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Zanitek, Blite and Aria's Page of Non-Reality

Pictures of Characters.


Fire_Storm and Selana

Selana Helping Fire_Storm

Crovax and Eve

Crovax protecting Eve.
In this Form Crovax is known as Arctic_Blaze/Blaize

Arianna and Zanitek
Arianna doesn't have short hair, more like Eve's hair length. This is Zanitek in his Pheonix-like form, Wind_Rage, a protective form.

Zanitek Embracing Arianna
This is just one of Zanitek's many protective forms -this one being human

Zanitek in his human form in regal armor

Zanitek and Arianna
in their human forms as young adults.

Zanitek over-protective of Arianna as usual.

The Three girls fighting for their men.
Arianna, Selana and Eve.
We can protect ourselves!


The Background sound!
(Mokona the spasitc Rabbit!)
Arianna's song
(Which is the song that is played whenever Princess Emeraude appears)
Fight Song
When any of the above characters become determined in a fight, in MKR that is.

Magic Knight Rayearth Theme Song!

A small animation (Anime if you will) Of Selana, Eve and Arianna. In the correct order as said.

Lady_Rika's funky page
Psyconias' Palace
Crovax's Character Page
Temple of Chaos and Fire
!UNRULY! Member Profiles





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~( ^_^ )~
Mokona the spastic rabbit!

This Alamak Faithful site
owned by Lady_Rika and Eve

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