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Basic Rules and Notes
Welcome to the Rules Section!

1) Power Level - Your power level is the combined total of all your stats. It is also your life force. You subtract the damage taken from attacks from this.

2) Stats - Stats are basically the amount of power you have in each category. These categories are : PA (Physical Attack), Ki (Energy Power), PD (Physical Defense), Ki - D (Energy Defense), SP (Speed Power), CP (Charge Points). The next stats have no effect on power level. EXP (Experience), Mv (Moves), ETL (Effort to Learn), AN (Anger), LV (Level)

3) Stats (II) - Stat raising. Stats can be raised in one of three ways. First, everyone gets a raise of 30 points a day. Second, You can level and get a certain amount of points for each level, depending on race, age, and sex. Don't gimme any crap about sexism, cause 18 is a pretty damn good fighter. Third, you can wish for better stats with the Dragon Balls.

4) Death - You die when you lose a Fight, Battle, or a War. You do not die during a practice fight (Spar). Most tournaments will not allow killing, but some do. There are a few ways to come back. A) Win the Tournament of the Damned on Kai's planet. B) Have a buddy wish you back with the Dragon Balls. C) Wait 100 days. D) Quit and restart at level 1 and base points, most likely with very weak stats. Also, if you die, you cannot go to any other training rooms. You are permitted to go only to King Kai's planet. If you are caught on planet Namek while you are dead, you will be erased from the game. You have to restart, and probably have very weak stats.

5) The Dragon Balls - The Dragon Balls can be obtained in a number of ways. A) You fight and KILL a person that has a Dragon Ball (DB). B) You have to comply to an errand of Bounty to recieve it as pay. C) You have to win a tournament with a DB as a prize.

6) Wishing - If you acquire all 7 DBs, you may have one wish. If you are going to wish, you must have at least one witness, and mail the eternal dragon. You may wish for a few things. A) You can wish for better stats. Depending on the Dragon's mood, you will be granted a certain amount of power in that stat. B) You can wish someone back. C) You can wish for a tournament to take place. D) You can wish for certain abilities.

7) Leveling - You level when your EXP matches the TNL. So, if i have 20 EXP, and the TNL is 25, i need 5 more. Stat gain in levels is completely random. Mail the Eternal Dragon to see what you get.

8) Lost Power - During a battle, if you happen to run out of KI or PA or SP, you can use one turn to charge CP halfway.

9) Levels (2) - After you level...all moves get a 10 point increase in EVERYTHING but ETL. So...if you reach level 2, the Kamehameha would have stats of 30 Ki, 50 AP, and upto 55 Ki can be used. The pluses and minuses remain the same. For things like Suspended Shot, you must reach level 6 for this type of phenomena to occur. You get to add 20 to the AP instead of the 10. So it would be 20 PA, 30 Ki, and 120 AP. Punches and Kicks get +1 to everything instead of 10.

10) MVs - You gain move points when you learn to execute a new move. Each move gives you 2 MV points. MVs determine how many times a certain technique can be used. If you have 3 MVs, you can only do masenko three times.

11) Leveling (3), Restrictions - There are certain restrictions for Levels. The first one is Defenses. For level 1, you CANNOT have more than 35 points in any defense. You can raise your defense in a battle with CP, but your standard defense cannot exceed 35. For level 2, 45. For level 3, 60. For level 4, 70. For 5, 80. For 6, 90. The rest of the levels are the same as 4, 5, and 6.

This is the Eternal Dragon's E-mail address. DO NOT EMAIL HERE FOR A CHARACTER.

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