori: Oh my Such language Leona: DONT JOKE WITH ME! Because of that THAT MONSTER, I killed I killed Leona cant continue. She stares at her hands. They have long been stained with the blood of the innocents she slaughtered when Goenitz sent her into the Riot of Blood. She falls to her knees, still staring at her hands. All she can think of is the death and destruction she caused with these two hands of hers. She cries. As she cries into her hands. She thinks in the back of her mind how its ironic. She cries into her hands as if its a way to wash away the stain of death that lingers with them. She feels something wrap around her. Its Ranmas arms. Ranma: Come inside Lechan. Well get you cleaned up. Ranma helps Leona to her feet, and he gets her inside to clean her up. Iori just stands outside, staring at the sky. All the while he thinks to himself. Iori (Thinks): Goenitz If it is you Be prepared. I will kill Kyo Kusanagi, but It looks like I may have to make a little detour to take care of your sorry ass if this Evil Force is you first. If its not Be thankful youre rotting in hell. (------) The Tendo Dojo. People have come from all over Japan to watch the fight going on here. Nabiki scans the crowds making bets on the fight that was set up for the King of Fighters Tournament. It is the Shingi Trioca Team Vs. the Nerima Alliance Team. The battle has been raging for a bit. So far on the Shingi Trioca Team Chizuru Kagura has been beaten and Saishu Kusanagi is up to fight. On the Nerima Alliance Team, Both Cologne and Ukyo Kuonji have been beaten and now Pantyhose Taro stands up as the last fighter for his team. Personally Nabiki hopes Pantyhose wins. If he does Nabiki makes another 1,803,936 Yen. If he loses, Nabiki than loses 43,605 Yen. Saishu: You dont look like much boy. Pantyhose: Whatever. Prepare to fall old man. Saishu: OLD MAN!?!? Pantyhose (Smiles): Yes. HUH-HUH! Saishu: I SHALL NOT STAND FOR THIS!!! EXORCISM OF ONE HUNDRED EIGHT BLOWS!!! Saishus sends a Magatama blast forward. The technique itself is similar to Ioris Dark Thrust, only the flames are orange instead of purple. Pantyhose easily jumps over the technique and shoots a band of pantyhose at Saishu. The band wraps around Saishus left arm and Pantyhose sends Saishu up into the air and slamming back down into the earth many, many, MANY times. Pantyhose: HUH-HUH! That was easy. You had enough you old fool. Saishu (Gets up): NEVER!!! HEAVENLY GIFT OF FOUR HUNDRED ONE AND SEVEN BLOWS!!! Pantyhose is surprised by the speed with which Saishu pounces towards him. Saishu punches Pantyhose in the gut and sends him flying backwards amidst orange flames, due to the momentum of the punch. Saishu: IM THE GREATEST! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAA!!! Pantyhose (Clutches stomach): Grr Nabiki, not wanting to lose money, decides to help out. Nabiki (Shouts): YOU IDIOT! USE THE KOI POND!!! Saishu (Confused): Koi pond? What good will that do? Pantyhose runs over to the Koi pond and jumps into it. Saishu is left staring, wondering what the heck that boys trying to do. Suddenly a HUGE creature with the head of a bull, the body of a sasquatch, crane wings, octopus tentacles, and an eel for a tail springs forth from the small pond. Most of the fans try to run away, but there are so many people, and only one gate. So a lot are forced to stay. Saishu (Scared): WHAT THE HELL!?!?!? Pantyhose-Minataur than stands before Saishu and laughs: HUH-HUH, HUH-HUH, HUH-HUH, HUH-HUH Saishu:  FLAME PAGODA!!! Saishu flicks some Magatama with his wrist, but Pantyhose-Minataur just catches his hand, crushes it, and tosses Saishu into the next city. Saishu (As he flies away): AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Pantyhose-Minataur lets out a loud, hearty laugh at his victory. Nodoka walks up to Pantyhose as she unsheathes her katana. Nodoka: So You cannot defeat someone unless you turn into your cursed form? You are no warrior. You are a coward. I shall stop you Pantyhose-Minataur (Cracks his knuckles): HUH-HUH, HUH-HUH, HUH-HUH, HUH-HUH, HUH-HUH Nodoka: And I will stop that GOD AWFUL LAUGH! Pantyhose-Minataur stands shocked. No one has EVER made fun of his horrible laugh. His name, yes, BUT NOT HIS LAUGH! This angers Pantyhose-Minataur to no end. He sends his right fist flying at Nodoka, only to miss and have her cut the backside of his hand. He grasps his hand, screaming in pain as he tries to cover the wound. His distraction is all the time Nodoka needs. She sheathes her katana and puts her hands together and gathers some Magatama no Orochi. The ball of flame in her hand grows brighter. Soon she unleashes it upon the dumb beast. Nodoka (Shoots flames forward): EIGHT WINE GOBLETS!!! The result is a move similar to Ioris Drunken Grail Gasher, only the flame is brighter in light intensity, so one can barely look at it, and it is more of a whitish color with a purple tint to it. It scores a direct hit on Pantyhose-Minataur and hes frozen into place by the flames. Nodoka: Ill end this now! Nodoka than grasps the sheath of her katana with one hand, and the hilt of her katana with the other. Magatama no Orochi begins to cover the two objects as Nodoka transfers her Magatama no Orochi into it. She herself than starts to be covered in Magatama no Orochi. Pantyhose-Minataur can only watch in horror, as he is stuck in place. Finally she strikes. Nodoka (As she unsheathes her katana): VENGEANCE OF EIGHT GODS!!! Nodokas aims her katana at Pantyhose-Minataur and it shoots of a beam of Magatama no Orochi that makes the Kusanagi clans Serpent Wave seem tame in comparison. The blast strikes Pantyhose-Minataur head on, gaining eight hits on him. He can no longer stand the pain and unconsciousness claims him. He stands for a bit, his arms hanging to his sides. He than falls backwards and lands with a sickening thud. Nodoka than sheathes her katana, straightens out her kimono and holds her left hands to her face. Nodoka: This battle is won. But there will be more. Everyone stares. They are speechless by the complexity of that battle. They soon break out into cheers, chanting Nodokas name. This was the best fight since the Anything Goes Team Vs. the New Face Team. Also, everyone that bet on the Shingi Trioca Team in this match gets a hefty pot back. Nabiki grasps the sides of her head. She cant believe that Nodoka had so much power. The way things have been slipping under her nose left and right she wants to scream. After all, shes now out 43,605 Yen because of her lack of information. (------) Back at Nodokas home, specifically in the kitchen, Ranma give Leona a cup of green tea. Leona thanks Ranma and starts to drink from the cup. Ranma cant help but notice the child-like quality that Leona holds her cup. It makes Ranma smile at the innocence the gesture has, but it also saddens him, knowing that such an evil person has had such a powerful negative affect on her. He cant take the silence and decides to break it. Ranma: Lechan, are you going to be all right? Leona: Ill be fine. Really. Its just that Sometimes, remembering the past hurts. And I do mean hurts Ranma: Its okay. You ever need a shoulder to cry on, Ill be here for you. Leona grabs onto Ranma in a fierce hug, literally digging her face into his neck. For her, Ranma has become a lifeline. He is the first person to look past the horrors shes lived through, and the horrors she has committed, and become; to see the scared, lost child, that just wants to be loved by someone. Ranma hugs her back. He lets Leona cry into his neck. But he knows now that the tears are not of sadness, but of joy. They have a warmth to them that is not found in tears of sadness. Iori stands by the doorframe to the kitchen. He nods his head and a smile crosses his lips. He than turns around and heads outside to the backyard. (------) Once outside Iori looks up to the sky again. Its getting late. Even though the sun is still out, the moon is now visible. And its a crescent moon none the less. The smile on Ioris lips now spreads to allow his teeth to show. He sees this as a sign. That the Yagami clan (the crescent moon) is finally ascending to grace, while the Kusanagi clan (the sun) is descending from it. But he cant help but get the feeling it could mean something else. It could also mean that Ranma was the best thing to ever happen in Iori bitter, hate filled, tortuous life; and that Ranma is what truly is bringing the Yagami clan to glory. After all, Ranma has none of the bitterness other members of the Yagami clan have had, he is actually a pretty likeable person, and he is the best fighter Iori has ever faced. Ranma is indeed the silver lining in the dark cloud that has been the history of the Yagami clan. Iori Covers his face with his right hand and hunches over a bit while looks down. A light chuckle escapes his. He than lifts his head a bit and the light chuckle turns to a small laugh as his hand moves to cover his eyes. He than stands up and his head held back, his right hand holding onto the right side of it as roaring laughter escapes from him. (------) Nabiki is up in her room. She cannot believe what she witnessed. She is now out a lot of money thanks to Nodoka. She curses her as she looks through her files for some of her negatives of Ranko. She figures A LOT of KOF Fight Fans will want risqui pictures of Iori Yagamis sister, and Nabiki is more than happy to oblige. As Nabiki looks through the ones she considers the best until Kasumi knocks on her door. Kasumi (Outside Nabikis room): Hello, Nabiki? Nabiki: What is it Kasumi? Im very busy at the moment. Kasumi: Theres a man down here. He says he has a business proposition for you. Nabiki (Thinks for a moment before answering): Tell him to wait in the living room. Ill be right down. Kasumi: Okay. Kasumi walks downstairs to tend to their guest as Nabiki puts away her files and negatives she has of Ranma. She goes downstairs to see Kasumi serving tea to a gaijin. He is very peculiar looking man. He is wearing a dark blue military style coat with thin black leather shoulder pads, blue pants, and black leather boots. What is the most eye-catching about him however is his hair. It is black at the sides, but it is white and gray with blond highlights on top. The man turns to address Nabiki when he sees her enter the room. Man: Nabiki Tendo I presume? Nabiki (Raises her left eyebrow): And who wants to know. Man: Just a simple person looking for information and locations. Nabiki: Information I can handle. Locations, I could probably help you with. But I suggest using a map. My services ARE NOT cheap. Man (Poker faced): I am well aware of that. The man places a wad of Yen onto the table. Nabiki picks it up, counts, and almost faints. The man just handed her 500,000 Yen. More than enough to cut her loss today and than some. Nabiki: And what would you like to know? Man: I am looking for information on a houseguest you once had here. A boy by the name of Ranma Saotome. Nabiki: And what would you like of him? Man: I want all the information you have on him. Leave NOTHING OUT! That includes details on his battles, his CURSE (Nabiki and Kasumis jaws drop), and what he is capable of now. If you dont mind of course. Nabiki (Shocked): How did you Man (Interrupts): I know of the curse? Simple. I have kept my eye on Ranma for a little while. I know of certain aspects of his life. But not all. Im sure you have a good amount of information I would find useful. Nabiki: Indeed. But It will cost you a bit more than (Eyes widen as he drops another 500,000 Yen onto the table). Man (Grins): Will this be enough? Nabiki nods her head dumbly and runs upstairs to get EVERYTHING she has on Ranma. Kasumi just stares at the man. She doesnt like how he knows about Ranma-kuns biggest secret. She also doesnt like the fact that hes manipulating her sister so easily. As she stares, she tries to remember some of her fathers teachings. Specifically, reading a persons aura. She tries to regain focus on that part of her life, but she cant get anything. Which could mean one of three things. She is so out of touch with her training, she cant do it, (which she doubts), that the man is too relaxed and has no aura coming off him at the moment, or the man is so advanced in martial arts, he knows how to hide his strength from those weaker than himself. She prays silently that is isnt the third option. Kasumi doesnt like to think of anything bad happening to her friend Ranma. Hes been a major source of excitement since he came into her dull life, and has been a good friend that would listen to her. She decides to try a more direct approach to getting to know the man sitting in front of her. Kasumi: Would you like anything else to eat or drink sir? Man: No thank you. The tea is fine, and Im not hungry. Kasumi almost frowns, but doesnt. Shes become very good at hiding and suppressing her anger. She had to do it for years since her mother Kimiko died. She decides the Good Host routine would work. Kasumi: Well, is there anything else Mister? Man: My name is Leopold. Kasumi (Thinks): Leopold That is an interesting name (------) Theres a boy that walks through Nerima. A boy looking for vengeance on the one he blames everything bad on. A boy by the name of Ryoga Hibiki aka P-chan. He realized that he will never have Akane. He remembers her tears and speech from a few nights ago as he continues to march along. ------ On the Black Noah, the night before. Akane (Holding P-chan): P-chan, ITS NOT FAIR! RANMA IS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE! I know what hes become, and I have Shingo now BUT I DONT CARE! HE IS MINE! HES BEEN MINE SINCE HE FIRST CAME TO NERIMA! HOW DARE HE ATTACK ME WHILE IN NEKO-KEN! THE JERK! IF HE WAS HERE, ID MALLET HIM! But still ITS ALL RYOGAS FAULT THIS HAPPENED!!! P-chan: BWEE!?!? Akane: IT IS! Because HE made Ranma into a demon. Its HIS entire fault this happened! THERES NO WAY I AM TO BLAME! THERES NO REASON TO HATE ME!!! DAMN YOU RANMA! ITS ALL YOUR AND RYOGAS FAULT! ------ Ryoga stares mutely at the surroundings. He knows Ranma has to be around here somewhere Of course Ryoga didnt remember there being camels around where Ranmas Mothers house is. Ryoga:  WHERE THE HECK AM I NOW!?!? DAMN YOU RANMA! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! WHEN I FIND YOU I WILL KILL YOU SAOTOME!!! (------) End Chapter 21 Next Time: Ryoga begins his quest to find and kill Ranma. Kasumi and Nabiki get too know Leopold a bit more, and his reasons for hiring Nabiki. Soun meets an old family member he hasnt really talked to in years, at his wifes grave. And Ranma trains some more. Send your questions and comments to either or Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year!