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The Causation of Extreme Displeasure Unto Others

A Tribute to One of Our Greatest Members!
We would like it if you would say something towards this.


(Title, Status, Position, Abilities, Powers) (In order of age, )

Past Head Leader, now deceased. Powers he HAD, that he passed on to his friends.

Main Leaders/Head Chiefs

E-Mail 7 Privileges earned.

No E-mail

Lady_Rika ---------- Second Leader/Second Founder of the original group !UNRULY! now !UNRULY/C.E.D.U.O.!, Editor of "E-Letters", Full Member (4 1/2 yrs.) ---------- Curator of !UNRULY! Web Page, active voting member. 5 Privleges earned. I IS ON SEBATICLE FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR!
Trista ---------- Head Scout of Information (reconaissance) to Psyconias, Full member (4 yrs.), third eldest, third founder/ Second Leader, ---------- Gatherer of info to ALL members when NEEDED, active voting member. 6 Privileges earned.
Selana ---------- Third Leader, Keeper of the Rule Book ---------- Active voting and full member (4 1/2 yrs.). 5 Privileges earned.
Crovax ---------- Instigating, active, pranking, full member (4 yrs.) ---------- Active voting member. 5 privileges earned.
Blite ---------- Instigating, active, pranking member ---------- Active, voting, full member. (3 yrs.) 4 Privileges earned.
Zanitek ---------- Supplier of recsources when and if needed ---------- Stationary, (non-pranking) voting, full member. (3 yrs.) Privileges earned.
Aria ---------- Supplier of resources when and if needed ---------- Stationary, (non-pranking) voting, full member. (3 yrs.) 3 privileges earned
Metal_Junkie ---------- Newest Member ---------- Newest voting member. 2 Privileges earned.


Z ---------- initiation in progress ---------- new member, voting status not yet given.
Jowy/Kcir ---------- Has yet to be fully initiated ---------- New member, initiation being planned, voting status not given.

All new inductees are considered partial members and the basic initiation has been passed by merely signing up. FULL initiation is the ACTUAL process of being initiated, or as Trista calls it "Hazing" but not as harsh.
All those who sign up are considered members to be and will be treated no better than scum. Keep in mind, we see you as unworthy, you must prove you want to be a part of this group, that you are WORTHY of being a member. This is how we treat all who wish to join, take no offense to it, but if we did not have our process of elimination, ANYONE could get in and f*ck up the system. That we cannot have!

(Click the nick to e-mail that person! Trista is the only one without e-mail for anonymous reasons.)
Since Zanitek and Blite -and Aria share the same e-mail, please specify whom you are speaking to in he e-mail when you e-mail Zanitek, Blite or Aria. Thank you!

Any member that has not been initiated CAN NOT be leader until they become a FULL MEMBER!

!UNRULY/C.E.D.U.O.! MOTTO: We prank any who it is deemed and agreed on that they deserve it.
If there is a secret that in any way involves us we find out about it!
(Sometimes we also prank our own members, sometimes. But just for FUN.)

OUR GROUP ON Six Degrees! !UNRULY/C.E.D.U.O.!~
(If you aren't already a member, don't worry, membership is FREE! Searh for "UNRULY" under groups.)

!UNRULY/C.E.D.U.O.! Rules

Here are the rules that I FINALY finished!

All !UNRULY/C.E.D.U.O.! meetings are now held through e-mail called "E-letters" Short for E-mail Newsletters.
There shall be AT LEAST two "E-letters" a month. One is sent on the first week of the month and another on the thrid week of the month. The dates will be titles. (If there are problems with this contact Main Elder Psyconias.)
If any certain member cannot respond quickly to this "E-letter" then keep in contact with either Lady_Rika or Selana. You have one week to respond, Failure to respond will result in drastic actions.
Any ideas for pranks, ranging from mild to life threatening must be subitted to either Lady_Rika or Selana.
Council Room Chat forum and/or Alamak chat is the back up meeting place for !UNRULY/C.E.D.U.O.! meetnigs, we will now meet in person vote/hold meetings over e-mail. Most likely in person now that most of are members with in the area of the state. IF the in person meetings cannot be held, chat meetings will then be scheduled.
There shall be an Election at the end of each month for the "Leader" or head group member who has the main say in the group for each month. Each vote shall be fair, and not based on the fact that you know or have any connections to the person in question. Each member shall have "Leadership" at least once. Then it starts all over again!
There are "hidden" rules in the Hidden rule book. These will be posted in each E-letter when those rules needed to be emphasized or reminded of to the members. If there are no rules posted in the E-letter then there is no real problem, unless said of otherwise.

(NOTE: the !UNRULY/C.E.D.U.O.! meetings are no more. Any information that must be passed must now be passed through e-mail or the new chat forum.
All e-mail votings must be sent to the Elder(s)!

Places to reach us!
SixDegrees! FREE memership too!
UnrulyCeduo! On
Council Room Chat Forum
Alamak Chat
(Chat meetings held in the Graveyard)
Temple of Fire

Go home you wannabees!

SIGN OUR BOOK! Get your OWN Free Guestbook from htmlGEAR VIEW OUR BOOK!

(Always a "Work In Progress")
COMING SOON, Pictures of members, and abilities!!!