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Welcome to the Offensive Moves Section!

Kamehameha - I wouldn't expect you to be here without a basic grasp of Dragon Ball moves. But, if you are still interested, this is a little number that can put a wallop on any person it hits. A fireball from the hand summoned through the energy of the body, released through the hands in a beam.
Ki - 20 ETL - 25 AP - 50 + 2 times Ki used. (not including starter Ki) Can't exceed 45 Ki. Basic attack

Hand Cannon - A move that only Androids and robots can perform. The hands are removed, showing a cannon the size of their arm. A blast of energy is propelled from the engine in the body through the arm out the cannon, hopefully hitting it's target.
Ki - 10 ETL - 45 AP - 30 + 1.5 times Ki used, rounded up. (not including starter Ki) Can't exceed 40 Ki. Basic Attack.
Example: 16 uses Hand Cannon! 16 loses 10 Ki, and decides to do a blast with 30 of his remaining Ki. He does 75 total damage.

Rapid Fireball Blast - This move is the first automatic move we will introduce. Rapid Fireball Blast is a move in which the user generates large amounts of energy to blast off as many fireballs as they want.
Ki - 10 ETL - 45 AP - 25 + 8 damage for every 10 Ki used, not exceeding 50 Ki. LV: 5

Robo-Punch - This attack can only be used by Androids and robots. In this move, the attacker detaches his hands from his arms and sends them flying for a good amount of damage.
PA - 15 ETL - 25 AP - 45 (1) Basic Attack
PA - 30 ETL - 50+ AP - 80 (2) LV: 5
The + means you must have the single arm before you can learn the double arm.

Suspended Shot - In this attack, the opponent is flung into the air and kept there for a while by being shot at in the back with mini fireballs.
PA - 25 KI - 35 ETL - 35 AP - 175 LV: 5

Punch - Sounds pretty much like what it does. A simple extension of the arm, thrust forward with the body to cause pain .
PA - 1 ETL - 0 AP - 2 for every PA used.

Kick - Sounds pretty much like what it does. A simple extension of the foot, thrust forward with the body to cause damage.
PA - 1 ETL - 0 AP - 3 for every PA used, can't use more than 30 PA.

Special Beam Cannon - The attacker focuses his energy on his fingers, which are touching his forehead. The energy is then channeled into a single spiral, which lunges at the enemy. Only Nameks and Gohan can learn this move.
KI - 20 ETL - 50 AP - 75x (x means for however many turns you charge.) LV: 7

Beam Cannon - An attack similar to the Special Beam Cannon. Instead of charging into the fingers, the whole palm of the hand is used. The attack is radically weakened, and thus, not very useful. Anyone can learn this variation of Beam Cannon.
KI - 35x ETL - 35 AP - 20x

Eye Laser - An attack in which energy is shot from the eyes. This is severly damaging, as you really can't miss what you are looking at.
KI - 25 ETL - 25 AP - 70 + 2 for every KI point used, not exceeding 50.

Masenko - An attack in which you cross your hands in front of your head and channel energy through your body into a large beam shot through your palms. This attack can only be charged for 3 turns.
Ki - 15 ETL - 25 AP - 20 + 3 times Ki used. (not including starter Ki) Can't exceed 50 Ki.

Solar Flare - This battle move can also be used as a defense. But to use it as an offensive move, the user concentrates on amplifying the sun's energy to attack the opponent. Solar Flares (who'd have thought?) are then shot out at the enemy. As a defensive move, it stops the attacker dead in their tracks, causing a 25 point decrease in damage taken.
KI - 40 ETL - 15 AP - 15 (as an attack)

Uppercut - A move in which the attacker crouches down and springs up, with their fist in an arch with their body. It can do decent damage against a weaker person, but for the most part, it is weak. Can be used indefinitely.
PA - 5 ETL - 0 AP - 15 + 2 for every PA used, not exceeding 40 PA.

Seismic Kick - A strengthened kick, in which the full weight of the body is thrust into the attack. Much stronger than the conventional kick, and can result in a decent damage count. You are not able to dodge this attack.
PA - 7 ETL - 0 AP - 15 + 3 for every PA used, not exceeding 30 PA.

Page 2 (up soon, hopefully)