From: John C. [] Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 21:38 To: Subject: "Ranma:TTH" Chapter 26 Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 26: Its Not What You Think!!! Rugal sits at the helm of his ship the Black Noah. Steering her through the seas of Japan. Soon China shall be reached, and than the fun begins again! Sure, the Black Noah is actually computerized for the most part, and a main console below deck actually controls where it sails, but Rugal loves to use the steering wheel for an added effect. A devious smile crosses his lips when he thinks of all the power hell get from the Tenth Hakkeshu. Goenitz, before the Black Noah set sail, stopped by to give Rugal some information on the Tenth Hakkeshu that he had acquired a few days before from an anonymous source. The information, Rugal finds quite useful. Rugal knows that Goenitz likes to work secretively, and that always gets on his nerves. Throughout the tournament, Goenitz has stopped by numerous times, dictating to Rugal what he should do next. If it were up to Rugal, all the fighters that have lost already would have been thrown off his ship. But Goenitz insists they stay, saying how their presence and interaction can create high amounts of energy when certain events work into a domino effect. Rugal wouldnt have believed this, if it werent for the fact that a few events did happen. Like when Ioris sister Ranko appeared, or when Ranma went into the Neko-Ken. Rugal frowns with thoughts of Neko-Ken. His ship had been ruined, and repairs were costly. And when he found out how to learn Neko-Ken, it turned out that the trainee had to be under 10-years old for it to work. Rugal still hasnt been able to look at his pet panther the same way since than. His right eye glows brightly as he thinks of how Vice and Mature purposely withheld the information and let him make a fool of himself, and allowed him to go through a lot of pain. Some fighters are still mocking him when one of them had seen and recorded a special off of Fox called Failed Suicide Attempts and showed it to all the other fighters. Turns out, Rugals Neko-Ken training was the main highlight of it. Rugal gets so angry he grabs his steel wine goblet and crushes it in his hand. He throws it against the deck. The wine spreads all over, and he imagines it to be the blood of all his enemies, particularly Mature and Vice. The devious smile on his face returns with that thought. And he thinks out loud to himself. Rugal: Soon Soon I shall be in power once again. Once my life is guaranteed and I dont have to worry about just disappearing from the face of the world again, I shall take over. Sure, it will be a tough climb through power again, but Ill have the time and the energy. My enemies will be dead, and I shall have the Tenth Hakkeshus power as my own. Than Vice and Mature will die for their treachery, and than Hm hm hm hm hm He will then bow before me for a change. For I WILL have Ranmas power, and become stronger than he is at the moment. After all, anything one can have, can be taken away as well. I SHALL BE IN POWER ONCE AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME!? WITH RANMAS POWER I SHALL TAKE YOU DOWN!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! (------) As Rugal laughs to himself about how he shall conquer Goenitz and become the one true master of all, a tall man standing in the shadows has heard everything. While still cloaked in shadows he goes back to his cabin to contemplate what he heard Rugal saying. Once inside his cabin he turns on the desk light. His features are now clear and we see it to be Wolfgang Krauser. He sits down at the desk, and takes out a piece of paper and pen. He writes down what he had heard, that he feels to be of importance. He than reads it back to himself quietly, as to make sure no one hears him. Krauser: Life guaranteed. Disappearing from the world. Gaining the Tenth Hakkeshus power. Killing Vice and Mature. Ranmas power. He will bow low. Hmm What does this all mean? Krauser thinks back to other things he heard Rugal say. And contemplates how very little of it makes sense. Krauser: Life guaranteed But he is here Why would he need it guaranteed? The Tenth Hakkeshu? From what I know about last years tournament, there are only supposed to be eight of them. Nine when you take into consideration that Yakuza gang member Ryuji Yamazaki is one as well Killing Vice and Mature Why would he kill them? They are his partners, and, from what I recall, they work for him Ranmas power That boy is indeed a good fighter, or at least I hope he is. But Rugal cant take the boys power. True the boy is of Orochi blood, but hows he going to take the power from him? The boy is just a fighter, and most of his strength comes from his own skill. And He will bow low Who is Rugal referring to? Kyo Kusanagi A possibility Perhaps Commander Heidern No If Rugals after large amounts of power to defeat this He person, than it wouldnt be those two. Rugal could easily take care of them as he is now But than whom would he need the energy to fight? And how would getting Ranma and this Tenth Hakkeshus power help him? Krauser sits back in his chair. He traces his violet mustache, thinking of what this could all mean. After a few minutes, one connection clicks into his mind. Krauser (Eyes widen): Ranmas power Ranma IS of the Orochi-Bloodline And a Tenth Hakkeshu Rugal wants that power as well Ranmas cousin Iori is one of the Hakkeshu, as well as his other partner Leona (Smiles wickedly). OF COURSE! Ranma IS THE Tenth Hakkeshu. And if he has powers just as great, IF NOT GREATER than the others (A smile widens and his teeth are revealed). HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!! YES! This could be the fight Ive ALWAYS WANTED! THE FIGHT I HAVE ALWAYS DREAMED OF! Krauser calms himself down, but the smile doesnt leave his face. He places the paper with his findings in a secret compartment in his armor. He than looks into a mirror hanging in the cabin. The smile on his face pleases him. It has been a long while since hes felt happy. Heck, its been a while since hes felt any powerful emotion at all. The last time he was happy was when he had fought Terry Bogard. True, he had lost to the Lonely Wolf, but he had never had such a thrilling challenge in his life. And now Now he may actually have a challenge that will surpass the Lonely Wolf. A fighter of unimaginable power. Krauser clenches his right fist and raises it above his head. Krauser: SOON! Soon a fight shall take place. One that shall marvel even God up in heaven himself! Krausers laughter continues inside his mind. His eyes flare to life with an intense light that has never been seen in them before. (------) It is now morning, with the sun being up for a little more than an hour. Commander Heidern, leader of the Ikari Warriors, walks down one of the halls of the Black Noah. Being on the ship disgusts him. He still waits for Rugal to try something. But so far, besides hosting the King of Fighters Tournament, he hasnt done anything. And that puts Heidern on edge. He knows Rugal set up the tournament for revenge. But waiting for Rugal to make his move, is getting on his nerves. Heidern cant take it anymore, so he has decided he should brief his second in command Leona on this. Get her opinion on whats going on as well. After all, even though they are both in the tournament, he still hasnt really seen her since he gave her an order to keep an eye on Ranma. Hes starting to regret doing that. With all the idiots under his command (such as Ralf Jones and Clark Steele), Heidern is starting to go nuts, and he misses that feminine touch that Leona would add to his life. Ever since his wife had died, protecting him from a killing blow Rugal was going to use on him, Leona has been the only real contact he had with women. And he misses that. He stops when he realizes when hes at the door in front of Leonas cabin. Heidern (Knocks on door): Leona? (No answer, he knocks again). Leona, are you there? Getting no answer still, Heidern jiggles the handle of the door to find that it is unlocked. He opens the door and walks into the middle of her cabin. He calls for her. Getting no answer still, he comes to the realization that she is not there. Heidern: Hmm Where could she have gone? I didnt see her walking around the ship Heidern walks out of Leonas room and sees a Japanese lady, carrying a bundle on her left shoulder looking at him. Lady: Who are you? And what are you doing in Leonas room? Heidern: I am Commander Heidern, of the Ikari Warriors. As for why I am in Leonas room, I was looking for her, so I could talk to her. I am also Leonas adoptive father. Lady (Slightly surprised): Really? (Smiles). I know Leona, and from what I can tell you must have raised her well. Heidern (Beams with pride thanks to the compliment): Thank you. I did my best to raise her. (Eye widens). Know her? How do you know Leona? Who are you? Lady (Bows slightly): My name is Nodoka Saotome, Matriarch of the Yagami clan. Leona has been staying in my home while shes been training with my son Ranma, and my nephew Iori. Heidern (Eye widens further): Youre Ranmas mother? Hmm How has Leona been during these past couple of months? I have rarely seen and talked to her. Nodoka (Smiles): Shes been doing fine. She has gotten along very well with my son, and they have become good friends. They have also been training each other, helping each other to become stronger in other fields. Heidern (Curious): How? I saw her speed improved when she fought Shermie near the beginning of this tournament. But otherwise, nothing. Nodoka (Shakes her head): She has improved physically, but mentally, she has grown by leaps and bounds. Heidern: Huh? How? Nodoka: You see, I knew Leona and her parents long ago, while Leona was a little girl. Ive been trying to help her remember her past, and she indeed remembers me, among other things. It makes me so happy that Leona remembers her Nodosan. Heidern:  Nodosan? Nodoka: Yes. Nodosan was a nickname that Leona has for me. Apparently, I have had that big an impact on her life. Heidern:  What was she like back than? Was she shy, cold, and withdrawn? Nodoka: No. She was very energetic. She was always playing, and laughing. She would always hang around her father. She loved him very much. Heidern (Looks to the ground): I see Nodoka (Puts her hand on his shoulder): Come now. That was than, and this is now. You are her father figure. And I am sure she cares for you. I was about to go and see my son and Im sure that theres a good chance that shes there with him. That is because as I said before, they have gotten to be good friends. Heidern (Tense): How good a friendship did they make? Nodoka (Smiles): A very good one. Heidern: WHERE IS RANMAS CABIN!? Nodoka (Eyes widen in surprise): What? Heidern (Calms): Sorry. Im a little edgy at the moment. Anyway, could you take me to your sons cabin? I want to see if Leonas there, or if he has an idea where she could be. Nodoka: Oh. All right. Follow me. Nodoka walks towards Ranmas cabin, and Heidern follows. (------) Leona wakes up slowly. She notices she feels better than she ever has. After a minute, she notices she feels very warm. She opens her eyes a bit more to take in her surroundings. She sees that she is in one of the cabins of the Black Noah, but not hers. She than realizes that shes covered in a blanket, and lying in a bed next to Ranma. She blushes when she remembers about last night. But the blush is easily replaced with a smile as she remembers how kindly he treated her. She just lays her head back on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. The steady beat has a very calming effect. The smile on her face widens when she knows shes close to Ranma, closer than any other woman will be. He is so sure of himself, and that same confidence makes her feel so secure and safe when shes with him. He was the first person to make her feel good about herself, and, even after she told him a horrible thing about herself, he still loved her. That is something shell never forget that. Her eyes jerk open a bit more when she feels something move through her hair. She instinctively grabs it. Its Ranmas hand. She looks at his face to see a smile break out on it, and his eyes open slowly. Ranma: Good morning Lechan. Leona: Good morning yourself Ranchan. Ranma: You have such soft hair Lechan. Leona (Blushes): Um Thank you. Ranma: Feeling better? Leona: Yes thank you for asking Ranchan? Ranma: Yes? Leona (Blushes): Thank you for still loving me. Ranma (Smiles, raises her chin with his right hand): I wouldnt give you up for the world. Leona: Promise? Ranma (Nods his head): Promise. Leona moves her head closer to Ranmas. They kiss. Whenever they kiss each other, they both feel as if nothing else in the world matters. That the connection the two of them have is all thats truly important. Because when theyre with each other, all seems right with the world. Suddenly the door opens, and in steps Heidern. Nodoka: You should knock first you know! Heidern: I dont have the time for that. Ranma, do you know where Leona (Eye widens and jaw drops in shock when he sees them). Ranma and Leona stop kissing. Their eyes widen a bit in fear and they jump out of bed to either side of it. Leona (Blushes, salutes): COMMANDER! What a surprise meeting you here! Heidern just shakes his head. Ranma looks at the two. Ranma: Um Hi? Nodoka (Smiles, eyes sparkle):  You and Leona AH HA HA! OH HAPPY DAY! Ranma & Leona (Blush): ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!! REALLY ITS NOT!!! Nodoka doesnt hear them. She just twirls around in the same spot, sprinkling confetti she keeps on her for just such an occasion. Heidern eye narrows at Ranma, and his jaw sets back into place. His shock replaced by anger. Heidern (Angry beyond Ryoga levels): Ranma HOW DARE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY DAUGHTER LEONA!?!?!? Ranma (Raises hands defensively): I DID NO SUCH THING! Leona (Puts her hand on Ranmas shoulder): YEAH! HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO ME! WE JUST SLEPT IN THE SAME BED! THATS ALL! Apparently Leona coming to Ranmas defense just made things worse than they already were. All Nodoka and Heidern had to hear were the words we and slept and they came to their own conclusions Nodoka (Tears of joy, waves victory fans): MY SON IS SO MANLY!!! RANMA, YOU MAKE YOUR MOTHER PROUD!!! Heidern (Does the Demon head trick that Soun uses): RAAAAAAAAANNNNNMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Ranma: ACK! Now THAT is scary! Leona: Ranma Ranma: Yeah? Leona: I think its time for the Saotome Secret Final Attack. Ranma: I dont run. Leona: Please. For me? Ranma looks at Leonas pleading eyes. He also looks at Heidern in the corner of his cabin assembling an AK-47 automatic rifle. Those two things are ALL the encouragement he needs. Ranma: Saotome Secret Final Attack RUN AWAY!!! Ranma takes off from his cabin like a bat out of hell. Heidern (Poises rifle): RANMA! GET BACK HERE AND DIE LIKE A MAN YOU COWARD!!! Heidern gives chase leaving a mortified Leona and a VERY HAPPY Nodoka. (------) Iori gets up. He opens his door to go for a morning walk on the ship. He is wearing nothing but his shoes and pants. Ranma runs past him at blinding speeds, followed closely by Heidern. Ranma: I DIDNT DO NOTHING!!! Heidern: LIAR! YOU SHALL DIE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO LEONA!!! The two are out of sight, leaving a confused Iori in their wake. Iori (Stares at nothing in particular):  Im not even going to ask Iori turns around and walks back inside to his cabin, closing the door behind him. (------) The Mess Hall of the Black Noah. Kasumi works diligently preparing meals for the breakfast mob shes sure will come through. Few fighters are already up and eating. That includes the Fatal Fury Team, Mai, the Special Team, and Vice and Mature. Vice (Eats her pancakes): DAMN THIS IS GOOD! (Looks at Kasumi). What brand do you use? Kasumi: I dont use any brand. I make the meals from scratch. Joe (Gets on knees): I LOVE YOUR COOKING!!! Mai (Whaps Joe with a fan): Dont be so over dramatic. Kasumi: Oh my Terry: One things for sure. Kasumi is A GREAT COOK! All (Cheering Kasumi): HERE, HERE! Kasumi (Blushes): Oh my Suddenly, the doors to the Mess Hall burst open. Ranma comes running in wearing his boxers and a white shirt, while being chased by Heidern, who is in full uniform, wielding an automatic weapon. Ranma (While he runs): IM TELLING YOU, ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!! Heidern: LIAR!!! STAND STILL AND DIE LIKE A MAN!!! Heidern shoots his weapon at Ranma, completely missing him, but obliterating Yamazakis bowl of cheerios. Yamazaki (Horrified): MY CHEERIOS!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Mary: And thus, we have another casualty of war Billy: He kills small animals for fun and profit, and a destroyed bowl of Cheerios sickens him? Ranma runs out of the Mess Hall. He jumps onto Billys head, smashing it into his pancakes, and bouncing out through the doors of the Mess Hall. Heidern follows Ranma thee exact same way, leaving shocked onlookers in his wake. Billy (Face in pancakes):  Ow Terry:  What happened? Andy: Im dead Right? Yamazaki (Teary eyed): My Cheerios Mai: I WAS SO FRIGHTENED! (Throws herself in a shocked Andys arms). HOLD ME ANDY!!! Yamazaki: My Cheerios Joe (Holds Kasumi): Are you okay!? Kasumi (Stares at Joe): Um Mary (Kicks Joe in his ass): DAMN IT! STOP BEING A PERVERT! Yamazaki: My Cheerios Kasumi: Oh my. Ms. Ryan, violence is not needed. Just look at what happened with Ranma and that Cycloptic fellow Yamazaki (In all out anguish): MY CHEERIOS!!! OH WHAT DID THESE INNOCENT CIRCLES OF WHOLE GRAIN OATS DO TO DESERVE THIS!?!?!? Billy (Takes face out of pancakes): DUDE! WILL YOU SHUT UP ABOUT THE GOD DAMN CHEERIOS!? Ryuji Yamazaki stares at Billy Kane with hate-filled eyes. Billy: Um Ill be going now Yamazaki (Grabs Billy): HOW DARE YOU HAVE NO REMORSE FOR THE CHEERIOS!?!? YOU SHALL DIE!!! The scene that follows is one of much gratuitous violence, which ends up with Billy getting his pole staff shoved up his ass sideways with a twist. Terry: Dear God Kasumi: Oh my Andy (Throws up): BAAAAAAARRRRRRRFFFFF!!! Yamazaki: EH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEEEEEEEHHHHHH!!! (------) After about an hour of running, Ranma finally got away from Heidern, when he slipped on a puddle of wine on the deck, and slips all the way over board. A thoroughly soaked Ranko gets back on. No longer to be harassed by Heidern, but Kyo: RANKYO MY LOVE!!! Kuno: RANKO! COME TO ME, YOUR SCARRED ANGEL OF FURINKAN HIGH!!! Kyo (Magatama appears on his fist): WHAT!? RANKYO IS MINE! Kuno (Poises his bokken): SURELY THOU JESTS! I SHALL NEVER SUBMIT THE PIG-TAILED GODDESS TO YOU! Kyo (Pissed off): HEY! DONT CALL ME SHIRLEY! Kyo and Kuno start fighting each other. Ranko (Stares at the two idiots):  Whatever... Ranko leaves the two to beat the crap out of each other. (------) It is now the afternoon and it will still be a couple of hours before the Black Noah reaches China. Ranma is currently in his Cabin thinking to himself Ranma (Thinks): Why cant anything go right for once? I mean sure, we did sleep in the same bed, but now almost everyone thinks we did it ARGH! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS! Theres a knock at the door. Ranma: Who is it? Daisuke and Hiroshi storm in. Daisuke and Hiroshi: RANMA!!! Ranma: What? Daisuke and Hiroshi: WE KNOW YOU SLEPT WITH LEONA! TELL US WHAT IT WAS LIKE! Ranma face-faults. Ranma (Gets up): Is that ALL YOU CAN THINK OF!? Daisuke and Hiroshi: Yes. Ranma face-faults again. Ranma (Gets up again): Look, I didnt do it. All right? Hiroshi: You telling the truth? Ranma: Positive. Daisuke: You mean it? Ranma: Absolutely. Hiroshi and Daisuke:  DAMN IT! YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN AND YOU HAVENT SCREWED HER!?!? YOU MAKE US SICK!!! Ranma at this point literally kicks Hiroshi and Daisuke out the door of his cabin. He settles back into thinking when theres another knock at the door. Ranma: Who is it? No answer. Ranma, knowing its gonna be bad anyway, opens the door To reveal Leonas partners from last year Ralf and Clark. Ranma: Hi. What can I do for you? Ralf and Clark (Angry, battle auras rise): RANMA, PREPARE TO DIE!!! Yup This was gonna be one of those days (------) Leona sits on deck of the ship. She thinks to herself, wondering why everyone is being so mean to Ranma. Sure, the guys are trying to protect her, but from what? Ranma is the sweetest guy that shes met. Hes the only guy to ever treat her as a woman, and she wonders whats so wrong with that. A woman walks up to her. Ukyo: So, someone finally caught Ranchans heart. I will admit, Im surprised its you. Leona: Huh? Oh Ukyo Let me guess Come to kill the one who stole your Ranma? Ukyo (Shocked): CERTAINLY NOT! Whatever gave you THAT idea? Leona points to an unconscious beat up Kodachi. Kodachi (Hallucinates): Ranma-sama Ukyo:  Ooooooooookay I guess everyones giving you a hard time about it, huh? Leona: Not really. Only one person went after me so far. Everyone else that feels this involves them has gone after Ranma. Ukyo:  Sorry to hear that. Well, did you do it with him? Leona: No. Ukyo:  Okay than. I believe you. After all, Ranma was able to fight off girls for 2 years straight. Im sure he could have fended them off longer if needed. After all, Ranma had a certain amount of respect for women. Even Akane, who was the worst to him, he tried to be nice to. And what did it get him? At least 3 beatings everyday. Leona: Poor Ranchan Ukyo: Yeah. Look at it this way. You got his heart. Thats something girls have literally tried to kill for. Feel lucky that he loves you. Leona (Smiles): I most certainly do. Ukyo is about to talk further, but a certain Uncute Tomboy interrupts her. Akane: WHERE IS SHE!? WHERE IS THAT BLUE-HAIRED WHORE!?!? Leona stands up to Akane. Ukyo watches intently. Leona: And you insult me because? Akane (Angry, aura flares to life): YOU!!! YOU STOLE MY RANMA! YOU TOOK HIS VIRGINTY! GIVE IT BACK RIGHT NOW YOU SLUT! Leona: Sigh I never took anything from him in the first place, so I cant give it back. We didnt do anything. And I never stole Ranma. He chose to be with me. You have to realize that Ranma is not a prize, which you can just win. He is human, and has emotions like everyone else. Akane (Aura rises): LIAR! YOU TOOK RANMA FROM ME! HES MY PROPERTY! AND HE IS NOT HUMAN! RANMA CAN TAKE ANY BEATING I GIVE HIM AND COME BACK FOR MORE! SO HES A DAMN DEMON LIKE YOU!!! Leona (Angry, narrows her eyes): If you hate him so much, than why wont you leave him alone? And Demon? Ranma and I are not demons. Akane (Charges at Leona): DIE YOU EVIL BIT ! Akane crumples to the deck. She feels a burning pain in her rib cage. Leona had grabbed her and smashed her in the chest with a well-aimed punch as she had charged at her. Akane comes up with one of her usual comebacks when defeated. Akane: You Cheater (She faints). Leona: Poor, deluded fool Ukyo (Claps): GREAT! Im now sure that you can DEFINETLY be Ranmas girl. Leona (Confused): Huh? Ukyo (Smiles): Well, being the girl Ranma likes causes A LOT of jealousy. So, you better be prepared to defend yourself. Leona: Dont worry, I am. Ukyo: Good. (Gets up). Well I gotta go check on my teammates. Leona: The dried monkey mummy that tried to kill me and the boy named after a piece of womens underwear that turns into a strange bull creature? Ukyo: Sigh Yeah I cant BELIEVE they were the only ones available for partners Leona: Maybe you should have gone single. Ukyo: Yeah And get my ass kicked easily? No thank you. Ukyo walks off, leaving Leona where she is. Leona picks up Akane, and throws her right next to Kodachi. Leona (Thinks): Seriously though Why do they go after Ranma? He hasnt done anything for them, and they dont do anything for him. So what makes them think that he is their property? Leona may never know. (------) Rugal stands on the deck of the Black Noah, and looks out to the docks. Rugal: Finally CHINA!!! (------) In the Medical Bridge of the Black Noah, Tofu had gotten Billys pole out of his ass. Tofu: Howre you feeling? Billy: Like hell. Tofu: Let me check your temp. Tofu places his hand on Billys head when Kasumi walks in. Kasumi: Hello Doctor Tofu. Tofu (Glasses fog up): KASUMI! WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE! Tofu turns Billys head 180 degrees counter clock-wise. ! Billy (Eyes water):  This hurts so much, that I cant scream Mary: Dear God Yamazaki: Eh heh heh Kasumi: Oh my. Are you all right Dr. Tofu? Let me check to see if you have a temperature. (Places her hand on Dr. Tofus head). Tofu (Grabs Billy): K, KASUMI!!! Billy (Very high-pitched voice): HELP ME!!! Pan to a shot of the Black Noah from afar. We hear Billy Kanes inhuman scream of pain, and Ryuji Yamazakis thunderous laughter. (------) Ranma sits with Leona at the Chinese docks. Theyll be heading out into China for the fights. Its just that Ranma doesnt like where they chose the fights to be held Ranma: Amazon Village Crazy Central Leona: Its like letting the lunatics run the asylum Iori (Walks up to them): Ranma Prepared to defend yourself if need be? Ranma (Smiles): You bet! Iori (Smirks): Thats the Ranma I know!  By the way Ranma and Leona stare at Iori. Iori: Is it true that you two slept together? Ranma and Leona face-fault. (------) End Chapter 26 Next Time: Jusenkyo troubles. Some new springs have popped up, and some reappeared. AND ONE OF THE FIGHTERS TAKES THE JUSENKYO PLUNGE! WHO WILL IT BE!?!?!? Send your questions and comments to either or Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 26: Its Not What You Think!!! Rugal sits at the helm of his ship the Black Noah. Steering her through the seas of Japan. Soon China shall be reached, and than the fun begins again! Sure, the Black Noah is actually computerized for the most part, and a main console below deck actually controls where it sails, but Rugal loves to use the steering wheel for an added effect. A devious smile crosses his lips when he thinks of all the power hell get from the Tenth Hakkeshu. Goenitz, before the Black Noah set sail, stopped by to give Rugal some information on the Tenth Hakkeshu that he had acquired a few days before from an anonymous source. The information, Rugal finds quite useful. Rugal knows that Goenitz likes to work secretively, and that always gets on his nerves. Throughout the tournament, Goenitz has stopped by numerous times, dictating to Rugal what he should do next. If it were up to Rugal, all the fighters that have lost already would have been thrown off his ship. But Goenitz insists they stay, saying how their presence and interaction can create high amounts of energy when certain events work into a domino effect. Rugal wouldnt have believed this, if it werent for the fact that a few events did happen. Like when Ioris sister Ranko appeared, or when Ranma went into the Neko-Ken. Rugal frowns with thoughts of Neko-Ken. His ship had been ruined, and repairs were costly. And when he found out how to learn Neko-Ken, it turned out that the trainee had to be under 10-years old for it to work. Rugal still hasnt been able to look at his pet panther the same way since than. His right eye glows brightly as he thinks of how Vice and Mature purposely withheld the information and let him make a fool of himself, and allowed him to go through a lot of pain. Some fighters are still mocking him when one of them had seen and recorded a special off of Fox called Failed Suicide Attempts and showed it to all the other fighters. Turns out, Rugals Neko-Ken training was the main highlight of it. Rugal gets so angry he grabs his steel wine goblet and crushes it in his hand. He throws it against the deck. The wine spreads all over, and he imagines it to be the blood of all his enemies, particularly Mature and Vice. The devious smile on his face returns with that thought. And he thinks out loud to himself. Rugal: Soon Soon I shall be in power once again. Once my life is guaranteed and I dont have to worry about just disappearing from the face of the world again, I shall take over. Sure, it will be a tough climb through power again, but Ill have the time and the energy. My enemies will be dead, and I shall have the Tenth Hakkeshus power as my own. Than Vice and Mature will die for their treachery, and than Hm hm hm hm hm He will then bow before me for a change. For I WILL have Ranmas power, and become stronger than he is at the moment. After all, anything one can have, can be taken away as well. I SHALL BE IN POWER ONCE AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME!? WITH RANMAS POWER I SHALL TAKE YOU DOWN!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! (------) As Rugal laughs to himself about how he shall conquer Goenitz and become the one true master of all, a tall man standing in the shadows has heard everything. While still cloaked in shadows he goes back to his cabin to contemplate what he heard Rugal saying. Once inside his cabin he turns on the desk light. His features are now clear and we see it to be Wolfgang Krauser. He sits down at the desk, and takes out a piece of paper and pen. He writes down what he had heard, that he feels to be of importance. He than reads it back to himself quietly, as to make sure no one hears him. Krauser: Life guaranteed. Disappearing from the world. Gaining the Tenth Hakkeshus power. Killing Vice and Mature. Ranmas power. He will bow low. Hmm What does this all mean? Krauser thinks back to other things he heard Rugal say. And contemplates how very little of it makes sense. Krauser: Life guaranteed But he is here Why would he need it guaranteed? The Tenth Hakkeshu? From what I know about last years tournament, there are only supposed to be eight of them. Nine when you take into consideration that Yakuza gang member Ryuji Yamazaki is one as well Killing Vice and Mature Why would he kill them? They are his partners, and, from what I recall, they work for him Ranmas power That boy is indeed a good fighter, or at least I hope he is. But Rugal cant take the boys power. True the boy is of Orochi blood, but hows he going to take the power from him? The boy is just a fighter, and most of his strength comes from his own skill. And He will bow low Who is Rugal referring to? Kyo Kusanagi A possibility Perhaps Commander Heidern No If Rugals after large amounts of power to defeat this He person, than it wouldnt be those two. Rugal could easily take care of them as he is now But than whom would he need the energy to fight? And how would getting Ranma and this Tenth Hakkeshus power help him? Krauser sits back in his chair. He traces his violet mustache, thinking of what this could all mean. After a few minutes, one connection clicks into his mind. Krauser (Eyes widen): Ranmas power Ranma IS of the Orochi-Bloodline And a Tenth Hakkeshu Rugal wants that power as well Ranmas cousin Iori is one of the Hakkeshu, as well as his other partner Leona (Smiles wickedly). OF COURSE! Ranma IS THE Tenth Hakkeshu. And if he has powers just as great, IF NOT GREATER than the others (A smile widens and his teeth are revealed). HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!! YES! This could be the fight Ive ALWAYS WANTED! THE FIGHT I HAVE ALWAYS DREAMED OF! Krauser calms himself down, but the smile doesnt leave his face. He places the paper with his findings in a secret compartment in his armor. He than looks into a mirror hanging in the cabin. The smile on his face pleases him. It has been a long while since hes felt happy. Heck, its been a while since hes felt any powerful emotion at all. The last time he was happy was when he had fought Terry Bogard. True, he had lost to the Lonely Wolf, but he had never had such a thrilling challenge in his life. And now Now he may actually have a challenge that will surpass the Lonely Wolf. A fighter of unimaginable power. Krauser clenches his right fist and raises it above his head. Krauser: SOON! Soon a fight shall take place. One that shall marvel even God up in heaven himself! Krausers laughter continues inside his mind. His eyes flare to life with an intense light that has never been seen in them before. (------) It is now morning, with the sun being up for a little more than an hour. Commander Heidern, leader of the Ikari Warriors, walks down one of the halls of the Black Noah. Being on the ship disgusts him. He still waits for Rugal to try something. But so far, besides hosting the King of Fighters Tournament, he hasnt done anything. And that puts Heidern on edge. He knows Rugal set up the tournament for revenge. But waiting for Rugal to make his move, is getting on his nerves. Heidern cant take it anymore, so he has decided he should brief his second in command Leona on this. Get her opinion on whats going on as well. After all, even though they are both in the tournament, he still hasnt really seen her since he gave her an order to keep an eye on Ranma. Hes starting to regret doing that. With all the idiots under his command (such as Ralf Jones and Clark Steele), Heidern is starting to go nuts, and he misses that feminine touch that Leona would add to his life. Ever since his wife had died, protecting him from a killing blow Rugal was going to use on him, Leona has been the only real contact he had with women. And he misses that. He stops when he realizes when hes at the door in front of Leonas cabin. Heidern (Knocks on door): Leona? (No answer, he knocks again). Leona, are you there? Getting no answer still, Heidern jiggles the handle of the door to find that it is unlocked. He opens the door and walks into the middle of her cabin. He calls for her. Getting no answer still, he comes to the realization that she is not there. Heidern: Hmm Where could she have gone? I didnt see her walking around the ship Heidern walks out of Leonas room and sees a Japanese lady, carrying a bundle on her left shoulder looking at him. Lady: Who are you? And what are you doing in Leonas room? Heidern: I am Commander Heidern, of the Ikari Warriors. As for why I am in Leonas room, I was looking for her, so I could talk to her. I am also Leonas adoptive father. Lady (Slightly surprised): Really? (Smiles). I know Leona, and from what I can tell you must have raised her well. Heidern (Beams with pride thanks to the compliment): Thank you. I did my best to raise her. (Eye widens). Know her? How do you know Leona? Who are you? Lady (Bows slightly): My name is Nodoka Saotome, Matriarch of the Yagami clan. Leona has been staying in my home while shes been training with my son Ranma, and my nephew Iori. Heidern (Eye widens further): Youre Ranmas mother? Hmm How has Leona been during these past couple of months? I have rarely seen and talked to her. Nodoka (Smiles): Shes been doing fine. She has gotten along very well with my son, and they have become good friends. They have also been training each other, helping each other to become stronger in other fields. Heidern (Curious): How? I saw her speed improved when she fought Shermie near the beginning of this tournament. But otherwise, nothing. Nodoka (Shakes her head): She has improved physically, but mentally, she has grown by leaps and bounds. Heidern: Huh? How? Nodoka: You see, I knew Leona and her parents long ago, while Leona was a little girl. Ive been trying to help her remember her past, and she indeed remembers me, among other things. It makes me so happy that Leona remembers her Nodosan. Heidern:  Nodosan? Nodoka: Yes. Nodosan was a nickname that Leona has for me. Apparently, I have had that big an impact on her life. Heidern:  What was she like back than? Was she shy, cold, and withdrawn? Nodoka: No. She was very energetic. She was always playing, and laughing. She would always hang around her father. She loved him very much. Heidern (Looks to the ground): I see Nodoka (Puts her hand on his shoulder): Come now. That was than, and this is now. You are her father figure. And I am sure she cares for you. I was about to go and see my son and Im sure that theres a good chance that shes there with him. That is because as I said before, they have gotten to be good friends. Heidern (Tense): How good a friendship did they make? Nodoka (Smiles): A very good one. Heidern: WHERE IS RANMAS CABIN!? Nodoka (Eyes widen in surprise): What? Heidern (Calms): Sorry. Im a little edgy at the moment. Anyway, could you take me to your sons cabin? I want to see if Leonas there, or if he has an idea where she could be. Nodoka: Oh. All right. Follow me. Nodoka walks towards Ranmas cabin, and Heidern follows. (------) Leona wakes up slowly. She notices she feels better than she ever has. After a minute, she notices she feels very warm. She opens her eyes a bit more to take in her surroundings. She sees that she is in one of the cabins of the Black Noah, but not hers. She than realizes that shes covered in a blanket, and lying in a bed next to Ranma. She blushes when she remembers about last night. But the blush is easily replaced with a smile as she remembers how kindly he treated her. She just lays her head back on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. The steady beat has a very calming effect. The smile on her face widens when she knows shes close to Ranma, closer than any other woman will be. He is so sure of himself, and that same confidence makes her feel so secure and safe when shes with him. He was the first person to make her feel good about herself, and, even after she told him a horrible thing about herself, he still loved her. That is something shell never forget that. Her eyes jerk open a bit more when she feels something move through her hair. She instinctively grabs it. Its Ranmas hand. She looks at his face to see a smile break out on it, and his eyes open slowly. Ranma: Good morning Lechan. Leona: Good morning yourself Ranchan. Ranma: You have such soft hair Lechan. Leona (Blushes): Um Thank you. Ranma: Feeling better? Leona: Yes thank you for asking Ranchan? Ranma: Yes? Leona (Blushes): Thank you for still loving me. Ranma (Smiles, raises her chin with his right hand): I wouldnt give you up for the world. Leona: Promise? Ranma (Nods his head): Promise. Leona moves her head closer to Ranmas. They kiss. Whenever they kiss each other, they both feel as if nothing else in the world matters. That the connection the two of them have is all thats truly important. Because when theyre with each other, all seems right with the world. Suddenly the door opens, and in steps Heidern. Nodoka: You should knock first you know! Heidern: I dont have the time for that. Ranma, do you know where Leona (Eye widens and jaw drops in shock when he sees them). Ranma and Leona stop kissing. Their eyes widen a bit in fear and they jump out of bed to either side of it. Leona (Blushes, salutes): COMMANDER! What a surprise meeting you here! Heidern just shakes his head. Ranma looks at the two. Ranma: Um Hi? Nodoka (Smiles, eyes sparkle):  You and Leona AH HA HA! OH HAPPY DAY! Ranma & Leona (Blush): ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!! REALLY ITS NOT!!! Nodoka doesnt hear them. She just twirls around in the same spot, sprinkling confetti she keeps on her for just such an occasion. Heidern eye narrows at Ranma, and his jaw sets back into place. His shock replaced by anger. Heidern (Angry beyond Ryoga levels): Ranma HOW DARE YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY DAUGHTER LEONA!?!?!? Ranma (Raises hands defensively): I DID NO SUCH THING! Leona (Puts her hand on Ranmas shoulder): YEAH! HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO ME! WE JUST SLEPT IN THE SAME BED! THATS ALL! Apparently Leona coming to Ranmas defense just made things worse than they already were. All Nodoka and Heidern had to hear were the words we and slept and they came to their own conclusions Nodoka (Tears of joy, waves victory fans): MY SON IS SO MANLY!!! RANMA, YOU MAKE YOUR MOTHER PROUD!!! Heidern (Does the Demon head trick that Soun uses): RAAAAAAAAANNNNNMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Ranma: ACK! Now THAT is scary! Leona: Ranma Ranma: Yeah? Leona: I think its time for the Saotome Secret Final Attack. Ranma: I dont run. Leona: Please. For me? Ranma looks at Leonas pleading eyes. He also looks at Heidern in the corner of his cabin assembling an AK-47 automatic rifle. Those two things are ALL the encouragement he needs. Ranma: Saotome Secret Final Attack RUN AWAY!!! Ranma takes off from his cabin like a bat out of hell. Heidern (Poises rifle): RANMA! GET BACK HERE AND DIE LIKE A MAN YOU COWARD!!! Heidern gives chase leaving a mortified Leona and a VERY HAPPY Nodoka. (------) Iori gets up. He opens his door to go for a morning walk on the ship. He is wearing nothing but his shoes and pants. Ranma runs past him at blinding speeds, followed closely by Heidern. Ranma: I DIDNT DO NOTHING!!! Heidern: LIAR! YOU SHALL DIE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO LEONA!!! The two are out of sight, leaving a confused Iori in their wake. Iori (Stares at nothing in particular):  Im not even going to ask Iori turns around and walks back inside to his cabin, closing the door behind him. (------) The Mess Hall of the Black Noah. Kasumi works diligently preparing meals for the breakfast mob shes sure will come through. Few fighters are already up and eating. That includes the Fatal Fury Team, Mai, the Special Team, and Vice and Mature. Vice (Eats her pancakes): DAMN THIS IS GOOD! (Looks at Kasumi). What brand do you use? Kasumi: I dont use any brand. I make the meals from scratch. Joe (Gets on knees): I LOVE YOUR COOKING!!! Mai (Whaps Joe with a fan): Dont be so over dramatic. Kasumi: Oh my Terry: One things for sure. Kasumi is A GREAT COOK! All (Cheering Kasumi): HERE, HERE! Kasumi (Blushes): Oh my Suddenly, the doors to the Mess Hall burst open. Ranma comes running in wearing his boxers and a white shirt, while being chased by Heidern, who is in full uniform, wielding an automatic weapon. Ranma (While he runs): IM TELLING YOU, ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!! Heidern: LIAR!!! STAND STILL AND DIE LIKE A MAN!!! Heidern shoots his weapon at Ranma, completely missing him, but obliterating Yamazakis bowl of cheerios. Yamazaki (Horrified): MY CHEERIOS!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Mary: And thus, we have another casualty of war Billy: He kills small animals for fun and profit, and a destroyed bowl of Cheerios sickens him? Ranma runs out of the Mess Hall. He jumps onto Billys head, smashing it into his pancakes, and bouncing out through the doors of the Mess Hall. Heidern follows Ranma thee exact same way, leaving shocked onlookers in his wake. Billy (Face in pancakes):  Ow Terry:  What happened? Andy: Im dead Right? Yamazaki (Teary eyed): My Cheerios Mai: I WAS SO FRIGHTENED! (Throws herself in a shocked Andys arms). HOLD ME ANDY!!! Yamazaki: My Cheerios Joe (Holds Kasumi): Are you okay!? Kasumi (Stares at Joe): Um Mary (Kicks Joe in his ass): DAMN IT! STOP BEING A PERVERT! Yamazaki: My Cheerios Kasumi: Oh my. Ms. Ryan, violence is not needed. Just look at what happened with Ranma and that Cycloptic fellow Yamazaki (In all out anguish): MY CHEERIOS!!! OH WHAT DID THESE INNOCENT CIRCLES OF WHOLE GRAIN OATS DO TO DESERVE THIS!?!?!? Billy (Takes face out of pancakes): DUDE! WILL YOU SHUT UP ABOUT THE GOD DAMN CHEERIOS!? Ryuji Yamazaki stares at Billy Kane with hate-filled eyes. Billy: Um Ill be going now Yamazaki (Grabs Billy): HOW DARE YOU HAVE NO REMORSE FOR THE CHEERIOS!?!? YOU SHALL DIE!!! The scene that follows is one of much gratuitous violence, which ends up with Billy getting his pole staff shoved up his ass sideways with a twist. Terry: Dear God Kasumi: Oh my Andy (Throws up): BAAAAAAARRRRRRRFFFFF!!! Yamazaki: EH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEEEEEEEHHHHHH!!! (------) After about an hour of running, Ranma finally got away from Heidern, when he slipped on a puddle of wine on the deck, and slips all the way over board. A thoroughly soaked Ranko gets back on. No longer to be harassed by Heidern, but Kyo: RANKYO MY LOVE!!! Kuno: RANKO! COME TO ME, YOUR SCARRED ANGEL OF FURINKAN HIGH!!! Kyo (Magatama appears on his fist): WHAT!? RANKYO IS MINE! Kuno (Poises his bokken): SURELY THOU JESTS! I SHALL NEVER SUBMIT THE PIG-TAILED GODDESS TO YOU! Kyo (Pissed off): HEY! DONT CALL ME SHIRLEY! Kyo and Kuno start fighting each other. Ranko (Stares at the two idiots):  Whatever... Ranko leaves the two to beat the crap out of each other. (------) It is now the afternoon and it will still be a couple of hours before the Black Noah reaches China. Ranma is currently in his Cabin thinking to himself Ranma (Thinks): Why cant anything go right for once? I mean sure, we did sleep in the same bed, but now almost everyone thinks we did it ARGH! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS! Theres a knock at the door. Ranma: Who is it? Daisuke and Hiroshi storm in. Daisuke and Hiroshi: RANMA!!! Ranma: What? Daisuke and Hiroshi: WE KNOW YOU SLEPT WITH LEONA! TELL US WHAT IT WAS LIKE! Ranma face-faults. Ranma (Gets up): Is that ALL YOU CAN THINK OF!? Daisuke and Hiroshi: Yes. Ranma face-faults again. Ranma (Gets up again): Look, I didnt do it. All right? Hiroshi: You telling the truth? Ranma: Positive. Daisuke: You mean it? Ranma: Absolutely. Hiroshi and Daisuke:  DAMN IT! YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN AND YOU HAVENT SCREWED HER!?!? YOU MAKE US SICK!!! Ranma at this point literally kicks Hiroshi and Daisuke out the door of his cabin. He settles back into thinking when theres another knock at the door. Ranma: Who is it? No answer. Ranma, knowing its gonna be bad anyway, opens the door To reveal Leonas partners from last year Ralf and Clark. Ranma: Hi. What can I do for you? Ralf and Clark (Angry, battle auras rise): RANMA, PREPARE TO DIE!!! Yup This was gonna be one of those days (------) Leona sits on deck of the ship. She thinks to herself, wondering why everyone is being so mean to Ranma. Sure, the guys are trying to protect her, but from what? Ranma is the sweetest guy that shes met. Hes the only guy to ever treat her as a woman, and she wonders whats so wrong with that. A woman walks up to her. Ukyo: So, someone finally caught Ranchans heart. I will admit, Im surprised its you. Leona: Huh? Oh Ukyo Let me guess Come to kill the one who stole your Ranma? Ukyo (Shocked): CERTAINLY NOT! Whatever gave you THAT idea? Leona points to an unconscious beat up Kodachi. Kodachi (Hallucinates): Ranma-sama Ukyo:  Ooooooooookay I guess everyones giving you a hard time about it, huh? Leona: Not really. Only one person went after me so far. Everyone else that feels this involves them has gone after Ranma. Ukyo:  Sorry to hear that. Well, did you do it with him? Leona: No. Ukyo:  Okay than. I believe you. After all, Ranma was able to fight off girls for 2 years straight. Im sure he could have fended them off longer if needed. After all, Ranma had a certain amount of respect for women. Even Akane, who was the worst to him, he tried to be nice to. And what did it get him? At least 3 beatings everyday. Leona: Poor Ranchan Ukyo: Yeah. Look at it this way. You got his heart. Thats something girls have literally tried to kill for. Feel lucky that he loves you. Leona (Smiles): I most certainly do. Ukyo is about to talk further, but a certain Uncute Tomboy interrupts her. Akane: WHERE IS SHE!? WHERE IS THAT BLUE-HAIRED WHORE!?!? Leona stands up to Akane. Ukyo watches intently. Leona: And you insult me because? Akane (Angry, aura flares to life): YOU!!! YOU STOLE MY RANMA! YOU TOOK HIS VIRGINTY! GIVE IT BACK RIGHT NOW YOU SLUT! Leona: Sigh I never took anything from him in the first place, so I cant give it back. We didnt do anything. And I never stole Ranma. He chose to be with me. You have to realize that Ranma is not a prize, which you can just win. He is human, and has emotions like everyone else. Akane (Aura rises): LIAR! YOU TOOK RANMA FROM ME! HES MY PROPERTY! AND HE IS NOT HUMAN! RANMA CAN TAKE ANY BEATING I GIVE HIM AND COME BACK FOR MORE! SO HES A DAMN DEMON LIKE YOU!!! Leona (Angry, narrows her eyes): If you hate him so much, than why wont you leave him alone? And Demon? Ranma and I are not demons. Akane (Charges at Leona): DIE YOU EVIL BIT ! Akane crumples to the deck. She feels a burning pain in her rib cage. Leona had grabbed her and smashed her in the chest with a well-aimed punch as she had charged at her. Akane comes up with one of her usual comebacks when defeated. Akane: You Cheater (She faints). Leona: Poor, deluded fool Ukyo (Claps): GREAT! Im now sure that you can DEFINETLY be Ranmas girl. Leona (Confused): Huh? Ukyo (Smiles): Well, being the girl Ranma likes causes A LOT of jealousy. So, you better be prepared to defend yourself. Leona: Dont worry, I am. Ukyo: Good. (Gets up). Well I gotta go check on my teammates. Leona: The dried monkey mummy that tried to kill me and the boy named after a piece of womens underwear that turns into a strange bull creature? Ukyo: Sigh Yeah I cant BELIEVE they were the only ones available for partners Leona: Maybe you should have gone single. Ukyo: Yeah And get my ass kicked easily? No thank you. Ukyo walks off, leaving Leona where she is. Leona picks up Akane, and throws her right next to Kodachi. Leona (Thinks): Seriously though Why do they go after Ranma? He hasnt done anything for them, and they dont do anything for him. So what makes them think that he is their property? Leona may never know. (------) Rugal stands on the deck of the Black Noah, and looks out to the docks. Rugal: Finally CHINA!!! (------) In the Medical Bridge of the Black Noah, Tofu had gotten Billys pole out of his ass. Tofu: Howre you feeling? Billy: Like hell. Tofu: Let me check your temp. Tofu places his hand on Billys head when Kasumi walks in. Kasumi: Hello Doctor Tofu. Tofu (Glasses fog up): KASUMI! WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE! Tofu turns Billys head 180 degrees counter clock-wise. ! Billy (Eyes water):  This hurts so much, that I cant scream Mary: Dear God Yamazaki: Eh heh heh Kasumi: Oh my. Are you all right Dr. Tofu? Let me check to see if you have a temperature. (Places her hand on Dr. Tofus head). Tofu (Grabs Billy): K, KASUMI!!! Billy (Very high-pitched voice): HELP ME!!! Pan to a shot of the Black Noah from afar. We hear Billy Kanes inhuman scream of pain, and Ryuji Yamazakis thunderous laughter. (------) Ranma sits with Leona at the Chinese docks. Theyll be heading out into China for the fights. Its just that Ranma doesnt like where they chose the fights to be held Ranma: Amazon Village Crazy Central Leona: Its like letting the lunatics run the asylum Iori (Walks up to them): Ranma Prepared to defend yourself if need be? Ranma (Smiles): You bet! Iori (Smirks): Thats the Ranma I know!  By the way Ranma and Leona stare at Iori. Iori: Is it true that you two slept together? Ranma and Leona face-fault. (------) End Chapter 26 Next Time: Jusenkyo troubles. Some new springs have popped up, and some reappeared. AND ONE OF THE FIGHTERS TAKES THE JUSENKYO PLUNGE! WHO WILL IT BE!?!?!? Send your questions and comments to either or Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Spot the hottest trends in music, movies, and more.