From: John C. [] Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 20:36 To: Subject: R:TTH Chapter 23 Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 23: Ranma Vs. Ryoga! Their Final Showdown! Kasumi kneels quietly at a table in the Dining/Living room of the Saotome compound. She keeps eyeing the bag to her side, all the while thinking how shes going to break the news to her auntie Nodoka. Kasumi (Thinks): Okay Kasumi, think. Whats the best way to break this to her?  Dang! I know that no matter what I say, the truth will get me in trouble. But I need help, and auntie will help me But, will she still be friends with me? And how will Ranma and Mr. Iori take it? Oh my I could be in trouble with him As Kasumi thinks of just running out, Nodoka comes back in with a pot of tea, and five cups. Kasumi: Auntie, there are only two of us. So why five cups? Nodoka (Lifts her cup to drink some tea): Im sure Ranma and the others will join us after they have finished their training. Kasumi (Pales): Oh All right Nodoka (Worried): Kasumi? Are you all right? Kasumi (Shakes her head): No Nodoka: Whats wrong? Kasumi (Looks at Nodoka): Promise you wont be mad? Nodoka (Surprised): What? Kasumi (Eyes start watering): Promise!? Nodoka: Kasumi dear? Whats wrong? Kasumi (Takes in a deep breath): This Kasumi holds out her right hand. She closes her eyes and concentrates. After a couple of seconds an orange flame engulfs her hand. Nodokas eyes widen. She drops her teacup, and it smashes on the table. Kasumi looks at Nodoka with an expression of fear and shame. She puts the flame out. Finally, Nodoka mutters a single word. Nodoka: Magatama Kasumi (Looks down): Yes Nodoka (Slightly frowns): You are of the Kusanagi, I presume? Kasumi (Ashamed): Yes Kasumi is afraid to look auntie Nodoka in the eyes. A few minutes pass. Kasumi gathers her courage and finally looks up at Nodoka. What she sees surprises, and worries her. Nodoka has an expression of worry herself, mixed with a bit of anger, yet There is sympathy in the look. Nodoka (Neutral tone): Why? Why didnt you tell me this earlier? Kasumi: My mother told me to keep my power a secret. And father specifically told me not to mention the relation to the Kusanagi clan to anyone. Nodoka: How is it you are related to the Kusanagi? Kasumi: My mother is was one of the Kusanagi clansmen. Her maiden name was Kimiko Kusanagi. Nodoka (Rubs the side of her head): Hmm You are part of the Kusanagi clan Oh boy This could get ugly Kasumi: Please auntie! I dont want to have to fight you or the others because of something that happened 660 years ago! I just Nodoka (Curious): You just what? Kasumi: I just want to be your friend (Kasumi bows low). I am sorry for the past discretions my ancestors have brought upon your ancestors. I wish to ask for forgiveness, for our misgivings. Nodoka is genuinely surprised. She stares at Kasumis bowing form, and she doesnt know what to think. She has mixed feelings of betrayal, anger, awe, sympathy, and joy. She is angry that something so important is being revealed to her now, after so long, yet she is greatly impressed by Kasumis courage and humility to come her to tell her the truth, and to ask for forgiveness for her and her ancestors. Nodoka puts her right hand on Kasumis left shoulder. Nodoka: Rise Kasumi. (Kasumi looks up at Nodoka). By my power as the current Head of the Yagami clan, I forgive you. (Kasumi is ready to jump at Nodoka and give her a hug, but Nodoka out stretches her hand). BUT! Kasumi (Cringes): But Nodoka: Just because you are forgiven, does not mean that your ancestors and living relatives are. They have stained their own honor, and will not be easily forgiven. Kasumi: I know. Please auntie, may I ask a favor? Nodoka (Curious): A favor? Kasumi: Will you keep this? Kasumi reaches into her bag to pull out the box with the katana, when Ranma, Iori and Leona walk in. Ranma (Waves his hand): Hi Mom! (Eyes widen when he sees Kasumi). Kasumi!? Hi! Howre you doing, what brings you here? Nodoka: Everyone, sit down. We need to talk (------) Kasumi tells her story to the others, about how she is of the Kusanagi. Their expressions cover a vast spectrum. Ranma face shows sympathy for Kasumi, Leona is neutral, and Iori Iori (Vein on neck bulges, left eye twitches, aura flickers): You Are Of The KUSANAGI!?!? Kasumi (Cringes): Yes Mr. Iori Iori:  GREAT! JUST WHAT I GOD DAMN NEED! ANOTHER OF YOU WORTHLESS PIECES OF TRASH CLUTTERING UP THE WORLD! Nodoka (Angry): IORI!!! Iori (Slightly calms):  Sorry for the outburst, but (Gets angry again). KUSANAGI!?!? Kasumi (Fearful): Uh I answered before I said yes Iori: WHY!? WHY IS IT EVERYTIME I FIND SOMEONE THAT DOESNT ANNOY ME, THEY TURN OUT TO BE THE WORSE THING FOR ME!?!? Kasumi (Sympathetic): I dont know Mr. Iori. If this will make up for any misgivings I may have caused, let me give you this. It needs someone to look after it. Iori lifts an eyebrow at what Kasumi said. Kasumi reaches into her bag and pulls out a green box. She opens it carefully, and hands Iori the contents. Iori and Nodokas eyes widen with shock. Ranma and Leona look on at whats taking place. Iori: Is that what I think it is? Kasumi (Nods her head): This is the Kusanagi katana. One of the three Sacred Treasures of the Shingi Trioca. If it makes it up to you in anyway, take it. Keep my mothers heirloom safe. Iori (Shakes his head): No. I cannot take this. This is your clans sword. You should keep it. Kasumi: No. At this point, it is better off in someone elses hands. Ranma: Excuse me Kasumi, Nodoka, and Iori turn to Ranma. Ranma: Whats going on? Kasumi, Nodoka, and Iori face-fault. Ranma (Confused): What? Leona (Shakes her head): Ranchan As Ive said before. Sometimes You can be pretty dense (------) Kasumi ends up giving an explanation to what transpired the night before. How this man came to her home, wanting to hire Nabiki to find the locations of the three Sacred Treasures. She tells how this man wants them for an exhibit in the Guggenheim Museum of History over in the United States. And how she came to the decision that the sword was no longer safe with her, and that she needs someone else to look after it now. Nodoka agrees to take the sword. She than puts the bow, that acts as the swords container aside, and she bundles the Kusanagi katana up with the Saotome katana. Kasumi than asks Nodoka if she and the others can come over for dinner. She wants to break off the engagement with Ranma and Akane. Kasumi has seen how Akane has treated Ranma and knows that there is NO WAY IN HELL to even possibly save it. Breaking it off now will prevent loss of honor from either party. Nodoka, Ranma, and Leona agree to go and talk this out with the Tendos. Iori refuses to go. But, thanks to Kasumi reading Ioris profile that Nabiki had, she knew Ioris one semi-weakness. MEAT! Kasumi starts to list meat dish, after meat dish shell serve, and she notices each time, that Ioris determination to hate her ebbs away. Finally, after listing 54 meat dishes, Kasumi gets Iori to agree to go. She leaves to Saotome compound, ready to go and cook. Shell need all the time she can get. She needs to make all those meat dishes. Shes sure Iori will want all that meat (------) Kasumi has left and Ranma sits outside in the backyard. Leona walks up to him. Leona: What are you thinking about Ranchan? Thinking about the meeting tonight? Ranma (Surprised): Huh? Oh Hi Lechan Yeah I am thinking about that You know what? Leona: What? Ranma (Smiles): Ill be free Lechan. Free from another piece of craziness in my life. With Mom breaking up my engagement to Akane, I wont have to worry about her. Leona (Smiles): I am happy for you Ranchan. What will you do now? Ranma: Simple. Clean it up fully. I still have the Amazons to take care of, theres the Kunos, Ryoga, Happosai, Genma, Soun, Akane will definitely be pissed, and Nabiki Leona (Frowns): You dont talk much about Nabiki. Ranma: Dont want to. As Kasumi was saying before, even though Nabiki may deny it to herself at times, money is the number 1 route in her life, not her family. She will ignore anything that stands in her way of making money. She will bend and break laws to make a fast buck. She does this simply because she is a control freak. To be honest, I actually hate her. Leona: What will you do once everything is sorted out in your life? Ranma: Simple. Eat, find a way to get rid of this curse, and train to be the greatest martial artist EVER! Leona (Raises an eyebrow): Thats sounds too simple. Anything else? Ranma (Blushes): Well, there is one thing Leona (Curious): Oh? What? Ranma: I was hoping I would get to spend more time with you. Leona smiles. Ranma smiles back. Ranma gets to his feet to look Leona in the eyes. Her icy blue eyes seem to penetrate through his own warm blue ones, to look directly into his soul. Ranma moves in to kiss Leona when !!! Ryoga (Standing in a hole in the wall to the backyard): DAMN IT!!! WHERE THE HECK AM I NOW!?!?!? Ranma and Leona get VERY angry. Ryoga looks around and spots them. Ryoga: YOU!!! RANMA, BECAUSE OF YOU, I HAVE SEEN PURE HELL!!! Ranma: Ryoga When are you going to realize that I am NOT the reason your life has gone bad? It is your entire fault all these bad things have happened to you. You just keep blaming me for every slight thing that doesnt go your way. Be a man and just accept responsibility once in a while. Ryoga, meanwhile, just seethes with anger. He hears nothing from Ranma except. I am reason your life went bad. Keep blaming me Ryoga is more than happy to oblige to the few words he actually hears. He throws a quick haymaker to Ranma but Ranma just side steps it. Ryoga keeps throwing punches and kicks at Ryoga, but Ranma just dodges everyone. Ryoga is beyond angry at this point. His mind shuts down and he goes into an all out assault. Suddenly, his abdomen registers pain. Ryoga crumples over onto the ground. Ranma had punched him in the stomach. Ryoga looks up at Ranma. Ryoga: Fight fair demon! Ranma (Shakes his head): Ryoga. I dont know what exactly got you going this time, but stop it. You are WAY out of your league, and I am tired of fighting you. Just go home and leave me alone. Ryoga doesnt hear what Ranma says again. Ryoga turns his head and looks around. He sees Ranma in front of him, Nodoka and Iori standing by the doors that connect the house to the backyard, and he spots her THE ONE THAT HURT AKANE!!! ---- In Akanes cabin on the Black Noah one night Akane: IT WAS AWFUL P-CHAN! THAT BLUE-HAIRED B*TCH CHEATED! SHE ISNT A REAL MARTIAL ARTIST! I AM! I KNOW I CAN BEAT HER! SO THIS PROVES SHES A NO GOOD CHEATER!!! P-chan (Nods hi head to agree): BWEE! Akane: Thanks P-chan. NEXT TIME, ILL WIN FOR SURE!!! I CRIPPLE THAT BLUE-HAIRED B*TCH THAT STOLE MY RANMA! He belongs to me you know. P-chan (Stares at Akane):  Bwee? ---- Ryoga rises to his feet. He gives Ranma a sadistic smile. One that makes all present shiver in disgust. Even Iori. Ryoga (Grips his umbrellas handle): Ranma Ive pledged my self to destroy your happiness To take away everything you hold dear, so that you can see the hell Ive been through because of you! Ranma (Angry): LOOK RYOGA! I AM GETTING SICK OF THIS! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, BEFORE DOC TOFU TAKES YOU OUT OF HERE ON A STRETCHER! Ryoga (Smiles, narrows eyes): Fool You always were a coward Saotome This wont end TILL YOU ARE DEAD YOU GOD DAMN DEMON!!! Ryoga than turns to face Leona. His green aura flares to life around him. He is so depressed and angry at the moment that he has all the energy he needs. To perform a Perfect Shi Shi Hokodan. Ryoga (Shoots Ki Blast at Leona): PERFECT SHI SHI HOKODAN!!! The Green ki blast makes its way to Leona. She is shocked and awed by the display of power, that she cant make herself move. Ryoga laughs as he sees this Blue-haired Demoness is in no way as skilled as the Demon Ranma Saotome, that shell be destroyed. The blast never connects. Ranma, with an amazing display of speed, runs right in front of Leona. He than shoots out a quick Mouko Takabisha no Orochi, and cancels out Ryogas Perfect Shi Shi Hokodan. Ryoga stands stunned. Ranma took out the powerful ki blast as if it was nothing. As the smoke clears from when the two blasts collide, Ryoga sees something that makes him almost shit his pants. Ranmas fiery violet aura has flared to life; only it has extended to take on the shape of seven dragonheads as well. Ranma himself looks the same, but the energy coming off him is intense. Everyone there stares at Ranma in awe for about a minute. Ryoga than does the first thing to come to mind. He runs to Ranma, prepared to end the Demons life. Too bad things dont go as Ryoga planned. Ranma springs toward Ryoga; ready to give the Pig EVERYTHING hes earned over the past two years WITH interest!!! ! Ryoga takes a right upward punch to the chest. ! Ryoga takes a left hook to the jaw. It breaks under the force its hit with. ! Ryoga spits up blood upon impact of Ranmas right knee in his stomach. ! ! Ryogas now airborne from Ranma twirling around him, and smashing him in the back with his right elbow, and following up with a roundhouse kick. Ranma runs up to Ryoga and performs Ioris Dark Crescent Slice. ! ! Ryoga lies there. His ribs cracked from the force of Ranma smashing him into the ground, and burnt from the explosion of Magatama no Orochi. Ranma is not done yet. Ranma picks up Ryoga by the jugular, ready to tear his throat out. And he would do it, if not for someone intervening. Leona (Screams): RANMA! STOP IT, PLEASE!!! Ranma goes back to himself upon hearing Leona call for him to stop. His aura dies down, and he is truly himself again. He stares at the bloodied, bruised, and broken form of Ryoga hoisted off the ground by his throat. He drops the Pig-boy in an unsightly pile. Ranma gets on his knees and grabs the sides of his head. Ranma: Dear God WHAT HAVE I DONE!?!? Ranma starts to breathe heavily. He cant comprehend being this cruel to anyone. The thought makes him sick and soon he staggers around for a bit, and starts to throw up. He stands next to a tree, with his hand against it for support. He looks at his hands. He knows these hands are lethal weapons. He contemplates what he did, when he feels someone grab his shoulder. Ranma (Turns around): GET AWAY FROM ME!!! Ranma than quiets down when he sees it was Leona he yelled at. His fear is replaced by guilt. Ranma: Oh God Lechan Im sorry So sorry. Ranmas eyes begin to water. Leona stares at him. Shes not sure what happened, but she knows she may have been the source of it. After all, she has heard how Ranma killed a God to save someone he thought he loved. He was acting on instinct to save her. She cant be mad at him for that. Ranma: Lechan I dont know what to MMmmmph!!! Leona has Ranma in a deep, passionate kiss. She does not want to let him go. This has cleared ALL doubt from her mind. He loves her, and hed do anything to protect her. This kiss is her way of saying Thank you for loving me. Ryoga on the ground looks at the display of affection between the two. It disgusts him. He tries to get on his legs but fails. Tears form in the corners of his eyes. He cries. He cannot face Ranma anymore. He realizes now that Ranma has truly won. He is sure of himself, he knows what he wants with his life, and he loves someone. All these are things Ryoga wants, but doesnt have, because of his own arrogance and stupidity. Ryoga (Thinks as he cries): Damn you Demon Ryoga collapses into an unconscious heap. Yet the tears still stream forth from his eyes. (------) Goenitz stands on the roof of a nearby building, pleased by his work. He had lead Ryoga to the place, to see what trouble the Pig-boy would cause. And he had watched the whole fight from his vantage point. He is quite impressed. He smiles maliciously at the pain the boy is suffering. All that depression is energizing the crystals Goenitz holds in his hands. Overall, Goenitz is happy. Goenitz (Smiles, thinks): Heh heh heh. Excellent. His true power is starting to break free from what binds. And, this fight has given me more energy to use to speed up the process. This also proves that Nabiki was a reliable source. That profile on Ranma has so far, proven to be true. Especially the part of Leona being the most valuable thing to him. Things are going EXACTLY the way I want it! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!! Goenitz holds up his left hand, and disappears into the wind once again. (------) End Chapter 23 Next Time: Dinner at the Tendos takes place. And the two Clans collide How will Genma and Soun take to Nodoka wanting to break up the engagement? Find out next time! Send your questions and comments to either or Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35 a year!