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Created December 2000

Look at my new main image! Cute isn't it? ^_^ I love that site!

Scroll down to see the link to the new main Page! Please sign my Guestbook!

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Notice: If your visitor #3000, e-mail me at, and you'll get a fanart of a choice Anime/Final Fantasy long as I'm familiar with them..or if you can provide a pic for me to look at for info. ^_^

E-mail for submissions is now:, all other e-mails (flames, etc) go to

Come on...send me art! I need some that isn't mine.. ^_^;;

That's all for now

Hi! I'm Rachel W., also known as Xellos17 or Alexander Hiroshi. I welcome you to my art site, and hope you enjoy your stay. If your an artist who wants art up on the site, please e-mail me and let me know where I can find the art, or e-mail the pics to me. I accept .ZIP files. ^_^ Enjoy your stay!


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"Tenshi No Namida" The Yaoi and Shonen Ai chique

Yaoi Gundam Wing Clique

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