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Nabiki Tendo

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LOOKS : She’s very pretty, maybe not as much as her Kasumi but still very pretty. A very nice figure, one that’s she’s usually showing off in a pair of short shorts and a crop top. Her appearance is always neat and tidy, no hair out of place. Even though she’s rather attractive, she doesn’t attract any attention from any boys, except for that one time Kuno spent a day trying to date her.

PERSONALITY : Very scheming. Very money orientated. Very smart. Very ambitious. Very stylish. Very materialistic. She’s very nice to her family but to other people, it’s for a price. She is probably very generous if you’re of use to her. She can be very cold towards people but it’s probably due to her way of coping after her mother’s death. She can intimidate almost everyone in the show by just saying a word. She’s intereacts with quite a lot of people so she knows how people think and work.


INTELLIGENCE : Well, she runs a large gambling organisation at school by herself, she’s managed to blackmail the majority of the school population, she can outwit almost anyone save Cologne and she’s an excellent business woman. She is also probably supporting her family considering her father doesn’t teach anyone and they have no obvious source of income. I’d say she’s pretty smart, wait, genius more like.

FIGHTING SKILLS : Poor if any. She’d be quick on her feet but not much else. She prefers to let other people do the fighting for her.

WEAKNESSES : Nabiki’s extremely materialistic so make her an offer she can’t refuse and she’d be putty in your hands. Aside from that, she really doesn’t have any other weaknesses really.

SPECIAL SKILLS : Can manipulate anyone or anything to her advantage and can extort anyone. She never gets hurt in all the fights that happen around her. She can obtain any information extremely quickly.

FAMILY : Soun Tendo her father and her two sisters Akane and Kasumi. She’s the middle daughter. Perhaps she sufferes from middle child syndrome?

RIVALS : Well, maybe Cologne in craftiness. We don’t think there’s anyone else.

LOVE INTERESTS : People always say she and Kuno would be a great match up. Aside from Nabiki’s demeand of total devotion which she would get from him, she would love his money.

HISTORY : Her mother died when she was young, probably causing her to retreat into a shell of aloofness and indifference in order to cope with everything. She’s gotten quite a few laughs since Ranma came to Japan.