Ranma 1/2 is owned by Rumiko Takahashi (I really should get my BoI manga out of storage and find out who owns it. Can I just say Dark Horse for now?) Oh, and there are some *minor* spoilers for Kenshin in here surrounding the Revenge story line. Heart of the Immortal --------------------- By: Anand Rao Chapter 4: Unrequited Love -------------------------- "Just sit still for a moment, okay?" "It hurts when you do that!" "Sorry, sorry. . ." Ranma finished wrapping a bandage around Akane's ankle. "Can you stand?" "Sure, no problem," Akane muttered. She hopped up on her right leg, the one that wasn't sprained, but winced as soon as her left foot touched the ground. Ranma steadied her before she could fall. "Right. As soon as we finish breakfast, I'm taking you to Doctor Tofu's office." "But-" "You're going to the doctor, and that's final. You wanted me to be your Sensei, right? Well, now you're stuck with me." "Fine," Akane sighed in defeat. "I'll see Doctor Tofu." A few weeks had passed since the shooting incident and a routine had developed in the Tendo household. Ranma trained with Akane and Soun every morning, building up their strength, speed, dexterity, and endurance. He would then spend the remainder of the day in training himself or helping Kasumi with her chores. Over all, he was happy to see Soun get back into shape, and was generally impressed with Akane's progress. Of course, she did backslide from time to time. "In all my years, I don't think I've ever had a student as clumsy as you!" Ranma placed one hand on Akane's back and quickly scooped her up, making sure not to touch her sprained ankle. "H-hey! Put me down!" "How'd you manage to get this far if you're still tripping over your own feet?" Ranma asked, ignoring Akane's protests. He easily opened her bedroom door and navigated the stairs to the dining room. "This is embarrassing!" "No need to freak out. I'm just carrying you down to breakfast." Ranma gently sat her down in her place at the table. The rest of the family joined them, Nabiki carrying a large stack of papers as she did so. "I think I finally figured a few things out," she said, giving Ranma a sly smile. "Oh?" "I got ahold of the Saotome family registry and have been doing a lot of research at the library." "How'd you get your hands on the registry?" Akane asked. Nabiki shrugged her shoulders. "The government is starting to put stuff online. They aren't doing much to publicize it, but I got a friend who hacked into the system." Ranma shook his head and smiled in wonderment. "I have a friend you should meet. He's sort of an information expert." "I look forward to it." "What did you find?" Akane asked impatiently. Nabiki picked up the topmost sheet of paper on the stack she had brought. "Ranma Saotome, son of Nodoka and Genma Saotome. You were born in Kyoto but raised out here. You're sixteen years old." Akane turned towards Ranma, a look of confusion on her face. "I don't get it. I though you were hundreds and hundreds of years old." Ranma ignored her. "Nice cover, don't you think, Nabiki-chan?" "Almost," Nabiki admitted. "You did make one minor error, however." "What's that?" "You should have changed your name. The registry is filled with Ranma Saotomes all the way back for 200 years." "It's a quirk I have. 'Ranma' is my name, and like me, it will remain constant and unchanging," Ranma explained. "Besides, it's not that big a deal." "True, but it looks strange." Nabiki flipped through several other pages. "You've had a lot of different deaths; both World Wars, fires, an earthquake, missing and presumed dead. . . which was about the time of the Meiji revolution. Interesting. . . what happened that time?" "Wait a minute. You kept faking your death over the years?" Akane asked, incredulously. "I had to. People tend to get upset when the dead come back to life. It also makes it easier to explain when people get curious about my age. I usually move on or just die off. " "Where did you go during Meiji?" Nabiki asked again. Ranma stood and condescendingly patted Nabiki on the head. "I'll tell you later. Akane needs to get to the doctor if she doesn't want to be late for school." He bent over Akane and picked her up once more. "Hey!" "Be reasonable, student. How else do you expect to get to the doctor's office?" "But. . . I can't let anyone see me like this! It's embarrassing!" "It will be quick," Ranma promised. Akane glared at him for a few moments. "Oh. . . fine!" Ranma smiled. "See you all later!" He bound out the house, still carrying Akane, and immediately sprang to the rooftops. *********************************** "How are you doing this?" Akane asked, her voice slightly trembling. "Doing what?" "Hopping around from roof to roof." "Oh." Deciding that the quickest route between two points was a straight line, Ranma decided to forego the streets and sidewalks. "It's just another advantage of learning the Art. You'll be able to do as well one day." Ranma finally landed in front of Doctor Tofu's office. "See? It was quick, and no one saw us. Your virtue is intact." "When?" "When what?" Ranma asked, opening the clinic door. "When will I be able to hop on top of roofs like that?" Akane clarified. "One thing at a time, student," Ranma chuckled. "You still haven't managed to even hit me yet." They entered the clinic and were immediately greeted by Doctor Tofu. "Ranma, Akane. . . what brings you here this morning?" "Akane twisted her ankle, doc. Can you take a look at it?" "Sure," Tofu smiled warmly. "Take her to the examination room." A few moments later, Tofu's hands were deftly moving over Akane's ankle. "It's a light sprain. Just stay off that foot for a few days and you should be okay. If you want, I could give you something for the pain." "N-no thank you, doctor." Akane blushed as his fingers ran over her leg. "Cheer up, Akane. You young people heal up rather quickly." Tofu glanced at Ranma. "Although, not as quickly as others." Ranma laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Well, then, shall we go, Akane?" "Sure," Akane sighed. (I guess I'll always be too young to him.) Ranma picked her up once more. "Doc, should she really be going to school?" "Hmmm. . . Maybe staying home one day wouldn't be such a bad idea. Ranma, you could also come back later to pick up a pair of crutches for her if she needs them." "Sounds good, Doc. I'll see you later." **************************************** After leaving the clinic and once again traveling over the rooftops, Ranma decided to comment on Akane's somber disposition. "What's bothering you, student?" "Nothing you'd understand, Sensei." "It wouldn't have anything to do with Doctor Tofu, would it?" Akane gaped. "What? I mean, how did-" "It's obvious by the way you look at him," Ranma gently explained. "It doesn't really matter. He's in love with someone else." "Yes, I know. I've seen him around Kasumi." "He's always been so kind and caring. Whenever I've gotten hurt or had a problem, he'd take care of it." Ranma took another leap and Akane closed her eyes as a breeze rushed by her face. "Sounds like you've had this crush for a long time." Akane's eyes snapped open. "It's more than just a crush!" Ranma inclined his head. "Sorry, poor choice of words." "I just wish. . ." "I know, Akane. It can be a rough thing, being in love." "Ranma? Have you. . . have you ever been in love?" "I've been around for about 200 years, Akane. What do you think?" Akane smiled pensively as Ranma landed in front of the Tendo home. "Were you ever in love with someone who didn't love you?" Ranma's mouth tightened. "Once." "What did you do?" Easily balancing Akane in one hand, Ranma opened the front door. "I left Japan." "That's pretty drastic," Akane observed. "We're home!" Ranma called out. "Yes it was, but I had other reasons for leaving. Tomoe was only small part of it." "How. . . how did you move on? What makes the pain go away?" Akane asked softly. Ranma carried her up to her bedroom. "Honestly? It just sort of happens. Time passes and eventually you meet someone else." "I hate this." They reached Akane's bedroom and went inside. "Akane, like all Tendo women, you're beautiful and passionate, and one day, you will find someone to love, someone who will love you very much." Akane blushed deeply as Ranma laid her on the bed. She remained silent as he quickly exited her room. ****************************************** Ranma walked down the stairs with his head bowed. He sat down in front of the shogi board where Soun was waiting expectantly for him. "How is Akane?" "She'll be fine, Soun. She just needs to stay off that ankle for a bit." Soun nodded his head and the two friends began playing. "I must admit, I do feel better since we started training." "Of course you do!" Ranma agreed. "The Art is a cure-all." "Twenty years ago, I would have agreed with you, Sensei, but now. . ." "What's changed?" "I got married." Soun smiled wistfully. "The Art was everything until I met Sachiko. I didn't even know anything was missing from my life until we got married and Kasumi was born." "I've gone that route too, you know?" Ranma pointed out. "But it's different for me, Ranma. I have fewer years ahead than behind and all I want to do is live to see my children grow and have kids of their own. The Art -is- making me stronger, but it's not an end in itself." Soun paused. "Not like it is for you." ************************************************* Akane looked up from her math book when someone knocked on her bedroom door. "Come in." The door opened, revealing Kasumi, who stepped inside and sat on Akane's bed. "How are you feeling?" "I'm okay. My ankle should be better in a few days." "Good." Kasumi glanced at the math book. "Getting some extra studying done?" "Yeah. Since I'm missing school, I figured I'd stay up to speed." "You always work so hard, Akane. I think it's your greatest strength." "Thanks, Oneechan. I just wish that the results matched my efforts." Akane smiled a bit disparagingly. "It's the effort that counts." "I suppose. . . Sometimes, it's frustrating not being able to succeed and. . . knowing that you'll never succeed. Kasumi. . . have you ever been. . . been in love?" Kasumi blinked and sat back. "I had a crush on someone once," she admitted. "But that was a long time ago." "Really? What happened? Did you ever tell him?" "I never got a chance to tell him. Mother had died, and he left Nerima." "Looking back, do you wish you had told him about your feelings? Do you think he could have felt the same for you." Kasumi laughed. "Akane, I was only seven years old!" "Oh, so it was an older man?" "Much older as it turned out," Kasumi whispered. "Really? Who was he?" Kasumi nibbled her fingernail embarrassingly. "Ranma." "You had a crush on Ranma?" Akane's voice was disbelieving. "You must promise never to tell him!" Kasumi exclaimed. "I won't, I won't. . ." "He was so nice, and strong, and romantic, and just. . ." "I get the picture," Akane said dryly. "Are you still in love with him?" Kasumi's smile was relaxed and easy. "No, that was a long time ago. Besides, he will never age. I want to be able to grow old with whomever I marry." "It's so strange to even think about. . . I mean, being stuck at age sixteen forever," Akane shuddered. "It must be difficult, but Oniichan is a very strong person. He handles it well." "You don't have any idea -how- strong," Akane agreed. "I'd love to have 200 years to perfect my skills in the Art." "Be careful what you wish for, Akane." Kasumi smiled and stood up. "I'll leave you to your studying. Be sure to get some rest though, okay?" "I will, Kasumi, thanks." *********************************************** "Do you think what I do is wrong? How I behave and what I believe?" Ranma asked. "Nice move, by the way." "Shogi is an art too." Soun smiled. "Not wrong, just wrong for me. I couldn't imagine being as lonely as you." "I'm not lonely!" "Sensei, what have you been doing for the past twelve years?" "Hmm? Traveling, training, fighting. . . the usual." "During all that time, it never occurred to you that you should settle down with your family?" "And do what?" Ranma asked, moving a shogi piece. "Watch my children's children grow old and die?" Soun's eyes widened and he was struck by a sudden realization. "In my own grief, I had completely forgotten, but my dear wife. . ." "Sachiko was like a daughter to me, Soun. We weren't related by blood, but I helped raise her, damn it! She was beautiful and perfect and produced three wonderful children. She should not have died." "You'll get no argument from me, Ranma," Soun said hoarsely. "But a few weeks ago, you came to into my home, intruded on my grief and told me to move on. If I can do that, as weak as I am, so can you." "You're not a weak man, Soun." "Yes, I am," Soun sighed. "I often wonder what my life would be like if I had never met you. Heh. Perhaps Genma and I would still be running around the countryside with the Master." "After all this time, you still speak of him with fear and respect," Ranma said in irritation. Soun shuddered. "You did not truly know him, Ranma. He was a monster." "At any rate, it never gets any easier to watch my family die. I always keep an eye out for you guys, you know that, but I need to be on the road, traveling and moving. It keeps me sane." "And when will you leave us this time?" Ranma shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows? I never plan these things. I'll probably leave once you start teaching again. . ." "You could always stay here and teach," Soun suggested. "Thanks, but no. This dojo has one master. You. One day, Akane will carry on. That's my goal." Ranma's eyes became distant. "Too many people are forgetting our Art these days, Soun. At this rate, it will be lost forever." His eyes flashed. "I won't let that happen, Soun. I won't." Soun shook his head. "How do you manage to remain so passionate after 200 years?" he wondered aloud. "I've seen passion die. It's not a pretty picture," Ranma replied quietly. ************************************** "Tomoe, I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do. . ." Ranma felt completely helpless as he put his hand on her shoulder. The girl stiffened and gently pulled away. "Find Akira-san's killer, this. . . Battousai. Destroy him. I know you can do it, Ranma-san." Ranma winced at the tone of her voice. "Tomoe. . ." "Just do it. . . please." She had not turned towards him, and Ranma was scared to look at her eyes. He knew what he would find there. Akira was not the first friend he had lost over the years, and he would not be the last. He wanted to hold her, comfort her, and give her some sort of solace. "I will find him," Ranma promised. "But you must allow yourself to grieve or-" She whirled towards him and Ranma's heart wrenched at the dead look in her eyes. "I have lost the one I loved. What use is there for grief?" Ranma wanted to close his eyes, or turn away, but he could not. (She will never love me, not now. Damn this stupid war, damn that stupid assassin, and damn Akira for trying to be brave.) Ranma had been immortal for a little over thirty years now, and he had never met a woman like Tomoe. She had a strength and gentleness that touched Ranma's heart. Her smiles and thoughtfulness did much to heal Ranma's embittered soul. (It's all gone now. . . Maybe. . . maybe I can bring it back, and help her, as she helped me.) "I know of your feelings for me, Ranma-san. You never voiced them, but I know. If you truly love me, then be my instrument of revenge." "Revenge and hatred are hollow things, Tomoe. You taught me that." "Striving to uphold justice is every person's duty. -You- taught -me- that," Tomoe retorted. "When I kill this hitokiri, what then?" "Do you claim a reward? Do you want me?" Her voice was still dead. Ranma finally turned way. "Damn it, Tomoe! That's not what I meant! I. . . I just want you to be happy." "That is no longer possible, Ranma-san." A touch of the old gentleness entered her voice. Ranma looked at her once more and gently traced his fingers over her face. (You are lost to me.) He sighed and managed a weary smile. "I will do as you ask, Tomoe." *************************************** "I see. What happened? Did you kill the hitokiri? Did you ever marry Tomoe?" "Soun, old friend. . . that is one long, convoluted, sad, and horribly ironic story. One I will share at another time," Ranma replied. "So that experience taught you how to keep your passion alive?" "The only honorable way out for people like us is to either die of old age, in battle, or seppuku. All three options are pretty much closed to me, and Soun, I refuse to be among the walking dead. You see, that's what a person without passion becomes." "Point taken, Sensei." Ranma grinned. "That's why I like teaching you, Soun. You catch on quick, unlike Genma. . ." "Speaking of Genma, I really would like to see him some time soon." "Hmm. . . That's not a bad idea. We'll all go over there in a couple of weeks. You should be ready to spar against him by then." "Sparring with Genma. . ." Soun smiled. "It certainly does bring back old memories." "We'll take the girls, too. I'm sure Nodoka will enjoy pampering them. Maybe, just maybe, it will get her to pressure Genma into giving her a child." ***************************************** Genma Saotome sneezed, but was still able to dodge the bonbori strike that was aimed for his head. "Look, Shampoo, I don't know where Ranma is right now!" "Fat man lie!" a buxom, bouncy, purple-haired girl accused. "Hey! I'm not fat!" Genma exclaimed indignantly. Shampoo swung the bonbori once more and Genma dodge again. Suddenly, he felt a gentle tap on the base of his neck and could no longer move. "Hey!" "Enough of this. Where is my son-in-law?" A tiny withered old woman carrying a wooden staff three times her size jumped in front of him. "Uh. . ." "I can leave you stuck like that while Shampoo beats some sense into you, if you wish." Genma found her tone of voice to be most reasonable. "He's at the Tendo Dojo!" Genma gulped. "At least, he said he was heading there when we parted ways." "Excellent. That wasn't so hard, was it?" The old woman turned towards Shampoo. "Come child, let's go find your wayward husband." "Yes, great-grandmother!" "You're not just going to leave me like this, are you?" Genma asked as the pair walked away. "You should be able to move again in about an hour or so. Pray that we find my son-in-law at this Tendo Dojo, or we shall be back." Genma gulped again, and as the two women finally left, he found himself hoping that his wife would return home soon. *********************** End Chapter 4 Notes: The Kenshin arc is probably going to be a story in itself one day, one that I will most likely need help with. Anyone out there have a passion for angsty doomed romances and masterful sword fights? :) At any rate, I'll be concentrating more on that after chapter 7. Thanks to D.F. Roder and Michelle Thatcher for prereading and helping fix some of those annoying grammar problems. Namaste, Anand *********************** Anand Rao jouve25@hotmail.com http://www.gsm.uci.edu/~arao02/ ICQ# 10869014 "Love: Two Vowels, Two Consonants, Two Fools."