From: John C. [] Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 18:08 To: Subject: Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu chapter 28 Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranmas Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma =. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You wont be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma = manga and during the King of Fighters 98. (------) Ranma the Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 28: The Legend of the Hydra-Dragon and the Mountain Phoenix It has been two days of travel for the fighters of the tournament. Finally, they make it to their destination. Mount Phoenix. All there stand in awe before the fortress that lies on top of the mountain. It is a huge stone structure with sheet metal covering the corners, and aqueducts going into it from a higher elevation, apparently for water gathering. Ranma goes over this in his mind and lets a smile cross his lips. Apparently the people of Mount Phoenix were able to rebuild, and improve their home after Ranmas battle with their God Saffron blew the top of the mountain off. Ranmas smile easily fades. They are not going to take lightly to him being there. He had killed their God, and had basically damned them to a slow extinction by doing so. Ranma (Mutters to himself): I guess nows a good a time as any to get this over with. Leona (Hears Ranma mutter to himself): Ranchan? Ranma doesnt react to Leona. Leona: Ranma. Are you okay? Still, Ranma doesnt notice her. She can see hes deep in thought. She decides whatever is bugging Ranma, he can handle it himself, but shell help him in anyway she can. She goes up to Ranma and taps him on the shoulder. Ranma (Surprised): Huh? Leona: Ranma. Im not sure whats bugging you, but if I want to help you. Ranma (Smiles at her): Its okay Lechan. What I have to do here, you cant help me with. But I appreciate the offer. Ranma takes Leonas hand and squeezes it to show he cares. Leona squeezes back to respond. They stand staring at the gates of the Phoenix Fortress. That is until two people interrupt them. Ralf & Clark: RANMA! YOU LET GO OF LEONA RIGHT NOW!!! Ranma (Eyes widen): Um Didnt I explain this to you already? Ralf & Clark: RANMA! PREPARE TO DIE! Ranma sighs. Leona unclips her earrings and hands on to each of the two idiotic soldiers. Leona: Here you go. Ralf & Clark (Eyes sparkle): OH LEONA! SHE CARES FOR !!! !!! The two soldiers had forgotten Leonas earrings are also explosives. And boy, are they paying the price for that now Heidern: ACK! MY SOLDIERS!!! NOW I DONT HAVE A TEAM!!! Rugal (Sitting on his throne hoisted in the air by Mature and Vice): Too bad! Its nice to have teammates that are dependable. Vice (Sweating, hoisting Rugals throne): Speaking of teammates Rugal WHY THE HELL DO WE HAVE TO CARRY YOU!?!? Mature (Sweating, hoisting Rugals throne also): Yeah! WERE BREAKING OUR BACKS HERE! Rugal (Smiles): Simple. I NEVER get my feet dirty. And since we cant use buses and such to get around these areas, youll just have to carry me. After all, this is what teamwork is all about. Mature & Vice: TEAMWORK MY ASS!!! Mature and Vice look at each other. They are in complete understanding. The bring Rugals throne over one side of the mountaintop. Rugal (Shocked): HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Mature & Vice: SOMETHING WE SHOULD HAVE DONE A LONG TIME AGO!!! With that Rugals secretaries throw Rugal and his throne over the side of the mountain. Rugal hits parts of the mountainside as he falls. Rugal (As he falls): ! OW! ! CRAP! ! OWWIES! ! OUCH! ! OW GOD DAMN IT! ! MY LEGS, I CANT FEEL MY LEGS!!! ! OW, MY HIP! I THINK I BROKE IT! ! AH! MY FACE, MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!!! !!! Rugal lands face-first at the bottom of the mountain. His throne lands and smashes into the back of his head. !!! Rugal (Bruised, broken, and bloody):  This hurts so much I cant even describe it (------) On the top of Mount Phoenix, Vice and Mature are mourning over the unfortunate death of their teammate, the late Rugal Bernstein. Mature & Vice (Singing): WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIENDS! AND WELL KEEP ON FIGHTING, TILL THE END Iori:  I honestly didnt think it would be that easy to defeat Rugal Nodoka: Chizuru Are you sure that Rugal was the Evil Force you felt before? Chizuru: Positive. Rugal is Or was The ultimate evil I felt in this world Saishu: If you ask me, hes an ultimate smear on the foot of the mountain Ranma: Hmm Hell be back. Leona: What makes you say that? Ranma: Trust me. Im not that lucky. Mature & Vice (Still singing): NO TIME FOR LOSERS, CAUSE WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD A shadow looms over Vice and Mature. Their eyes widen in shock when they turn around to see who it is Mature & Vice:  Hi boss Have a nice trip? Ranma: I knew hed be back Rugal (Bleeding, bruised, and breathing heavily): What Was That For? Mature & Vice: Um It was because you made us sweat and stuff. Rugal (Furious, right eye glows brighter than the sun, and his aura flares to life): VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCEEEEEEEE!!! MAAAAAAATTTUUUUUUURRRRREEEEE!!! Mature & Vice: CRAP AND A HALF!!! And thus a chase ensues with Rugal chasing Mature and Vice all around the fortress on Mount Phoenix. This goes on for a couple of minutes, until a boulder falls on top of Rugal. Mature & Vice: ACT OF GOD, ACT OF GOD, YOU CANT BLAME US FOR THAT ONE, IT WAS AN ACT OF GOD!!! Female voice: No. Not an act of a God But the Body Guard to one The fighters look up to see a woman standing on top of the gate. She is about a 57; she has silver hair in a short cut, emerald colored eyes, and somewhat pale skin. The armor she wears is a simple silver chainmail, but without leg guards, and she has a sheathed European style sword hanging from her left side. What is the most eye-catching of her are her wings, which look like the ones Iori has in his cursed form, except they are a complete white. Ranma recognizes her immediately and steps forward. Ranma: Kima Kima (Spots Ranma): So Its true You are in the tournament that Lord Saffron is allowing you people to hold here. Hell be most pleased to see you again. Ranma (Eyes widen): Saffron? HES STILL ALIVE!? (Smiles). Thats a relief. Kima (Eyes widen): Huh? Ranma: I just feel relieved I didnt kill him. I hate having to take a life. Its just that Saffron gave me no other choice in dealing with him. Kima stares at Ranma for a moment. She is slightly impressed with the sincerity in the smile Ranma has on his face from learning Saffron is alive. Kima: Well Yes, he is still alive. And, ever since you defeated him, hes been waiting to see you again. Now, if youll be so kind, follow me. The gates behind Kima open, allowing entry for the fighters, Ranma steps forward, when a boulder flies towards Kima, and she narrowly avoids it. Kima: WHO DARES!?!? Rugal: I DARE!!! YOU THREW THAT AT ME YOU LITTLE WINGED-BITCH!!! NOW, ILL Kima just spreads her wings and allows ki to gather into them. She spreads the back, and than flaps them forward, releasing the ki. Kima: PHOENIX WIND BLAST! A huge gust of wind shoots out at Rugal. Rugal goes flying backwards with the blast, straight into Soun Tendo, Genma Saotome, Saishu Kusanagi, and Takuma Sakazaki. All five idiotic old men fall towards the edge of the mountain, and fall down, hitting the side of it as they fall. Kima than picks up the boulder and tosses it at Rugal for good measure. ! Rugal: OW! GOD DAMN IT! THAT HURTS!!! Genma: Owwies Ranma than looks over to Kima, who has Vice and Mature hugging her. Mature & Vice: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! PLEASE JOIN US IN THE KING OF FIGHTERS TOURNAMENT!!! Kima: Um Ranma: Kima. Thank you. Kima (Looks at Ranma with a serious expression): If you want to thank me. Follow me. Saffron is waiting for you. Ranma looks Kima up and down. Kima (Shakes her head): Look. Believe it or not, Saffron just wants to talk to you I think Anyway, if you want, these people can join you, but theyll have to wait OUTSIDE the throne room. Saffron only wants to deal with Ranma, the only person to ever defeat him. (------) Ranma is nervous. He is standing in the middle of a room with probably the only person that has an actual reason to want to kill him. Sure, he knows the other fighters are outside, probably listening to whats going on, but Ranma still feels on edge. After all, Saffron is not a person to be dealt with lightly. Saffron sits on his throne, twirling the staff in his hand, apparently muttering something to himself. Kima stands by his side, her hand by her sword, prepared for anything to go wrong. And Choler, the little guy that looks like a peacock-man just paces back and forth, muttering how this is not good to have the enemy to the state here for an audience with Lord Saffron. Saffron gets up from his throne and walks to Ranma. He stares Ranma in the eyes. He sees peers into Ranmas soul, seeing if he can find any fear towards him within Ranma. What he sees instead shocks him. Saffron takes a step back. And mutters a single. Word. Saffron: Orochi Ranma (Eyes widen): Huh? Saffron: Hmm Its you Or A part of you Ranma: What are you talking about? Saffron: Your soul. I looked through your eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul. I saw what I knew to be part of a soul I knew. Long, long ago Ranma: You know of the Orochi? How? Kima readies her sword. After all, how dare this person make demands of her lord? Saffron holds his staff up in front of Kima, to stop her. He than continues speaking. Saffron: It was a long time ago. A little over 2,300 years ago to be exact. I was but a few years old. I was a very weak Godling. A few of the older Gods attacked me. Being so young and inexperienced, I was almost killed by them. Than he showed up and saved me from being taken out of existence. The Orochi. He took them all out with one attack. He opened his mouth, and shot a beam of his energy at them, incinerating them all at once. The Orochi looked upon me, and used one of his heads to help me up. He asked me who I was, and I told him I am Saffron, the King of Phoenix Mountain. He laughed and called me an over-ambitious Godling that does have some potential. He offered to teach me in the ways of his power. The Orochis power over fire. He taught me how to enhance my own powers. Soon, older Gods could no longer defeat me, and so I was safe from them trying to kill me for my energy. If it hadnt have been for the Orochi, the Guardian of the Earth, I would have been killed. Since than, I have had a life-debt with Orochi. Ranma doesnt know what to say. Saffron is revealing to him that he was weak, and it was the Orochi that helped him to become stronger. Why he is telling him this, Ranma doesnt know. He is about to ask why, but Saffron continues. Saffron: I had stayed in touch with the Orochi for the next five hundred years. He became an ally to me, and we became a legendary force. People would tell stories of us. I believe they called these the legend of the Dragon and the Phoenix. People looked up to us and saw us as their saviors. Than, things went sour. Humanity started developing technologies. They destroyed the earth in the process. They chopped down forest for wood and food, cut up mountains for minerals to make their items and such; they poured their wastes into the sea, polluting it, and they burned wood and coal for energy, filling the sky with a black smoke. They were killing the world, and in the process, they were killing the Orochi. Ranma: Killing the Orochi? How? Saffron: Please. Dont interrupt. But as I was saying, they were killing the Orochi in the process. For the Orochi was one of the highest-ranking Gods in the heavens. He was the guardian-spirit of the earth. So this planet was attuned to his body. As humans destroyed it, they were destroying Orochi. Orochi couldnt take it anymore. He came to a decision. There were to ways for him to survive. He could either destroy all of humanity and let himself and the planet heal over time, or the humans could sacrifice eight maidens to him, healing him with their blood. For the blood of the pure women, known as Kushinada Maidens would restore him. He tried to reason with the leaders of the lands and territories, to explain this to them, but they refused to listen. Thus Orochi had to make one of the hardest decisions of his life Saffron becomes silent. Ranma wants to do something, but Kima gives him a wary eye and Choler cries to himself in the corner of the room, being upset by his saddened lord. Ranma: What happened? Saffron: Either way, the Orochi would regret living. He would have died as a God, or live as a Fallen God. So he went to Kami-sama and gave up his Godhood. Orochi was forever banished from the heavens, to walk the plane of man forever. The Orochi than became a demon. He slaughtered villages one after the other, prepared to end humanity to save his own life. Finally the humans were ready to listen. They sacrificed to him the Kushinada Maidens, one at a specific point around the world. The Orochi made it back to Japan to claim the eighth Maiden, but three heroes (says the word with disgust) stopped him. For the last of the Kushinada Maidens was in love with a man of a clan of warriors. The mans name was Kanzuki Kusanagi, a wielder of the spirit, or Magatama. He went to the emperor of Japan and made a deal. He would slay the Orochi so his love would not be sacrificed. All he wanted in return was to be given land and wealth beyond his dreams. The Emperor, wanting to get rid of a God accepted Kusanagis proposal. And so, Kusanagi set up his plan. He got his cousin, Hirozaki Yasakani, who was a talented fighter in his own right and wielded the Magatama, and the Shinto Priestess Kiyone Yata to help him defeat Orochi. As Orochi came upon the final maiden to heal himself, Kanzuki came up to him. He offered the Orochi eight large barrels of wine. They said he should drink heartily, and enjoy himself before he becomes whole again. Once again Saffrons face goes dark, he can feel the aura of anger leech out from Saffron. And Ranma himself feels nervous. This scenario Saffron is talking about reminds Ranma all too much of a dream he had after he first met and defeated Iori. Saffron: The Orochi, thinking the people were trying to be nice, graciously accepted the wine. He got drunk from it, and in his stupor they cut off all eight of his heads. However, the Orochi would not be denied. Soon, warriors emerged from his decapitated heads. They were his powers over the elements of earth given flesh. Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Thunder, Light, and the Mountain. They were the Hakkeshu. They attacked the trio of warriors that had slain the Orochi, but, since they were inexperienced, they were easily beaten. Kiyone than sealed the Hakkeshu and the remains of the Orochi separately, and Kanzuki and his clan of the Kusanagi became known as heroes. Saffron smiles. One that sends chills up Ranmas spine. Kima works on worriedly. Saffron: For 1,330 years the Kusanagi were pampered, growing fat off the work of the people. The Yasakani and Yata clans got nothing for their services. The Yata took it in stride, but over time, the members of Yasakani clan grew furious. After all, it was not a single effort that slain the Orochi, but their combined cunning, and strength. The head of the Yasakani clan at that point went to strike a deal. He would free the Orochi, and ask him for some power so he could defeat the head of the Kusanagi clan and prove his clans might. I take it you are of the Yasakani clan? Ranma: Huh? Saffron: The Yagami clan. Ranma (Surprised): Uh Yes Saffron (Smiles): I figured as much. Well, Youll learn how your family came by their power, and how the Blood Feud stared. Ranma: How is it you know about Saffron (Interrupts): I know because I keep track of anything involved with the Orochi. To continue, the current head of the Yasakani clan went to free Orochi, however the Yata clan would always relocate the seal. And, Yasakani ended up freeing Orochis warriors, the Hakkeshu. The Hakkeshu were thankful to Yasakani for freeing them. They than went off to go and gather energy to resurrect the Orochi. When word of what happened got out, the current head of the Kusanagi clan asked the Emperor to lead the attack on his cousins, the Yasakani clan. The Emperor gave him his blessings, and the Kusanagi attacked the Yasakani clan without a second thought, massacring almost all of them. One of the few to survive was the current head of the Yasakani clan. The Emperor allowed him to live so he may wallow in the misery of his familys death for the rest of his life, while waiting for his death in a stinking dungeon. During the time, all that played in Yasakanis mind were thoughts of getting revenge for his dead wife, children, and family members. As Ranma listens to this, his blood boils with rage and he clenches and unclenches his fists. Its no wonder his cousin Iori was so keen to keep the Blood Feud alive. After such a cowardly act on the part of the Kusanagi clan, Ranma understands why the Yagami clan wanted revenge on the Kusanagi clan. Saffron: Anyway, Yasakani was not there for more than a day when the Hakkeshu attacked the prison he was sent to. Apparently the Hakkeshu were grateful to Yasakani, and hearing what happened to him enraged them. Their elemental powers were far more than a match for the prisons guards. They freed Yasakani and took him to a sacred spot, a place where the Orochi had first fallen when he came to this planet no longer as a savior, but as a destroyer. A place known as Ryugenzawa. Suddenly, it clicks in Ranmas mind. The creature he fought while in Ryugenzawa to save Akane and that Shinnosuke guy was THE Orochi. But If he was part of it Why was it trying to eat him? Did it not recognize him, know his own power? These and other questions fly through Ranmas mind. Saffron coughs to get Ranmas attention, and than he continues with his story for Ranma to learn from. Saffron: Anyway, once in Ryugenzawa, the Hakkeshu made a deal with Yasakani. They needed time to gather energy to free their master Orochi, without interference from the Kusanagi. They offered Yasakani the mantle of the Ninth Hakkeshu. In return for the power of Orochi, all Yasakani had to do was destroy the Kusanagi clan, and help them resurrect the Orochi when possible. Overcome with grief over the loss of his family, Yasakani accepted the offer without a moment of hesitation. Thus the technique of Yaotome was bestowed upon Yasakani. And he became the Hakkeshu of Flame. His crimson Magatama turned into a purple flame, which he called Magatama no Orochi. And he changed his clan name from Yasakani to Yagami, in honor of the Hakkeshu, or Eight Gods. Ranma stares at Saffron with a look of understanding. Thats how the Yagami became part of the Orochi. The last survivor was willing to sacrifice all he was to take vengeance for his family. Ranma couldnt help but respect the determination his ancestor had. A question than pops into Ranmas mind, which he than asks Saffron. Ranma: Wait. Saffron, I thought the Ninth Hakkeshu is supposed to be the weakest, so, if my cousin Iori is the Ninth, than why is he so strong? Saffron: So Than you are the Tenth Hakkeshu? Ranma: Um Well Saffron: I understand. To answer your question about Iori, that is because the Ninth starts out as the weakest, but he, or she can build up their strength the most easily out of all the Hakkeshu. Ranma: Ah Saffron: To continue, the Hakkeshu explained this to Yagami. That is why he trained for eight days and eight nights before he attacked the Kusanagi clan, so he could build up his power. On the ninth day, Yagami walked right up to the Kusanagi mansion gates, and spoke out loud, that he declared a Blood Feud with his former cousins. The warriors of Kusanagi went and attacked him, but he easily killed them, his Magatama no Orochi was more than a match for the Kusanagi Magatama. Soon, as word spread the Kusanagi were under attack, the rest of the Yasakani clan went and attacked the Kusanagis as well, to help their brother. As they came on the scene, Yagamis power flowed from him, into his brethren. They all became of the Orochi blood and their Magatama became Magatama no Orochi as well. It seemed that the Kusanagi clan was now set for extinction, but the Yata clan intervened. They stopped both the Kusanagi and Yagami. They immobilized the Kusanagi, and attacked and killed as many of the Yagami as they could. Some of the Yagami did escape the slaughter. Including the head of the Yagami, the Ninth Hakkeshu. That is why the Blood Feud continues to this day. Ranma: So thats why Thats why this all has happened Why I am the way I am Saffron: Indeed. Now tell me, you are the Tenth Hakkeshu, correct? Ranma: Yes At this point Saffron Kneels before Ranma. Ranma, Kima, and Cholers jaws drop to the floor. Ranma: What are you doing? Saffron: Showing my gratitude, and asking for forgiveness for what I have to do Orochi. Ranma: Orochi? Im Ranma. Saffron (Smiles): As you say. But, I will explain. As I said earlier, I owe the Orochi a life debt. And the Tenth Hakkeshu is the Soul Fragment of the Orochi. Therefore, I am indebted to you Ranma. But still, law of Phoenix Mountain makes me do something I do not want to. Ranma: What? Saffron: You will be put on trial. Even though I owe you favor, you have damned my people to extinction through your past actions. I cannot forgive that. But since I do owe you, I will give you a chance. Choose your strongest warrior, and I shall choose mine. They shall battle. If your warrior wins, you will be forgiven, and accepted as a guest here. If my warrior wins I I will be forced to kill you. I am sorry. Ranma is shocked by all of what Saffron tells him. His mind cant handle so much information. And looking at the expression of regret of Saffrons face makes Ranma sick to his stomach. He sees that Saffron feels guilt for having to do this to him, even though he had killed Saffron before. Ranma: Saffron I understand why you do this, and I dont blame you. But I have a question. Saffron: Yes? Ranma: What do you mean Im the soul fragment? Saffron: If the Orochis resurrection fails, than a fragment of his soul shall awaken, to reunite with his original body. The soul fragment is known as the Tenth Hakkeshu. Ranma just stares at everyone in the throne room for a long time. Kima, for once, is not edgy around Ranma, but more in awe. Choler is just smashing his head against the wall. Ranma (Thinks): Choler You stupid peacock (------) The doors to the throne room open, and Ranma walks out. He is then hit with a barrage of questions. As soon as they stop, Ranma calmly asks his own question. Ranma: Iori Help me Please (------) End Chapter 28 Next Time: The fight for Ranmas fate takes place, with Ranma choosing Iori as his fighter, and Saffron choosing Kima as his. The Amazons attack Mount Phoenix in a bid to get Ranma, and Wolfgang Krauser steps forth into the fight. Send your questions and comments to either or Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail