Tekuu no Escafolwne(The Vision of Escaflowne)This is the story of Hitomi Kanzaki's unexpected journey to the other-dimensional world of Gaea, a place where the Earth and the Moon hang in the sky. Unintentionally brought there by Van Fanel, the young king of a ravaged kingdom, Hitomi is thrown into the middle of Van's battle against a devestating enemy. An enemy that wants to save the people of Gaea from themselves, and will destroy anyone who gets in their way to do it. Hitomi and Van are accompanied by the handsome knight of the high skys, Allen Schezar, the beautiful and independent Princess Millerna Aston, and Van's devoted companion (and Hitomi's greatest irritant), the cat-girl Merle. During their journey, they meet many other fascinating people from whom they receive, sometimes unexpected, assistance. Hitomi, Van and their comrades try to keep one step ahead of the treacherous Zaibach Empire and prevent them from gaining control of Escaflowne, the legendary defender of Van's people. Struggling through one battle after another, while at the same time, dealing with their own personal demons. Forced to confront harsh truths about the people and ways of life they thought they could believe in, faced with the consequences of choices made in the past, and trying to cope with their own, somtimes confusing, emotions, they search for a way to defeat the Zaibach forces. None of them realizing, just how much impact those other, seemingly less important conflicts will have on the outcome of the war they are fighting.