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29 Jul 2000

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't own them now but when i take over the world....

Warnings: Ok this one is just weird all my JRock fic's have driven me mad i think. Tooth fairy hide, Easter Bunny Mana so hahahahahahahhaha Maybe a Gundum is really Santa! Sorry told you i was crazy i just hope this one will be better than the last.

The Baby Wing Boys by Kalove

Part Seven: The Beginning of the End

Duo was hiding. That Mara had been after him all day and to top off the horror no one else would pay any attention to him! Zech was trying to charm Wufei for some reason so their bedroom door was locked. And it also sounded like they were playing that game too. Quatre was having a tea party with Noin and Trowa. Une was in the middle of a meeting and said Duo couldn't play under the table this time ether! But at least she had given him some cookies. She really was nice sometimes.

"Oh Duuuu~~~o!!!!!!!!! Where are you?" from behind him came Mara's voice load and clear.

'Hum now why does this all seem familiar. Like i have almost heard all this before.' Duo shrugged before running into the nearest building. But he was totally unprepared for what he saw.


Heero looked around him at all the big robot thingies. One in protocolar caught his eyes. Looking at the sign in front of the robot he read slowly.

"Wing Zero. Pilot Heero Yuu. Hey thats me!!!!!" Looking around to make sure no one was around Heero climbed in and turned the Gundam on. When asked for he carefully typed in the word 'Zero'.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha thats all for now muhahahahahahahahahaha
