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Akane Tendo

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LOOKS : Rather plain compared to the others in the anime. Like Ranma says, she’s built like a brick, her thighs are too thick and and her hips are too big. But, she seems pretty enough that almost all the males that turn up go for her. She can be rather pretty sometimes though.

PERSONALITY : She’s VERY quick tempered. She tends to blame anything that happens on Ranma no matter what. She tends to be blind to certain things for some reason, probably a way of coping. She can be very sweet and kind towards people but usually, almost never, towards Ranma. A little reckless and very head strong, she often bites off more than she can chew.


INTELLIGENCE : She’s average. She does okay at school from what we can tell. She has certain blind spots, all of them concerning Ranma. She tends not to think things through and often has a problem admitting something’s wrong.

FIGHTING SKILLS : She’s very strong. Not very fast, rather slow actually. She practices the Tendo School of Anything Goes but it doesn’t really seem like much. She likes to break cinder blocks but you can’t really get much practice pounding on bricks that just sit there. She’s obsessed that people are making fun of her martial arts skills and often takes offence if you say something about it. But, she hadn’t really gotten much practice. Before Ranma came, she was the best in Nerima but when he arrived, everything changed. Every morning she would beat the local boys up when they attempted to date her. They weren’t really skilled so she never got any better.

WEAKNESSES : Her huge and gaping blind spots are pretty bad. She can’t put two and two together to work out that Ryoga and P-chan are one and the same. It’s kind of pathetic really. She blames everything on Ranma too. She can’t cook for beans. Anything she cooks turns out a lot more...exotic than it’s supposed to be. She’s too aggressive to really get anywhere.

SPECIAL SKILLS : She can summon a massive wooden mallet out of nowhere and smash Ranma into the ground. She’s the only one who can hit Ranma on a regular basis. She’s also got THE worst cooking ability in the Ranmaverse. Her cooking is so bad that it might even come to life at the drop of a hat. She’s also got a weird ability to attract kidnappers and weirdos from around the globe to kidnap her.

FAMILY : Her mother died when she was young so all she has left is her father, Soun, and her two sisters, Kasumi and Nabiki, oldest and second oldest respectively. She is the youngest child in her family.

RIVALS : Shampoo, the busty and vivacious Amazon. She is constantly trying to ‘remove’ Akane so she and her ‘husband’ Ranma can finally be together. She very aggressive and can be rather harsh towards Akane. Sue to Shampoo’s superior martial arts skills, Akane really doesn’t have much of a chance at defeating her.
     Ukyo Kuonji is Ranma’s ‘cute’ fiance and Akane usually feels threatened by her because Ranma’s always calling her uncute and Ukyo cute. She’s also threatened by her skills at cooking and though Ukyo may not be that much better than her at hand to hand, she still feels threatened by her.
     Kodachi is always trying to poison or kidnap or kill her because she’s ‘holding’ her Ranma captive. Because of Kodachi’s superior speed and agility, Akane is often having to be saved by Ranma due to one of Kodachi’s twisted schemes.

LOVE INTERESTS : Ranma is a total and utter jerk who doesn’t deserve to live in her point of view. She seems to ignore all the trouble he goes to in order to rescue her and everything. She often hits him and blames things on him. But, she really does care for him but she’s loathe to show it.
     Ryoga is very sensitive and caring in her point of view and he’d never do anything to hurt her. P-chan of course just happens to show up and seems to have a surprising hatred for Ranma, kind of like Ryoga...
     Kuno, she hopes that he falls into a pit, a very large and VERY deep pit preferably. She has no real feelings of affection towards him but he ignores that fact and thinks that she’s just hiding her true feelingds due to a spell cast upon her by the evil Ranma Saotome.
     Hikaru Gosunkugi is a kind of creey individual who’s obssessed with Akane. He’s into Voodoo and will try any sort of magic to get her to fall for him. Too bad it always seems to backfire on him.
(NB I am not including the characters from movies or minors characters.)

HISTORY : Akane’s mother died when she was young, probably causing Akane’s tomboyish attitude without a suitable female role model. Kasumi may have been able to fit the shoes but Akane didn’t really spend time with her. Nabiki’s too busy with her money making schemes to do anything about her.
     She spent most of her time with her father learning martials arts so she didn’t really get a chance to learn how to he a ‘proper’ girl.