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Don’t Mess With Toasters

"Hum, hum, hu-hum" Quatre buzzed around the Gundam pilots kitchen on what seemed like an ordinary morning. Clad in his usual khakis and vest with his bright yellow "breakfast-making-apron" securely fastened around his waist, pilot 04 made pancakes.

"Brusha, brusha, brusha, swoosh, blah, spit." Trowa cleaned his pearly whites in the upstairs bathroom. He wiped off some extra toothpaste foam on a blue terry cloth towel and headed downstairs for some food.

"Tick, Tick, Tick, RINGCLANGBOOMBAM!!!" sounded Duo’s alarm clock. The groggy pilot fell out of bed and into his floppy priest-like outfit. Picking up his hair brush, he went to war against bed-head.

"Tinker, Tinker, click, zzz" Heero sat at the kitchen table with a screwdriver in one hand and a fiercely bent up toaster in the other. He attempted to undo last nights fury, which had been unleashed on the Brave Little Toaster.

Silence. Wufei sat cross-legged in front of twenty burning candles. A usual morning ritual for the devoted pilot: Nataku Worship Time.

Duo yawned widely and cracked his wrists as he finished braiding his long mahogany locks. Shuffling into the kitchen, he plopped himself into the chair next to Heero.

"Hey Heero, why bother fixing that piece of Junk? Why don’t you just go get a new one. I here there’s a sale at target, you even get a free blender. I sure could use a banana shake right now. How ‘bout it Heero?"

"Maxwell you talk to much" Heero continued with his tinkering. "Plus this toaster is special."

Duo shook his head. "What is so special about that toaster?!?"

"Watch this…" Heero then uncharacteristically made a silly face into the shiny surface of the now patched up toaster and instantly perfect toast popped out. "What do you think of that!"

"Your insane! Let me try!" Duo began to play with the toaster.

Trowa waltzed in and pulled up a chair across from Duo and Quatre set down a tower of pancakes into the center of the blue checked table cloth.

"Breakfast is served! I made special chocolate chip ones for you Duo." Quatre smiled as Duo’s attention switched from his toaster toy to the food.

Duo helped himself to a very tall stack of chocolate chip pancakes ( topped with a mountain of maple syrup and whip cream) and stuffed his face full of them. "Twhanks Qwuatre!" he managed to choke out between mouthfuls.

Trowa couldn’t help but chuckle at the mess Duo was making. Heero just shrugged and pretended to ignore him. All in all it was a pretty regular morning.


Beads of perspiration welled up on the back of Wufei’s neck and trickled down to dampen his white silk overcoat.

"This can’t be…" he whispered under his breath. "I’m sensing something strange…"

He clenched his teeth together and concentrated hard on the image he was meditating on till his eyes shot open and his breathing became labored.

"What on earth? I must stop his injustice…" The troubled boy leapt into the kitchen making Quatre jump out of his skin.

"Quatre! You spilled tea all over my new toaster friend!" Duo complained as he rubbed it off with a napkin.

"NO Duo Don’t!!!" Wufei screamed at him. "That toaster is possessed!!!"

"What the hell are you talking about" Heero quipped while the rest stared blankly and skeptically at the bent up toaster.

Suddenly the toaster glowed bright green and floated in a sparkling aura above the table.

"You have awakened da Genie of de Toaster!" The green smoke spoke in a husky Italian accent "Hey you, ya you the one with the dirty hair and weird clothes, ya I’m talking you you."

"I can’t believe the toaster can talk…" Duo blinked

Wufei attempted a shout of caution but the genie caught him.

"Silence, one who is a wearing girly bootie slippers! The only one who is a gonna speak is da one who rubbed my toaster and dats who I’m a gonna givea one wish to. That means you braid boy."

"Ha Ha! He got you there Wu-Wu! Good one Ge-ne!" duo laughed as Wufei shot a resentful scoul at his jolly co-pilot.

The Genie of the Toaster turned and stared at the chuckling shinigami. "You, I like-a you. So hows about making your wish, huh? I got places to go people to see so spit it out."

"Alright Ge-ne" Duo began to think. "Now what to wish for…"

Four Hours later…

Duo still sat with his arms crossed and dollar signs rotating in his pupils.

"What the Heck is taking so long Maxwell!" Heero finally blew and banged his fists on the table top.

"Alright, I got it!" A little light bulb flicked on above his head. The pilots let out a sigh of relief.

"No…wait…I don’t got it…" The others grumbled with disgust.

"Alright! This time I really got it!!"

"Wait, no…"

"You is a damn fool that’s what you is now you have a taken to long to a makea your decision so now I’ma gonna have to-a makea youa suffer." The Genie zapped Duo with a bolt of lightening and disappeared back into the toaster.

"Eeeep" Pilot 03 meekly uttered before the room filled with smoke.

The pilots coughed and wheezed through the pitch till the haze cleared.

"Ahhhh! I can’t breath!" Quatre gasped. "I’m allergic to smoke!"

"Sucks to you Ass-mar" Heero grunted.

"Did anybody see what happened to Duo?" Trowa asked as visibility returned.

"Look around that Genie probably cursed him." Wufei suggested.

"Aww! Look I found a kitty!" Quatre squeaked as he picked up a hissing brown bundle of fur.

"Hey I think that hair ball is Duo!" Commented Trowa as Neko Duo batted at Quatre’s bangs.

"Duo got what he deserved" Wufei accused "He called me Wu-Wu and made fun of my booties."

"You had better figure outa way to get this spell reversed or else Neko Duo may be leaving presents for you in your booties." Heero got up and poured himself some coffee.

Wufei angrily stormed out of the kitchen, disgusted with the injustice of it all.

"Aww, Trowa look he’s so cute!" Quatre pushed the fuzz ball into Trowa’s face. "Can we keep him, pleeeeeeze Trowa!

"Only if you promise to make sure he has fresh food and water and you clean up all his messes." Trowa humored puppy-eyed Quatre as he picked Neko Duo hairs of the syrup.

"Yay!" Quatre pranced off to his room with his new playmate. Neko Duo dug his claws into Quatre’s vest and growled, but 04 didn’t seem to notice.

Trowa and Heero shook their heads and finished their (now cold and extremely late) breakfast.


Wufei perched cross-legged once again in front of his Nataku shrine. This time with about 30 more candles and a whole pile of incense sticks. He chanted and meditated till he just couldn’t meditate no more, fearing a little kitty present in his bootie.


"Would you like some more tea Neko Duo" Quatre offered the infuriated kitten. Duo was tied down to a plastic play chair in front of an elaborately decorated plastic table.

"Lets see, tea cups…check…plastic cupcakes…check…pink bonnet for Neko Duo…check…" Duo hissed as Quatre tightened the bow holding on his frilly pink baby bonnet.

Wufei broke down the bedroom door. He had red war paint all over his face and incense sticks burning in one hand. He waved his fingers over Neko Duo and spat a squeal- like chant at him.

"Where did you learn that Wufei?" Quatre thought he looked like an Indian Medicine Man.

"I got it out of For Those Who Meditate, Weekly, my favorite magazine.( Only $19.99 for a limited time. Get 12 whole issues. Call 1-800-Meditate for more info).

There was an eerie poof an Duo poofed right back into himself again. He looked at his fingers and touched his face.

"IM A REAL BOY!" He exclaimed with overwhelming emotion, but his plastic chair collapsed under him, ruining the moment.

Wufei and Quatre looked at each other and collapsed with laughter. Wufei fell on top of the tea party table spilling the tea (water really) all over Quatre in the wrong place (if you know what I mean). Quatre then fell over onto his giant oversized Barney stuffed animal which began to sing:

I love you, You love me…

Trowa and Heero burst into the room to find a mess of hysteria. Trowa began to convulse and the sight of the singing Barney.

We’re a great big family…

"Make it stop! Make the hideous beast stop!!!" Trowa screamed in a high pitched girly voice as he backed into the corner and started to rock back and forth "I will not be eaten, I will not be eaten…" He whispered to himself while covering his ears and sealing his eyes.

"Hey Heero, don’t you think this bonnet is becoming" Duo joked with the rigid soldier. "I think Quatre has a yellow one if you’d like to join us."

With that remark Heero snorted with anger and grabbed Trowa. He stormed out of the room saying. "I’ll kill that damn Maxwell, come on Trowa lets get your happy pills."

Everyone else continued with their insane laughter.

The End

Chibi Kamel: Boy was that insane well, tell me what u think, K!

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