From: John C. [] Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 19:08 To: Subject: Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 22 Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 22: A Secret of the Tendos It is very early in the morning at the Tendo Dojo. The sun isnt even up, and the crescent moon seems to swim in the night sky among all the stars. Kasumi gets up, but not to do her chores as she usually does. She heads out to the dojo. She goes to the farthest right hand corner of the room. She knocks on the floorboards with the back of her palm. Once she hears one of the floorboards make a semi-loud creek, she knows it is the one. She places her hands by the sides of the floorboard and pulls it up. She than sticks her hands into the darkness that is underneath the floor, and feels around in it. She finally touches what shes looking for, and gives a sigh of relief as she pulls it out of its dark hiding place. It is a long, skinny chest. It is very simplistic, yet intricately detailed. It is definitely a couple of hundreds of years old. It is made of polished cherry tree wood, and is painted a dark forest green. There is a small amber gemstone in the center of lid, which acts as a lock. Kasumi holds the chest and looks at it for a long time. She puts the box to the side and puts the floorboard back into place. She runs back into the house quickly, and quietly. She makes it to her room and locks the door behind her. She places the box on the bed and walks over and draws her curtains on her window. As she walks over to sit on her bed, and hold the box, she thinks of what this Leopold person told them last night as Nabiki came back downstairs ------ Kasumi sits in the same room staring at the man that calls himself Leopold. This mans presence sends cold chills up her spine. Kasumi does not like this person at all. Usually, she just shuts out these bad thoughts of people, but for once, it feels as though she should not let her guard down around this man. Nabiki finally comes back downstairs with a stack of folders and photos. She than places it all on the table before Leopold. Nabiki: Hows this Mr.? Leopold: My name is Leopold. Well, let me see. Leopold grabs one of the photos on top of the stack of information. It is one of Ranma in his girl for sleeping on her stomach and the strap of her shirt is falling off. Leopold lets off an appreciative whistle. This act disgusts Kasumi, and makes Nabiki smile. After all, to her, a satisfied customer is one she can get A LOT of Yen out of. Leopold than puts the photo down. He picks up Ranmas profile with his left hand, and scratches his beard with his other as he reads it. Leopold (Reads out loud): Name. Ranma Saotome. Birthplace. Japan. Birth date. July 5th, 1981. Hair. Black when male, and red when female. Eye color. Blue. Height. 1.79 m (59) when male, and 1.69 m (55) when female. Weight. 69 kg (150 lbs) when male, and 59 kg (128 lbs) when female. Blood type. A. Hobbies. Martial arts, training, and eating. Favorite food. Okonomiyaki. Favorite sport. All. Most valuable. Leona Hm hm hm hm Well now This IS of real interest indeed Kasumi stares at Nabiki. She is furious with Nabiki. She cant believe Nabiki would write that into Ranmas profile. Now, his friend Leona may be in trouble as well. She wants to yell at her sister, but after suppressing her bad feelings for so long, she doesnt remember how to show anger anymore. All she can do is stare and seethe on the inside with anger. Leopold (Puts down profile): Well than. I am certain that this will be of use to me. I thank you for your service. But I still need some help. Nabiki (Folds her arms behind her back): My services arent Leopold knows where shes going, and he drops another wad of Yen onto the table. Nabiki picks it up and counts 20,000. She than kneels by the table, and wait for Leopold to continue. Leopold: Tell me this. Have you ever heard of the Sacred Treasures of the Shingi Trioca? Nabiki (Nods her head): Yes. I know of that legend. Those were the three relics used by the three heroes to slay the Demon Hydra-dragon about 1,800 years ago. Kasumi notices that this Leopold person winced when Nabiki said Demon Hydra-dragon. She wonders why that is, but doesnt say anything. Leopold: Well, as I was saying before, I am looking for locations. But specifically, I am looking for the locations of those three treasures. Kasumi: Treasures? What do you want those treasures for? Leopold directs Kasumi a cold-hard glare, which petrifies Kasumi into place. Nabiki is about to say something about this, but Leopold just holds up another 10,000 Yen in his right hand, and Nabiki gleefully snatches it. Kasumi is than horrified by the way her sister is acting. She truly sees her sister Nabiki for the mercenary she truly is. Leopold than breaks his gaze on her and turns to Nabiki. Leopold: Now, as I was about to say before I WAS SO RUDELY INTERRUPTED! (Kasumi tenses with this). I want these three treasures for my museums new exhibit. Nabiki (Raises her left eyebrow): Museum? Leopold: Yes. I am one of the heads at the Guggenheim Museum of History in New York City, NY State, U.S.A. Nabiki (Interested): Really? Whats the exhibit? Leopold: We are adding a Legends of Feudal Japan wing to our museum. We want the three treasures as the center pieces to this new exhibit. Nabiki: What are these treasures Im looking for exactly? And are you even sure they exist? They are just from a legend after all. Leopold: I know for a fact that they exist. This is because, I myself have seen one of them, but was not able to get it. The one I saw was the Yata Mirror. It is a mirror that can see past illusions, and into a persons true self. Than theres the Yasakani Beads. They protect the human soul from outside influences. Finally, there is the Kusanagi katana, which was used to behead the Demon Hydra-dragon. This sword is full of spiritual energy. Nabiki: And what will I be paid if I find these items for you? Leopold: If you can find where they are, I will pay you 1,750,000 Yen, per location. If you actually get your hands on the items for me yourself You can name your price. Nabiki hears this, and lets her emotionless mask drop. She literally jumps on the table and does a little dance that could rival one of Genma and Soun after they hear Ranma will marry Akane, laughing all the while. Kasumi is in utter shock by all this. Nabiki is showing more emotion than she has shown in YEARS. And, the fact this man wants these three items. Kasumi can tell that Leopold is obviously lying to them. But Nabiki doesnt care. All she can see at the moment is Yen, Dollar, Lira, Franc, and Pound signs flashing before her eyes. This is definitely not good. Especially if one of the things he wants is ------ Kasumis thoughts go back to the present. She opens up the box. It is red velvet on the inside, and a sheathed katana sits in its specially shaped groove. Kasumi pools out the sheathed katana and studies the sides of it. The sheath has six Sun Symbols of the Kusanagi clan imprinted on both sides of it. Kasumi knows a secret about this symbol though. She knows that the symbol is actually an eclipsed sun. That the Dark circle in the center of the sun is actually the moon. Kasumi (Thinks): The Sun and the Moon. Kusanagi and Yagami Kasumi slightly unsheathes the katana. The katana still has the luster it did when she first hid the katana, after her mother instructed her that no one should know about it. Kasumi looks at the area of the katana connected to the hilt, and sees that the katana has the same symbol as it does on the sheath. Her mothers sword IS the Kusanagi katana. Kasumi (Thinks): Why does that man want mothers sword? It does not belong to him, and it is incredibly powerful. I cant talk to Nabiki about this. Shell just give it to the man for money. I have to keep this safe. But whom can I talk to? If I go to father, hell start waving it around, as if it were his own, and Nabiki will get it. Akane would break it. Happosai and Genma would just pawn it for money. Cologne would just steal it. And the others wouldnt understand. She comes to a decision. One she is afraid to make. Kasumi (Thinks): Ill have to go to auntie Nodoka about this. It may break our friendship, and my friendship with Ranma But I need someone to look after Mothers heirloom. Kasumi lets out a heavy sigh. She puts the katana back into its sheath fully, and places it into its groove in the chest, and closes the lid. She places it under her bed for the time being. She takes an old photo album off the bookshelf above her bed, and looks through it. She takes out one of the pictures. The picture has her mother Kimiko in a dark green kimono, with her katana in a bundle like Nodoka usually does with hers, Kasumi as a 5 year old girl playing with a 6 year old boy with messy brown hair, and an older man to the side wearing a green hakama and scratching his beard. She turns it around to the back, and reads whats listed. Kasumi: Family picnic. June 30th, 1982. From left to right. Kimiko Tendo, Kasumi Tendo, Kyo Kusanagi, and Saishu Kusanagi Kasumi than puts the photo in her dresser drawer. She will have to show it to auntie Nodoka when she sees her next. She places the photo album back on the bookshelf and just lies back in bed. She cant sleep. She has too much on her mind. She almost wishes to go back to her ignorant ways. When she could just treat everything with a smile, a cup of tea, and an Oh my. But she knows that the time for that is over. She has to take charge now, before things get out of hand even more so. (------) Ryoga stands at the docks where the Black Noah is docked. At least he found his way back to Japan. He sees Vice and Mature sitting by some crates, talking to each other. He goes up to them. Ryoga: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Saotome compound is? I have to kill Ranma. Vice (To Mature):  Whos this nut? Mature: I believe that boy is Ryoga Hibiki. Captain of the Kill Ranma Team. Vice: Well THAT was obvious. But Why do you need to kill him now? Wait until you fight in the tournament. Ryoga: IM TIRED OF WAITING! I WANT TO KILL RANMA SAO Vice: OUTRAGE!!! Vice shoots her arm out like a snake, and locks her hand around Ryogas ankle. She than tosses him with great strength to a far away place. Unfortunately, that place happens to be the center of Nerima. Ryoga (As he flies through the air): THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT SAOTOME Vice (To Mature): Now As I was saying (------) The sun is up and shining. Leona is all dressed and ties her shoes. She is ready to start some more training with Ranma. She runs to Ranma and Ioris room. She opens the door, only to find The two still sleeping on their futons at opposite sides of the room. And snoring LOUDLY, might I add Leona (Thinks): CHRIST! Its 10 in the morning! Are these two gonna sleep the day away? As if to answer her, Iori mutters in his sleep. Iori (Asleep): Heh heh Die Kyo Heh heh Meat Yummy meat Leona stares at Ioris sleeping form. She does NOT want to know what THAT was about Leona (Thinks): Okay Well If theyre gonna sleep the day away, I might as well TRY to get them up. Nothing less of a nuclear explosion gets these two up. Lets see if a nice COLD shower will wake these two sleeping beauties Leona than uses her powers to solidify the water molecules in the air more. Soon there are two balls of water floating in the air. Leona (Thinks): I got GOOD!!! Hmm Should I, or shouldnt I? (Smiles evilly). I will! With that the two balls of cold water splash down on the unsuspecting victims. Ranko shoots up, jumping up and down screaming about COLD, COLD, COLD!!! Iori on the other hand. Iori (Still asleep): SNOOOOOOOOOORE Ranko: Brrr WHAT YOU DO THAT FOR!? Leona: Well You two were still sleeping. And you promised me wed do some more training. So, if its not too much Ranko: Okay. Let me change back to a guy first. Leona: How will we get Iori up? Ranko (Smiles): Simple really. (Goes up to Ioris ear). Hey Iori! Kyo is here ready to fight you to the death! In a split second Iori is up, and in his fighting stance. Iori: YES!!! OH HOW IVE WAITED FOR THIS DAY!!! WHERE IS HE!? WHERE IS THAT SCUM OF THE EARTH KYO!?!? Ranko (Tries to sound mechanical): Sorry. The wuss of a fighter you are trying to reach has been disconnected. Please hang up and try again Iori (Aura flairs to life, clenches and unclenches his hands): RAAAANNNMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Ranko:  Lechan Looks like well have to practice a bit later Okay? Leona (Nods her head): Okay. Dont take too long. With that Ranko shoots out of the room like a bat out of hell. Iori than picks up chase after the petite redhead. All the while Ranko laughs as Iori screams out profanity after profanity behind her. Iori: WHEN I CATCH YOU, YOU ARE DEAD, YOU LITTLE (&*#@*&%@*^*^$^@!(*^*((&@%&@#)^&^%@#^%%@!!! Ranko: Oh my! Leona just smiles and shakes her head in resignation as Iori chases his now female cousin around Nodokas backyard. Leona (Thinks): Those two are never gonna change And I like it that way (------) It is now the afternoon. Soun Tendo walks to a graveyard alone. He is carrying three white roses with him. He stops by a tombstone marked for his wife. Kimiko Tendo Caring Wife and Mother. Struck down by illness. Born: March 31st, 1954 Died: October 20th, 1986 You rest with God now little one. Soun stands in front of the tombstone. He thinks about all the joyous times he had with his wife. When he first met her. When he met her family. Their wedding. The births of his three wonderful children. And a few more personal memories. The smile on his face shows for a little while, but it than disappears as soon as it reappears. He knows he may not be able to keep his pledge to Genma. Soun (Thinks): Genma old friend I dont think we can hide it from them any longer. We have to get Ranma and Akane married soon. It may be the only way to end the Blood Feud. If we dont get them to marry, we may get dragged into a Feud that has gone on for longer than we could even imagine `Soun continues to think as a man sneaks up behind him. Man: So Soun. Hows life been treating you? Soun: WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH Oh Hi Saishu Saishu: Heh Still Jump after all these years brother-in-law? Soun: Yes Saishu. Its so hard to calm down After your sister died, Ive been a nervous wreck. Saishu: Heck Soun! Whats with you now? WAIT! Dont tell me. You are going through another one of those Hmm Whatcha callit? Soun: Breakdowns Saishu: Yeah. Thats it. Howve the girls been doing? Soun (Smiles): Kasumi is an absolute joy. She has every bit of kindness, and such that I loved about my wife in her. Nabiki Well She is very loyal to her family. Akane is a scrapper as always, but she seems to be applying herself more lately. She entered the tournament with her cousins disciple Shingo. Saishu: Shingo isnt a bad boy either Dense yes But definitely not bad. I just wish Kyo would just tell the boy that Magatama cannot be learned, but you have to be born with it. By the way, have any of your girls Soun (Interrupts): No. I can honestly say that none of my children have the gift of the spirit flame as your son Kyo does. Saishu (Folds arms behind his head): Too bad. Oh well Guess its better this way. Now that there are more Yagamis on the loose Soun (Shivers): Please Can we talk of something else? Saishu:  Soun, you REALLY have gotten jumpy in your old age Soun: Im sorry Its just that Saishu (Interrupts): That you need a REST! Seriously, I have no idea WHY you even entered the tournament. Soun: I HAVE TO GET RANMA TO MARRY AKANE!!! Saishu:  Oooooookay Soun:  Sorry brother-in-law. I have been edgy lately. How about this? Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night? Get to see the family. I know you havent seen the girls in years, and theyd be happy to see their uncle Saishu. Saishu (Smiles): Id be delighted! How about I bring Kyo too? I know he hasnt seen his cousins in a long time as well. Soun (Smiles): WONDERFUL! It will be a regular family-get-together. Saishu: Indeed! By the way Has Kasumi developed my sisters skill in cooking? Soun: Yes indeed! Shes every bit as wonderful in the kitchen as her mother was. Nabiki Im actually not sure. Akane Dont ask Saishu: Hmm Sounds serious Soun: WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! AKANE CANT EVEN BOIL WATER CORRECTLY!!! Saishu: Well As long as curry isnt the only thing she can cook, shell be all right. Soun looks up at Saishu with tearful eyes. Saishu:  Oh crap. It IS that bad, isnt it? Soun: WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! MY BABY GIRL CANT COOK!!! WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Saishu: DAMN SOUN! CAN THE WATER WORKS ALREADY!!! Soun: WWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! MY BROTHER-IN-LAW YELLED AT ME!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Its times like these that Saishu wishes he owned a 10 gauge shot gun (------) Ranma, Iori, and Leona do a kata in the backyard as Nodoka watches their form. Shes quite impressed with the grace and synchronization that they all use when they move through the kata. She knows they are truly gifted in martial arts. Nodoka begins to wonder why Iori and Ranmas fathers were so hard on the boys to be the best they could be? They would have reached this skill level on their own, WITHOUT their fathers help. She sighs. Theres no way to change past mistakes. But Leona Nodoka is quite impressed by the fact she became such a great fighter herself. Nodoka remembers that Leonas father Guidel, though powerful, due to the fact he was one of the original Four Heavenly Kings, his level in the Art just plain sucked. And they say the apple doesnt fall far from the tree Nodoka sees Ranma and his own father Genma as proof to that idea being false. Oh well. Nodoka goes inside to make tea for everyone, when the doorbell rings. Nodoka walks to the door and looks through the peephole in it. She is surprised to see Kasumi there. Kasumi seems to be carrying a bag with her. She opens the door to let her in. Nodoka: Kasumi. What brings you here? Kasumi: Please auntie, we have to talk Before things get more out of hand than they already have (------) Ryoga walks through the streets of Nerima. He STILL cant find his way to the Saotome compound. He notices Ucchans Okonomiyaki over in the corner of his vision. He feels great that he found SOMETHING familiar. He runs in and starts making demands. Ryoga: WHERE IS EITHER THE TENDO DOJO, OR THE SAOTOME COMPOUND!?!? Ukyo (From behind the grill): What do YOU want, JACKASS? Ryoga: Well, I want to know where Ranma is! I NEED TO KILL HIM!!! Most of the patrons to the restaurant just stare at the raving lunatic. Ukyo:  Just leave Pig-boy Ryoga (Grabs Ukyo by her shirt): TELL ME WHERE RANMA IS!!! Ukyo: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!? Ryoga (Starts to shake Ukyo): YOU KNOW! TELL ME! At this point the patrons of the restaurant get up from their seats to stop Ryoga. They are the Art of Fighting Team. (Ryo Sakazaki, Yuri Sakazaki, Robert Garcia). And the Ikari team. (Commander Heidern, Ralf Jones, and Clark Steel). Heidern: What do you think you are doing to the lady? Ryoga (Angry): NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!!! Yuri: YOU MALE CHAUVINISTIC PIG!!! Ryoga: DONT CALL ME A Ryo: RYUKO RANBU!!! Ryo jumps at Ryoga with a series of fast passed punches, kicks, and finishes with a quick ki blast. Ryoga goes flying over to Ralf and Clark, and the two get him on the ground and start beating on him. As Ryoga tries to stand Yuri sets off her Haoh Sho Koh Ken. The huge ki blast from Yuri send Ryoga flying out the door of Ucchans. Ryoga lays in the street. He is in quite A LOT of well deserved pain. While lying in the street, he mutters to himself. Ryoga: Curse you Ranma You demon THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! Heidern steps out of Ucchans. Heidern: Hey PIG! Ryoga (Looks up): DONT CALL ME THAT!!! Heidern: Catch Heidern takes a grenade out of his coat, pulls out the pin and tosses it to Ryoga. Ryoga: WWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! ! The dust settles and Ryoga is gone. Once again flying through the air. And lands right in Doctor Tofus Office. Tofu: I swear I should get a sunroof installed Ryoga (Hallucinates): All Your Fault Ranma Pig-boy passes out. (------) End Chapter 22 Next Time: Kasumi talks with Nodoka and the Anything Goes Team about her past, and whats going on. She wants to break of this engagement before things get out of hand. They decide to do it at dinner When Kyo and his father are supposed to come over PLUS Ryoga FINALLY makes his way to Ranma. Send your questions and comments to either or Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year!