Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranma's Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma 1/2. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You won't be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma 1/2 manga and during the King of Fighters '98. (------) Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 31: Everything Starts to Fall into Place Nabiki sits alone in her home. It's true that since things have quieted down, she has been able to get a lot more work done. The only thing that bothers her is the home itself. Since Kasumi left the Tendo home has started to fall apart. The dishes from dinner with their relatives the Kusanagis still sit in the sink, mold growing on the crusts of food on the plates, dust has gathered in major quantities around the house, and she has let her room go to hell, with folders, paperwork, files, and computer equipment scattered all about. In other words, Nabiki is pissed that her personal house-slave is not around to keep the house in working order. But what really gets Nabiki mad is what she learned happened during the tournament's time in China. Her sister Akane got a Jusenkyo curse, turning into a mangy dog with a splash of cold water, and Ranma seems to have grown even more distant from Akane. In other words, Nabiki is losing her best business investment ever. Nabiki thinks to herself while she looks over her records of all the money she's made from setting up betting odds of the tournament on her computer. Nabiki (Thinks): Damn it! I am losing control over this. I am nowhere closer to getting Ranma back in my hands. My sister got cursed because of Ranma's stupid cousin; Ranma has become more independent from the rest of us, not wanting to do anything with father or Mr. Saotome, and that... That... GRR... That blue-haired bimbo Leona has stolen him from us! She got him to realize that there's more to life. I must get rid of her, or else all my work so far shall have been for nothing. Nabiki clicks the mouse, and brings up some images. The images are still-screens from the tournament that pop up on the computer screen screen. They are pictures of fights that involve the Anything Goes Team. Nabiki focuses on the ones where Ranma is close to Leona. She doesn't like it. She knows that Ranma's loyalty and love to her sister Akane has eroded to almost nothing. And the pictures show her who has his heart now. It belongs to Leona. Sure, the pictures are of one of them waiting on the sidelines while the other fights, but Nabiki notices the faces. In one where Ranma is up against Robert Garcia of the Art of Fighting Team, Leona seems to have a slight smile on her face as Ranma kicks Robert in the gut, and another one where she gets a hint of worry to her face as Ranma blocks one of Robert's kicks. Most people would over-look this, but not Nabiki. In screenshots from the '96 and '97 tournaments, when Leona's past teammates Ralf and Clark are fighting, Leona shows no emotion when they score hits on their opponent. She also doesn't care when her teammates get hit either. But with Ranma, she can see that she actually has feelings. With the pictures of Ranma on the sides while Leona fights, it's obvious how he feels, and that disgusts her. It disgusts Nabiki because she has also depended on Ranma's insecurities to keep him under her thumb, but now that he knows what he wants with his life... She has lost almost complete control over him. Nabiki's anger rushes through her. She can't accept the reality of losing, so she takes one of the folders on the desk that lie by her computer and she throws it; papers fly everywhere. Nabiki looks back at the screens shots of Leona smiling slightly at Ranma and her rage just strengthens with this. Her track of anger is interrupted by a voice. Male voice: So... Looks like the "Ice Queen's" cold exterior has melted with the heat of her rage eh? Nabiki swivels her chair around to face the man she knows as Leopold. She is shocked that he got this close to her without her knowing. Nabiki (Tense): How did you get in here? What do you want? Leopold: Well, Kasumi wasn't here to open the door, and you were too busy with your computer to even bother getting up, so I just let myself in. As for what I want... I just wanted to check up on one of my favorite informants. Nabiki: Oh? What is it you want to know about? Leopold: Well, you seem pretty tense. And I want to know what's wrong. Nabiki (Eyes Leopold): And why should you care? This doesn't involve you. Leopold (Smiles): On the contrary Ms. Tendo. This does indeed involve me. You are upset about a certain investment of yours going sour, correct? Nabiki (Eyes widen): How did you... Leopold (Interrupts): Your anger was a dead give-away. And what you were staring at gave me an idea about what in particular made you angry. Nabiki (Curious): And what, pray-tell does all have to do with you? Leopold: Simple. Leona... Nabiki: The blue-haired woman that took Ranma away from us? Leopold: Indeed. Nabiki: And what does she have to do with you? Leopold: That is none of your concern Ms. Tendo, but, if you want... I can get rid of her for you. Nabiki (Surprised): What? Leopold (Smiles): Well after watching the two together, it's obvious that Ranma is absolutely smitten by her. If I take her away from the picture, then Ranma's heart will be broken; he will be destroyed, leaving him to whoever had him first. Nabiki: So, you'll get rid of her so Ranma will be in my possession again. But why help me? Leopold: Well, I figure it's good to have a stable customer-service relationship. After all, when you're happy, you work diligently. When you're upset, you get barely any work done. So I just want to keep one of my best providers of information on the up and up. Nabiki: Thank you Leopold. This means a lot to me. Leopold (Waves it off): Anytime. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some things to take care of. With that Leopold turns his back to Nabiki. He leaves her room, and walks out of the Tendo compound. Nabiki stares at the door for a bit. She feels glad that she has someone like Leopold on her side. (------) Outside Leopold Goenitz chuckles to himself as he walks into an alley and summons the winds around him. Goenitz (Thinks): THE FOOL! She honestly thinks that I'm helping her. Don't worry though. I will get rid of the Hakkeshu of Water for you Ms. Tendo; however, I do it for a purpose of much grander scale than that of getting his crushed spirit back into your control. He won't give up on her so easily. And that will bring him to me. For now however, I better secure the Yata Mirror into my possession. With that Goenitz disappears into the winds, to go wherever the Kagura clan has hidden the Yata Mirror. (------) On the Black Noah, things have gotten a bit hectic. Ranma is getting over the injuries he received from Wolfgang Krauser. Leona has been by Ranma's side since he got out of the infirmary of the Phoenix Fortress, much to the dismay of the two "Village Idiots" Genma Saotome and Soun Tendo, and to the ever-growing anger of the "Uncute Tomboy" Akane Tendo. What has been real interesting for Ranma to deal with is his cousin Iori and the Phoenix soldier Kima. Iori tried to tell Kima that he didn't need her help, and Kima took a bit of offense to it. She attacked Iori again, and she lost to him again. But Iori never gets out of these fights easily, always sustaining heavy damage. It got to the point where Saffron begged Iori to let Kima train and teach him in the ways of the Phoenix. Iori finally agreed to it just to get him to shut up. So now, Kima tries to 'teach' Iori in the ways of the Phoenix soldier. Ranma and Leona sit on the side of the Black Noah's deck, watching Iori study the sword in his hand. Kima has her sword unsheathed, and she taps her foot impatiently. Kima: Well? Iori: Well what? Kima: What do you think? Iori: The sword is not a bad piece of craftsmanship. HOWEVER, I DO NOT USE WEAPONS! Kima: Sigh... Iori... Listen... I don't really care what you prefer. I am supposed to teach you in the ways of the Phoenix. And one of the ways of the Phoenix is to know how to handle weapons. It's not that difficult, so please, just TRY AND LEARN! Iori: Hmph! I don't need a weapon! My hands can cut up anything pretty well. Observe. Iori just pierces his hand through the deck of the Black Noah like a hot knife through butter. Kima's eyes bug out, but she easily calms herself. Kima: That may be true Iori, however there are times when you'll fight something that you won't be able to, or even want to touch, so having a weapon can be useful. Iori: Won't be able to touch. Like what? Kima points over to the Kill Ranma Team sparring with each other. Mousse (Strikes at Kuno): DAMN RANMA! I'LL KILL HIM AFTER THE TOURNAMENT IS OVER! Kuno (Parries Mousse's thrust): Stop being so melodramatic! Your barbarous people got what they deserved. After all, only I, "The Scarred Angel of Furinkan High" may destroy the travesty that is the demon known as Ranma Saotome. Ryoga (In a Body-cast and wheelchair): RANMA, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!! Everyone on the deck stares at Ryoga. Iori (To Kima): ... Yup... I definitely DO NOT want to touch them. Kima: Told you... Ryoga (Looks around at everyone): Uh... RANMA, BECAUSE OF YOU, I'VE SEEN HELL! Everyone continues to stare. Ryoga: ............ CURSE YOU RANMA!!! Ranma (Looks at Leona): Excuse me Lechan. I have to take care of a certain pig. Ranma walks over to Ryoga's wheelchair and pushes it over board. Ryoga (As he falls): CURSE YOU RAN... ! A little piggy floats near the Black Noah. P-Chan: BWEE!!! Ranma: Well, that'll take care of him for a while. Leona (Walks up to Ranma): I hope so. Mousse: HEY! THAT WAS OUR TEAMMATE YOU JERK! FIST OF THE WHITE SWAN!!! Leona kicks Mousse's hands and a toilet-training potty shaped like a duck flies out of the nearsighted boy's grip. Mousse: MY SWAN!!! Iori (Looks down at the potty): You call that a swan? Looks more like a duck. Mousse: Grr... EGG BOMB! Mousse pulls some egg-shaped grenades out of his robe's sleeves and throws them at Iori, but Iori uses the sword Kima gave him like a tennis racket. The grenades fly back at Mousse and explode on impact. ! Mousse (Charred): Curse you... Mousse falls flat on his face unconscious. Iori (To Kima): You were right. Weapons CAN be useful... Kima: Told you. A weapon acts as an extension of your body as well, when used properly... Kuno (Interrupts): And I shall show you an example BY SLAYING YOU EVIL BIRD WOMAN! RATATATATATATATATATATA... Kima simply dodges all the strikes Kuno aims for her. Soon Kuno becomes tired and stops. Kima then walks up to the kendoist. Kima: And what was that for? Kuno: You beast, you gave the demon a weapon, and allowed him to defeat my two teammates. Ranma: Actually, Iori did not take Ryoga out, I did. Kuno: SILENCE FOUL DEMON RANMA SAOTOME! I SHALL DEAL WITH YOU SHORTLY!!! (To Kima): For abetting the demons, you shall DIE!!! ! Kuno looks at his right shoulder, to see that Kima has stuck her sword into it. Kima (As she pulls her sword out): Now... You were saying? Kuno doesn't answer. Instead he flops around the deck of the Black Noah like a fish out of water as blood spurts from his shoulder. Leona looks away from the sight disgusted. Kuno (As he flops around): MY SHOULDER!!! THE BLADE OF THE BIRD WOMAN HAS DEFILED MYSELF!!! OH THE HEAVENS WEEP IN SORROW ON THE BEHALF OF MY PERSONAGE!!! Kuno keeps flopping around for a bit, getting blood all over the deck of the Black Noah. Ranma shakes his head in disgust. He walks over to Kuno, and punts to dumb Kendoist towards the direction of Japan. Ranma: Well that should take care of him... Iori: You know he'll be back after you, right? Ranma: So? Kuno is just a joke. And not a very funny one either. Iori: True... Kima: So Iori, feel like taking up sword practice now? Iori: Maybe later. I admit there are some uses, but nothing really practical for my use. Iori sheathes the sword and hands it back to Kima, or tries to. Kima just holds up her hand and shakes her head. Kima: Keep it. You may not like them now, but you may come around to liking it eventually. After all, a weapon has more uses than you think Yagami. Iori just scoffs, but keeps the weapon anyway. He then walks down into the Black Noah to his cabin, leaving Kima staring at him. Kima (Thinks): The pompous jerk... Oh well... I hope Lord Saffron is correct about this guy. I swear, that jerk Yagami just likes to give me headaches... (------) A simple shrine in Nagano, Japan. All seems peaceful. Shintoists pray to the Kami and the spirits. However, there is a hidden part to the shrine, one that most tourists and people coming to pray don't get to see. Underground, there is an altar. The altar is set up against a wall. It is made of solid gold, adorned with jewels and carvings of dragons. There are ten guards, armed with automatic weapons surrounding it. They are not here to protect the altar; they are here to protect what is placed behind the altar. A mirror... The mirror is simple in its design. It is smoothened glass, with a gold rim and backing. But it isn't just any ordinary mirror... The mirror specifically is the Yata Mirror, one of the three Sacred Treasures of the Shingi Trioca, and it acts as one of the two primary seals to the Orochi. All the guards stand around. Normally, nothing ever happens to them. They just stand around all day waiting for some unauthorized person to just come near the altar. They usually hope that they could just get some action. Unfortunately for them, they are going to get their wish... Without warning, the wind seems to pick up around them. Most shield their eyes from the huge gust of wind, shooting off their weapons in the general direction of the wind. When the wind stops, they uncover their eyes, only to see a man in front of them. He has white and gray hair with blonde highlights on top, and black hair on the sides of his head. He wears blue and black colored military styled clothes. They point their guns at the man. He just smirks at their action. Guard 1 (Poises his weapon at the man): WHO ARE YOU!? Man (Brushes hand through his hair): Sigh... Why do they always want to get in my way? Guard 2: HEY! HE ASKED YOU A QUESTION! NOW ANSWER HIM, BEFORE I PUMP YOUR SORRY ASS FULL OF LEAD! Man (Eyes their weapons and smiles): Don't you realize guns are illegal to own in Japan? Allow me to get rid of them for you... Suddenly, the winds pick up again, this time, harder than before, and the guards cover their eyes with their arms. When they feel the wind die down again, the man now holds all of their guns in a pile in his hands. He smiles at them evilly and he crushes the weapons, grinding the metal of the guns into each other, basically, ruining the weapons. He throws the mesh of metal to the side and stares at them. Man: Now, I am going to give you all a choice. We can do this the easy way, or... (Smirks). We can do this MY WAY! Guard 1: F*CK YOU! Guard 2: ASSHOLE! Guard 3: LET'S GET HIS SORRY ASS! The guards rush at the man, however, the wind seems to rush out from him, and it smashes them into the walls. The man looks around at all of theen lying against the walls. Man: My... You weren't much of a challenge, were you? Guard 4: Who the hell are you? Man: I usually don't give my name to trash. But if you want to call me something, call me "Kamikaze". With that the man lifts his arms. The winds start to circle around him, and he calls out the name of his attack. Man: TYPHOON RAGE! The winds seemingly shoot forth from him, smashing the guards into the walls and tearing into them. Soon there is nothing left of them but bloodied, shredded flesh. The man looks at the sight and chuckles with satisfaction. Man: And they thought they could destroy me... HA! The man walks up to the now bloodied altar and reaches behind it to grab the Yata Mirror. He feels energy leave the mirror as soon as he removes it. He smiles and allows himself to chuckle once more. Man: Heh heh... The second treasure is now mine. Only one more to go, and I can open the portal... And we shall have a grand time then, huh? With the Yata Mirror tucked safely under his right arm, he raises his left arm and summons the wind once more, and he disappears into it along with the mirror. All seems to be going well for Goenitz... (------) Akane paces back and forth, back and forth across her cabin. She has so many thoughts just rushing through her head. And all of them make her feel one thing. ANGER! And Akane feels every capital letter of the word... Akane (Thinks): HOW DARE THEY! STUPID KASUMI, STUPID SHINGO, STUPID NODOKA, STUPID IORI, STUPID, STUPID, STUPID RYOGA! Because of all of you, I lost Ranma! HE'S MINE! HE BELONGS TO ME, AND YOU RUINED IT! Akane sits on the bed in her cabin and stews in her anger some more. Akane (Thinks): And Nabiki... Grr... NABIKI HASN'T DONE ANYTHING TO HELP ME!!! DAMN IT! SHE'S SUPPOSED TO THINK OF WAYS TO GET RANMA IN MY CONTROL! THAT'S HER JOB! AFTER ALL, RANMA BELONGS TO ME!!! After all, I AM HIS TRUE FIANCEE! WHY CAN'T HE SEE THAT!?!? Akane narrows her eyes when her anger has once again, focused on a target... Akane (Angry): Her... IT'S ALL HER FAULT!!! Akane gets off of the bed, and runs out of her cabin, ready to give out punishment to the one who stole Ranma from her. (------) Ranma sits in a lotus position on the Black Noah's deck meditating. Leona sits by Ranma in the lotus position meditating as well. Though it may not seem like much to anyone else, the two are a world away, concentrating on their inner selves, trying to unlock what it is that haunts them so. But they can't... Too much seems to bother them so much that neither can do it. They just give up and look at each other. Ranma: Any luck? Leona: No. You? Ranma: Nope. Ranma and Leona stare at each other for a bit. Ranma smiles and Leona smiles back. Ranma moves his hand lovingly through her hair. Her moves closer to kiss her, but he is interrupted by a certain screaming. Voices: OROCHI-SAMA!!! Ranma looks over to see the New Face Team running up to him. Once there, they get on their knees and start bowing. Leona sweat-drops and Ranma puts his hand in his face, muttering to himself. Ranma: Ugh... Can't you leave me alone? Yashiro, Shermie, & Chris (Ignoring Ranma's question): Orochi-sama, Orochi-sama, Orochi-sama, Orochi-sama... Ranma (Annoyed): WILL YOU CUT THAT OUT!?!? Yashiro: But... But... You're our God... Shermie: Yeah... You're the Orochi... Chris: Actually, he's only a soul fragment of Orochi... Shermie & Yashiro (To Chris): CLOSE ENOUGH! Ranma: Sigh... Look... I may be his soul fragment, but I am NOT the Orochi. I am Ranma Saotome, of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. Yashiro, Shermie and Chris stare at Ranma for a bit. They finally break down laughing loudly. Ranma (Annoyed): What? Yashiro (Calms himself): Oh... Forgive me my lord. That was such a funny joke. Ranma: I'm not joking. Listen, I am not the Orochi. How can I get that through to you? Chris: You are correct Saotome... You are not our Orochi... But... (Smiles evilly). You will be... You will be... With that Chris just stands up and walks away. Yashiro then gets up and goes after him. Yashiro: HOW DARE YOU MOCK OROCHI-SAMA! I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!! Chris, upon hearing this, goes into a sprint, and runs below deck. Yashiro runs after him, leaving Ranma, Leona, and Shermie starring at them. Ranma: Um... Shermie: Oh don't mind them Orochi-sama. Not ALL of your Heavenly Kings are right in the head. However, I am right in the head... (Nuzzles up on Ranma's other side, Leona stares at her). And in other places too... Ranma: Um... Could you stop being so close? Leona (Slightly angry): Excuse me, but could you leave Ranchan alone? Shermie: Ranchan? WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT FOR OROCHI-SAMA!?!? Leona: One he likes to be called by his friends. Shermie (Stares at Leona, then back at Ranma): Well RANCHAN, I guess I'll be going now. I have too keep Chris from killing poor Yashiro... Ranma (Confused): Um... But wasn't Yashiro chasing Chris? Shermie (Chuckles lightly): Trust me my lord. I have to save Yashiro from Chris. We hear a loud scream from Yashiro from below deck. Shermie: See what I mean? Well, I gotta go now. BYE! SEE YOU NEXT TIME! With that Shermie takes off into a sprint to see what she can salvage of Yashiro. Ranma and Leona are left staring at the way she went. Ranma: Lechan? Leona: Yes. Ranma: Are they ALWAYS like this? Leona: I do believe so. Ranma: Ugh... I really hope they don't cause trouble for me. Leona: It's okay Ranchan. I'll try to help you in anyway I can. Ranma looks back into Leona's eyes and she looks into his. Ranma moves himself closer to Leona to kiss her again, but... Akane (Screams): RANMA!!! HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON ME!?!? Ranma (Eyes Akane): Akane... How many times do I have to explain this to you? WE ARE NO LONGER FIANCEES! WE BROKE UP A LONG TIME AGO! JUST ACCEPT THE FACT AND GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE! Akane (Ignores Ranma and glares at Leona): YOU!!! Leona (Angry): Me? Akane: YEAH YOU! YOU STOLE RANMA FROM ME! GIVE HIM BACK! Akane moves to crush Leona's skull with her fist. However, she's surprised that her fist of rage somehow misses her target. She feels Leona pick her up by the back of her gi. Akane: PUT ME DOWN NOW YOU CHEATER!!! Leona: LISTEN BRAT! YOU HAVE ATTACKED ME OVER AND OVER AGAIN! I AM GETTING REALLY TICKED OFF! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST ACCEPT THE FACT THAT YOU CAN'T MARRY RANMA? Akane (In blind rage): BITCH! RANMA IS MINE! HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN MINE AND ALWAYS WILL!!! Leona (Narrows her eyes): "Bitch"? Like you have room to talk you mangy, flea-bitten mongrel of a dog! Akane: THAT'S YOUR ENTIRE FAULT!!! Leona: How is it my fault? Akane: YOU SHOWED ME THAT RYOGA IS P-CHAN! YOU GOT IORI TO THROW ME INTO THE SPRING!!! Leona (Throws Akane to the ground): LISTEN, AND LISTEN GOOD YOU STUCK-UP, DELUSIONAL BRAT! I DID NOT GET YOU CURSED! YOU GOT YOURSELF CURSED WHEN YOU MALLETED IORI IN THE SPRING, AND HE THREW YOU INTO ONE IN RETALIATION! (Calms down). You brought this all upon yourself Akane. Just leave it at that and get on with your life. Akane glares at Leona and she grits her teeth. Akane is about to attack Leona, until she sees Kasumi walk up to her. Akane: K, Kasumi? What do you want? Kasumi doesn't say anything but slaps Akane across the face, the slap echoes in the air. Akane raises a hand to where Akane slapped her. Akane (Eyes start to water): Why? Why Kasumi? Kasumi (Narrow her eyes at Akane): Listen Ms. Tendo... Akane (Interrupts): Ms. Tendo? BUT YOU'RE MY SIS... ! Akane just feels her other cheek now... The humiliation she feels at being slapped by Kasumi just tears her apart inside. Ranma and Leona watch in awe as the sight unfolds. Kasumi: Ms. Tendo, YOU ARE NOT MY SISTER! You lost the right to call me your sister when you attacked me for trying to bring peace to the two families. You slapped me across the face and called me horrible things. From then on, I was no longer a Tendo. I disavow any relation I may have had to you. So, I am no longer part of the Tendo clan. I may be ronin, but I have felt more alive now than I have ever felt before. And I am going to tell you a simple piece of advice. You are outclassed by everyone here Akane. You are not a warrior, but a beginner. You fancy yourself a martial artist, just as Kuno fancies himself a samurai. It's no wonder he likes you Akane. He was attracted to a pig-headedness like his own. Akane just stares at Kasumi in shock. Her own sister has beaten her. Not through physical violence, but with words. Akane's sadness quickly turns to anger. Akane: KASUMI, I'LL SHOW YOU I'M A REAL MARTIAL ARTIST! I CHALLENGE YOU! Akane then charges at Kasumi, but is easily dealt with. Kasumi: FIREBALL! Kasumi twirls into the air, amidst her orange Magatama. Akane flies backwards from the blow, covered in Kasumi's burning flames. Akane just lies on the ground in tears. Akane: Why? ... (She faints). Kasumi (To Leona): Could you put out some of the flame? Leona nods her head and concentrates on the moisture in the air. The Magatama dies out, and Akane is once again a mongrel of a dog. Kasumi picks up the mutt to deliver her to the man she once called her father. Kasumi: I'll bring her to Mr. Tendo. Ranma, Leona... Ranma: Yes? Leona: What is it Kasumi? Kasumi: Sorry I didn't stop her before this. With that Kasumi leaves the two alone. Ranma begins to chuckle. Leona (Confused): What's so funny Ranchan? Ranma: Nothing. I'm just happy Kasumi is finally standing up for herself. Leona lays her head on Ranma's shoulder as he subconsciously moves his hand through her hair. Ranma moves his vision towards Leona. Ranma: Now where were we? Leona: I believe you wanted to share something with me. Ranma smiles and kisses Leona. The two enjoy their moments of affection. Nothing can seem to go wrong when they're together. Soon Ranma breaks the kiss. Ranma: I love you. Leona: I love you too. Ranma and Leona look at the sun that's starting to set. They wonder what they'll face in the tournament, as it is to come to a close soon... (------) End Chapter 31 Next Time: Preparations for the finals are made, Shermie tries to make a claim on Ranma, Heidern has a talk with Leona, and Goenitz starts to pull some strings from behind the scenes. Send your questions and comments to either RedPriest17@aol.com or Ryutsurugi@yahoo.com This is RedPriest17, signing off. Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire.