From: John C. [] Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 21:35 To: Subject: Ranma: TTH, Chapter 24 Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 24: Anything Goes Dinner Battle Today was going well for Saishu. He had talked to his brother-in-law Soun, and he was going over Souns home for dinner. Saishu walked with a lighter step as he took a step into the Kusanagi mansion. He knew besides free eats, he would get to see his nieces again. All he had to do was find Kyo, and they could get going. Saishu calls out for Kyo. Saishu: KYO! No answer. Saishu: KYO!!! Still, no answer. Saishu: GOD DAMN IT BOY! WHERE ARE YOU? Kyo: Over here Saishu is shocked by what he sees. Kyo is all bruised and bloodied as he drags himself across the floor. Saishu: WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!? Kyo: Yuki is what happened. Saishu: THAT TWIG OF A GIRLFRIEND YOU HAVE DID THIS TO YOU!?!? Kyo (Embarrassed): Yeah Well, Athena went over to see Yuki when we got back here to Japan. She told her about the Divine Goddess Rankyo Yagami Rankyo Kyos hearts turn to little eyes. Saishu stares at him. Saishu: I thought her name was Ranko? Kyo: It is. But s I said, I WILL MARRY HER!!! So its okay to share my name with her. Saishu:  And does that explain why Yuki kicked your ass? Kyo: Yes. She just doesnt want to share the greatness that is I! Saishu covers his face with his left hand and shakes it in resignation. His boy is a pervert. Saishu stops shaking his head after a couple of minutes. He than pulls Kyo up to his feet and smacks him across the face a few times. Kyo:  Ow Saishu: Kyo You are an idiot Kyo: BUT I SAID I WOULD SHARE! ! Kyo:  Ow Saishu: KYO! THAT IS TWO-TIMING!!! Kyo: Im sure the Gods will forgive me. After all, it is they that decided to make three women perfect for me! Saishu (Eyes Widen): THREE!?!? Kyo: Yes. The Innocent, lovely Yuki Kushinada. The Fiery, strong-willed Rankyo Yagami. And the Beautiful Siren of Song Athena Asamiya. I AM SO LUCKY THE GODS SEE THEM AS WORTHY FOR MYSELF! , , , , , , , , , , , !!! After Saishu is done pummeling Kyo with a mallet he seemingly pulled out of nowhere, he tosses it to the side, and pulls Kyo back to his feet. Saishu: Well Kyo? Kyo (Hallucinates): No mommy, I dont wanna go to school today. All the other kids make fun of me Saishu:  Oooooooooookay Well Kyo, get your hormones in check. Were going out for dinner. Kyo: Really? Where? Saishu: We are going to your uncle Souns home. Its a bit of a family gathering. Kyo (Eyes sparkle): WILL THERE BE CUTE GIRLS!?!? Saishu: Well, depends on if you see your cousins as cute. Kyo (Looks downcast): Oh Only family? DAMN! I WANT CUTE NON-FAMILY MEMBER WOMEN!!! Saishu smacks Kyo in the back of the head. Saishu (Angry): Just shut up and move. Were going. NOW! (------) The Tendo Household is quite a sight at the moment. Genma is playing/cheating at a game of shogi by himself. Akane is in the Dojo practicing with/mercilessly beating the crap out of Shingo. Nabiki is in her room, on her computer looking for information on the Sacred Treasures of the Shingi Trioca. Kasumi is in the kitchen with dish after dish, after dish of some sort of meat recipe prepared, and she works on more. Happosai, Jubei Yamada, and Chin Gensai are in Happosais room, going over their route for tonights training. Soun gets home. Soun: Im home! No one answers Soun (Mutters): Figures Genma: Soun old boy, whats wrong? Soun: Nothing much. (Sniffs the air). Whats that delicious aroma? Genma: Isnt it? Kasumi, right when she got home, said she was having a few guests over to discuss things, and she went right to cooking! Shes prepared, by my count, at least 32 meat dishes already! And she said she has another 22 in the works! Soun: Wow Thats a lot of meat. Genma (Rubs his hands greedily): Indeed! Soun: Its for the best. I am having some company over. Genma: Company? Soun: Yes. Please Genma, help me gather the girls. Except Kasumi, she seems busy with cooking. I want to tell them were having family over. So Genma gets the girls <Yes, I count Shingo as a girl too>. And brings them to the living/dining room. He tells them theyre having family over for dinner. Akane doesnt care, Nabiki thinks of ways to get money off of them, and Shingo tries to leave, but his training with Akane has momentarily taken away the use of his legs, so hes forced to stay. Too bad Akane than drags Shingo back to the Dojo for more training. Akane: COME ON SHINGO! WE HAVE MORE TRAINING TO DO, IF WERE TO WIN THIS TOURNAMENT! Shingo (Tears roll from his eyes): Mommy (------) A few hours later Kasumi has finished preparing everything. She is proud of her culinary skills. She doesnt remember the last time she had such a challenge cooking. But, this was worth it. This will get Mr. Iori to come over. She knows his sheer presence will help her father and Mr. Saotome agree to break the engagement of Ranma and Akane. The doorbell rings. Akane goes to get the door. What she sees makes her jaw drop to the floor. Kyo: WOW! WHAT A PRETTY LADY! ! Kyo: OW! DAMN IT! STOP HITTING ME!!! Saishu: Foolish boy! Stop leering at your cousin Wait a minute Kasumi?  My God You have grown into a beautiful Young woman Kasumi cant help but blush, and Kyo gives his father a look that says, I told you so. Kasumi: Oh my! What brings you here? Are you staying for long? (Thinks: Please say no, please say no, please say) Saishu: Were here for dinner. Soun thought it would help to calm him having family over. Kasumi: Oh my Well, make yourselves at home. (Thinks: WHY? WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN?) Saishu notices that Kasumi starts to pale. Saishu: Is anything wrong dear? Kasumi: Um Well, I Soun (From living/dining room): Kasumi, whos there? Is it Kasumi (Interrupts): YES FATHER! Your guests have arrived! Soun: Great! Let them in! Kasumi steps to the side and lets Saishu and Kyo in. She than runs out their door and sprints to the Saotome Compound. She runs for 17 minutes straight to reach it. She is shocked to see an ambulance in front f the house. Kasumi (Thinks): OH NO! (Out loud): RANMA!!! Ranma comes out from around the house. Ranma: Kasumi? Whats wrong? Kasumi: The ambulance, whats it for? Is everyone all right? Ranma:  Come with me This could take awhile to explain (------) Once inside, Ranma takes Kasumi through the House to the back of the backyard. She stares in wide-eyed horror at all the destruction in the backyard. Worse, she sees what must be 5 doctors working on someone. One of the Doctors Kasumi recognizes as Dr. Tofu. Kasumi (Afraid): Who is Ranma (Angry): Ryoga Kasumi (Hesitates):  What happened? Leona (From behind them): He attacked me. Ranma went to defend me, and he He pretty much made sure Ryoga will never do that again Kasumi: Ranma Are you gonna be okay? I know that you dont like to hurt people Ranma: Sigh Ill be fine Kasumi Its just that Ryoga deserved what he got Im just sorry Im the one that gave it to him. Iori Walks up to them. Apparently he was listening to them the whole time. Iori: No. Dont be. (Ranma, Leona, and Kasumi turn to face Iori). Ranma, you may be afraid of what you did, but listen. As I told you once already, you have developed a backbone. You are no longer going to take their shit. They do anything that slights your honor; you are no longer going to hesitate. You will retaliate. Its as simple as that. Kasumi (looks Iori straight in the eye): Please Iori. When you come over, control yourself. Please! Iori (Curious): Control myself? Why do you ask? Kasumi (Fearful): Father invited some other guests over. Leona: And your afraid of them hearing the conversation? Kasumi: No Dad decided to have some family over. Uncle Saishu and my cousin Kyo. Ranma and Leona stare at Kasumi. Iori however Iori (Clenches and unclenches his hands, vein pops up on his neck, aura flairs to life): KYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Ioris screaming distracts the doctors from their work. Making one of them slip up, while doing some very important work on Ryoga ! Ryoga: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Ranma, Kasumi, and Leona stare at the group of doctors, than back at Iori. Iori:  Oops (------) Kasumi walks home. She is afraid of what will happen now. Iori gave her no promises. He said if Kyo does one tiny thing to bug him, hes going to take Kyo out for good. Kasumi walks to the front door, to see it was left open. She walks in to see Her family and Kyo at the table. They have literally eaten ALL the food she prepared for Iori Genma (Notices Kasumi): Hi Kasumi! That food was great. Kasumi (Stares wide-eyed): You You Soun: Yes Kasumi. We sure enjoyed it. Akane: Yes. It was the best we had in the longest time. Kyo: Wow Kasumi. You are a great cook! Still, I wonder why you cooked so much meat. By the way, thanks for selling me all those photos of my darling Rankyo. Nabiki (Counts her money): Anytime. Shingo: IM SO HAPPY KYO-SEMPAI IS RELATED TO AKANE!!! By the way, that was great food Kasumi. Kasumi (Falls to her knees, shakes her head in disbelief): No No Saishu: Kasumi? Is anything wrong? Kasumi (Angry): THAT FOOD WAS FOR MY GUESTS! I SPENT ALL DAY COOKING IT!!! Most of the house stares at Kasumi with confusion. They have never seen her act so Out of character before. Kyo (Confused): Um No worries cousin. We came and ate too. Your family didnt eat it all. Kasumi (Pulls at her hair): ARGH!!! Soun (Starts to cry): WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! AN EVIL SPIRIT MUST HAVE POSSESSED KASUMI! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Akane (Readies her mallet): Dont worry; Ill get it out of her! Kasumi is about to tell them to all just shut up and leave her alone, when the doorbell rings. Kasumi (Horrified): THEYRE HERE!!! Genma: Who? Kasumi ignores them and runs to the door. She is gone for several minutes. All the people at the table look at each other. The village idiots Soun and Genma come to a decision. Soun: THAT MUST BE THE DEMON THAT POSSESSED MY LITTLE GITL!!! Genma: Curse those evil demons Kyo (Stands on the table): NEVER FEAR! I SHALL DEFEAT THIS DEMON!!! Nabiki: Do you honestly believe a demon would want to possess Kasumi? Akane: Wouldnt be the first time. Shingo (Eyes sparkle): YOURE THE COOLEST KYO-SEMPAI!!! Kyo (Gives award winning smile, teeth sparkle): Dont I know it! There is the sound of footsteps, and a figure walks around the corner. Soun: WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! THE DEMON HAS COME TO KILL US ALL!!! Kyo lunges at the figure with his Wicked Chew attack. His fist connects to the figures face. Kyo stands there awhile. His eyes register how the figure looks. The figure has red hair, a chocker on his neck, a black leather jacket, a white dress-shirt that is left untucked, red leather pants, a red belt tied to his legs right underneath the knees, and black leather shoes. The face is obstructed by Kyos fist. The gears in Kyos head turn a bit to make a confirmation on the identity of whom he just punched. His eyes widen in sheer horror when he realizes the only person that fits this description. Kyo (Removes his fist): Uh Hi Iori Nice weather were having lately, huh? Iori (Fist imprint on face, seethes with rage): Kyo Shingo: AIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! ITS IORI!!! Iori (Looks over at Shingo):  Boo. Shingo: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Shingo passes out onto the table. Iori (Stares Kyo in the eyes): You Little Cheap Sonuva Nodoka (Interrupts): Iori! Behave! Iori: BUT HE PUNCHED ME!!! Nodoka: That may well be, BUT DO NOT FIGHT HIM HERE! Iori is reluctant, but he moves away from Kyo to a corner of the room. Genma: Honey Nodoka (Gives Genma a stare that could freeze hell over): What? Genma (Afraid): Um What are you doing here? Nodoka: Kasumi invited us over. She wanted us to discuss some important matters with you. Ranma: Yes. It concerns the arranged marriage with Akane and I. Soun and Genmas eyes light up. They get up on their feet and start dancing. Soun and Genma: OH HAPPY DAY! THE HOUSES WILL BE JOINED!!! Nodoka: No They cant. Soun and Genma: WHAT!?!? Saishu looks on with curiosity. A barrage of retorts from the people sitting at the table erupts. Genma: THIS IS ABSURD NODOKA! I AM THE PATRIARCH OF THE SAOTOME CLAN! WHAT I SAY GOES! I SPENT 10 YEARS TRAINING THE BOY! HE WILL PAY ME BACK BY DOING AS I COMMAND OF HIM! Soun: NO! RANMA WILL MARRY AKANE! GENMA AND I MADE A PLEDGE BEFORE THE TWO WERE EVEN BORN, THAT THE HOUSES WOULD BE UNITED!!! Shingo: WHAT!?!? HE WAS ENGAGED TO AKANE-CHAN!?!? SHE NEVER TOLD ME THAT!!! Akane: SHUT UP SHINGO! YOU CANNOT BREAK THIS ENGAGEMENT! RANMA BELONGS TO ME! I AM HIS TRUE FIANCEE! THERE IS NO WAY HE IS LEAVING ME! HE IS MY PROPERTY!!! Nabiki: As much as I hate to lower myself to their level, I agree. Ranma should marry Akane. It will be best for both clans. After all, with the joining of the two Schools of Anything Goes, the power of the style will be enhanced. Correct? Kyo: RANMA! I WANT ONE THING OF YOU!!!  Do you know anything about your cousin Rankyo? Nabiki said you know her better than her own brother does. Nodoka unwraps her bundle. She has two katanas with her instead of one. Saishu freezes upon seeing the katana in the sheath with the Kusanagi clan symbols on it. She unsheathes them. The Saotome katana is still a work of quality, while the Kusanagi katana is a work of art, emitting power that has lasted for longer than anyone knows. Saishu: How? How did you get that!? Nodoka: It was a gift. Now, if you WILL LISTEN TO ME! Nodoka looks around the room. Almost everyone is in a state of fear and awe by the sight of Nodoka with two katanas. Especially since one is radiating power. Nodoka (Calmly): As I found out recently, the Tendo clan is mixed with the Kusanagi clan. My husband has been working towards getting my son to marry Akane. He is of the Yagami clan. You are trying to mix clashed bloods. It wont work. So, stop this foolishness. Forget about getting Ranma to marry Akane. Genma (Stands up): NO! THE BOY MUST Genma stops as Nodoka levels the Saotome katana with his throat. Nodoka: Do I make myself clear? Soun (Stands up): THIS IS ABSURD! GENMAS PLEDGE WAS TO UNITE THE HOUSES! THE PLEDGE SHALL NOT BE BROKEN! Nodoka: You do realize the Blood Feud predates the pact you made with my husband by more than 640 years, correct? If not, let me give you a bit of a history lesson. The Kusanagi and the Yagami clans are part of the same bloodline. Over time, they clans separated due to the arrogance of the Kusanagi. We made a pact with the Orochi, and we became of Orochi blood as well. Than the Kusanagi have hunted us. The Blood Feud started, and continues today. Soun: But Nodoka (Glares at Soun): WERE YOU LISTENING? The Kusanagi and the Yagami clans are part of the same bloodline. That is why the Kusanagi and Yagami clans have the spirit flames Magatama. In a sense, you are also relatives to us. The marriage would be immoral, and would go against the feud between the two clans. So forget about your dreams of uniting the two houses, for that is all they shall be. Dreams. If you want to save face, than forget the engagement ever existed. All right. Soun and Genma look at each other. Than at the katanas Nodoka holds. For once, they are not cowering. They want the houses united, no matter what may happen. Soun and Genma: AND IF WE WONT ALLOW IT!? Saishu: Break it. Soun and Genma (Shocked): What!?!? Saishu: Nodoka is right. You should forget about the engagement. Akane: THAN WHY DONT YOU SAY ANYTHING ABOUT KYO AND HIS WHORE RANKYO! Ranma, Leona, and Iori glare daggers at Akane. This shuts her up quickly. Saishu: Because my niece, I know there is no way in hell that Ioris sister Ranko would ever go out with my son. Kyo: HEY! Saishu: Its true. Its obvious she hates you. So leave her be. Kyo: NEVER!!! ! The people look around for the source of the noise. Its Ioris stomach. Iori: Sorry. You have any dinner ready Kasumi? Im hungry. Kasumi (Pales): Im sorry. They ate it all Iori:  WHAT!?!? The people at the table cringe and scoot away from Iori. Iori (Angry, battle aura rises): FIRST I WALK IN AND GET PUNCHED IN THE FACE, THAN YOU IDIOTS ACT EVEN STUPIDER WHEN AUNT NODOKA GIVES YOU THE FACTS ABOUT THE BLOOD FEUD, NOW I FIND OUT THERES NOTHING TO EAT! DO YOU PEOPLE WANT ME TO KILL YOU!?!? Akane (Stands): LOOK HER YOU RED-HAIRED FREAK, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN ! Ioris hand engulfs Akanes face. He has a vice-like grip on her, and he tightens further, enough to draw blood from where his fingertips dig into her skin. Akane flails her arms and hits him, but its no good. The members of the Tendo household look on in horror, as Iori is about to crush Akanes skull. Ranma than walks up to him. Ranma: Let her go Iori. Iori: WHY? I WALK IN, AND NOTHING GOES RIGHT! I JUST WANTED SOME MEAT GOD DAMN IT!!! Ranma: Now you know how life was for me. I would walk in, and trouble would start. So please, just let go of her. Iori is reluctant, but he lets Akane go. She drops to the floor. The others are too scared to move and help her. Iori (Turns to them): Who ate the most? They all point to Genma. Genma: TRAITORS! Iori grabs Genma and drags a kicking and screaming Genma off to the Dojo. All is quiet for a bit. Akane is the first to break the silence. Akane (Furious): HOW DARE HE DO THAT! RANMA! HOW DARE YOU LET HIM HURT ME? (Pulls out her mallet). RANMA YOU JERK!!! Leona: Hold it! Akane (Eyes Leona with hate): YOU! YOU WERE THE ONE THAT HURT ME THAT TIME AT SCHOOL! YOURE ALSO THE ONE THAT STOLE RANMA FROM ME! GIVE HIM BACK NOW YOU BLUE-HAIRED BITCH!!! Ranma (Angry): Akane Leona (Eyes go cold): What did you say? Akane: YOU HEARD ME! DIE YOU THIEF!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Akane swipes at Leona with her mallet, but misses when Leona moves to the side. Leona than does a roundhouse kick to Akanes head. Akane skitters across the floor unconscious. Soun goes into his crying mode again. Soun: WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! THE HOUSES WONT BE JOINED!!! WWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Nodoka sheathes her katanas. Its obvious now that none of them will put up a real fight to get Ranma to marry Akane for the time being. Nodoka bows and gives her farewells to the Tendos. She walks out. Ranma and Leona walk to the dojo to fetch Iori. Ranma (Knocks on dojo doors): Iori, were leaving. Iori (Inside): Just a minute! Ranma and Leona stand outside for a bit. Iori walks out. Once again there is smoke following him as he opens the door. Iori: Ah Slow roasted pork Nothing better. Ranma: Iori, you do realize youre a psycho Iori (Smiles): Your point? Ranma:  Iori: Thought so. Lets go. Im gonna go crazy staying here. And the rest of the group leaves for the Saotome compound. (------) A few good meals from Nodoka later, the Anything Goes Team kneels by the table. They look outside at the pouring rain. They talk about how the dinner went. Ranma: Well It went better than I hoped for. Iori: This is indeed one hell of a place you lived. How the hell did you manage it? Ranma: Not sure. At least now Pops and Mr. Tendo will leave me alone. Lechan. Leona: Yes? Ranma: Why did you have to be so hard on Akane? Not that you werent justified, but I already told you about Akane. Akane is just a martial arts wannabe, she has no real skill, and she doesnt know when to quit. She wont give up. Iori: What about that other girl besides Akane and Kasumi? Ranma: Nabiki She took that whole thing too well. That is a bad sign. I have learned to know how to interpret her acts. I know it is never a good thing to cross her. So I can safely say Nabiki will not take this lying down. The doorbell rings. Ranma: Ill get it. Ranma goes to the door. He opens it to see a soaking wet Kasumi. Ranma: Kasumi? What happened? Wait; get inside first, than well talk. (Turns around). MOM, COULD YOU PLEASE GET A TOWEL! Kasumi (Walks in): Thanks Ranma As for what happened Lets just say, I made a decision. Nodoka comes down with a towel. She sees Kasumi is standing there soaked. She goes over to Kasumi and helps her upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. Ranma just stares at their receding forms as they walk up the stairs. (------) After awhile Kasumi comes back downstairs. They ask her what happened. She gives them a shortened version of what happened. Her father had broken down, Saishu and Kyo promptly left the Tendo grounds, Genma went to Dr. Tofus for burn treatment, Nabiki was angry and went upstairs to her room. Akane was plain furious. She started yelling at the closest person. Which was her. Akane yelled and yelled, blaming all her troubles on Kasumi and Leona. She than hit Kasumi in the stomach, pushed her to the ground, kicked her in her stomach a few more times, and walked out in a huff to train with Shingo some more. Kasumi just couldnt take it anymore. So she grabbed a few items she cared for, and ran. Which brings them back to now. Most are staring at her in shock. Ranma:  I cant believe this Leona: Akane beat you up? Kasumi nods her head. Iori: That miserable, rotten whore! I should have killed her when I had the chance. Ranma (Looks at Iori): Im sorry I stopped you. Iori just shakes his head in resignation. Nodoka: So what now? Kasumi: I dont know. All I know is that I had to get out of the rain, and you were the only ones I could think of. Sorry to be an inconvenience. Nodoka (Puts her hand on Kasumis shoulder): Not at all Kasumi. As you said before, all you wanted was friendship. Please allow me to extend my hospitality to you. Kasumi doesnt know what to say. They are all being considerate of her. This is the first time someone ever cared about what she wanted. Shes so happy that she starts to cry. Ranma: Kasumi, whats wrong? Kasumi (Smiles as the tears flow): Im just so happy. Ranma hugs Kasumi and Kasumi hugs him back. Leona looks on with a smile on her face. She isnt jealous at all; she knows Kasumi is Ranmas friend. She was one of the few people that were actually nice to him while he stayed in Nerima. It still amazes her how Ranma can seem to touch peoples lives and have such a positive effect. Severe, yes, but a positive effect nonetheless. (------) Rugal sits in the captains quarters of the ship. He is making preparations. Tomorrow, the fights leave Japan and head to China. He is more than excited. Goenitz had informed him of the Tenth Hakkeshus advancements in strength, and that they now have more than half the energy needed to put their plan into action. Rugal can taste the power on his tongue, thats how close they are. Rugal smiles wickedly to himself. He looks to the locations to see where he should hold the first fight in China. Rugal: Hmm Jusenkyo The Springs of Sorrow Hm hm hm hm hm (------) End Chapter 24 Next Time: The Middle of the night aboard the Black Noah. Leona regains more of her memories, her true self. How will she handle knowing the truth about things she doesnt want to know? 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