Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu or Ranma's Cousin Iori (------) Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma 1/2. That is property of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own The King of Fighters, that is property of SNK. I do however suggest you look up information on these two properties. You won't be disappointed. (------) Note: This takes place well after the Ranma 1/2 manga and during the King of Fighters '98. (------) Ranma: The Tenth Hakkeshu Chapter 33: The Finals... Let's Get Ready to Rumble A stadium resembling the Roman Coliseum, built specifically for the finals for the King of Fighters '98 Tournament in Kyoto, Japan. There are no crowds allowed here, but there are television crews set up all around, ready to broadcast the final fights for the tournament around the globe. At their respective homes, those that were in the tournament watch TV and wait for the finals to begin. (------) The Art of Fighting Team, Kasumi Todoh, King, and Takuma Sakazaki are back at the Kyokugen-ryu Dojo, with Takuma too plastered to even care what's going on. Robert (Works dial on Television): DAMN IT! WHY WON'T IT WORK CORRECTLY! Robert gets a static shock from the TV set, and it turns on. Ryo: Good job Robert. Now we can watch the finals... Too bad we didn't get that far in the tournament... Yuri (Socks Ryo in his shoulder): Maybe next time Bro. Kasumi: I believe you can do it next time as well... That is... If I don't beat you guys first. Robert: You won't beat us! Or me anyway... I AM THE GREATEST FIGHTER EVER! King: HA! Takuma (Plastered): MR. KARATE!!! The others in the room stare at Takuma (------) The Fatal Fury Team, Blue Mary, Kasumi (formerly Tendo), Kima, and Mai Shiranui, are in Mai's apartment, watching patiently, as Mai hugs Andy to death. Mai (Hugs Andy): ISN'T THIS EXCITING ANDY? Andy (Face is paling): Can't... Can't... Can't breathe... Kasumi: Thanks for inviting me over to watch the tournament with your friends Mr. Higashi. Kima: Yes. Thanks for letting me come over as well. I want to see how my "student" will fair in this tournament. Joe (Ignores Kima): Heh heh... Anytime Kasumi... Anytime... Mary & Kima (Stare at Joe): ... Pervert... Terry laughs at Mary and Kima's comment, as well as the situation his brother Andy is in with Mai. (------) At Ucchan's Okonomiyaki, Ukyo, Konatsu, Athena Asamiya, Sie Kensou, Shingo Yabuki, the Old Pervert Team, and a bunch of customers watch the tournament from the ceiling-TV Ukyo had installed. Ukyo decides to make an announcement... Ukyo: If the Anything Goes Team wins, YOU ALL GET FREE OKONOMIYAKI! Customers: HOORAH! Happosai (With a plate): I'll take my okonomiyaki now then. I know Ranma will win. After all, he is my BEST student. Ukyo whaps Happosai on the head with one of her spatulas. Shingo: WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! AKANE DUMPED ME!!! Ukyo (Passes an okonomiyaki to Shingo): Here Sugar... Don't feel so bad. Shingo: SNIFF! Thank you Ms. Kuonji... (Starts to eat it). Hey! This is pretty good... (------) Geese sits in his main office of Geese Tower, awaiting the fights that are soon to commence. Billy is there as well, nervous as all heck since Krauser is there, wanting to watch the tournament, wanting to see how Ranma will fair against the other fighters. Geese: Should be interesting, eh Krauser? Krauser just nods his head; a spark can be seen to his eyes. (------) The remaining cast of the Nerima wrecking crew crowds around the small television set in the Tendo home. Genma fights with Soun over a bag of potato chips, and the rest watch intently, saying their usual remarks. Soun (Grabs on end of bag): SAOTOME! LET GO OF MY POTATO CHIPS! Genma-panda (Sign): I'm a growing Panda. I must have nourishment. GIVE ME YOUR CHIPS!!! Kuno: THE FOUL DEMON SAOTOME SHALL LOSE! FOR THE HEAVENS SHALL NOT ALLOW HIM TO HAVE VICTORY!!! Akane: STUPID JERK! HE'S CHEATING ON ME WITH THAT BLUE-HAIRED BIMBO! Nabiki (Thinks): Damn it... When the hell is Leopold going to deal with Leona? Shampoo: DAMN RANMA! RANMA KILL GREAT-GRANDMOTHER! Mousse: SHAMPOO! ! Shampoo (With broken bonbori): Stupid Mousse. Kodachi: OH HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOOOOO!!! Ryoga (In a wheel chair and body cast): RANMA, BECAUSE OF YOU, I'VE SEEN HELL!!! Those in the household stares at Ryoga. Ryoga: ... DAMN YOU RANMA! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! They ignore Pig-boy and go back to watching the tournament. (------) Heidern sits in the hotel room with Ralf and Clark. Heidern watches intently. Ralf and Clark don't make a sound, for fear of enraging their tense commander. (------) Finally, after what seems like an eternity of waiting, the finals start. Hiroshi and Daisuke head out into the center of the large, Roman coliseum-like area, with polished granite slate floor and circular shape all around, with four large gates leading into the fighting area. Television crews from different stations watch what goes on from the 'seating' area in this huge place, awaiting what the two have to say. Hiroshi coughs, and prepares himself. Hiroshi: Ahem... For years, there has been a King of Fighters Tournament. And every year there have been champions, and every year we see if they are worthy of the title "The Kings of Fighters". So, without further ado, let us introduce the four finalist teams! Daisuke: Returning to defend their crown as the Kings of Fighters, we have the Hero Team, consisting of Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido, and Goro Daimon. One of the gates lift, and out of it steps the Hero Team. Hiroshi: And to show the world whose boss, to take back the tournament, the Rugal Team, consisting of one of the tournament's hosts Rugal Bernstein, and his two secretaries, Vice and Mature. The gate to the left from the one the Hero Team came out of opens. Out steps Rugal, followed by Vice and Mature. Daisuke: A new Team that entered this year, showing great feats of fighting as they've gone along. The dark horse of the tournament one could say. I present, the Anything Goes Team, consisting of newbie to the tournament, Ranma Saotome, and two veteran fighters Iori Yagami, and Leona Heidern. The gate that is directly across from the one the Hero Team came out of opens. Ranma steps out into the light, followed by Leona. Iori takes his time walking out enjoying what is soon to come. Hiroshi: And last, but NOT LEAST! A team comprised of an ancient legend of the "Three Heroes" of Japan. The Shingi Trioca Team. Consisting of the other host of the tournament, Chizuru Kagura, Matriarch of the Yagami clan, Nodoka Yagami, and Patriarch of the Kusanagi clan, Saishu Kusanagi. The gate across from the one the Rugal Team opens. Chizuru steps out, with Saishu closely behind her as he scratches his beard. Nodoka strolls out a bit farther off from the two. Daisuke: Yes, it is here that the four teams shall duke it out. The winning team will gain NOT ONLY the title of "The Kings of Fighters", but also, a special cash prize of TWELVE-BILLION DOLLARS UNITED STATES CURRENCY AS THE GRAND PRIZE! Hiroshi: Now, we have decided who will fight. First off, we will have Shingi Trioca Team Vs. Rugal Team. So the other two teams, off to the side now, and the teams fighting, decide the order for your fighters, NOW! (------) The Anything Goes Team and Hero Team head of to the sides. Rugal gets into a huddle with his team and Chizuru does the same with hers. After a moment of talking, they signal they are ready. Daisuke takes the microphone he has. Daisuke: Ready... FIGHT!!! With that said, Vice and Saishu jump out to the center of the arena, ready to face off against each other. Saishu: It's been awhile... Vice (Spits at him): You made me waste energy the last time I brainwashed you. This time, I'll just end you. Vice and Saishu then start to circle each other. Saishu performs his Exorcism of 108 Blows, sending a blast of Magatama traveling across the ground. Vice just dodges to the side, but that's what Saishu wanted. He then leaps forward at Vice with his Fireball attack, scorching her with Magatama flame. Vice tumbles backwards a bit, but she manages to get up, her anger now fueled to the limits. She lets out an inhuman scream and lunges at Saishu with her Da Cide attack, smashing Saishu in his chest with her shoulder. She then grabs him with her Gore Fest throw. She drags his face along the ground for a bit scraping it, then throwing him up in the air. Saishu stands dizzied by Vice's assault on him. Vice moves in for the kills. She performs her Negative Gain attack, enclosing her legs around Saishu's neck. She does a back flip, smashing his head into the ground. She does this repeatedly, putting a lot of energy into the last one. Saishu flies off, unconscious, defeated by Vice. Vice just wipes the dust off of her shoulder and smiles. Chizuru walks up to her. Vice: Ready to fall Mirror Keeper? Chizuru: It is you who shall fall Vice. With that Vice starts to circle around Chizuru, who stands perfectly still. Vice smiles for a bit. Should be an easy win like the last one. Vice performs her Tranquility attack to throw Chizuru to the side, only to have it miss her. Chizuru is now behind her. She performs her Heaven's Way attack, sending an illusion of herself towards Vice while it does an uppercut. Vice jumps back, away from the illusion, only to receive a slash across the gut from another illusion of Chizuru. Chizuru performs her Echoing Harp attack again, sending another illusion to slash across Vice again. Vice narrowly avoids the illusion, but ends up getting hit in the face by Chizuru. Chizuru performs her Rules of Zen super move, creating a very solid, dancing illusion of herself. The illusion repeatedly smashes Vice with its arms. The pain is too much for Vice to bear, and she falls unconscious. Chizuru prays calmly as Mature steps up to the center of the arena. Mature: Heh... I'll mess you up. Chizuru: We'll see about that... Mature performs her Metal Massacre attack, making lines of energy in the air. Chizuru steps back, away from the beams of light. Mature easily catches up to her by performing her Despair attack, doing a twirling uppercut motion that goes forward more. The last twirl of Mature's arms manages to connect with Chizuru. Chizuru grabs at her shoulder trying to ease the pain. Mature takes advantage of the opening, and performs her Heaven's Gate super move. Mature grabs Chizuru, and seemingly hovers on her feet, smashing Chizuru into a wall, igniting a pillar of light as Chizuru connects with it. Mature steps back to look at the destruction. However, Chizuru is not done yet. She throws a ward at Mature, and Mature can't move. Chizuru then uses this opening to perform her Piper's Legion super move, sending wave after wave of illusions of herself at Mature. The pain that the cuts inflict upon her over and over again are too painful for Mature and she passes out. Rugal steps up to the exhausted Chizuru. Rugal: Quite a fight, eh? But I don't think you'll be able to do much. Chizuru (Breathes heavily): I will seal... Your evil power... Rugal laughs and throws himself at Chizuru, grabbing her with his God Press technique. It is a low powered version of Mature's Heaven's Gates super move. He smashes Chizuru into a wall, and that final force of pain causes Chizuru to lose consciousness. Rugal then tosses her body to the side, and looks towards Nodoka. Rugal: Shall we end this? Nodoka (Unsheathes her katana): Yes... Let us end this now. Rugal chuckles to himself with that comment. Nodoka hold her katana horizontally. Without warning she rushes towards Rugal. Rugal jumps back, avoiding the brunt of the attack. However, due to the katana's length, it nicked his chest, leaving a small scratch on him. Rugal frowns as he sees Nodoka sheath her katana. She seems to gather so energy into it. She performs her Dark Strike attack, unsheathing her katana and allowing purple flames to flow off of the katana, trailing across the ground towards Rugal. Rugal smiles at the opening he's given as Nodoka sheathes her katana. Rugal performs his Dead End Screamer super move, leaping into the air, avoiding Nodoka's Dark Strike, and smashing her in the face with her foot, smashing her into the ground. While she's down he then smashes his heels into her abdomen, and starts twirling like a tornado on top of her, grinding her skin. He jumps off of her, and Nodoka tries to get to her feet. She stands with a wobble, she is in a lot of pain at the moment, but she won't give up. She grabs her sheathed katana, ready to give it her all. She performs her Eight Wine Goblets super move, sending a pillar of a violet tinted white pillar of Magatama no Orochi at Rugal. Rugal blocks it. He feels some pain, but not much from it. He then performs his God Press move on Nodoka as well. Smashing her into the wall. Nodoka falls to the ground unconscious. Rugal folds his arms and laughs. Daisuke: Rugal Team WINS! Ranma wants to run to his mom, but Iori just puts his hand out in front of him. Iori: I know you're mad Ranma, but keep your cool for now. You'll get your chance against Rugal... After all... We fight next, and we are going against the Hero Team... Ranma: Right. I'll go and... Iori: NO! You and Leona stand back. I want to deal with them MYSELF! Ranma looks to Leona and they nod their heads in agreement. Iori smirks, and looks towards the center of the arena, ready to give Kyo all he has deserved... With interest... (------) Hiroshi: Now, we will have Hero Team Vs. Anything Goes Team. So decide the order for your fighters, NOW! Iori already knows what he wants and walks out to the center of the arena. The Hero Team however... Kyo: Here's the plan. You go first Goro, then Beni will go, and then I'll go last. Benimaru & Goro: WHY DO YOU GET TO GO LAST!? Kyo: Because (Smiles, teeth sparkle). I AM the Hero after all. I'll defeat Iori, and I'll deal with his two partners, and we'll be in the final fight. Benimaru: AND WHAT ARE YOU BASING YOUR LOGIC ON!?!? Kyo: That I've never lost, and that I've beaten Orochi before. I killed a God! Benimaru: So? Ranma has 'killed' a God as well, and he has never lost either. Kyo (Points at Benimaru): LESS BACK-TALKING, MORE DOING OF AS I SAY! Benimaru and Goro look at each other. They get a bad feeling about this, but do what Kyo says anyway, Goro walks to the center of the arena to face off against Iori. Iori: Let me guess... Kyo's going last again, right? The coward... Goro doesn't say anything, but gets ready to fight. Hiroshi: Ready... FIGHT!!! Iori just rocks back and forth in his fighting stance, Goro flexes his shoulders somewhat to get the kinks out. Goro walks right up to Iori. Iori just keeps smirking. Goro performs his Reverse Drop technique, grabbing Iori, lifting him over his head, and smashing him into the ground head first behind him. A bit of the ground where Iori smashed into head first caved in, but Iori just gets up, smiling wickedly. Goro stares wide-eyed for once. Benimaru and Kyo's jaws drop. Iori dusts off his shoulders. Goro finally gets out of shock and asks him how he did that. Goro: ... HOW!? Iori (Smiles evilly): Breaking point training. Now... It's my turn to play. With that Iori charges at Goro with his Dark Crescent Slice technique. Grabbing Goro by his face, and smashing him into the ground, an explosion of Magatama no Orochi follows shortly, and Goro flies back a bit, amidst the purple flames. Goro gets up, only to be a victim to Iori's Deadly Flower attack. Iori charges at him with an upward punch, stunning him, then another upward punch with his other hand with such a force, it send Goro flying into the air, Iori jumps into the air after Goro, he locks his hands together, and smashes them into Goro. Goro slams into the ground with a sickening thud. Goro gets to his feet shakily. He seems to just stand there. Iori breathes out slightly at Goro. Goro falls down backwards, defeated. Iori (Looks over to Kyo and Benimaru): Next... Benimaru gulps but gets to the center anyway, prepared to fight Iori with all he's got. After all, he took Goro down like it was child's play, and the slam he took from Goro shows that he now has a higher threshold of pain then before. And probably a lot more strength to boot... Benimaru gets himself out of his fears and faces Iori with determination. He charges at Iori and executes his Lightning Fist technique. Iori just avoids the technique by going to the side. Immediately after Benimaru finishes his Lightning fist, he performs his Shinku Katategoma attack, twirling his body around the ground six times, managing to hit Iori in the legs every time, since Iori did not predict this attack. Iori stumbles back, pissed that Benimaru landed a hit on him without him realizing it was coming. Benimaru attempts to perform the Shinku Katategoma again, but Iori just steps back and charges up to perform his Drunken Grail Gasher super. He blasts it, and Benimaru is frozen in place by the pillar of Magatama no Orochi. Iori waits a bit, to let the flames drain Benimaru. Iori then performs his Fireball technique; the slashing and burning of the uppercut cause Benimaru to lose consciousness. Finally... Iori is going to get what he wants. Kyo steps into the center of the arena, ready to face Iori. Iori smiles and ignites the flame in his right hand. Iori: My flames... They beckon to you Kyo... Kyo (Ignites his flame): We all live and die by the flame... The two extinguish their flames and get into their fighting stances. They waste no time and charge at each other. Iori charges at Kyo prepared to perform his Dark Crescent Slice on Kyo, while Kyo readies his Wicked Chew attack. Kyo's attack connects first, smashing Iori in the face with his fist covered in Magatama. Iori doesn't linger on the pain and circles around Kyo, who performs his Exorcism of 108 Blows, sending a blast of Magatama at Iori. Iori performs his Dark Thrust, sending a blast of Magatama no Orochi at Kyo. The two blasts connect and cancel out. Iori smiles. He sees that Kyo is used to his previous way of fighting. Now... It's time to bring out the big guns. Iori starts to glow with his aura of Magatama no Orochi, but soon, the violet flame turns into a mixture of purple and green. Iori gathers the flames into his hands, making it into a ball of fire-elemental ki. He lets off the blast at Kyo, who is standing there wondering what the hell Iori is doing. Iori: OROCHI HOKODAN! The ki blast of green and purple fire smashes into Kyo at an incredible speed, sending Kyo flying into the wall of the arena. Kyo gets to his feet and breathes heavily. Kyo for once is truly angry. Kyo: NO! I CANNOT LOSE! I AM THE KING OF FIGHTERS!!! Iori (Mockingly): Long live the King... Kyo charges at Iori in blind rage and suddenly performs his Final Showdown super. His fists slamming over and over again into Iori as he erupts in a pillar of Magatama. Iori feels the burning pain, and flies backwards with that final grouping of punches to his jaw. Iori gets off the ground to see a grinning Kyo staring at him. Kyo: It's over Iori. You can't beat me. Never have, and never will. Iori stares at Kyo for a bit, and goes into a fit of laughter. Iori looks up at the clock, and sees time is starting to run out for their match, so he'll have to end this quickly, or else get the same result from the '95, and '96 tournament, drawing with Kyo because of time out. Iori gathers his ki into him. He makes himself cold, so cold that the temperature around him drops by at least 20 degrees Celsius. Iori holds his palms up, ready to give Kyo everything he has coming to him. Iori: Feel special Kyo. You're to be the first to feel the wrath of a new move I've made... A move meant specifically for you... With that Iori ignites his flames of Magatama no Orochi, his cold aura connects with the heat of the flames and starts to form a tornado. Iori puts all of his energy into the slowly forming wind and aims it directly at Kyo, who stares in wide-eyed horror at Iori. Iori: HIOROCHI SHOTEN HA NO YAGAMI KEN!!! A tornado of flame shaped like an eight-headed dragon fires of from Iori's hand. Kyo doesn't even have time to scream as the blast shoots at him with incredible speed. Kyo is engulfed by the flames and sent flying. He smashed into the wall of the arena, as the tornado continues to drive him into the wall. After 50 seconds the tornado finally ceases to exist. Kyo is connected to the wall, within an 8 ft. wide and 3 ft. deep crater. His jacket, shirt, and headband are fried away, his eyes rolled to the back of his head. A slight cracking sound is heard and Kyo falls from the wall, leaving an impression of himself within the crater in the wall. The sight leaves Iori with a very happy feeling. Iori covers his mouth with his right hand and hunches over a bit while he looks down, trying to quiet a light chuckle that tries to escape from his lips. He then lifts his head a bit and the light chuckle turns into a small laugh as his hand moves to cover his eyes. He then stands up fully and his head held a bit back, his right hand holding onto the right side of his head as roaring laughter erupts forth from him. Iori: Hm hm hm hm, heh heh heh heh, HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAA!!! Daisuke: Anything Goes Team WINS!!! (------) Around the world fans let out collective groans. After all, Kyo had been the Champion of the King of Fighters Tournament for 4 consecutive years! Now... Iori has finally had his revenge on him. In Mai's apartment however... Kima dances up and down at how well Iori did. Kima (Waving her arms and practically dancing): HE WON! HE WON! MY IDIOT STUDENT DID IT! Mai (Sweat-drops): Better not let him hear you call him that... Terry: That was quite amazing... (------) Ranma and Leona are congratulating Iori. Meanwhile Rugal steps up to the arena as well, right in front of them. Rugal (Arms folded): VERY IMPRESSIVE! I must say, that was quite an exquisite fight. But now... It is time for the final fight for the King of Fighters Tournament. Ranma (Readies himself): Indeed... Hiroshi: Now, we will have Rugal Team Vs. Anything Goes Team. So decide the order for your fighters, NOW! Rugal: No need. Vice and Mature are too beaten up, and Iori, through his quite impressive display of power, is too drained. Iori (Shocked): WHAT!? I am not... Iori tries to take a step forward, but falls flat on his face. Iori (Lying on the ground): ... What the... Rugal (Smirks): Next time, make sure you know what you're doing... Iori: ... CRAP! Daisuke: So then... What is it you want to do Mr. Bernstein? Rugal: If they're game... I'll take both Ranma and Leona on at the same time. Ranma and Leona look at Rugal, then at each other. They nod their heads in agreement. Rugal may be tricky, so in this case, two heads are better then one. Ranma: We accept. Rugal smiles evilly. Rugal then motions for Hiroshi and Daisuke to get the other fighters off the field of battle. They only have to move Iori and the Hero Team, since the others are now awake from their earlier defeat, waiting on the sidelines to see how the fight will unfold. Nodoka: You can do it son! Saishu (To an unconscious Kyo): Stupid, STUPID BOY! Chizuru: GO RANMA! SEAL RUGAL'S EVIL WILL! Vice (Hugging the energy-drained Iori, eyes are little hearts): I LOVE MY IORI-SAMA! Mature (Hitting Iori in the back of the head): STUPID IORI, STUPID IORI, STUPID IORI! I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON FOR KILLING US!!! Iori: RANMA, LEONA! FINISH THE FIGHT QUICKLY! PLEASE!!! (Turns to Vice and Mature). When I get my energy back, you two are sooooooooooo dead. Daisuke (Turns to the cameras): Ranma Saotome and Leona Heidern Vs. Rugal Bernstein. Ready... FIGHT!!! Ranma and Leona run to opposite sides of Rugal. Rugal chuckles about them using such simple tactics. Leona runs at him to perform her Grand Saber attack, and Ranma charges up to do his Mouko Takabisha no Orochi. Rugal leaps up, and backwards into the air to avoid their attacks. Leona performs her Grand Saber, making a blade of energy just in time to cancel out Ranma's Orochi power enhanced ki blast. Rugal spreads his arms wide, to perform Krauser's Kaiser Wave attack while facing Leona. Ranma recognizes the motion of the attack, and runs in front of Leona. He perform his Mouko Takabisha no Orochi again, but Rugal charges the Kaiser wave to full. The attack smashes through Ranma's ki blast, and Ranma turns around, letting his back take the brunt of the attack so Leona won't get hurt. Leona shakes Ranma a bit, to see if he's okay. Leona: RANMA! ARE YOU ALL RIGHT! Ranma (Cringes): Shit that hurt... I'll be fine. They turn toward Rugal to see he rushed towards them while Leona checked on Ranma. Rugal holds Ranma high in the air. Rugal: RUGAL EXECUTION!!! Rugal's eye glows brightly, and green fire envelopes around Ranma. Ranma feels the fires are draining him of energy. Rugal then shoots electricity into him and tosses him to the side. Ranma (On the ground): Shit... That hurt... Rugal stands in front of Leona, his eye glowing considerably brighter then usual. Rugal smiles and looks at Leona. Leona then attacks Rugal Leona: KATCHU TENSHIN AMAGURIKEN! Rugal: KATCHU TENSHIN AMAGURIKEN! Everyone, with the exception of Mature and Vice stare wide-eyed as Rugal performs the Katchu Tenshin Amaguriken. He is about the same speed as Leona with the attack, but his superior reach gives him the edge he needs, and he is soon beating up on Leona. He does this for a bit, and then powers up the final punch to send Leona flying. Ranma catches Leona in his arms. Leona: Shit... How'd the hell he do that? Ranma: I don't know. Vice (Calls out): Simple. He copied it from you! Ranma and Leona look over to Vice, who is still hugging Iori. Vice: The Rugal Execution is his own technique that allows him to copy the techniques from other fighters if he uses it on them. Mature: That's how he got Krauser's Kaiser Wave, Geese's Reppuken, his own version of Athena's Psycho Shield, and his own version of my Heaven's Gates. Rugal: HEY! STOP TELLING THEM ALL THIS! YOU TRYING TO RUIN ME!?!? Mature & Vice: YES! Rugal face-faults and Vice continues hugging Iori. Vice: I STILL LOVE MY IORI-SAMA! Nodoka: Oh my nephew Iori is being so manly! I'm so proud of him! Iori: ... WHY ME!?!? ... Hey... I think I can wiggle my fingers now... Ranma puts Leona down tenderly, and faces Rugal. Ranma: You... Rugal: Yes? Ranma: You are not a true warrior. You are a thief, if that's how you gain your techniques. Rugal: Let me show you one that is my own then... GENOCIDE CUTTER! Rugal does an upward kick, but Ranma easily jumps back away from it. Ranma performs his Dark Thrust technique, but Rugal, upon landing does his Dark Barrier move, creating a shield of green ki that bounces the Dark Thrust right back at Ranma. Ranma jumps over his own attack, but then Rugal performs his Total Annihilation super move, which is 4 Genocide Cutters in a row. Leona stares at Ranma in wide-eyed horror, and then rushes at Rugal in sheer anger. She does her Mizu Ken attack that Ranma helped her develop. The dark blue ki blast hits Rugal in the back, making him stagger forward. Rugal turns around to Leona, as Ranma starts to get himself off of the ground. Rugal charges at Leona with his Gigantic Pressure super move, smashing Leona into the wall amidst a pillar of Orochi energy and an image of a skull. Leona falls to the ground with a thud, in too much pain to even move. Ranma: LECHAN!!! Ranma tries to run over to Leona but Rugal stands defiantly in front of him. Rugal: To get to her, you'll have to go through me. Ranma: With pleasure... MOUKO TAKABISHA NO OROCHI! Rugal (Smiles wickedly): SHI SHI HOKODAN! The two ki blasts connect and Ranma curses under his breath. Ranma now realizes that Rugal, upon getting the info when he drained him, can now do the Shi Shi Hokodan. Ranma (Thinks): Shit... I gotta get to Lechan, but this jerk's in the way... Rugal (Walks over to Leona and kicks her in the stomach, and then holds her up by her head): COME ON SAOTOME! I don't know how much longer she'll last. Ranma: YOU BASTARD! PUT HER DOWN!!! Rugal (Smirks): With pleasure... GOD PRESS! Rugal smashes Leona into the wall again for the hell of it. Ranma's vision turns blood red with violet spots sparking here and there with his anger. Ranma lets out a wordless scream and his aura flares to life around him. He is covered in the flames of Orochi and they take on the form of seven Dragonheads. Rugal stares at the sight in awe. Rugal: What the... ! Ranma smashes Rugal across the face with a roundhouse kick. ! Ranma knees Rugal in the chest, cracking his ribcage. ! Ranma uses his hand like a claw and slashes Rugal across his right shoulder. ! Ranma smashes his right fist on Rugal's collarbone. Rugal stumbles backwards a bit in pain. Ranma then grabs Rugal by the back of his head and smashes it repeatedly into the ground. Ranma then picks up Rugal's bloodied form and screams out. Ranma: EIGHT GODS CRUSHER! Ranma then goes through the motions similar to Rugal's Gigantic Pressure, except Ranma has his arm presses against Rugal's chest and the other hand choking him by the neck. Rugal smashes into the wall and flies into the air within a pillar of violet colored energy and an image of a Dragon's skull appears in the pillar. Rugal falls back to the ground defeated. Ranma's aura dies down, and he runs over to Leona and turns her over, and holds her in his arms. Ranma: Lechan, are you okay? Speak to me please! Leona (Groans): Ow... I'm gonna be black and blue all over tomorrow... Did we win? Ranma (Tears slightly and smiles): We won Lechan. I beat his ass. Leona (Smiles): I knew you'd do it. You never lose. Ranma hugs Leona, but not too tightly. He doesn't want to hurt her more then she already is. As he does this, Daisuke and Hiroshi step out to the cameras. Daisuke & Hiroshi: ANYTHING GOES TEAM WINS! ANYTHING GOES TEAM WINS!!! THE ANYTHING GOES TEAM IS NOW THE KING OF FIGHTERS CHAPIONS!!! All around the world, the reactions are different for those that are watching this. (------) Kyokugen-ryu Dojo... Ryo: That... Robert: Was... Yuri (Eyes sparkle): AWESOME!!! Takuma: MORE BEER! The students of Kyokugen-ryu ignore the their drunkard of a master. (------) Mai Shiranui's apartment... Terry: HE DID IT! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! BUT HE DID IT!!! Mai (Waves victory fans): YEAH RANMA!!! Kima (Smirks): Saotome is indeed not one to trifle with. Kasumi (Smiles): Oh my... I guess I'll have to cook them a special victory dinner when I get back Mary: THAT WAS JUST INCREDIBLE! HE KICKED RUGAL'S ASS! Andy (Sneaks to the door): Now that Mai's distracted, I'll just leave quietly and... Mai (pounces on Andy): NOT SO FAST ANDY! Andy: WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! (------) Ucchan's Okonomiyaki... Ukyo: GO RANCHAN!!! YOU ARE THE KING OF FIGHTERS! Happosai, Jubei, & Chin (Holding up plates): WE'LL HAVE OUR OKONOMIYAKI NOW! Ukyo then rushes to prepare all the okonomiyakis she can! (------) Geese Tower... Geese: Hmm... That was interesting... (Sees that Krauser is walking away). And where are you going half brother of mine? Krauser (In front of Geese's elevator): Ranma shows even more promise now, then when he fought with me. (Smiles). He will be a better challenge then the first time I fought him... With that the elevator reaches the top and opens. Krauser steps into it, and the elevator doors close behind him. Geese chuckles quietly to himself. Geese: Ranma my boy... You are proving to be even more beneficial then I first thought. You shall be very useful to me indeed... (------) Tendo Dojo... All Nerima Wrecking Crew: WHAT!?!? RANMA ACTUALLY WON!?!? Insert assorted fights between the Nerima Wrecking crew. Soun: WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! THEY'RE DESTROTINGT MY HOME AND I NO LONGER HAVE KASUMI TO CLEAN! WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Nabiki (Thinks): Hmm... Now how will I sucker all of Ranma's winnings from him? I love this job... Still... I need Leona out of the picture. What the hell is Leopold waiting for? (------) Heidern's hotel room Heidern: ... He... He... He beat Rugal... Perhaps I've underestimated him... Clark & Ralf (Dancing): YEAH!!! LEONA WON!!! Heidern ignores his two stooges and rethinks on his views of Ranma before this. Ranma had shown great concern for his adopted daughter... Maybe he isn't as bad as Heidern first thought... (------) Back at the King of Fighters Stadium... The television cameras are going and news reporters are flashing their cameras, getting as many pictures as they can of the reigning champions. Leona has her arm around Ranma, being held up by him, and Iori can stand again, but with a wobble. All three fighters are very, VERY tired. But they've won. Iori: So this is how it feels to be on top... Too bad I didn't get to do much with Rugal. Ranma: It's okay Iori. You took out the entire Hero Team by yourself. That says A LOT! Leona: Yeah... I wish this wouldn't end. Ranma cups Leona chin. They look into each other's eyes lovingly, and are about to kiss, when suddenly the winds pick up, at a violent pace. Iori (Covers his eyes): WHAT THE HELL!?!? Chizuru: ARGH! WHAT S THIS POWER!? Camera Crews: WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!? Ranma (Holding onto Leona): DON'T LET GO LECHAN! Leona (Hugs Ranma tightly): RIGHT! Vice (Covers her eyes): SHIT! THE DEVIL'S COME A CALLING! Mature (Covers her eyes): I was wondering when he was going to try something... The winds pick up even more; some of the top part of the arena is torn away. Finally, the winds stop. Ranma looks towards the center of the arena to see a man standing there with his back turned to them. The man turns around slowly and Ranma gets a good look at him. Ranma can see the man has a blue military style coat, with black leather shoulder guards, black leather boots, and his hair is black on the sides, and white and gray on top with blonde highlights. Ranma assesses the man's aura and almost goes into shock. The amount of energy and authority the guy gives off is tremendous, and the man has the taint of the Orochi to his aura as well, but it is in greater quantities then any other person he has met before. This man is what Ranma felt that time they first came back to Japan for the tournament. This man is the "Evil Force" that Chizuru felt was threatening the world. Ranma feels Leona shake in fear in his arms, and Iori gets angry. The man turns his cold, pale blue eyes to Ranma. He smirks. Man: We finally meet face-to-face Tenth Hakkeshu. It is indeed an honor. Ranma knows his battles this day are far from over... (------) End Chapter 33 Next Time: It's a Hakkeshu Martial Arts Melee as Goenitz takes on Ranma and co., with a few extra allies on his side. Send your questions and comments to either RedPriest17@aol.com or Ryutsurugi@yahoo.com This is RedPriest17, signing off. Note: Flames will be read and than used to fuel the Orochi fire.