18th January 2001I added Baby G-Boys by Kalove. 17th January 2001I added chapter 9 of A Couple of Angels by Corwin. 14th January 2001I put up Biss by Mike L. and Lara Bartram and Did She Jump or Was She Pushed by Mile L. 26th December 2000I put up another two fanfics, both by Corwin. A Couple of Angels and Wrath of Gods. Both are in the crossover section. By the way, I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and I wish you all a happy New Year! 21st December 2000I added Father of The Prince, The Girl Who Wasn't and The Princess Who Was and When Gods Fall, all done by Pug. They're both crossover fanfics. I also changed my page's format and stuff. Not that I really know what I just said but that's what my web thingummy told me anyways. 16th December 2000Well, as of today, I updated the crossover fanfiction. Well, that's really the only thing I have on my page aside from lyrics. I don't have any of the single series fanfiction up yet cuz...I don't have any of the files. I think I'll finish the crossovers first. There's only bout another two or three more series to go, bout another 12 maybe more files to upload. Well, that's all really. I'm going to be on holidays after the 19th so I s'ppose I'll have more time to do my page. That's actually really sad, now that I think about it. y'know what I mean? Oh well, never mind. |