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Shrine of our Leader
Comments are welcome as long as they are sincere.


(Artis Ancient Eleder)

Status: Deceased, Previous First Elder, and Head Leader/Chief
Abilities: Greatest to Least
Ability to control fire, earth, air, some parts wind, some parts water.
Ability to levitate small objects.
Slight ability of telepathy
Ability to cause people to become calm when he is near said person
Ability to cause calmness or anger among a small group of people.

Powers: Greatest to Least
Power to control fire, earth, air, some parts wind and some parts water, telepathy and telekinesis.
Power to levitate small objects.
Slight power of telepathy.
Power to bring negative or positive forces to or into a small room.
Power to calm almost any rage.
Power to cast a spell, or telepathically summon someone.

Favorite Weapons:
Changeling Sword, can be lengthened to a full broad sword, or shortened to an ornate dagger to fit any battle. The Sword is now kept in a display case in the home of Psyconias.
An assortment or cerimonial, ornamental, and battle type daggers, which now belong to Lady_Rika.
Shadow Book. A book full of recorded spells, incantations, and other things learned from his friends and allies. Passed on to Psyconias.
The Dark Crystal. An elongated crystal that pulls in any evil soul on command. The verbal command is known only by ArtisAE and Psyconias. Given to Psyconias for safe keeping.

Favorite Attacks:

Cruel Winds, Air attack
Wrath of Nature, Earth attack
Slight Flood, water attack
Howling Winds, wind attack
Backlash, Psychic attack
Raging Pyre, Fire attack

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