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Welcome to the Defensive Moves Section!

Cancel - In order to cancel an attack, you must have the exact same attack. You must also use 1.5 as much ki as the attacker did. For example: Goku uses a Kamehameha that will do 30 damage. To cancel it, Cell does a Kamehameha that would do 45 damage if it were his attack. Cancels can use however much KI they need to, disregarding the attacks actual max.

Standard Dodge - A dodge is simple, if your speed is higher than the attacker's, you only lose half of the damage instead of the actual damage. When speed is the same for defender and attacker, you may not dodge. You may only dodge physical attacks, unless you have a move that states you may dodge an energy blast.

Rolling and flipping are examples of standard dodges.

Non-Standard Dodges - Non-Standard Dodges are the type of dodges that take the fighter away from the attacker. Flying and teleporting are examples of Non-Standard Dodging.
Fly - 10 SP ETL - 25 Specials - Adds 5 to PD. Only used once as def.

Teleporting - 10 SP+ ETL - 50 Specials - allows dodging of energy blasts, 10 SP+ means 10 SP and half the Ki used to do energy blast, half the PA to do physical attacks. Can only be used after an attack. Can only be used once.

Shoulder Thrust - You eye your opponent for a weakness. As soon as the opponent charges up his attack, you ram your body and all you might into the attack.
PA - 5 PD +15 ETL - 30 Specials - Increases PD by 15 for the rest of the battle. Can only be used after an attack.

Barrier - A special defensive move that can only be used once a battle, no matter how many MV (Moves) you have. It temporarily raises your defense by a huge amount, but takes it down more than it helps. It's a great little thing to use when you need a quick burst of power.
PD + 50- KI-D + 50- ETL - 80 LV: 9
The minus means that after the defense, your PD and KI-D go down 75 points.